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Bivariate Correlation, SPSS

From my SPSS Data page, download the file Homework-Exam1. For each of the 15 t!dent regi tered in thi cla , yo! ha"e the c!rrent P core for two "aria#le , Homework and Exam1. $e wi h to determine whether or not the e are related in a linear fa hion. %lick &naly'e, %orrelate, (i"ariate. Scoot #oth "aria#le into the )aria#le #ox. %heck Pear on, Spearman, *wo-*ailed, and Flag ignificant correlation . %lick +,.

*he o!tp!t will gi"e yo! #oth the Pear on and the Spearman correlation coefficient and a p "al!e for each. -ow prepare a graph of the relation hip #etween homework core and exam core . %lick .raph , /egacy Dialog , Scatter0Dot.


Select Simple Scatter and then click Define.

Scoot Exam1 into the 1 &xi (ox and Homework into the 2 &xi #ox. %lick +,. 3n the o!tp!t plot, notice the o!tlier in the extreme lower left corner. +!tlier like thi can ha"e a great infl!ence on the "al!e of the correlation coefficient. 4ore on that later. Do!#le click on the graph to #ring it into the %hart Editor. %lick Element , Fit /ine at *otal.

*he propertie inter"al , the defa!lt and tyle of the line. change and then clo

#ox ho!ld indicate that yo! want a linear fit and no confidence . %lick on the /ine ta#. Here yo! can change the color, weight, 5! t for f!n, change it to p!rple, 1.5. %lick &pply to apply that e the Propertie #ox.

-ow do!#le-click on one of the plotted data point . *hi ho!ld elect all of them and #ring !p another Propertie #ox. Here yo! can change propertie of the marker .

: 5! t for f!n, change the marker to pentagon with orange fill and green #order . %lick &pply.

%lick &pply and then clo e the #ox. -ow clo e the chart editor. -otice that the plot incl!de the r2 for the relation hip #etween the two "aria#le . 7et!rn to the data "iew and elect ca e n!m#er 15 8the o!tlier9.

@ Hit the delete key to remo"e that ca e and then re-comp!te the correlation coefficient and the plot. -otice the dramatic effect of remo"ing that o!tlier. P!t a confidence inter"al on the "al!e of the correlation ! ing the program at http;00gla .ed.a !.ed!0 tat 0analy i 0rci.html .

Point Biserial Correlation

-ext we hall look at the correlation #etween a dichotomo! "aria#le and a contin!o! "aria#le. S!ch a correlation i called a point #i erial correlation. Download the Howell data file from my SPSS data page and #ring it into SPSS. %lo e the Homework-Exam1 file. Find the Pear on correlation coefficient for the relation hip #etween the gender and .P&, and then prepare a catter plot, with linear fit line, for predicting .P& 8the "ertical, 1 axi 9 from gender 8the hori'ontal, 2 axi 9. 1o! will find that thi line r!n from the one gro!p mean to the other gro!p mean. +#tain the te t tati tic 8t9 for te ting the n!ll hypothe i that the correlation #etween gender and .P& i 'ero in the pop!lation from which o!r ample wa randomly drawn. *he form!la to comp!te that t i
t= r n 6 1 r 6

-ow, ! e SPSS to cond!ct an independent ample t te t comparing #oy and girl on .P&. %ompare the a# ol!te "al!e of the <e=!al "ariance a !med> t with that comp!ted from the form!la a#o"e.

Phi Coefficient
*he correlation #etween two dichotomo! "aria#le i know a the phi coefficient. ? e SPSS to comp!te that tati tic for the relation hip #etween ha"ing ocial pro#lem and dropping o!t of chool. *o te t the n!ll hypothe i that phi i 'ero in the pop!lation, we need to con"ert the phi to a chi- =!are tati tic. 4ake that con"er ion with thi form!la; 6 = N 6 . 1o! co!ld ! e the %DF f!nction in SPSS to get a p "al!e for thi te t tati tic, #!t 3 am going to how yo! another way to do o. ? e SPSS to create a contingency ta#le for the relation hip #etween ha"ing ocial pro#lem and dropping o!t of chool. & k for the %hi- =!are tati tic and for the row percentage .

%ompare the "al!e of chi- =!are yo! comp!ted #y hand with that pro"ided #y SPSS %ro ta# . ? e the p "al!e pro"ided #y SPSS %ro ta# to decide whether or the relation hip #etween ha"ing ocial pro#lem and dropping o!t of chool i tati tically ignificant. ? e the row percentage to de cri#e the relation hip. 7et!rn to $!en chA SPSS /e ,arl /. $!en ch, 5!ne, 6BBC. on Page

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