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Chemistry try out 9 grader students; November, 9th 2013 Multiple choice 1 a b c d Poisonous compound that contained in cigarettes

that can cause lung irritation is tar nicotine carbon mono"ide ca##eine !

$N%& $ 2 a b c d %ubstances 'hich in#luence person(s body 'hom use it and give addict e##ect is called drugs substances addictive substances #ood additive phsycothropic substances

$N%& ) 3 a b c d *hich one can(t ma+e addict e##ect, $lcoholic drin+s co##ee tea mineral 'ater

$N%& . a b c d /he negative e##ect o# smo+ing, e"cept !!!! lungs cancer mouth cancer pancreas cancer brain cancer

$N%& 0 a b c d Chemical compound that contained in cigarettes 'hich ma+e addict e##ect is tar nicotine heroin ca##eine !

$N%& ) 1 a b Phsycoactive substances belo' are contained in cigarettes, e"cept !!! carbon mono"ide nicotine

c d $N%& C 2

ca##eine tar

Carbon mono"ide is one +ind o# compound in cigarettes! *hat is the chemical #ormula o# carbon mono"ide, a b c d Ca3 N3 C3 %32

$N%& C

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