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Group Project

Fiona Ware-Heine, Kathryn Davies, Georgia Wheeler, Lauren Linney

Initial Idea
Captain Bullshit; a down on his luck superhero who is forced into action when he detects bullshit yet looses all trace of his powers once he has exposed the bullshit. This often leaves him in sticky situations.

Initial Brainstorm
Compelled to expose obvious bullshit Superpowers disappear Thankless task

2D/3D combination Public Information Film

1950s comic book style

Classic movie posters


Script Development

Character Design

First Draft


Second draft

Final Storyboard

Background style designs

Working soundtrack

Voiceover and dialogue and temporary sound effects for timing. Featuring the voice talents of; Rob Georgie Lauren Katie Fiona
Recorded on location in Katies wardrobe

Our homemade sound recording booth (i.e. Katies wardrobe)

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