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Elise Cooper Ashley Martinez

Process Paper

Racism, the belief that one race is superior to the other, has been around since biblical times. The Scottsboro case, a landmark case that dealt with racism, has stirred controversy since 1931. We were interested in this case for many reasons. The fact that the boys were threatened, beaten, and put in jail for a crime they did not commit, astounded us. It was obvious these nine boys were innocent, considering the lack of evidence to link them to this crime. The injustice endured in this case was something we could not simply overlook. We conducted our research by starting at the local library. We selected over 20 books, and 2 DVDs. We gathered information using primary sources such as autobiographies from the National Archives. Our research consisted of compiling information from the victims interrogations, court testimony of victims, defendants and legal professionals. Our research included personal accounts written by the boys about their experiences in custody at Kilby Prison and their thoughts about the trial. We used secondary sources which consisted of analysis and overviews of the case, opinions of scholars, activists, and individuals personally involved with the case or affected by it. These important articles and documents were accessed from books, digital libraries, and university archives.

We selected our presentation category; a website. We chose to create a website because the information presented is organized, interactive and visually stimulating for the viewer. The website allowed us to upload music, documents, and images. It also allowed us to tell our story. We created our project using a Mac and utilizing various multimedia. We provided historical context that gave the viewer a full account of the case. The backgrounds of the victims, defendants and legal advisors were included to emphasize their individuality. A timeline was added to chronicle the trial from the beginning to the end. In 1935, Norris vs. Alabama, the US Supreme Court reversed the decision of the trial court because the trial court failed to provide time for the defendants to obtain counsel and to adequately prepare to present their case. Each defendant in the Scottsboro case served a minimum of 10 years in prison. The youngest defendant was 13 years old. The citizens of this country have a right to equal protection under the law and it is the responsibility of the United States government to uphold the promises to protect the rights of the citizens. This landmark case is proof that citizens of the United States do not always have the same rights and the responsibilities of the government may be limited to a chosen few. Citizenship does not promise freedom, liberty or equality.

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