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Reflection 2 Jessica Reimann Humanities TR 10:00-11:20 1. Susan L. Anderson 2. We are Our Values a.

I believe this title We are Our Values Anderson is trying to get us to think more into ourselves and as a whole. I think she picked this title to make a statement on what she believes and that she wanted others to question their values and understand the meaning behind every ethical decision. 3. According to the introduction Anderson graduated from UCLA in 1972. So I would assume this piece was written in the 1970s to the 1980s. Around this time it was still in the hippie movement were there was a huge moral shift. Where people were thinking for themselves according to what feels good. 4. I think the audience of this piece could have been for Andersons fello w peers. She wanted to make people question their actions and beliefs to know how it affected others. It also applies to us right now and those in the future. 5. I really enjoyed the piece after I had read it a seconded time. The way she wrote it made you think and the questions she asked were confusing in that there is no true answer. The answer is your thoughts. I thought that she made her point very well. I feel that in society there is no wrong or right action and that you have to follow your intuition. I would have to agree with her criteria on a good ethical theory should include; consistency, completeness, agreement with intuition, and practicality. These are very good well rounded way to look at your own values and to see society and people separately and as a whole. Her last sentence sums up the piece very well Our choice of values determines who we are as individuals and as a society, because our values are what we stand for. First she says our choice that is our freedom, and in that people should respect one another and think about other not just themselves. Our actions and actions of others affect all of society. We need to prove to our future generation that we

are not cruel people who stand back and watch bad things happen to others. We need to take a stand for what we believe is right. If we dont know what that is we should question our values and make a change for the better.

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