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Suggested books as authorized by guides. 1. The island by Armin Greder (Picture book) PIC GRE R2 !""#$$$%. #otes in &elon'in' ( )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ,2-.$ .CG R2"-,!A$$$%. 2. .y /lace by *ally .or'an #0* $$!.1-!-$2 .1R R-2--$2$$$%3 R-2% 2#$$$%3 R-2% 1.$$$% 4 R-2% -5$$$% 6 sound recordin' $$!.1-!-$2 .1R R2-2,15$$$% .A7 R2"28"A$$$% (es/ecially Gladys Corunna9s story). )el/+ul internet site( :::.+ac/;teachin'notes;my/laceback.htmll 8. Chinese Cinderella by Adeline <en .ah #0* $%1.2% .A) R1!,1 <$$$% !. 0allin' lea=es by Adeline <en .ah #0* $%1.2% .A) R-$$%2.$$$% 4 R1 % ->$$$% %. 5ord o+ the +lies by >illiam Goldin' 0 G15 R-1!2->$$$%3 R-!,$85$$$%3 R-,2 10$$$%3 R-$1 !<$$$%3 R1$1" 5$$$% 6 sound recordin' 0 G15 R21 %1#$$$% . .y /lace by #adia >heatley and ?onna Ra:lins ". The arri=als by *haun Tan (Gra/hic no=el) 0TA# R2"1,1@$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% ,. Cnder the /ersimmon tree by &ryce Courtney $. 2oy 5uck Club by Amy Tan 0 TA# R12,2-5$$$%3 R18,280$$$%3 R-$,-8<$$$%3 R228"%@$$$% 4 R1"8- 0$$$% (Also on =ideo( DI? 0 21< R2"8"$0$$$%). #otes in &elon'in' ( the 'uide to the )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ( belon'in' ,-$.$8 CCR R2"-,%2$$$% 1-. The namesake by 2hum/a 5ahiri 0 5A) R2 1112$$$% #otes in &elon'in' ( the 'uide to the )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ( belon'in' ,-$.$8 CCR R2"-,%2$$$% 11. Great eB/ectations by Charles ?ickens 0 ?IC R1"!21#$$$%3 R-1, -#$$$%3 R-2%8-A$$$% Dideo( GRE R1,%"!.$$$%3 ?IC R2-$"!2$$$%

#otes in &elon'in' ( the 'uide to the )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ( belon'in' ,-$.$8 CCR R2"-,%2$$$% 12. Romulus3 my +ather by Raimond Gaita (only on =ideo) DI? 8-!., R2 18>$$$% #otes in &elon'in' ( the 'uide to the )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ( belon'in' ,-$.$8 CCR R2"-,%2$$$% 18. The crucible by Arthur .iller ,12.%! .I5 R-2%" <$$$% 4 R-2"185$$$% *ound recordin'( AC? 0 .I5 R2 $2-@$$$% Dideo( DI? ,12 1 R1% ! 2$$$%3 R2%- $2$$$% #otes in &elon'in' ( the 'uide to the )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ( belon'in' ,-$.$8 CCR R2"-,%2$$$% 1!. Rainbo:9s end by 2ane )arrison (in Contem/orary Indi'enous Plays). TeBtbooks. #otes in &elon'in' ( the 'uide to the )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ( belon'in' ,-$.$8 CCR R2"-,%2$$$% 1%. *:allo: the air by Tara 2une >inch 0 >I# R2 11!.$$$% #otes in &elon'in' ( the 'uide to the )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ( belon'in' ,-$.$8 CCR R2"-88#$$$% 1 . Pride and /reEudice by 2ane Austen (numerous co/ies o+ teBt3 =ideo 4 sound recordin') #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 and in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 1". ?oes my head look bi' in thisF 0 A&? R2!1812$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 TeacherAs notes at Pan .acmillan :ebsite( htt/(;;:::./;resources;RAG?.)5&IT#otes./d+ 1,. Catcher in the rye by 2.?. *alin'er 0*A5 R2-, $.$$$% 4 R12!-,#$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 1$. Rabbits by 2ohn .arsden 4 *haun Tan (Picture book) PIC 0 .AR R11- 2A$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 2-. *no: +allin' on Cedars by ?a=id Guterson (Chan'in' /ers/ecti=es) 0 GCT R181,"<$$$%

#otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% 21. &irthday letters by Ted )u'hes (Chan'in' /ers/ecti=es) #0* ,21 )CG R1$ 1%2$$$% #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% 22. The Eustice 'ame by Geo++rey Robertson (Chan'in' /ers/ecti=es) #0* 8!-.-$2 R1& R2-1!%H$$$% #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% 28. The herbal bed by Peter >helan (Chan'in' /ers/ecti=es) #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% 2!. The :oman :arrior ( memoirs o+ a 'irlhood amon' 'hosts by .aBine )on' Hin'ston ()istory and memory) #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% 2%. True history o+ the Helly 'an' by Peter Carey ()istory and memory) 0 CAR R1,!"8H$$$% #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% 8-. The 0i+tieth 'ate by .ark Ra/hael &aker ()istory and memory) $!-.%8 &AH R188-".$$$% #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% 81. Love and honour and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice by #am 5e can be +ound at( htt/(;;;issues.c'iFactionIsho:Jstory4storyJidI8-% *u''ested related teBt +rom The sim/le 'i+t by *te=en )errick3 EBcel )*C En'lish area o+ study 'uide. #0* ,21.8 )ER 4 TR0 ,21.8 )ER R2",1 5$$$%. 82. .ans+ield Park by 2ane Austen. 0 AC* R-2-8$.$$$% *u''ested related teBt +rom *elected Poems o+ Emily ?ickinson93 EBcel )*C En'lish area o+ study 'uide. #0* ,11.! ?IC R2",2%5$$$%. 88. A'e o+ Innocence by Edith >harton. 0 >)A R1!-$2P$$$%

8!. *u''ested related teBt +rom *elected Poems o+ Emily ?ickinson93 EBcel )*C En'lish area o+ study 'uide. #0* ,11.! ?IC R2",2%5$$$%. 8!. The Aunt9s story by Patrick >hite (EB/lorin' connections) #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 8%. *elected /oems by Rosemary ?obson (EB/lorin' connections) K su''estions are( <oun' 'irl at a :indo: 6 Chance met 6 5andsca/e in Italy 6 ALayGleGRideau 6 The ra/e o+ Euro/a 6 Romantic 6 Primiti=e /ainters. #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 8 . 5etters to Alice on +irst readin' 2ane Austen by 0ay >eldon (EB/lorin' connections) #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 8". 0rankenstein by .ary *helley (TeBts in time). #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 8". The 'reat Gatsby by 0. *cott 0itL'erald (TeBts in time). #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 8,. In the skin o+ a lion by .ichael 1ndaatEe (Critical study o+ teBts) #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 8$. Cloudstreet by Tim >inton (Critical study o+ teBts) #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% !-. *iBty li'hts by Gail 2ones (Critical study o+ teBts) #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% !1. 2ane Eyre by Charlotte &ronte (Critical study o+ teBts) #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$%


1. A room o+ one9s o:n by Dir'inia >ool+ (TeBts in time). #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% Plays 1. The club by ?a=id >illiamson #0* ,22 >I5 R182-"5$$$% M (Dideo also) #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% 2. Educatin' Rita by >illy Russell #0* ,22 RC* R-28- 2$$$% M #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% 8. 1ne day o+ the year by Alan *eymour R122$$H$$$% ,22 *E< #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% !. 2ulius Caesar by >illiam *hakes/eare (Con+lictin' /ers/ecti=es) #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% %. Hin' Richard III by >illiam *hakes/eare (EB/lorin' connections). #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% . >6t by .ar'aret Edson (EB/lorin' connections). #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% ". >ho9s a+raid o+ Dir'inia >ool+F &y Ed:ard Albee (TeBts in time). #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% ,. )amlet by >illiam *hakes/eare (Critical study o+ teBts) #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$%

Film media 1. &ra boys ( the documentary. <outube. #otes in &elon'in' ( )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ,2-.$ .CG R2"-,!A$$$%
&ra &oys mo=ie trailer

htt/(;;;:atchF =ID1>0"u/'50C4eurlIhtt/(;;belon'in'!hsc2--$;start &ra &oys o++icial mo=ie trailer htt/(;;;:atchF=Ic8myG>5/rac4+eatureIrelated

1. &ra boys ( the documentary. 2. &abel by AleEandro GonLaleL Inarritu #otes in &elon'in' ( )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy ,2-.$ .CG R2"-,!A$$$% 8. 0reedom :riters 0 0RE R2 "2-0$$$% !. 0at Albert %. 0ruits &asket (anime) Akitaro ?aichi . *a=e the last dance 0 *AD R2 8%2$$$% ". *te/ u/ ,. &rian9s son' $. Rabbit /roo+ +ence $$!.1-! 13 2 4 8 (R22-2$#$$$%3 R22- -A$$$% 4 R22-%$>$$$%). 1-. &lack and :hite 11. The bucket list 12. <oln'u boy DI? 0 <15 R2"2!%<$$$%. 18. &end it like &eckham 0 &E# (R21"1-2$$$%3 R21"11H$$$% 4 R2-8$1#$$$%). 1!. &ride and /reEudice DI? 0 &RI R2! -%0$$$% 1%. Children o+ men DI? 0 C)I R2"8",P$$$% 1 . .y bi' +at Greek :eddin' DI? 0 .< #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% (on Click=ie: also). 1". 1ne ni'ht the moon s/irited a:ay 1,. >hale rider 1$. 5ord o+ the +lies by >illiam Goldin' 0 G15 R1, $,2$$$% 2-. Romulus3 my +ather by Raimond Gaita (only on =ideo) DI? 8-!., R2 18>$$$% 21. *trictly ballroom DI? *TR (numerous co/ies). 22. Ten canoes DI? TE# R2 8"".$$$% 28. Au'ust Rush 2!. .arch o+ the /en'uins DI? %$,.!" 1 R2"1125$$$% (on Click=ie: also). 2%. >o' boy 2 . 5ookin' +or Alibrandi DI? 0 511 (numerous co/ies K also as a book). #otes in The 2oy 5uck Club by Amy Tan 6 EBcel )*C En'lish Area o+ *tudy 'uide. 2". >a' the do' by &arry 5e=inson (Chan'in' /ers/ecti=es) DI? 0 >AG R2-2"8.$$$% #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% 2,. The Po:er o+ one DI? 0 C1C R18!$!A$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$%

2$. >itness DI? 0 >IT R18! $H$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% 8-. The Nueen by *te/hen 0rears ()istory and memory) DI? 0 NCE R2"82%@$$$% #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$% 81. 5ookin' +or Richard K directed by Al Pacino #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 82. &lade runner (TeBts in time) #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$%

Poems & Songs (see folder 1. */iritual son' o+ the Abori'ine by )yllus .aris A=ailable at( htt/(;;en.netlo'.com;clan;Abori'inalculture;blo';blo'I?I1 -8%1 (+ound %;2;-$). 2. .y country by ?orothea .ackellar 8. The lo=e son' o+ 2.Al+red Pru+rock by T.*. Eliot !. >e are 'oin' by 1od'eroo #oonuccal %. 0ast car by Tracy Cha/man . >e are many by Pablo #eruda ". >e are Australians by &ruce >oodley. ,. Immi'rant chronicle by Peter *krLynecki $. The sim/le 'i+t by *te=en )errick 1-. The 'ood tomorro: by 2ohn ?onne. #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 11. 5i+e cycle by &ruce ?a:e. 5ocated *ometimes 'ladness ( collected /oems 1$%! to 2--%3 //. , G,". #0* ,21.8 ?A> R2%8215$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% 12. Pro=incial City by &ruce ?a:e. 5ocated *ometimes 'ladness ( collected /oems 1$%! to 2--%3 //. 18,G18$. #0* ,21.8 ?A> R2%8215$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% 18. The Corn 0lake by &ruce ?a:e. #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% (in =erse +older).

1!. *eein' eye by &ruce ?a:e. 5ocated *ometimes 'ladness ( collected /oems 1$%! to 2--%3 /. 1,$. #0* ,21.8 ?A> R2%8215$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% 1%. Cnem/loyed by &ruce ?a:e #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% 1 . Aurora 5ei'h and other /oems by EliLabeth &arrett &ro:nin' (TeBts in time) #otes in )*C ad=anced En'lish ; ?erek 5e:is 4 Anne Collins #0* ,2-." 5E> R2"$",2$$$% 1".

Songs !yric 1. >hat it +eels like +or a 'irl by .adonna. ( #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% 2. &oule=ard o+ broken dreams by Green ?ay (;read;';'reenGdayG lyrics;boule=ardGo+GbrokenGdreamsGlyricsGhtml) #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% 8. This is :here I belon' by &ryan Adams (htt/(;;:::sin'8 #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% S"eeches 1. A/olo'y to the *tolen Generation by Prime .inister He=in Rudd DI? 8 2.,! 2 R2 8 "5$$$% #otes in &elon'in' area o+ study ( studentAs 'uide to related teBt. ,-$.$8 .A7 R2"28"A$$$% Com/uter Games 1. 0I0A -, (0ederation Internationale de 0ootball Association) #ebsites$ 1. *e/tember 11 ( bearin' :itness to history created by *mithsonian #ational .useum o+ American history. htt/(;;;se/tember11 #otes in */urr and Cameron )*C Ad=anced En'lish TR0 ,2-." *PC R2" -8>$$$%

*u''ested 0ilms 1. )a//y +eet 0 )AP R2"2!$5$$$%

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