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Angela Kinerk YSOECI 11/4/13 Rehearsal Lesson Plan

Standards: Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Reading and notating music. Evaluating music and music performances. Objectives: Students will improve in their performance of Jupiter- Bringer of Jollity, specifically the transitions at mm. 26, 58, 75, 102, and 127. Procedure: 1. Students will play Jupiter starting from the beginning and stopping around mm. 34 2. Students will compare the two themes played in these sections and notice what they must be prepared to change at mm. 26 a. Meter, tempo, style (dance-like, legato, still light) 3. Students will play transition again (mm. 13-34) for ease and accuracy 4. Students will repeat the same process for the transitions at mm. 58, 75, 102, and 127 a. 58 (mm.50-62): Meter &tempo same as beginning, notice dynamics b. 75 (mm.70-82): rit. before, meter, tempo, key, style (maestoso, majestic) c. 102 (mm.98-110): Meter, tempo, rit., style (light again), key d. 127 (mm.118-end): tempo, meter (in one), dynamic vs. tone Assessment: Formative (informal cyclical) Teacher will watch and listen for students to follow the conducting and make correct decisions regarding demonstrated style, dynamics, and tempo.

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