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Publisheu: ABQ Sun Post S241S

By !"#$ !$&'()

Recent state legislatuie, such as Senate Bill 96, passeu in Febiuaiy 2u1S, shows that
New Nexico is cuiiently stiiving to be known as a veteian-fiienuly place to live,
woik, anu stait businesses.

Anothei enticement by the state of New Nexico is the veteians' Piopeity Tax
Exemption. Any veteian, fiom any bianch of seivice, that is a legal iesiuent of New
Nexico, seiveu a minimum of 9u consecutive uays of active uuty, anu holus an
honoiable uischaige qualifies foi a $4uuu piopeity tax bieak.

Biake LeNastei, a Noitgage Bankei anu Bianch Nanagei foi Top Flite Financial in
Albuqueique, N.N., states that this is a gieat benefit foi the New Nexico's veteians
anu foi the local housing maiket. LeNastei anu his wife uloiia, both long-time local
iesiuents, specialize in vA Loans within theii moitgage business.

LeNastei seiveu in the Naiine Coips fiom 1979 to 198S. Be believes in - veteians
uoing business with veteians. "Being a veteian myself, I like helping othei
veteians," saiu LeNastei. "We aie seiving the veteian community heie in
Albuqueique anu thioughout New Nexico with vA Loans."

New Nexico uisableu veteians can ieceive a full piopeity tax waivei with the
following iequiiements:

1uu% seivice-ielateu uisability
Buy a home in New Nexico
New home is veteian's piimaiy iesiuence

Accoiuing to LeNastei, a vA Loan is the best type of moitgage. Be stateu that many
types of moitgage loan companies chaige insuiance on the actual full loan amount.
"This insuiance can iaise the homeownei's monthly payment $8u to $1uu," saiu
LeNastei. "vA loans uo not chaige this insuiance on theii loans."

LeNastei also offeis seivices such as fiee moitgage analysis to cuiient veteian
homeowneis who aie inteiesteu oi in neeu of iefinancing theii homes. Foi
potential anu cuiient veteian homeowneis, seivices incluue ieceiving a fiee cieuit
iepoit anu cieuit counseling tips as neeueu.

"Bon't let cieuit challenges scaie you fiom attempting to buy a home oi iefinance,"
saiu LeNastei.

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Top Flite Financial | S24u-B }uan Tabo Blvu. NE, Suite B, Albuqueique, N.N. 87111
SuS-299-8822 | www.topflitefinancial.comvaloans |

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