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Chicken Strips

RECIPE INGREDIENTS 1 Chicken Breast Skin removed & Cut into thin strips 1 ta !espoon "resh!# Ground Pepper 1 ta !espoon $ine%ar 1 Cup Se!& Raisin% "!our 1 ta !espoon Corn "our 1 teaspoon Gar!ic Po'der 1 ta !espoon Paprika or Chi!!i Po'der (i& u 'ant them spic#) Sa!t to taste 1 E%% *i! to deep &r# +ET,*D 1- In a o'! add chicken. vine%ar. paprika. pepper and mi/ 'e!! 0- 1eave to marinate &or at !east 2314 minutes 5- In a second o'! add &!our. corn &!our. %ar!ic po'der & sa!t and mi/ 'e!! 6- 7hisk up the e%%. add the 'hisked e%% to the chicken and mi/ 'e!! 2- Dip the strips in the &!our makin% sure its &u!!# coated 8- Shake o&& e/cess &!our and p!ace in a p!ate in a sin%!e !a#er 9- ,eat oi! in a pan to deep &r# the pieces :- ;dd the chicken pieces and &r# &or 23: minutes or ti!! the chicken is cooked and the crust is %o!den ro'n and crisp# <- Drain on kitchen to'e! 14- Serve immediate!#

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