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/01*$2(%3 )4" 52-)(- 67)" november 20, 2013
Sclence, Soclal SLudles & Lngllsh Language ArLs
60 mlnuLes
?%() PoL & Cold 1emperaLures & needs of Anlmals and lanLs '"7-4"2 Mlss PlldenbrandL

@?'A@B/8 ,C@B 5!D/C'5 EC@;C5B @, 8'?6F/8
1.2 Clarlfy and exLend: Comblne ldeas.
1.2 Clarlfy and exLend: Comblne ldeas.
1-11: uescrlbe some common llvlng Lhlngs, and ldenLlfy needs of Lhose llvlng Lhlngs.
2-9: 8ecognlze Lhe effecLs of heaLlng and coollng, and ldenLlfy meLhods for heaLlng and coollng.
2.1.2: SLudenLs wlll lnvesLlgaLe Lhe physlcal geography of an lnulL, an Acadlan, and a pralrle communlLy ln
Canada by explorlng and reflecLlng Lhe followlng quesLlons for lnqulry.
1.2 Clarlfy and exLend - comblne ldeas: Croup ldeas and lnformaLlon lnLo caLegorles deLermlned by an
1.2 Clarlfy and exLend - comblne ldeas: 8ecord ldeas and lnformaLlon ln ways LhaL make sense.
1-11.9: 8ecognlze LhaL some planLs and anlmals musL adapL Lo exLreme condlLlons Lo meeL Lhelr baslc
needs, e.g., arcLlc and deserL planLs and anlmals.
2-9.8: uescrlbe Lhe role of lnsulaLlon ln keeplng Lhlngs hoL or cold, and ldenLlfy places where some form of
lnsulaLlon ls used, e.g. cloLhlng, refrlgeraLor, coolers, homes.
2-9.9: ldenLlfy maLerlals LhaL lnsulaLe anlmals from Lhe cold, e.g., wool, fur and feaLhers, and ldenLlfy
maLerlals LhaL are used by humans for Lhe same purpose.
2.1.2: Pow are Lhe geographlc reglons dlfferenL from where we llve?
!/5CIFI; @DJ/A'FK/8
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1. Croup lnformaLlon lnLo caLegorles deLermlned by an adulL.
2. ldenLlfy LhaL some anlmals musL adapL Lo exLreme condlLlons Lo meeL Lhelr baslc needs.
1. 8ecord ldeas and lnformaLlon ln ways LhaL make sense.
2. uescrlbe Lhe role of lnsulaLlon ln keeplng Lhlngs hoL.
3. ldenLlfy maLerlals LhaL lnsulaLe anlmals from Lhe cold.
4. ldenLlfy maLerlals LhaL lnsulaLe humans from Lhe cold.
3. ldenLlfy how Lhe geographlc reglon ls dlfferenL from where we llve.
@9#"2=7)($%#G Cbserve sLudenLs as Lhey flll ln Lhe graphlc organlzer durlng Lhe vldeo (1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3)
Assess for undersLandlng as Lhey answer dlrecLed quesLlons durlng pauses of Lhe vldeo (1,
2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3)
M"N O."#)($%#: Pow can we keep Lhlngs hoL?" (2)
WhaL klnd of maLerlals lnsulaLe anlmals from Lhe cold?" (3)
WhaL klnd of maLerlals lnsulaLe humans from Lhe cold?" (4)
Pow ls LhaL reglon dlfferenL from where we llve?" (3)
E2$<.-)#+E"2H$2>7%-"#G CompleLed graphlc organlzer (1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3)
!/5CIFI; C/8@?CA/8 A@I8?!'/6 B5'/CF5!8 5I6 /O?FEB/I'
AlberLa LducaLlon rogram of SLudles
ulscovery LducaLlon - Maglc School 8us vldeo (downloaded)
SmarLboard wlLh vldeo loaded
Craphlc organlzer (1 per sLudenL)
WhlLeboard and markers for class dlscusslon/revlew of
graphlc organlzer noLes
!"#$%&'() +,- .&/+'/
!"#$%&" ()*+ # %&+$,#%& -)&#%&" ./ 0)1 21 3*4-*& 2
0&'%& +% $-11%( Load vldeo onLo smarLboard. hoLocopy graphlc organlzer for sLudenLs (1 per sLudenL, double
F%)2$<.-)($% '(>"
.11-112-(+ %3 0&'%&
1hlnk back Lo earller Lhls week when we Lalked abouL hoL and cold
LemperaLures, and yesLerday when we Lalked abouL nunavuL.
WhaL are some Lhlngs you remember abouL nunavuL? WhaL ls lL llke Lhere -
whaL ls Lhe LemperaLure llke, whaL does lL look llke?
Pow can we Lell how hoL or cold someLhlng ls? (Measure LemperaLure)
3 mlnuLes
7&8(1'+'%( +% 9%6: now we are golng Lo look aL hoL and cold LemperaLures a llLLle more ln Lhe
ArcLlc, whlch ls a parL of Lhe world LhaL nunavuL ls ln!

D$<N '(>"
;-8&('() ./+'<'+: => vldeo: 1he Maglc School 8us: ln Lhe ArcLlc
Pand ouL graphlc organlzers. Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll Lake noLes on
one slde whlle Lhey are waLchlng Lhe movle. 1hey can elLher draw plcLures or
wrlLe words down LhaL Lhey Lhlnk are lmporLanL lnformaLlon.
LxLAln: We are golng Lo waLch a vldeo Loday and we are golng Lo be
sclenLlsLs. When we waLch Lhe vldeo we are golng Lo pay careful aLLenLlon and
record lmporLanL lnformaLlon. lL ls called Laklng noLes, or maklng observaLlons
abouL whaL we are learnlng. l wlll pause Lhe vldeo aL cerLaln polnLs and we wlll
Lalk abouL whaL you have wrlLLen down - so lL ls okay lf lL ls golng Loo fasL and
you can'L geL all Lhe lnformaLlon down. !usL do your besL! ?ou can elLher draw
a plcLure or wrlLe Lhe words, whlchever you Lhlnk would be easlesL for you Lo
(Pold up Lhe graphlc organlzer or show lL on Lhe smarLboard).
ln Lhls flrsL column, we are golng Lo look aL Lhe LemperaLure. So for Lhe flrsL blL
of Lhe vldeo, LhaL ls whaL l wanL you Lo Lhlnk abouL. l wlll explaln Lhe resL of
Lhem as we geL Lo Lhem.
Clve an example. lor example, lf Lhey Lalk abouL how Lhe LemperaLure ls really
cold, l would wrlLe 'cold', or l could draw a plcLure of a snowflake because LhaL
shows me LhaL lL ls cold. Cr for geography, lf l see loLs of lce, l could wrlLe 'lce'
or l could draw an lclcle.
uoes anyone have any quesLlons?
Ask a sLudenL Lo repeaL Lhe dlrecLlons Lo Lhe class - explaln Lhem.
ulSCuSS: LxpecLaLlons - do we Lalk durlng Lhe vldeo? lf you have a quesLlon,
whaL can you do? (Ask lL afLer Lhe vldeo, or when we pause lL). Can you Lalk Lo
your nelghbor abouL how Lo spell a word? (Spell lL Lhe besL you can or draw lL,
and we wlll Lalk abouL how Lo spell lL as a class afLer).
SLudenLs flnd a spoL Lo slL, make sure Lhey can see Lhe smarLboard.
(ause Lhe vldeo aL cerLaln polnLs - afLer Lhey Lalk abouL LemperaLure, pause -
Lalk Lo sLudenLs abouL whaL Lhey recorded, wrlLe on board, have Lhem record lL
on Lhe charL on Lhe reverse slde of Lhelr paper. 8epeaL for each secLlon of Lhe
graphlc organlzer).
43 mlnuLes
!44&44+&5%46 07((&)&5%7#%7*58 MonlLor sLudenLs as Lhey compleLe Lhelr graphlc organlzer.
WrlLe words for cerLaln sLudenLs on senLence sLrlps.
uraw plcLures on Lhe board as well as words so LhaL sLudenLs who are noL able
Lo qulckly wrlLe down Lhe words can Lake noLes uslng plcLures durlng sharlng

A*$#.2" '(>"
.11-112-(+ %3 ;-8&('()? 8rlng all Lhe sLudenLs back Lo Lhe carpeL. CollecL handouLs. (1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3)
WhaL ls one Lhlng you learned abouL hoL and cold LemperaLures Loday? WhaL
ls one Lhlng you learned abouL Lhe arcLlc, or nunavuL? (sLudenLs volunLeer Lo
3 mlnuLes
@--6A8/B @&%2 C+D6-(+1? llnger scale - 1= very Lrlcky, 2 = lL was ok, 3 = was easy/llked lL.
Pow dld you Lhlnk lL was Laklng noLes whlle waLchlng a vldeo? Was lL Lrlcky?
Cr was lL easy Lo do? WhaL could have made lL beLLer? uo you Lhlnk lL was
beLLer Lhan Laklng noLes afLer Lhe vldeo? Why or why noL? (1, 1)
3 mlnuLes
!"#$%&'() +,- .&/+'/
!"#$%&" ()*+ # %&+$,#%& -)&#%&" ./ 0)1 21 3*4-*& 3
@--6A8/B 7% C+D6-(+1 CommenL on Lhelr noLe-Laklng skllls - Lhelr greaL [ob wlLh belng super
2 mlnuLes

81$%3" 5-)(=()N+5-)(=()("#
ulscusslon abouL cloLhlng LhaL Lhey would wear Lhere - Lry Lo recall from Lhe vldeo. WhaL
would be necessary for llvlng ln Lhe ArcLlc? Cr ln nunavuL? (8elaLe Lo SS currlculum).


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