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GDOE Distance Learning Website

Topic​: Nutrition & Exercise

Grade​: Kindergarten
Week​ of May 18, 2020-May 22, 2020

Learning Goal for the Week

● I can name healthy and unhealthy food.
● I can identify food groups in MyPlate.
● I can name foods belonging under each food group.
● I can show a set of gross motor skills.

Lesson Activities
For this lesson, speak to your child about the importance of food and why we need to eat a
balanced meal to stay healthy. Also understanding the importance of exercise and how it
contributes to a healthy lifestyle. The two goals are to increase students’ understanding of
MyPlate Dietary Guidelines and how to achieve a balanced diet. Also to create that
environment where physical activity is present.

What does it mean to be healthy?

● Have your child listen to the read aloud of Very Hungry Caterpillar.
● Discuss with your child the meaning of healthy and what can they do to live a healthy

What are some healthy food choices?

● Have your child recognize and understand the difference between healthy and
unhealthy foods.
● Have your child understand the different food groups by
● Introduce the mMyPlate and discuss each colored section by food group

Why is it important to exercise?

● Practice set of skills such as skipping, galloping, catching & throwing a ball, and
bouncing a ball
● Incorporate SPARK lessons with simple household items

● Cut or draw pictures of various foods and group them by healthy vs. unhealthy
● Cut or draw pictures of various foods and sort them by each food group
● Work on My Plate Worksheet and healthy vs. unhealthy worksheet
● Create flip book of the different food groups
● Do some SPARK activities within the home
● Practice set of gross motor skills such as skipping, galloping, catching & throwing a
ball, and bouncing a ball

Lesson Resources
● Very Hungry Caterpillar video: ​
● Worksheets: ​
○ My Plate
○ Unhealthy vs. Healthy
○ SPARK lessons with instructions
● Flipbook worksheet: ​
● Other resources: ​
Nutrition Lesson Plan

Day 1: Intro to Healthy Food Choices
1. Read/Show the Very Hungry Caterpillar
2. Ask Review Questions
■ What did the Caterpillar eat?
■ How many (insert fruit) did he eat through?
■ What did he eat at the end?
■ What happened when he ate the cake and ice cream?
● Day 2: What is Healthy?
1. Review Hungry Caterpillar
2. Define Healthy Foods
3. Healthy Food Collage (Healthy Food vs Unhealthy Food)

● Day 3: My Plate Pt. 1 (Categories)

1. Food Categories Flip Book
■ Grains
■ Fruit and Vegetables
■ Meats and Dairy
■ Sweets

● Day 4: My Plate Pt. 2 (Serving sizes)

1. My Plate Serving Size

● Day 5: Play Restaurant

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