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Greg Gildea Ms.

Hinnant English 1101 December 3, 2013 Final Reflection Looking back over the course of the semester I can truly say this class has helped me develop my writing much more than any other English class in the past. Starting with Bohannon, to Moodle posts, all the way up to the three major papers we have written this semester, each have helped me in different ways to improve my literacy. The freedom and leisure of these assignments have not only enhanced my writing itself, but also the way I think about writing. Through Bohannons I Hate Writing I was able to learn countless lessons that I could apply to my writing, many that I have already touched upon in my Mid-Term Reflection, but most importantly Bohannon was able to restore confidence in my writing. Her notions of finding your own voice, knowing your audience, and her preaching the fact that there arent set rules when it comes to writing, are unlike any of the concepts I have been shown in the past. Instead of trying to teach how to form a perfect sentence or what the best way to write an essay is, her concepts have taught me a different way of thinking about writing, which helped make a basis for the three papers weve written in class. With each paper I was able to learn something different either about myself as a writer or about the way to analyze a subject. It is not only about what I learned through each writing topic but also how I communicated my ideas in each of my papers and thats where peer revision and mock grades really helped. These two revision processes pointed out flaws in my papers such as

where I was unclear, lacked evidence, or went off topic, instead of just getting points deducted and forgetting about each mistake like I have in the past, I was able to learn how or why I needed to change something. Peer editing didnt just provide me with comments on how I can improve my paper, it also provided me with examples from my class mates and showed me how theyre going about the assignment. For the genre recreation it really facilitated the process of thinking of the best way to recreate my text by hearing how other people are recreating theirs.

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