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Alexander Pompee October 14, 4013 ADV 4101 Oyster Focus Group Methodology In this focus group, I had

ten participants. Their ethnicities were African American, Hispanic, Caucasian and Asian. The participants in this focus group were males and females ages from 21 to 50. Each participant was a resident of Orlando, Florida. I asked my subjects questions about oysters. I started by asking the question, have you eaten an oyster before? If they answered yes to the question, I followed up by asking, did you enjoy it and how was it prepared? If they answered no to my first question, I followed up by asking , why havent you tried oysters. Lastly, I ended the focus group by asking, would you try an oyster if they were offered to you? Summary and Responses The responses I received from my participants from the 30 to 34 age group showed a lack of experience with oysters. Many of the participants from that age group have never tried oysters before. However, many of them stated that they would be willing to try oysters if presented the opportunity. Conversely, responses from the 46 to 50 groups showed that they enjoy lobsters and eat it regularly. Common terms to describe the taste of oysters were slimy, uncooked and salty. One participant stated that they would never eat lobster because they heard a news report saying oysters have flesh-eating bacteria. Conclusion After conducting my research, I have concluded that many men and women ages 30 to 34 have never tried oysters. As a result, they associate the taste of oysters with its appearance. Responses also indicated that oysters are only cooked raw. Based on this research, I have created a target demographic of males and females ages 30 to 34 who want to try new foods. Advertisements will play into the Egonomics trend developed by Faith Popcorn, which focuses on differentiating and customizability. Ads will demonstrate how oysters can be prepared in various ways. Ads will also point out the variety of recipes for oysters, which will position oysters as a product that the consumer can personalize.

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