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KWHL Chart (15 Pts) (SLO# 1 and #3) You MUST complete the KWHL chart on children prior

r to doing this.

Major Revisions Needed

1 or 2
The student developed a KWHL Chart Activity; however the procedures for how this activity will be implemented with the children are lacking in detail. The take home portion of the activity does not provide the parents with sufficient information to allow them to complete the chart or encourage their participation.

Meets Expectations with a Few Minor Revisions Needed 3

Student develops a classroom activity which will allow the children to complete a KWHL Chart on the thematic topic. Student describes in detail how the KWHL Activity will be presented in the classroom in a way that the children will find engaging. The KWHL Activity includes a take home activity designed to encourage parental participation in the theme. Student describes how the KWHL Activity will be presented in the classroom; however, this description may need to be more detail to convey how the activity will be presented in an engaging manner. The KWHL Activity includes a take home activity; however, the message to the parents may need to be revised to make the purpose of the activity more clear or encourage more participation.

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations
Score (X3)

Student develops a classroom activity which will allow the children to complete a KWHL Chart on the thematic topic. Student describes in detail how the KWHL Activity will be presented in the classroom in a way that the children will find engaging. The KWHL Activity includes a take home activity with a message to parents. This activity is designed to encourage parental participation in the theme.

Student develops a classroom activity which will allow the children to complete a KWHL Chart on the thematic topic. Student describes in detail how the KWHL Activity will be presented in the classroom in a way that the children will find engaging. The KWHL Activity includes a take home activity designed to encourage parental participation in the theme. Student links the W section of the KWHL chart to two of the small group lesson activities they have developed and briefly discusses the relevance of the two activities.

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