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CEP Needs Analysis: Advanced 2 Instructor: Monica Zhang

Name: ___________________________________ Age (optional): __________ Native Language:____________________________

1. When did you come to the U.S.?

2. Have you learned English before? If yes, where and for how long?

3. Your goals are to (you can choose as many as you like): get a job get a better job improve conversation skills improve your reading learn about American culture other: _______________________________________________ (ex: talk to teachers at my childs school, get a job promotion, etc. ) 4. Occupation (include former or and/or possible future occupations): improve your speaking improve your writing for testing purposes in U.S improve your grammar

5. What do you think you are good at in English? (choose as many as you like) Reading Writing Listening



other ________

6. What is difficult for you in learning English?

7. Which activities are most helpful for your English learning? (you can choose as many as you like) conversation field trips listening to tapes/cd-roms pair/group work writing games

pronunciation skills reading songs

grammar practice others: _________________

8. what topics do you find interesting? american culture food/cooking global issues sports jobs cultural differences

pop culture (music, movies, fashion, etc). technology

others: _______________________________

9. How comfortable do you feel using computers? very much quite a bit so so not really

not at all

10. Do you have a computer or laptop at home? yes no 11. Do you have a smartphone, iPod, or iPad? yes no If yes, what do you have? __________________

12. List any favorite magazines, books, movies, TV shows, artists, etc. i.e. The New Yorker (magazine), How I Met Your Mother (TV), Beyonce (artist)

13. Please check the websites or software you are familiar with. Google Facebook You Tube Amazon Twitter Skype Microsoft Word Microsoft Power Point 14. What other things do you want your teachers to know? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

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