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Temperature Dependent Properties of Material

Heat Capacity Thermal expansion Thermal conductivity

Heat Capacity Specific Heat Heat is related to "inetic energy of particles Energy requires to increase !

Q C= T
#nit$ %&mol'!

Phonon (i)ration

Phonon contri)ution to specific heat *elated to the vi)rational motions De)ye +a,

T 3 C V = 234Nk B ( )
Einstein Model

C V = Nk B ( ) e +1

Electron contri)ution

T U el N k BT Tf U C el = Nk B ( T / T f ) T
Total specific heat at lo, temperature

C = T + AT

Dulong Petit C-.* - /0 %&!'mol

Thermal expansion

1 dL = L dT
2f is constant

L ( T ) L 0 T = L0 L ( T )= L 0 ( 1+ T )

T = T

: linear thermal expansion coefficient : Tfiinal 1 Tintial

3rea Expansion

1 dA A= A dT

(olume Expansion

1 dV V = V dT

Thermal Conductivity
3)ility of material to conduct heat High thermal conductivity$ faster heat transfer #nit $ 4&m!

dT j Q = K dx 1 K = C vl 3

Heat flo,

dT j Q = K dx

T Q = AK t

Heat Sin"

Metal Conductivity
Dominated )y electron 4ieddemann 5ran6

k L= T

Thermal conductivity

Electrical conductivity

Mechanism of heat transfer

"-"electron 7 "phonon 7 "spin

Ta)le 8'

Phase Diagram

Phase$ homogeneous portion of system ,ith uniform chemical and physical characters' Example of phase diagram

Temperature vs Pressure Temperature vs composition Temperature vs magnetic field 2mportant to understand microstructure properties' Parameters in microstructure$ elements9 concentration9 distri)ution9 heat treatment' Microstructure is formed during phase transformation

4ater phase diagram

Temperature1Composition Phase Diagram$ Solu)ility +imit

Temperature1Compostion Phase Diagramof :i1Cu

#nderstanding Phase Diagram

5raction composition Tie line$ connecting phases in certain temperature

C C 0 W L= C C L

C LC 0 W = C C L

5raction (olume

V V = V +V L

W V = WL V L= L

Mechanical strength )elo, melting temperature

Phase transformation

Source$ ,i"ipedia

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