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Jambo I am Cloey Mccarville. In my family I have tano people. My mom, dad, and two sisters.

I am from the United States and in the middle of the United States is Iowa and north east of Iowa is Waverly and that is were I live. My daily routine on Ijumaa I wakeup at 6:10 then I get dressed, do my hair, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, get my bag pack ready, and then I walk to my school. At school we rst go to reading class and do reading stuff. Then we go to math class and do math stuff. After that we go to music class and we sing and our music teacher plays the piano. After that we go to lunch and eat and then go to recess and then we have more math then we go home. My interests is soccer I play it mostly ever day at school at recess. And my favorite color is blue and i love to swim to. At home after school I play soccer.Your friend- Cloey

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