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Dear All, Below was 2 quizzes asked on another list and I was Correct and consistent for both

the Quiz..I had attempted using KAS system to arrive correct period. Quiz: Marriage Period When?? Details: Male 31/3/83 0:34 Am Vanavasi (11n45 77e52) Correct Answer: Native was unmarried at time of query and later Married on date (17/6/2010) My attempt and analysis how to get answer for that 1) Cast Chart using KAS software
Planet As Su Mo Ma Me JuR Ve SaR Ra Ke Degrees 13 Sg 5 16 Pi 47 12 Li 27 2 Ar 58 21 Pi 18 18 Sc 11 21 Ar 0 10 Li 1 6 Ge 26 6 Sg 26 Nakshatra Moola Revati Swati Aswini Revati Jyestha Bharani Swati Mrigashira Moola Lord Ke Me Ra Ke Me Me Ve Ra Ma Ke Navamsa Cn Sg Cp Ar Cp Sg Li Cp Sc Ta











JuR 33 31 11 27 Su Me 12 3 22 Ve 1 Ma 21 5 2 30 Ra 26 4 35 10 Asc Ke 33 9 6 27 23 8 7 29



25 31 5 Asc 37 Ve 7 10 22 Ra 35 8 9 23 Su JuR Mo Me SaR 23 11 12 27 4 1 Ma 25 28 3 2 34


Mo SaR



2) Calculate end of delay: For marriage below house/lord required to study B=7th,A=2nd,C=11th,D=4th,E=12th A )First St delay required to be checked in any chart (St if have connection with house A/B/C all 3 house direct or via their lord then it would cause Full delay) Here St is Lord of 2nd(A) and placed in 11th(C) and cojoin Me (LoB) in Navamsa so it has connection with A/B/C this would be term as Full St delay B) Now look for Ju delay in chart (If Ju has more AV point then it could have malefic connection to HA/HB that would term Ju delay) Here Ju getting 5 point so need to see its malefic aspect to HA/HB or there lord Ju aspect to Me(LoB) but does not have aspect to HA/LoA so cannot cause Full Ju delay C) Now look for Delay Moderation Factor in chart: If Ju makes any connection via sight/cojoin etc to St it could moderate St delaysame time Ju should be free from any St connection then only it can moderate Ju doesnt have any sight on St nor it cojoin with St so there would be no moderation This is called as No Ju Check there Check for Blessings If strong blessings indicated in chart then that can remove all delay and there would be no delay as parent would decide Marriage for native 1st lord Ju and 9th lord Su are making 5:10 relation in D1 so blessings are there.blessings due to father

1s lord Ju and 3rd lord St are making 2:12 so no blessings due to mother present Check father blessings how strong are . can that able to remove complete delay Blessings given planet are Ju and Su. Su is placed at 8th place from its own house so reduce Karaktava of Su Ju first lord goes to 12th from 1st house, Su and Ju both moved to 6th house in Navamsa Su is strong Samdharmi to Me as both are placed in same sign and same nakshatra .Me is malefic since it has 3 point only and samdharmi to St as well.St is placed in St Navamsa so Samdharmi to itself St placed in Libra where it gets exalted Blessings are not strong enough to remove such full St delay D) Calculate St Delay St Full delay would be 7.5 year after age of marriage attained as per tradition.normal age 20 year then it would be 27.5 year total Check degree of St Travelled in sign where it presents to arrive at approx delay St is at 10 degree so 10 month should be minus from 27.5 year that says 26 year 8 month would require finishing st delay 21 mar 1983 +26 year 8 monthapprox 21 Nov 2009 3) Note points from Chart related to focus B house (7th house): Natural Karak Ve is 6th lord and placed in Nakshatra of VeIt is samdharmi to itself since it is Placed in LibraLibra is uccha sign of St Su/Ve distance is less than 43 so okay Ve is with MA in sign of Maand getting aspect of St Ve is getting aspect from Ma and St in Navamsa Mo is with St in D1 and D9 so luminary affricated along with Ve which is natural Karak for marriage Functional Karak St which is aspected by Ve 6th lord so getting spoiled Ju which is LoD and Natural root karak is placed in 6th house in Navamsa Su Functional Root karak goes to 6th house in Navamsa Above points says that Quality of 7th house is spoiled since karak and root karak are afflicted

More power planet would generally give more adverse result so low power planet can be selected to give result Marriage event Check relation with spouse Point difference in 1/7 house are more and point in 1st house are more so not good For D1 1st/7th lord Ju/Me are making 5:10 from ascdence/Sun (30+30=60 points) 1st/7th lord Ve/Ma are making 2:12 (distance is more then 15) from moon For D9 1st/7th lord Mo/St are making 4:10 (close in same sign) from asc/moon 20 points 1st/7th lord Ju/Me are making 2:12 from sun No sign of Divorce seems.D1 shows good relation from outer side may not be good from inside 4) Get Antra Lord: Check KAS power of planet in WS
Hse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SAV Pt 33 33 31 27 21 30 22 26 35 27 29 23 Su 8 6 (1) 20 7 2 16 13 7 2 17 17 Mo 15 32 24 17 7 33 19 14 26 9 32 13 Ma 9 8 12 14 9 5 19 24 4 4 17 15 Me 20 22 9 14 20 12 13 17 7 22 14 7 Ju 13 16 25 19 20 16 29 22 15 21 23 14 Ve 17 22 14 5 6 17 8 8 20 5 19 5 Sa 18 19 17 16 17 27 14 11 32 20 21 15 L12 Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve FK Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me NK Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve D Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su E Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma

Since quality is not good so selection would be 6th lord or its samdharmi or low power planet or its samdharmi

Ve shows low power in 7th house and it is 6th lord and Natural Karak as well can give event Ve I shaving sight on HC and it is not LoD/LoE so samdharmi can come forward St is Natural samdharmi of Ve but they are making 1:7 where Ve has low power so St can give event related to Ve in its antra since it is Functional karak 5) Check Dasha
Mahadasa Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Start
1975-Jun-01 1993-Jun-01 2009- May -31 2028- May -31 2045- May -31 2052- May -31 2072- May -31 2078- May -31 2088- May -31

1993-Jun-01 2009- May -31 2028- May -31 2045- May -31 2052- May -31 2072- May -31 2078- May -31 2088- May -31 2095- May -31

Antardasha Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter

2009- May -31 2012-Jun-03 2015-Feb-11 2016- Mar-22 2019- May -23 2020- May -04 2021-Dec -03 2023-Jan-12 2025-Nov -18

2012-Jun-03 2015-Feb-11 2016- Mar-22 2019- May -23 2020- May -04 2021-Dec -03 2023-Jan-12 2025-Nov -18 2028- May -31

SECTORS Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3

2009- May-3 1 2012-Jun-03 2009- May -31 2010-Jun-02 2011-Jun-03 2010-Jun-02 2011-Jun-03 2012-Jun-03

Since St Delay ends approx 21 Nov 2009 so marriage can be expected after that Ve is natural Karak and St is Functuional Karak so Dasha Lord karkatva should be connected with any of planet Previous Dasha Lord Ju cannot be connected with any hence chance was native must be unmarried yet and it would be Future prediction Running Antra is of St that seems can give event since St Delay also would end so marriage can be expected 6) Selection of Sector: St is giving event then generally it gives event in 3rd sector There is Full st delay so delay in sector can also expected St is delay causing itself giving event so event could be expected in first sector itself There is one zero and St is not LoD/LoE so that may delay event to end of first sector or next sector hence I have selected second sector as choice considering ending of st delay as well 7) Selection of Month: Su transits through Sign and Nakshatra is looked for that within range of sector Two planet required to be selected for that.Ju/Ma/Mo was having more point so any two can be selected

Ma/mo have connection with 6th lord and Ju is with high point.i have selected Mo/Ju ..17Jul 2010 to 19 July 2010that may vary depends on near marriage muhurat .. Actual marriage Date Feedback later came was17Jun 2010

Another Quiz after this quiz for marriage date which I have predicted correctly and declared as winner using KAS. Quiz :When Got Married (get Date)??

BIRTH DETAILS: 29/12/1977 6.10AM OMALUR,SALEM dt (11n44 , 78e5) Tamil nadu. Correct Answer: 22 Apr 2005 My Answer to quiz: near 18th Mar 2005

1) Cast chart using KAS Software:

Planet As Su Mo MaR MeR JuR Ve SaR Ra Ke Degrees 7 Sg 36 14 Sg 32 22 Cn 49 17 Cn 7 29 Sc 10 7 Ge 36 8 Sg 44 7 Le 37 18 Vi 3 18 Pi 3 Nakshatra Moola P.Asadha Aslesha Aslesha Jyestha Ardra Moola Makha Hasta Revati Lord Ke Ve Me Me Me Ra Ke Ke Mo Me Navamsa Ge Le Cp Sg Pi Sg Ge Ge Ge Sg











MeR 27 24 11 31 Ke 12 3 20 1 34 2 36 JuR 23 Mo MaR 4 5 26 10 Su Ve Asc 25 9 6 Ra 33 22 8 7 36


26 Su 29 5 28 6 9 20 7 32 8 34 MaR JuR Ke 27 Mo 10 11 4 Ve SaR Ra Asc 30 3 12 MeR 32 24 2 1





2) Calculate end of delay: St is owning house A (2nd house) and St is aspecting Me (LoB) in Navamsa also St is conjoining Ve (LoC)..and aspecting HC..making 4:10 with Me.. So St Influence is there on A/B/C all house hence Full St delay of 27.5 year could be expected Su/Ju are making 1/7 so no blessings hence no removal of delay Ju check is there as Ju is aspecting St in Navamsabut Ju is having fewer points would not moderate delay of St St is more than 7 degree so nearly 7month can be deducted from 27.5 would yield nearly 27 year delay Marriage can be expected after 29 Nov 2004 3) Note points from Chart related to focus B house (7th house): Natural Karak Ve is placed in mool nakshatra which is not good for Ve Ve is 6th lord which spoils it further Ve is placed in 8th house from own 6th house so it would reduce its Karaktava and is also spoils 11th house HC St is Functional Karak which is placed with Ve (6th lord) Navamsa so afflicted

Su Functional root karak is placed with Ve (6th lord) so afflicted Ju natural root karak is aspected by Ve so afflicted

Karaka are affricated so Quality is not good In D1 Ju/Me making 2:12.Mo/st making relation is not good15 point..and no blessings it can delay marriage further In D9 Ju/Me making 4:10su/st making 3/11mo/st making 6:8..40 point and dispute indictated. It seems relation would not be good and dispute so more power planet could give event w hich would give worst result.. 4) Get Antra Lord:
Hse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SAV Pt 25 27 24 31 34 36 20 23 26 33 36 22 Su 15 17 23 23 18 17 22 16 16 18 19 28 Mo 10 19 21 10 9 17 19 8 11 21 19 11 Ma 9 17 20 15 10 13 24 20 7 17 27 12 Me 19 22 8 15 22 12 12 12 14 20 16 10 Ju 26 24 22 31 20 25 31 26 28 23 33 16 Ve 24 20 16 23 17 21 18 18 24 18 18 19 Sa 24 32 25 32 29 39 31 25 27 30 49 19 L12 Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve FK Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me NK Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve D Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su E Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma

St/Ju are having 31 points..St is placed with Ve (6th lord)in Navamsa also having sight on HC so cannot give event.Ju can be selected as powerful Ju antra could give marriage since Ju has sight on HC but it is samdharmi to own and also LoD so eager to give result if get chanceso can give eventju placed in HB with less point so it is malefic to HB

5) Check Dasha
Mahadasa Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Start
1970-Feb-18 1987-Feb-18 1994-Feb-18 2014-Feb-18 2020-Feb-18 2030-Feb-17 2037-Feb-17 2055-Feb-18 2071-Feb-17

1987-Feb-18 1994-Feb-18 2014-Feb-18 2020-Feb-18 2030-Feb-17 2037-Feb-17 2055-Feb-18 2071-Feb-17 2090-Feb-17

Antardasha Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu

1994-Feb-18 1997-Jun-19 1998-Jun-19 2000-Feb-18 2001-Apr -19 2004-Apr -19 2006-Dec -19 2010-Feb-18 2012-Dec -18

1997-Jun-19 1998-Jun-19 2000-Feb-18 2001-Apr -19 2004-Apr -19 2006-Dec -19 2010-Feb-18 2012-Dec -18 2014-Feb-18

SECTORS Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3

2004- Apr-19 2006-Dec-1 9 2004-Apr -19 2005- Mar-10 2005- Mar-10 2006-Jan-28 2006-Jan-28 2006-Dec -19

After delay end running Antra is of Ju so that can give event since it is powerfull significator Dasha lord is Ve which is Naural karak for 7th house..shows karaktva so can give event for 7th house 6) Selection of Sector: Ju is generally tend to give event in first sector St full delay is there so it will also delay event in sector as well Ju is LoD and hence will try to give event in early sector Ju having sight of St in Navamsa but it is in own sign as well So event can be possible in second sector 7) Selection of Month: Su transits through Sign and Nakshatra is looked for that within range of sector Two planets required to be selected for that.since Ju and St both are having much higher point so they can be selected again.i have selected St/Ju. 18Mar2005 to 4Apr2005depends on near marriage muhurat Actual Marriage Date was declared as. 22Apr2005

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