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Vmware Interview Questions:1. Transparent Page Sharing (TPS) When multiple virtual machines are running some o!

them ma" have i#entical sets o! memor" content. This presents opportunities !or sharing memor" across virtual machines (as well as sharing within a single virtual machine). $or e%ample several virtual machines ma" &e running the same guest operating s"stem have the same applications or contain the same user #ata. With page sharing the h"pervisor can reclaim the re#un#ant copies an# onl" 'eep one cop" which is share# &" multiple virtual machines in the host ph"sical memor". (s a result the total virtual machine host memor" consumption is re#uce# an# a higher level o! memor" overcommitment is possi&le. ).*allooning I#eall" a V+ !rom which memor" has &een reclaime# shoul# per!orm as i! it ha# &een con!igure# with less memor". ,S- Server uses a ballooning techni.ue to achieve such pre#icta&le per!ormance &" coa%ing the guest /S into cooperating with it when possi&le. This process is #1epicte# 0.1"pervisor Swapping 1"pervisor Swapping In the cases where *allooning (an# TPS) are not su!!icient to reclaim memor" ,S- emplo"s 1"pervisor Swapping to reclaim memor". (t guest startup the h"pervisor creates a separate swap !ile !or the guest. This !ile locate# in the guest2s home #irector" has an e%tension .vswp 34S &ase# on pre-#e!ine# rules intelligentl" allocating availa&le resources among the virtual machines /ptimi5e har#ware utili5ation automaticall" 1( V+ware 1( ensures that su!!icient resources are availa&le in the resource pool at all times to &e a&le to restart virtual machines on #i!!erent ph"sical servers in the event o! server !ailure. 4estart o! virtual machines is ma#e possi&le &" the Virtual +achine $ile S"stem (V+$S) V+/TI/6 1. ,ntire state o! a virtual machine is encapsulate# &" a set o! !iles store# on share# storage such as $7 S7SI 6$S ). +emor" an# s"stem state ,%ecution State will &e trans!erre#8cop" the *IT+(P to V+ instantaneousl" !rom running ,S- to another ,S0. 6etwor's &eing use# &" the virtual machine are also virtuali5e# &" the un#erl"ing ,S- host V+otion manages the virtual +(7 a##ress as part o! the process. /nce the #estination machine is activate# V+otion pings the networ' router to ensure that it is aware o! the new ph"sical location o! the virtual +(7 a##ress SV+/TI/6 live migration o! virtual machine #is' !iles within an# across storage arra"s with no #owntime or #isruption in service. Storage V+otion relocates virtual machine #is' !iles !rom one share# storage location to another share# storage location with 5ero #owntime Port 9roups 1.Virtual +achine(:se# !or V+ networ') ).Service 7onsole(:se# !or Service 7onsole 7ommunications) 0.Vm ;ernel(:se# !or V+otion iS7SI 6$S 7ommunications) What are the !iles that ma'e V+< $ile.V+- .$ile.6V4(+. .$ile.VSW(P $ile.vm!% .$ile.vms# snapshot #ata&ase.vmsn V+*/IS.vm#' Virtual machine #is'!ile.vswp Vm snapshot !ile.vmss etc. V+ 1igh (vaila&ilit" $ault Tolerance

Automatic creation of secondary virtual machines. (utomaticall" trigger the creation o! a new secon#ar" virtual machine a!ter !ailover to ensure continuous protection to the application a##itional #e#icate# giga&it ,thernet networ' What are the #i!!erent t"pes o! Virtuali5ation< Server Storage application Presentation 1ar#ware 6etwor'. V7* V+ware 7onsoli#ate *ac'up is use# as me#iator &etween the &ac'up so!tware an# Virtual machines 8 ,S- hosts.

What is a VNIC? A VNIC is a virtual nic which is added when we create a virtual machine. Its a software based nic (virtualized nic) which enables the communication between vms or between a vm or vSwitch vSwitch? A vSwitch is nothing but the h!sical nic which is installed on the "S# server. $he same h!sical nic shared to all the virtual machines hosted on that articular "S# server. So it is acting as a Switch in this scenario. %e can connect&configure '(') virtual machines to use a h!sical nic* in other words we can create a virtual switch that contain '(') orts. No h!sical switch rovides these man! orts in real time. And in other case* we can create the vSwitch with out an! h!sical nic also. Its urel! software based vSwitch (the same is used between V+' and V+,).

Unable to power on the Virtual Machine, How to fix it?

If the virtual machine is running in a cluster of es- hosts* some times it wont ower on. %h! because* the files that are associated with that V+ are loc.ed b! the host at the time of running. So when !ou tr! to vmotion the vm from one host to another host* the first host releases those files and again loc.ed b! the second host. So what is meant b! here* and wh! it is ha ening/ is nothing but* the registration of a vm with a host. this ha ens ever!time when the vm is hosted on a host. this is hel ful to revent the access to the same vm for remaining hosts in the cluster. %h! the vm fails when tr!ing to ower it on/ %hen the files associated with that V+ are loc.ed b! a host it wont owered on. At that time* !ou must unregister the vm from the host using vmware1cmd utilit

How to fix HA errors in VMware S! Server?

'. +a.e sure all the hosts in the cluster are able to resolve each other b! host name. ,. If the! were not able to do so* chec. the 2NS settings. 3. 4est solution is to add all the hosts names and i addresses into &etc&hosts file on all "S# servers in the cluster. 5ut the "S# server in maintenance mode before doing an! changes. 6. "-it from the maintenance mode and tr! to reconfigure the 7A on all the "S# hosts one b! one* that8s it !our roblem will be fi-e
Host Profiles. :sing 1ost Pro!iles we can create a &aseline pro!ile image o! one ,S- Server an# appl"ing it to the remaining hosts in the 7luster. With that the con!iguration o! all the ,S- hosts loo's similar li'e mirror images. *e!ore ta'ing the &aseline !rom the !irst ,S- server we have to ma'e sure all the con!iguration is accurate to avoi# pro&lems in the !uture RDM (Raw Device Mappings) : 9enerall" when we create a Virtual +achine we will create8allocate some space to the .vm#' !ile which is use# as the internal har# #is' !or the Virtual +achine. We can create8allocate space !or .vm#' !ile !rom the a&ove 0 storage t"pes. *ut those cannot &e #irectl" accesse# &" the Virtual +achine. $irst ,S- server accesses it an# it passes that access to the Virtual +achine. *ut using 43+ we can give #irect access to the Virtual +achine to the a&ove sai# storages. *ut one #isa#vantage o! 43+ is we cannot ta'e snapshots i! we con!igure it as Ph"sical.

What happens when "ou ta#e a snapshot of virtual $achine? %hen !ou ta.e a sna shot of virtual machine* it a co ! of the .vmd. file and its memor!* saves them along with the other virtual machine files.
"vmware-cmd createsnapshot "

each snapshot occupies the same si5e o! .vm#' !ile in the #atastore. So i! "ou ta'e more snapshots more space will &e utili5e#.

%istribute& vSwitch 'VI% () $his is an e-tra1ordinar! feature of vS here 6.(* which saves lot of administrative time in configuring on each and ever! single "S# server in a cluster individuall!. %ith this ultimate feature we can configure a dvSwitch at the cluster level* which is a lied to all the hosts. So that the networ. configuration on all hosts remains identical which avoids networ. related issues while doing v+otion li.e things.

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