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Certified true copy of the resolution --------------------------------- In its meeting held on 08/10/2013 at office at --------------------------------------------------------------------------Unanimously resolved that -------------------------------

do open a Savings Bank account in the name with ------------------------------------------------------. Unanimously resolved further that the following be and are hereby authorized to sign, execute and submit all documents in connection with opening of the said accounts with United Bank of India Including verification of signatures of Authorized Signatories as may be required by the ---------------------------------Unanimously resolved further that _______________ be and is hereby authorized to honor all cheques, drafts, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and any other orders drawn, made, accepted, endorsed or lodged for collection on behalf of the Society by the following Authorized Signatories: LIST OF THE AUTHORISED SIGNATORIES 1. ------Authorised Signatory

Bank account shall be operated singly by the Authorised signatory (----------------). And a true copy of the aforesaid resolution, duly certified to be true by the Society is given to the aforesaid Bank with a request to act thereupon. __________________________________________ Certified true copy

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