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Education Department Lesson Plan

Adapted from Dr. Jean Hawks work with EDUC 406 Used in EDUC 200 as introduction to lesson planning.

NAME: Hannah Garling_____________________________

Date: October 18, 2011 Subject Area(s): Math (addition) VA SOL Title of Lesson: A Halloween Lesson In Addition Grade Level(s): Younger Elementary (K-2)

___/ 2 Clearly stated, appropriate

Content Objective(s)
After the teacher demonstrates addition with basic objects the student will be able to add single digit numbers by manipulating Halloween themed cutout objects (such as ghosts, bats, and jack-o-lanterns) at 90% accuracy. After the teacher demonstrates addition with digits without objects the student will be able to add single digit numbers without objects by completing problems on the board at the front of the room at 80% accuracy. After the teacher demonstrates addition with tens cubes, longs, and flats the student will be able to demonstrate addition in the same manor at 80% accuracy. ___/ 4 Stated in observable, measurable terms As a result of this experience ,swbat(at least 3 objectives)

IEP Goal/Objective: Is there a student with an IEP? What objective can be met in this lesson?

Summative Assessment (based on objectives) I will assess my students by observation and repeated group and individual practice. I will demonstrate addition with the various objects and have them repeat. They will do this in small groups at their tables and will also do it individually while I walk around the room assisting students who are having difficulty with the concepts. I will then repeat instructions and demonstrations until I am sure that my students can perform at the desired accuracy.
____/4 Observable, recordable plan for assessing whether/how well each student achieved the objectives.

If a students disability or language, or circumstance requires an alternative assessment process, indicate that here.

Materials Halloween Cutouts (jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, bats, cauldrons, candy corn, cats, and spiders)-enough for 10 for each student and myself

If a students disability or language, or circumstance requires alternative materials (translated versions, adapted readings, taped information, indicate that here.

___/ 2 Clear, realistic, specific

Integration of Technology I could use computers by having the students play simple math games after they have mastered addition by manipulating objects and doing problems on their own without assistance from the teacher.

for necessary adaptations

__/2 time is reasonable

_____/2 Technology is considered Accommodations/ Differentiation Time Planned About 45 seconds

Anticipatory Set (Focus) Today we are going to learn how to add with some help from some of our special Halloween friends (hold up cutouts of Halloween objects).

Do you need to provide a different focus for anyone in the class?

____/2 Focus/ attention getting written verbatim. Designed to have focus on lesson

Access/Review Prior Knowledge I will ask students if they know of instances in their life where addition plays a role. IF they cannot think of any on their own I will prompt them with some ideas of my own (such as 1 sock plus 1 sock equals 2 socks which is a pair). I will ask them if they can think of any instances where they already observe addition in their lives at school (such as when they share their chicken nuggets at lunchthey have 2 of their own and someone shares 1 with them giving them 3 chicken nuggets in total.

If a students disability or language, or circumstance requires any alternative ways of accessing information, state that here.

About 5 minutes

____/2 Plan to recall or bring to attention what students already know

___/4 Indication that learning needs of all considered and respectfully accommodated

Topic presentation
(What will the students be told?)

The students will be taught addition with Halloween objects and tens cubes (flats, longs and units). The students will be able to add single digit numbers and move onto two and three digit numbers by the end of the lesson. I will show the objects and demonstrate the basics of the tens cubes.

If a students disability or language, or circumstance requires an alternative way to get this information, indicate that here.

About 5 minutes

____/2 Introduction to the content/skills and expectations for this particular lesson.

Modeling, Guided Practice Checking for Understanding Independent Practice I will first walk my students through a few addition problems with the objects by performing them myself as the students perform them as well. After I have demonstrated a few problems I will walk around the room by naming a few simple problems and observe the students demonstrate the problems themselves reinstating how the do the problems should I see any students having difficulties. After the students have the hang of the objects we will move onto actually doing the problems with the numbers. I will demonstrate the problems myself. Then I will write three or four problems on the board and ask for volunteers to solve them. Then I will continue this process making sure all students have a chance so I can see which ones are having difficulty. I will review what I see students having difficulties with and then I will enforce what the students are having difficulty with. Then we will move onto using the tens cubes (flats, longs, and units). I will demonstrate how the add using the tens cubes and talk about the basics of them (how a flat represents 100, a long represents 10, and units are 1s respectively). I will then have the students practicing addition by telling them to add together combinations of hundreds, tens, units and then working together as a class to decipher what number those cubes together represent.

If a students disability or language, or circumstance requires an alternative way to get this information, or to practice it, indicate that here.

About 45 minutes

Modeling and Checking for Understanding, Guided Practice, Independent Practice ____/8 Three stages of the lesson are clearly thought-out, appropriate for students, with enough detail for a substitute to teach

Closure Today we learned how to add numbers by using objects and practicing problems.

About 30 seconds

_____/2 Short, clear, verbatim statement to summarize with students what they have learned.

___/ 4 Lesson plan is typed Shows evidence of careful thought in each category. Effort to be active and interesting.
(+___ Some exceptional features not fully considered on rubric) _____/40

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