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Kenny Stephens Communications 1010 September 13, 2013

Background Research I'm planning on interviewing Jim ar!er" #e currently wor!s $or KS% as a graphic artist" I will interview him at my house" #e lives on my street an& I recently learne& he wor!s as a graphic artist" I will as! i$ he coul& bring his port$olio or some pieces o$ wor! so I can get a better i&ea o$ what I might nee& to have to start a career" I chose to interview Jim because o$ his obvious talent an& !nowle&ge concerning graphic &esign an& relate& in&ustries" I have seen some o$ his wor! an& have been thoroughly impresse& by his abilities an& creativity" I want to $ocus more on his artistic capabilities in place o$ his strict graphical &esign pro$ession" I am see!ing a place as more o$ an illustrator than one who &oes solely &esign $or internet an& business genres" 'he nature o$ the wor! typically involves translating &rawing an& &esigns into a &igital me&ium that can then be utili(e& $or various nee&s" 'his type o$ wor! normally re)uires a bachelors &egree in one o$ many &esign areas an& usually nee&s to be couple& with a port$olio &emonstrating wor!" 'he current average $or pay is roughly *+3,000 at an entry level position" 'here are various higher level ,obs that can pay twice as much or more" I love the mission statement $or -isney" It states, ./sing our port$olio o$ bran&s to &i$$erentiate our content, services an& consumer pro&ucts, we see! to &evelop the most creative, innovative an& pro$itable entertainment e0periences an& relate& pro&ucts in the worl&"1 Interview Plan #i Jim" 'han!s so much $or &e&icating some time $or me to learn more about your pro$ession an& what it re)uires" I have seen some o$ your wor! an& $eel that you coul& give me some great insight into the in&ustry" I am &oing this as an assignment $or school, but more importantly I want to get a accurate loo! into what my $uture prospects might be as a &esigner an& illustrator" I'm going to as! some )uestions an& ta!e some notes as you tal!" I'm o$ aware o$ your time so lets get starte&" Typical Day of Work 1"2 Coul& you please run me through a typical &ay at your wor!3 45rimary, 6pen2 7 8hat wor! is typically the most challenging throughout your &ay3 4Secon&ary, Close&2 7 8hen &o you $eel you are most pro&uctive &uring your &ay3 4Secon&ary, 6pen2 2"2 8hat part o$ your ,ob is most e0citing an& en,oyable3 45rimary, 6pen2

79re there any aspects o$ your ,ob that you &rea&3 8hy3 4Secon&ary, 6pen2 Preparing for Work 3"2In stu&ying $or this line o$ wor!, where &o you $eel I shoul& $ocus the ma,ority o$ my energy3 45rimary, open2 7 -o you $eel that the re)uirements $or this in&ustry have change& since you starte&3 4Secon&ary, 6pen2 If yes- #ow have they change& an& where &o you $eel they are hea&ing3 4Secon&ary, 6pen2 If no- -o you $eel that it will change in the $uture3 #ow3 4Secon&ary, 6pen2 +"2 8or!ing in this in&ustry, how many hours &o you wor! in a typical &ay3 45rimary, Close&2 7 -o you ever have to wor! $rom home3 4Secon&ary, Close&2 Questions for Career Decisions :"2 8hat type o$ wor! &o you thin! woul& be most valuable to inclu&e in my port$olio3 45rimary, close&2 78oul& it be o!ay i$ I too! a loo! at your port$olio3 4Secon&ary, Close&2 ;"2 8or!ing in a supervisor position, what is it that you loo! $or when hiring a new employee3 45rimary, 6pen2 7 8hat are the most important things you teach the employees you are currently supervising"3 4Secon&ary, 6pen2 <"2 8hat &o you thin! is the best way to get your $oot in the &oor3 45rimary, 6pen2 Clearinghouse uestions 1"2 Is there anything that we haven't covere& that you woul& $eel important to share with me3 2"2 9re there any other people that you !now that woul& be able to e0pan& my un&erstan&ing o$ this wor! an& what it re)uires3 Closing 'han! you so much $or your time" I have learne& a great &eal an& will &e$initely use it as I pursue I a career in illustration" I hope your !eep your ears open $or me $or opportunities an& i$ you remember anything that I shoul& probably !now please $eel $ree to contact me"

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