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Week # 1
Personal Information

Providing and asking for names, telephone numbers, ages & dates
Personal information questions are the basis for any conversation in English. Some
common questions and a correct form for the answer are as follows:

What is your name? My name is _______.
What is your surname / last name? My surname / last name is _______.

Work & Occupation

What do you do? I am a _______.
Where do you work? I work at _______.

Marital Status
Are you married / single? Yes, I am. or No I'm not.
Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.
What is your partner's name? My partner's name is _______.

Do you have any children? Yes, I have _______ children. or No, I don't.
What are their names? Their names are _______.
How many brothers and sister do you have? I have _______ brothers and _______ sisters.

How old are you? I am _______ years old.
When is your birthday? My birthday is on the _______ of _______.
Where were you born? I was born in _______.

Contact Information
Where are you from? I am from _______.
What is your address? My address is _______.
What is your cell phone number? My cell phone number is _______.
Who do you live with? I live with my _______.
Do you live in a house or an apartment? I live in a/an _______.
What is your e-mail address? My e-mail address is _______.

Free time activities

What do you do in your free time? In my free time I _______.
What are your hobbies? My hobbies are _______.
What type of music do you like? I like _______ music.
Do you have a favorite singer or group? My favorite singer / group is _______.
What types of movies do you like? I like _______ movies.
Do you like to read? Yes, I do. or No, I don't.
What do you like to read? I like to read _______.

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Personal Information

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Personal Information

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Personal Information

Personal Information Practice # 1

2. Complete the questions about Tim. 3. Complete the questions about Sofia.

4. Talking About You. Oral Workshop

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Personal Information Practice # 2

Instructions: Give complete answers using the pattern S + V + C.

1. What is your complete name?


2. When is your birthday?


3. What is your favorite food?


4. Tell me about your family.


5. Tell me about any pets you have.


6. What do you like to do for fun?


7. What is something you are afraid of?


8. What is your favorite TV show?


9. Who is your favorite singer?


10. What kinds of movies do you like?


English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Personal Information Practice # 3

A. Read the following dialogue. Complete it with the right questions.


English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Personal Information Practice # 4 – Written Workshop

Writing: Write about you and your life. Make ten (10) sentences. Read
aloud to the rest of the class.

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Personal Information Practice # 5















English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Greetings and Introductions

Greetings and introductions are one of the most important topics when you are learning a
language. There are different ways to greet people in English, we usually categorize greeting
into formal and informal situations. For example:

Formal How are you? I am fine thanks.

Informal How are you guys doing? We are doing great.

Examples of Greetings & Useful Expressions to Respond

Good morning. Good morning.
Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
Good evening. Good evening.
Good night. Good night.
Hi. Hi.
Hello. Hello.
How are you? I am fine. / / Fine. / Very well, thanks. / Great.
How are doing? I am doing great / Pretty good. / Not bad. / Good.
Good to see you. Good to see you, too.

Useful Expressions for Introductions

These are some useful expressions when the moment to introduce ourselves come:
• What’s your name? My name is __________ [Your name here].
• This is __________ [name of a friend.] / I am __________ [name of a friend].
• I am happy to see you. / Nice to see you again.
• Excuse me.
• Thanks / Thank you.
• Please.
• Nice/good to meet you. / Nice meeting you, too.
• I am from ______________ [place, university].


These are some of the most common leave-takings that we use in English.
1. Bye.
2. Good-Bye.
3. See you.
4. See you later.
5. See you tomorrow.
6. See you in a few (minutes or hours).
7. See you around
8. See you later.
9. Take care.

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Examples of Meeting People for the First Time

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Greetings and Introductions Dialogues – Oral Practice (Pairs)

You can practice greeting and introduction using these dialogues.

Dialogue #1

Mike: Good morning.

Linda: How are you, Mike?

Mike: I am fine Linda.

Linda: We are in the same class.

Mike: That’s right. Can I have your telephone number?

Linda: Sure, it is 86021456.

Dialogue #2

Mike: Hello, my name is Mike.

Linda: How are you, Mike? I am Linda.

Mike: I am fine, how about you?

Linda: I am fine too, but I am a little lost.

Mike: What’s your first class?

Linda: I have Spanish classes.

Mike: Nice. We are classmates.

Linda: That’s great!

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Greetings and Introductions Practice # 1 - Workshop

Instructions: Mark a check  on the correct answer.

1. When we arrive, we say: ____.

_____ Hello. _____ Goodbye. _____ See you.

2. When we leave, we say: _____.

_____ Hello. _____ Hi. _____ Goodbye.

3. When we meet a person for the first time we say: _____.

_____ Pleased. _____ Nice to meet you. _____ Enchanted.

4. If someone says "Thank you", you say: "You're _____."

_____ welcome _____ well _____ nothing

5. Which answer is correct for this question: "Where are you from?"

_____ Italian _____ Italy _____ Spanish

6. What is the meaning of "What do you do?"

_____ What are you doing right now?

_____ What do you like?

_____ What is your profession?

7. When you want to get someone's attention you can say: _____.

_____ Excuse me _____ Stop _____Sorry

8. When you arrive at a hotel the receptionist will say: _____.

_____ What´s happening? _____ Welcome _____ What´s up?

9. I _____ 24 years old.

_____ have _____ am _____ has

10. At 9 o'clock a.m., you say: _____.

_____ Good evening. _____ Good afternoon. _____Good morning.

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Greetings and Introductions Practice # 2

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Greetings and Introductions Practice # 3

A. Look at the pictures. Complete the conversations.

B. Work with a partner. Memorize the conversations. Stand up! Act out the

C. Work with a partner. Make different conversations.

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa



English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Numbers Practice # 1
1. Look at the pictures. Say and write the numbers.

2. Say and write these numbers.

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Numbers Practice # 2

A. Use digits to write the following numbers.

1. nine thousand, five hundred and thirty-seven ________________

2. five thousand, seven hundred and eight ________________

3. four thousand, nine hundred and twelve ________________

4. one thousand, four hundred and sixty-eight ________________

5. five hundred and fifty-five ________________

6. eight thousand, one hundred and forty-six _________________

7. nine thousand, three hundred and thirty-four _________________

8. three thousand, five hundred and eighty-three _________________

B. Write the words for the following numbers.

9. 972 _________________________________________________

10. 1,742 _________________________________________________

11. 2,389 _________________________________________________

12. 8, 805 _________________________________________________

13. 7,573 _________________________________________________

14. 1,429 _________________________________________________

15. 6,537 _________________________________________________

16. 4,009 _________________________________________________

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


The Alphabet
The alphabet is the set of 26 letters (from A to Z) that we use to represent English in
It is very important to understand that the letters of the alphabet do NOT always
represent the same sounds of English.

Alphabet Oral Practice


2. Stand up in alphabetical order to introduce yourself to the class.

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


The Alphabet Practice


2. Work with a partner. Ask and answer How do you spell …? with
a classmate´s name.

3. Put the letters in the correct order. What´s the country?

4. Read the letters aloud. What do these acronyms mean?

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Telling the Time

• When telling the time, the correct way to ask and answer is the following:
What time is it, please? It´s ____________________.
• Some time words used are: o´clock, a quarter past, half past to, a quarter to

Examples of Time Expressions

1. 8:00 It’s eight o´clock.
2. 8:15 It´s eight fifteen. = It’s a quarter past eight.
3. 8:20 It’s eight twenty. = It´s twenty past eight.
4. 8:30 It´s eight thirty-five. = It´s half past eight.
5. 8:35 It´s eight thirty-five. = It´s twenty-five to nine.
6. 8:45 It’s eight forty-five. = It´s a quarter to nine.
7. 9:10 It´s nine ten. = It´s ten past nine.
8. 9:15 It´s nine fifteen. = It´s a quarter past nine.
9. 9:30 It´s nine thirty. = It´s half past nine.

What time is it?

A: What time is it, please?
B: It´s nine o´clock.
A: Thank you very much.

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Ways of Saying - What Time Is It?

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Telling the Time Practice # 1

A. Match the time expressions to the correct number of minutes.
____ 1. Ten to … a. 5 minutes before the hour
____ 2. Half past … b. 25 minutes after the hour
____ 3. Quarter past … c. 15 minutes before the hour
____ 4. Quarter to … d. 30 minutes after the hour
____ 5. Twenty-five past … e. 15 minutes after the hour
____ 6. Five to … f. 10 minutes before the hour

B. Write the time in numbers.

1. It´s twelve thirty. 7. It´s five to eight.
2. It´s two fifteen. 8. It´s ten past six.
3. It´s nine forty-five. 9. It´s half past ten.
4. It´s eight twenty-five. 10. It´s quarter to eleven.
5. It´s quarter past four. 11. It´s five to seven.
6. It´s twenty past three. 12. It´s twenty-five to eight.

C. Match the clocks to the times

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa


Telling the Time Practice # 2

1. Match the time.
1. It´s three o´clock. a. 12:25
2. It´s a quarter past eight. b. 8:05
3. It´s ten thirty. c. 11:25
4. It´s five to five. d. 1:58
5. It´s nine twenty-five. e. 8:15
6. It´s twenty-five to eleven. f. 4:55
7. It´s two to two. g. 10:35
8. It´s eleven twenty-five. h. 9:25
9. It´s five past eight. i. 10:30
10. It´s twelve twenty-five. j. 3:00

2. What time is it? Write it in numbers.

3. Write the time in numbers.

English 1 Professor: Dorothy de Figueroa

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