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Harvey 1 Shanquilla Harvey

Professor Alicia Bolton

English 101

12 September 2013

y English

!n my every"ay life ! spea# "ifferent versions of English$ ! use only one %ith my grannie& one %ith my niece& an" one %hen !'m in a professional setting$ !n this essay ! %ill e(plain the "ifferent versions of English ! use$ )hen !'m spea#ing to my grannie ! tal# *eechee$ *eeche is a "ialect a lot of African American spea#s in the lo% country$ A lot of %or"s are pronounce" "ifferently or "ifferent %or"s are use" for them$ +or instance instea" of saying ,!'m goo"- ! say ,! gip-$ .he other "ay ! %as tal#ing to my grannie about my frien" that recently move" to .e(as$ She %ants to come bac# home but her tic#et is %ay too high for her to affor"$ , ,*rannie /aris %ants to come home an" Bubba say he %oul" pay for ay tic#et& but only if she stays for a long time$- ! sai"$ *rannie replie" ,0ea& cause he %ants to get his seven hun"re" "ollars %orth of clam1- 2lam means vagina to grannie instea" of saying he %ants her to stay a long time so he can mess aroun" %ith her she uses the %or" clam$ !

Harvey 2 %hen grannie is on the phone %ith the people she %or#s for it seem li#e her %hole accent an" tones "o a three3si(ty$ She tries to spea# proper at those times$ ! sometimes correct grannie %hen she spea#s an" she calls me s$*rammer$

)hen ! tal# to my niece 4iyah ! use simple English$ 4iyah is only t%o years ol" so ! tal# in a %ay she can un"erstan"$ )henever ! call her mother's phone she #no%s its me so she ans%ers$ ,Hi auntie Shan- 4iyah sai"$ ! replie" ,Hey 4iyah-$ ,4iyah sai" ,%hat you "oing5-$ ! replie" ,4othing& %hat you "oing5- 4iyah sai" ,nothing& ! come your house5- ! replie" ,yea 4iyah you can come my house-$ 4iyah sai" ,o#ay1- an" hange" up the phone$ 4iyah ten"s to leave out %or"s %hen she is tal#ing instea" of saying can ! come to your house she sai" ! come to your house$ 6nce she gets ol"er ! #no% her English %ill improve an" get better$ She %ill learn ho% to ma#e complete sentences %hen she gets in school$ She may start correcting me %ith my English$ 7ntil than she continue to use her simple English$ 4iyah recently 8ust learne" ho% to pronounce my %hole name$ 4iyah 8ust starte" "ay care %here she %ill be surroun"e" by other little #i"s that tal# 8ust li#e her$ ! use proper English %hen !'m %riting a paper or %hen !'m on a 8ob intervie%$ )hen !'m %riting a paper ! use proper English because if ! %oul" %rite it ho% ! tal# ma8or points %oul" be ta#ing off of my gra"e$ !t also may be har" for %hoever is rea"ing my essay to un"erstan" %hat !'m saying$ .hey %oul" not en8oy it because they cannot un"erstan" %hat !'m trying to say in the essay$ )hen you use proper English it ma#es you soun" li#e you're very e"ucate"$ !t sho%s that you have learne" an" un"erstan" the English language$

Harvey 3 )hen ! apply for a 8ob an" ! call to as# about my application instea" of using bro#en English an" say ,%as sup %ith my application5- ! say ,!'m calling to chec# on my application-$ !f ! %oul" use my o%n %or"s they probably %oul" not even loo# at my application$ )hen !'m calle" into an intervie% ! ma#e sure ! use my proper English$ 9ast spring ! ha" an intervie% %ith Santee Electric 2ooper for scholarship ! %as very nervous but ! ma"e sure ! use" proper English$ ! ha" to sit at the en" of the en" of this long table in a conference room full of important people that %or# at the plant$ ! probably %oul" have felt more comfortable by spea#ing the %ay ! %ante" to but ! #ne% that that %asn't a goo" %ay to get the scholarship$ Even though ! "i"n't get the scholarship it "i" give me lesson on ho% to tal# %hen !'m in a professional setting$ !n my every"ay life ! use "ifferent version of English because of the people !'m aroun" an" %here !'m at$ Even though ! can't tal# the %ay ! "o %ith my family every%here ! go !t still feels goo" to #no% there are people that can un"erstan" me %hen ! spea# *eechee$ !'m gla" ! "o #no% ho% to s%itch up my English because it helps me in my every"ay life$

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