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Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Imperialism

What impact did the Industrial

Revolution have on Imperialism? What is Imperialism? Explain the concept of Social Darwinism.

Steamboats: Transportation over water/ they dont have to follow wind

Maxim Gun: Conquer groups within Africa and Asia

Trains: Can carry heavy loads over great distances


Wireless Radio: Communicate over great distances

Factories: Higher rate of production/ needs more raw materials and customers

Medical Advances
Vaccines they can

Entrepreneurs are

enter the interior of Africa and fight infection

borrowing money trying to setup new enterprises.

Social Darwinism
Europeans thought they were superior:
As a people, nation, religion, culture, race Their success was evidence

Social Darwinism: survival of the fittest, people

who developed stronger more advanced nations did so because they were more evolved or superior to other races.

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