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Amanda Taddeo

Theater Experience
Ghost of Girlfriends Past Extra Red Noses Costuming Into The Woods Costuming Little Shop of Horrors Press Agent/ Set Design New Line Cinema. Salem State University Fiddle Head Theater Fiddle Head Theater

Film Experience
Rough Water Films: Internship, January 2013 to present. - Updated social media pages for clients. - Organized paper work at office. - Executed possible casting pitches for up coming work. - Assisted with on set clients during filming. - Controlled incoming and outgoing emails though company email. - Organized meetings with possible clients. Save My Heart Music Video: November 2013 - Casting Director - Casted actors in music video - Artist: Clifflight Olive Kitteridge. August 2013 - HBO mini-Series - Helped with the casting call process. - Assisted with head shots and resumes. Kiss Goodnight: Casting Director. April 2013. - Choose possible clients for all roles. - Contacted clients personally for audition. - Assisted with audition process. - Assisted with casting the film. Bay Coast Bank: Commercial. Production Assistant. April 2013. - Performed crafts run for crew. - Cleaned RV and set up food and drinks for crew. - Assisted actors on set. - Picked up food for lunch and brought to set. - Drove actors to and from set. - Set up and took down set. Theory of Conflict: Helped Audition Process. March 2013. - Assisted with signing actors in. - Collected headshots and resumes. - Gave actors sides to read before audition. - Assisted in actors questions.

Ghost of Girlfriends Past: March 2009. - Extra- 80s basement scene. - New Line Cinema - Director: Mark Waters

Salem State University: - Bachelor of Science: Communications Major. - Concentration: Media Studies. - Minor: Business Management. - Expected to Graduate: May 2014.

Other Experience
Frugal Fannies: Westwood MA, cashier, floor assistant, fitting room, shoe department, and customer service. 2007- 2011. Gap: Swampscott and Dedham MA, cashier, floor assistant, fitting room, and customer service. 2011- 2012. Information Desk at Salem State University: information guide to tour groups and students on campus. 2011-2012. CVS: Beverly MA, cashier/customer service in store, floor assistant, photo technician. 2012- present. Extended Year Summer Program: Boston MA, teachers aid for special needs and handicapped students ages K-8th Grade. 2009-2013.

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