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Generic/Trade Name Amikacin Sulfate Dosage/ Frequency 50mg q8 ANST

Classification Antibiotic

Indication Treatment of skin/skin structure, bone, joint, respiratory tract, intraabdominal and complicated urinary tract infections, postop, burns, septicemia, meningitis.

Contraindication Sensitivity to amikacin or any component. Cautions: myasthenia gravis, parkinsonism, decreased renal function, 8th cranial nerve impairment (vestibulocochlear nerve).

Side Effects Frequent: pain, indurations at IM injection site, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis with IV administration. Occasional: hypersensitivity reactions (rash, fever, urticaria, pruritus). Rare: neuromuscular blockade (difficulty breathing, drowsiness, weakness).


Nursing Responsibility Monitor intake and output (maintain hydration), urinalysis. Monitor results of peak/through blood tests. Be alert to ototoxic, neurotoxic, symptoms. Check IM injection site for pain, induration,. Evaluate site of phlebitis (heat, pain, red streaking over vein). Assess for skin rash, super infection (particularly genital/anal pruritus) changes of oral mucosa, diarrhea. Continue antibiotic for full length of treatment.

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