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1.1 The State of Natural Man:
We are all sinners by birth. Ps. 51:5
We are sinners by our lives Rom. 3:1012

1.2 The Result of Sin:
Separation from God Is. 59:1-2
Spiritual death Gen. 2:17
Falling short of Gods perfection Rom. 6:23
Man is bound to go to hell

1.3 How to be saved:
Accept that you are a sinner Rom. 3:23
God showed his immense love for you by sending Jn 3:16&17
Jesus Christ to die on the cross
Christ paid the penalty for your sins Rom. 5:7&8
Heb. 9:22,
Repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you 1Jn. 1:9
Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth Rom. 10:9-10
that Jesus is your Lord

1.4 The result of Salvation
From now on you can be sure of the following:
Your sins are forgiven Is. 1:18
Your name is written in the book of life Rev 20:15-20
There is great rejoicing in Heaven
You are a child of God Jn. 1:12
You are a new creation II Cor 5:17
You have eternal life 1 Jn5:11-12
You have hope in life Col. 1:27
You are now in the kingdom of light
You are now beginning to walk on the narrow road Mat. 7:14

Memory Verses: Jn. 5:24
II Cor. 5:17

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