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Study Guide: Semester One Final Exam

Civilizations: Assyrians, Aztecs, Byzantine, Eastern Europe, Hebrews, Hittites, Inca, Kievan Russia, Maya, Persians, Phoenicians, Sumerians

Religions/Philosophies: Judaism, Christianity (Catholicism & Eastern Orthodox), Islam (Shiite, Sufi, Sunni)

Wars: Battle of Hastings, Hundred Years War, Peloponnesian, Persian, Punic, Reconquista, Trojan

Forms of Government: Aristocracy/Oligarchy, Autocracy, Democracy, Monarchy, Republic

Terms: legislature, martyr, mercenary, philosopher, polis chivalry, diaspora, scholasticism, secular, vernacular capital, charter, guild, troubadour, tournament Jihad, Quran, Mosque, Sharia, Synagogue

Random Info: geography of Greece Spartan lifestyle Athenian lifestyle

art & architecture: Greek vs. Roman accomplishments of Alexander the Great Hellenistic Civilization reasons for Romes military greatness characteristics of Roman society causes of decline for the Roman Republic big issue the Romans had with Jesus Catholic Church hierarchy reasons for the spread of Christianity reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire (political, military, economic, social) year that marks the fall of the Roman Empire legacy of Byzantine Empire accomplishments of Justinian fall of Byzantine Empire schism between Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity spread of Eastern Orthodox Christianity use of Cyrillic alphabet culture of Western Europe features of feudalism features of medieval art and architecture Magna Carta reasons for increased trade in Europe in the High Middle Ages motivation for Crusades effect of Crusades source of the middle class in Europe

Fertile Crescent Code of Hammurabi Gilgamesh People of the Book spread of Islam reason for Sunni/Shiite break-up Muslim trade in the Middle Ages Muslim medicine in the Middle Ages features of Muslim religious art

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