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Journal 2 Second week MST: Aisha

This is send week in teaching practice. In this week I was teach four lesson for different class's .Also in this week I help MST to correct the exams and home works of students which was a lot . Also I help her to Assisi students work which is in class . Each girls should show her work single. The program use is moviemaker video . Each girl should create a short video about anything they want and should but image, voice, effective text and move slide .in the end of video students should but short conclusion with her name and class . Teacher give students grid from 20 . Many girls have full mark. I was not there is special need girl . She have mentally problem in brine but not too match . How I not this girl is special when I go to her to observe work ,she said No No ,go away . Then she look anger .I ask MST about her and she tell me she is special need but her parents did not said that and when we ask them to take her to doctor they said no . On other hand many teachers not this girl have problem after check find the reason to came this girl illness is her father hits her wife when she was pregnant . Also in this week we but our display on the wall .this display between me and Nowal . Students were happy because it have their photo which we take it when students stake paper in wall of bus. Which is the lesson I was explain to them before about Golding rules . In addition this week was very helpful for me learn mush of thing . Also I made a relationship with my MST and other teacher . Many girl love me and love my way in teach which I use different strategy in on class. I Chang their seat. I keep them talk and less told for me. I not how many girls is visual And how many is kinesthetic or auditory. I use different learn style According to Kyriacou: Learners may ignore the work whenever if it is above or under their abilities. (Kyriacou, C., 2007, p. 84-85).

Also I not some students is need intrinsic and some is extrinsic which is need gift or chocolate. But MST like to use intrinsic for students .she encourage them who will answer and show me a good example of students i will but her photo in anstgram and in web of school also I will write good comment about her .other way is she give them start, point happy face ,sad face ,card . Kyriacou, C. (2007). Essential Teaching skills (3rd Ed.). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.

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