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Success: continued expansion of happines progressive realization of worthy goals ability to fullfil your desires with effortless ease

abondant flow of all good things to you material wealth journy not a destination good health, eneargy and enthusisiam for life, fulfilling relationships, emtiona l and physichilogical stability, welbeing and peace of mind divinity inside experience the miraculous unfolding the divinity within us what law: is the process, unmanifest becomes manifest, observer becomes observed seeir becomes scenery, dreamer manifest dream, spirit, mind and body oberver, process of observing and observerd Pure Potentiality Experience the Silence -Meditation Non Judgemental Spending time in communication with nature Guild fear insequirty Law of giving Circulating the money, energy whereever I go wherever I encounter, I will give today I greatfully receive gifts Law of Karma/ cause and effect Spontenous right action body comfort message body dis comfort message Fruit of Karma Happiness and sucess today I witnes the choices I am making whenever I make a choice, I ask my self two questions what are the consequences of choice I making, will this bring happiness to me and around me be choice of body comfort and dis comfort Law of Least effort dreams become manifest do less and accomplish more miracle acceptances as they are - people, places, situations responsibility - not blame anyone/anything defencelessness Law of intension and desire attention and intention attention energiges intention triggers transofrmation of energy and information, real power behind d esire, 5 steps to fullfulling desires go into silence between thoughts release intentions and desires remain in the state of self referel relenquish your attachment to the outcome let the universe handle that intensions

I will make the list of desires, I will carry the list with me whereever I go, I shall look at this list before meditation, before sleep, wakeup at morning. I will release this list of my desires and surrender it to oomb of creation trus ting when thing going to seem in my way... today I remain established in self referal, I will not look into my self through eyes of others Law of detachment

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