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Comparing The Design Process to The Puzzle Cube Project 1).

Define a ProblemFor the first part of the design process we got our design brief for the Puzzle Cube Project. The design brief had our Problem Statement, Design Statement, Constraints, and the Required Deliverables.

2). BrainstormThis part of the design process was not as glorified as the rest of the steps. For brainstorming, we visualized what a puzzle cube looked like and how our pieces would fit together.

3). Research and Generate IdeasIn class, we were given small plastic cubes to figure out our two designs. Fitting them together in different ways shows the third step of the design process.

4). Identify Criteria and Specify ConstraintsThis part of the process is where we showed our cube design to our teacher, Mrs. Moon, and she approved it based on constraints and criteria. After she finished critiqing them, we fixed them based on what she said.

5). Explore PossibilitiesThis is where we took the plastic cube designs and sketched them out, observing them and taking notes on what we liked and disliked about the pieces/cube. We also had our peers review our designs and make comments.

6). Select an ApproachWe selected which cube design, of the two that we created, that we were going to use as our final product by making a decision matrix, and awarding each design with points from best to worst based on criteria. We had to have at least five criteria, and could weight the criteria to our liking.We totaled up the points on our decision matrix to see which one was the best design based off of our criteria.

7). Develop a Design ProposalThis part of the design process was shown by working on inventor. More specifically, working on the part files, and .idw files. This will eventually build up to step 8, making the model.

8). Make a Model of PrototypeThis part was demonstrated by us making our assembly and explosion files in inventor. After making the two files, we made a presentation file that shows our cube exploded and how the pieces fit together into our final cube.

9). Test and Evaluate the Design using SpecificationsThe ninth part of the design process was shown by Mrs. Moon checking the multi-view, assembly, and presentation file, and graded accordingly based on the criteria and constraints that you had to follow.

10). Refine the DesignThis is where we fixed any mistakes with our files before our final checks with Mrs. Moon. We fixed any errors in our Inventor designs.

11). Create or Make SolutionThis step of the design process was demonstrated in class, by us, where we built the actual cube out of small wooden cubes. After that we colored the pieces according to what color they were in our sketches and part files.

12). Communicate Processes and ResultsWe showed our wooden cube to Mrs. Moon. She approved it and graded it based on criteria.

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