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Deconstructing source extracts 1. Read your sources once for comprhensin overview 2.

Re-read your source, this time listing a summary sentence for each paragraph in the margin and underlining a quote or example for the source. 3. Answer the following questions, providing one example from the source a) outline the context and specialty of the authors man personal point of the view? Does she express a secondary point of view? What is it? b) Explain the authors main focus in no maore than 3 different dot points c) What do you interpret as the authors man personal point of ciw? Does she express a secondary point of view? What is it? d) What areas of history is the extract addressing? Purpose, perspective,sources, audience,style, construction,baias, causation, theory of history. e) Detail this area of history controversy with reference to 2 ancient and 4 modern historians f) How do ay of your 6 examples afree with or differ from the author of the extract g) What is yout personal opinion of this are of contovery?

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