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FIRST PERIODIC TEST SCIENCE VI NAME: ________________________________________ SECTION: _________________ I. Read the questions very carefully.

Choose and write the letter of the best answer. _____ 1. Which of the following is not a part of the circulatory system? a. blood b. brain c. heart _____ 2. What gives the blood its red color? a. cholesterol b. hemoglo bin c. oxygen _____ 3. Which of the following is not an ailment of the circulatory system? a. anemia b. bronchitis c. hemophilia _____ 4. Which part of the circulatory system pumps blood to all parts of the body? a. arteries b. veins c. heart _____ 5. The way you care for your teeth is called? a. oral hygiene b. personal hygiene c. fitness _____ 6. What do white blood cells produce which help your body fight against disease? a. antibodies b. fungi c. vaccine _____ 7. Which of these emotions is difficult to express? a. love b. pain c. thirst _____ 8. Which tiny living organism multiplies and spread once it enters the body? a. bacteria b. protozoa c. virus _____ 9. Which of these disease is communicable? a. cancer b. heart disease c. mumps _____ 10. Which is the liquid part of the blood? a. plasma b. platelets c. red blood cells _____ 11. Which disease is caused by lack of iron? a. leukemia b. anemia c. hemophilia _____ 12. In which blood vessels does the exchange of gas takes place? a. in the heart b. in the veins c. in the capillaries _____ 13. It is commonly called a river of life. a. heart b. arteries c. veins _____ 14. Which of the following is not good for the heart? a. balance diet b. rest and exercise c. drugs and smoking _____ 15. Which chamber of heart pumps oxygenated blood? a. left atrium b. right atrium c. left ventricle _____ 16. It is the control center of the nervous system. a. brain b. cerebrum c. medulla oblongata _____ 17. A network of nerve cells. a. brain b. neurons c. medulla oblongata _____ 18. Which of this is called as automatic action? a. reflex action b. reflex arc c. reflexology _____ 19. Which is the most complex of all the system in the body? a. circulatory b. muscular c. nervous _____ 20. What important work is done by the spinal cord? a. it interprets information c. it receives and relays information b. it protects the sense organs _____ 21. Which of these are organism that feed on dead animals and plants? a. decomposer b. parasitism c. commensalism _____ 22. The par___ that is neither benefited nor harmed. a. prey b. commensal c. host _____ 23. Animals that kills or eat other animals for food. a. prey b. host c. predator _____ 24. Animal that is killed or eaten by predator. a. prey b. predator c. host _____ 25. Which of this kind of relationship where one is benefited and other is badly affected? a. commensalism b. parasitism c. mutualism

II. Matching Type Match column A to column B by writing the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided below. A B _____ 1. Germs a. one cell organism which live in the soil and water _____ 2. Bacteria b. plants with no roots, stems, and leaves _____ 3. Viruses c. tiny living organisms that causes diseases _____ 4. Protozoa d. human body worst enemies _____ 5. amoeba e. found in almost all bodies of water _____ 6. fungi f. living organism _____ 7. Biotic g. plant thrive in air environment _____ 8. Epiphytes h. common disease producing protozoa _____ 9. Abiotic i. parasites out of the body of the host _____ 10. Ectoparasites j. non-living organism k. parasites outside the body of the host III. A. Supply the illustration below with the necessary four chamber of it.

III. B. Enumeration Three regions of the brain 1. 2. 3. Three kinds of symbiotic relationships 1. 2. 3. Give at least five common ailments of the circulatory system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Have a nice day!

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