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Jason Bilanzich December 6, 2013 Devin Patten Overview Dear Devin: This class has taught me a lot about writing, at first I was always nervous to write and not very excited to write. With this class I cant say I love to write but I do have a clearer understanding of how writing should be. I can see a lot of progress I have made with this class by learning with the different styles of writing. Throughout my papers my intended audience changes a little in everyone. In the narrative paper my audience is for everyone that is interested in writing. In the analysis paper the audience changes to those who speak a native language. With the final exploration essay it is intended for all those who are interested in building muscle mass. With the revisions I have made it has helped me learn what areas I need to work on. There are some big changes from my first to final drafts. With many of these revisions I gained some great insight it helped me see the bigger picture of my essays and eventually had me making changes in some parts.


Jason Bilanzich Overview

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The Beginning

Just stop and think for a minute, when was the first time you started to read or write? You may remember exactly how it was and what it was about but for me its not very easy to remember exactly how it all happened. When thinking about reading or writing I remember that it was not my favorite thing to do as a child. I was one that was always outside playing with my friends or doing something that involved sports. It was always the last thing on my mind to sit down and read a book! There were times that some of my friends would leave early or couldnt play until later because of their reading session they had to have every day. For that reason it took me a little longer to capture the big picture and value of reading and writing, I do remember those day in elementary when my teacher would say we would have to read this book and write our thoughts about it or the days when it was just a class reading party. If I have ever dreaded reading it was that moment. I would always find ways to avoid reading the book or make some excuse to not read. Sometimes I would just read pages here and there to capture what was going on then write about it. Never wanting to or even interested in really finishing the book. We may not think we read or write that much but surprisingly we use it more than ever. Every kid now has a cell phone in their hand at all times, so they are reading and writing daily on them. Whether they are using it to text, Facebook, twitter or just email. We all use reading and writing more then we think. I was also one of those kids always having my cell phone in my hand but I never could just sit down and read a book or write some paper. For me that was way too hard to do.

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Then came a turning point in my life. I left the country and lived far away and begun to have thousands of experiences. Someone had suggested that I start a journal and write all my experiences down daily. I began to enjoy writing and I wouldnt miss a day of writing everything that came to my mind down. I grew to love it, sitting there and writing about all the experiences I had that day. I did this for more than two years, now I write in it once a week. Even writing in it once a week I can write pages of what had happened whether it was good or bad. Whether it be writing about some amazing person you just met on the street and how they touched your heart. Or maybe it was some random food someone wanted to offer you for dinner. Many of those times you find out it was better not to ask. Through all of it you can write something about what happened that day and thats what I try to keep doing. Now days yes it might not be my favorite thing to write a five or eight page paper but when it is something I enjoy I can write and write. I now use writing more than anything we use writing in almost every class you attend all teachers are looking for that final research project or overview of the year. In conclusion, we all need to find what it is that we enjoy whether it is reading certain novels or writing about our lives. We must find it and see how much we can grow from it. It may take some time for us or an instant enjoyment with reading or writing. We all are different and have our own experiences and opinions you just need to find what yours might be.

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How to Tame a Wild Tongue

Author Gloria Anzaldua was born in September 26, 1942 lived until May 15, 2004. She was an amazing writer earning her bachelors degree from now called Texas-pan American university. Anzaldua uses a unique type of writing, using eight different languages, two types of English and six types of Spanish. By the end having a paper written in Spanglish, always notifying her readers that theres lots of Spanish throughout the paper. She is well known for her book Border land/ La Frontera, The New mestiza in 1987. In this she wrote How to Tame a Wild Tongue sharing the difficulties of her life with language and the culture. In How to Tame a Wild Tongue Gloria brings a lot to the table sharing the struggles in her life and those of others who have passed through the same experiences. Sharing the difference between her language and the others, speaking about the Chicanos and Chicanas. Chicanos are Mexicans that grew up in the United States having a very difficult life here. She said Until I can take pride in my language, I cannot take pride in myself. She stands very strong in what she wants and believes telling us how Chicanos of the United States are forgetting their original background and will eventually lose it. Each and every culture thinks differently about the other one. She shares how each one of them speak a little bit different than the other. The Chicanos being the ones everyone was making fun because of the words they were using. With everyone believing that they were the ones who speak the correct Spanish always brings up a great argument. She shows how different one is to the other some taking out letters or adding them. You can be in some countries and say a word to them and have them look at you with a dumb look on their face asking what they just

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said. How crazy is that they speak the same language, each of them putting their own little twist on the vocabulary to be different than the other. In the end having their own secret language. Growing up in a whole different culture would have been so tough. We all have different standards and forms of speaking with one another. She shares, I remember being caught speaking Spanish at recess that was good for three licks on the knuckles with a sharp ruler, Or being told If you want to be American, speak American, if you dont like it, go back to Mexico where you belong, and if life wasnt hard enough yet when she attended Pan American University she and all the other Chicanos were told they would be required to take two speech classes for the purpose of losing their accents. As you can imagine being strong on where she stands she wasnt too happy with this, saying we are a distinct people we need to create a secret language to communicate

Anzaldua goes on to share her version of the evolution of Chicano Spanish. After 250 years of living with the Anglo, the white folks, they had developed a lot of differences in the Spanish they speak. First starting with the vowels, leaving it off or adding some, next came the pronunciation of different letters and vowels. Some changes were because of the French or German settlers in the 16th century and are still found in many dialects to this day. The influence the Spaniards brought over from Medieval Spain, many settled in Mexico and the southwest United States. Then there is the influence of the English for some it became what we now know as Tex-Mex, which was created by adding a Spanish sound at the beginning or end of and English word, which is the result of the pressure they felt to become more English or Americanized. She refers to herself as a linguistic nightmare we speak an orphan tongue. Most feel they speak poor Spanish anyway she said we have internalized how our language has

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been used against us by the dominant culture and then we have used our language differences against each other, sad. She found that most Chicanas were afraid to get close to another Chicana, because it was like looking into a mirror of shame and low self-esteem. She shares that by the end of this century Spanish speakers will comprise the biggest minority group in the U.S. For a language to remain a live it must be used, but for most Chicanos and Latinos English will soon be their mother tongue.

She states that if you really want to hurt me, talk badly about my language, because it is the same as talking badly about my ethnic identity I am my language. As long as I have to accommodate the English speakers rather than having them accommodate me, my tongue will be illegitimate. She was very committed to overcoming the traditions of silence and wanted to share that with her fellow students as well as her own students when she taught, by finding ways to incorporate anything bilingual into their lives, like music, books, poetry and movies so they could see themselves in a different light and take pride in themselves and who they are and where they came from. Yet the struggle of identity and borders continue even after 1987 when she wrote this book.

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Jason Bilanzich Devin Patten English 1010 November 25, 2013 Ways to Build Muscle

Everyone has that itch or goal to be like that guy or girl in the gym. Studies have shown that 73% of those people that set a goal, end up giving them up.(Lee) Many of them give up due to the diet, too hard, and dont have time. I will cover a few areas and ways to help you understand how to build that muscle and no it is not by using steroids that would just be taking the easy way out to avoid any hard work. Throughout this paper I will be sharing many types of weight training and explaining each one so you will have a better understanding of the options out there. Then you will be able to decide what fits you the best, also with the weight training program comes a good diet plan, we will be reviewing a few of those as well. I will be using references from Shape magazine, Mens fitness, and Mens health. Many think all you have to do is just walk into the gym and start lifting weights but really it should be a lot more than that. Depending on what youre looking to get out of your gym experience, each of us might be doing things a little different. We should all have the same mentality of working hard and having that end goal be to get as close to what we want it look like. I will be going over three main types of lifting; bodybuilding, powerlifting and circuit training. Each one of these are a little different from the other giving you different results so all depending on what youre looking for. You will find on average you will lose 40% more by doing these lifts and gain muscle rather than doing a simple cardio.

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To start off lets talk about bodybuilding, so when we think of those people we usually think of big guys who spend a lot of time in the gym and have a lot of muscle mass but dont know how do they do it. Typically a body builder works out daily focusing on only one or two muscles at a time. Their workout usually consist of three to four sets with around ten to twelve repetitions at a time.(Jensen) Making sure that one or two muscle groups get a good workout. By doing this it makes your muscles larger quicker but does not necessarily mean they are any stronger. Bodybuilders are looking for the perfect size of a certain muscle the fastest way they can, the strength side will come later on. With the lifting side the body builders are also on a strict diet plan. This plan takes a lot of time and energy of its own, always eating by the numbers and sometimes many times a day, also watching to make sure every little thing they eat helps them meet their end purpose. Now if you are looking to get to your maximal strength then powerlifting is the best way possible. Power lifters main goal is not the same as a bodybuilder. Bodybuilders are looking to gain mass for their best appearance where power lifters are building mass for maximum strength. Power lifters workouts are the complete opposite of a bodybuilders. A daily workout consist of higher sets, such as six to eight with only two to three repetitions. (Jensen) Doing mainly a few body parts each day. They like to focus on primarily on the key Olympic lifts such as bench, squat and deadlifts. Building strength fast and burning calories while doing it. Any given power lifter does not have a certain diet plan, many just eat what they want watching here and there. By doing this it gives you the best results the fastest. (Lee) With theses workouts you will torch body fat but not lose the muscle. (Anderson) If these two dont catch your interest or help you reach or given goal, then maybe circuit training will. Circuit training is normally when you do a number of exercise with light weights

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but with many repetitions. Generally doing repetitions of twenty to twenty-five with two to three workout with little or no rest or stopping between each set. (Jensen) This increases your endurance while building a little amount of strength and mainly is used to burn fat. This type of training has been used by many boxers and mixed martial arts for many years. Now days many may becoming more familiar with these workouts known as or being called crossfit. Crossfit is the best example of how to use these workouts, doing something for like ten to fifteen minutes and feeling like you have been there for hours. Many of these workout consist of using your own body weight instead of weights like doing body squats, box jumps, jump rope, pull-ups and pushups. Working out using bodybuilding, weightlifting or crossfit programs is just one part of the equation the other equally important part of any good work out plan is eating right. So what do you eat after a workout or daily as part of you over all plan? We must eat more than you have ever eaten before but it has to be the correct type of things. When working out on such a high velocity our body demands a lot but we cant just eat everything in sight. We must eat proteins, carbs, and fat to pack on that muscle we want. Here are some good foods to start adding into your daily diets, salmon, chicken, lean beef, oats, whole grain breads, avocado, potatoes and rice.( Roussell) Each one of these are great to eat with any given workout plan. We should be eating one gram of protein for every pound of your body weight every day. Just remember that we should cut down on the carbohydrates at night because we are less active during the night and our body will just store it and not burn it. I talked with a lot of people that have had a lot of experience with all of these different types of workouts and diets. I have asked each one of them their own personal opinions on what they like and what worked best for them, each of them came back with their own opinion and

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saying something a little different which is to be expected because their end goals were different. Many said it just depends on what youre looking for. Many of them started with bodybuilding and then moved from that to powerlifting and then on to trying crossfit. They had many suggestions to help throughout the process starting with staying focused but dont be impatient everything takes time, your success will suffer if you are not eating correctly, dont cheat your repetitions do them all and dont be at the gym longer then a max of sixty minutes. In my own life I have tried all of them. I was the one at the gym doing light weight and tons of repetitions. Did I see progress no! It is too hard to build the muscle mass while lifting such a light amount of weight. I now am doing powerlifting by doing more sets with smaller repetitions and on the side a little circuit training to keep my endurance up. I have found that this is working the best for me and I am seeing the results I wanted to see. We also must eat plenty of carbs and protein many of us forget how important this really is. We burn thousands of calories a day so dont be too shy about eating. With all this also comes hard work and a desire to receive that end goal of bulking up. I can honestly say it works, having done this for just under a year I have put on 60 pounds of muscle by following this type of program. Many will say they dont have the time in a day to workout but I am a full time student and work twenty hours a week so all you need to do is set aside forty-five minutes a day. If I can do it so can you. Let working out help you out, it has been proven to release stress and build muscle memory with working out. So see what catches your attention maybe it is just the circuit training or powerlifting whatever it is try it and stick to it!

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Work Cited 1. Andersen, Charlotte Hilton, F. "8 Reasons Why You Should Lift Heavier Weights." Shape Magazine. Shape Magazine, 15 Jan. 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. . 2. Chee, Rosie. "Muscle Building: Hypertrophy And Physiology - How To Lift Weights To Maximize Mass! Body Building, 10 Aug. 2010. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. 3. Easter, Michael. "The Best Exercises for Men." @MHFitter. Men's Health, 29 Oct. 2013. Web. 15 Nov.2013 4. Jensen, Jason. "5 Types of Weight Training." LIVESTRONG.COM. Live Strong, 06 Aug. 2011. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. 5. Lee, Celeb, M. "Powerlifting V.S. Bodybuilding Whats The Difference?" Double Your Gains Powerlifting VS Bodybuilding Whats The Difference Comments. Double Your Gains, 12 Feb. 2009. Web. 18 Nov. 2013 6. Roussell, Mike, M. "9 Foods For Effective Clean Bulking." Men's Fitness. Men's Fitness, Oct.-Nov. 2013.Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

7. Wales, Jimbo. "Weight Training." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Nov. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013 8. Walkiewicz, Stephen. "The Rack The Best Tips for Every Lift." Men's Fitness. Men's Fitness, 11 Nov.2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.

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