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(for Mojo)

The happy bunny is happy.

This was not an easy place
to arrive at existentially,
because he kept analyzing that "is"
for decades, plunging into sexual
relationships and addictions he thought
he needed to make sure his pain
was real, and not just a dream.
He made his pain VERY real with time.
He posed for those bumper stickers you see
that say mean things during this time,
because he mostly hated himself and the world.
And suddenly he found the pain had become realer
than the bunny, which really sucked.
What did it matter if he was famous,
that his obnoxiously posed body was
on millions of cars giving people the finger
or laughing at ugly people's bone structure.
A culture's dark thoughts took his cotton-tailed body
far from its own desires; his thoughts went
into a sort of mental snuff film warehouse.
He almost blew his fluffy brains out.
This can happen. Watch out.
The bunny forgot to be happy about simple things
like the fact that there are no pterodactyls
in the sky waiting to eat him, or the fact
that dead people don't stay mad at you
except sometimes in dreams, or that
you can be as boring as you want to be,
and you won't stop being a great lay
for the one you love. The happy bunny
IS happy again, but he went through
a river of shit like Bruce Willis does
in almost every movie he's in,
to get to this happy place again.
This place where he can stand
on the edge of the cliff
(there is no other place to stand, really)
and shout out "The happy bunny IS happy!"
And no pterodactyl swoops down to eat him,
not even regret, which is the Devil's
favorite Halloween costume every year.
He can't tell you how to stand on the edge of the cliff
and yell this, but he can tell you
that you don't need the pain
you pull behind you like a baby pulls a wooden duck
on a string behind it. The happy bunny
gives you permission to just let the evil balloon
person of your past go up into the sky
and your evil balloon person WILL be eaten by the evil
because the pterodactyl exists for him alone,
the evil balloon man of regret. So let it go
right this minute, write down the time
and the day and your name and just
look forward only to the next hour
at first. Don't plan tomorrow.
This is the way of Bunnyhood,
the Tao te Bunny. Also, it might
be a good idea to remove any
firearms from the house or apartment.
The happy bunny is happy.
And he waits for you to join him
on the cliff and realize you have no desire to jump.


You love the way the earth holds you.

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