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TWS 6 Lauren Kidd Whole Class Assessment Table for lessons 1-6 Pre-assessment: The students were to list

as many facts about the six SC regions they already know. To get a 100% they should have at least one fact about each region. This fact has to relate to the region. If they receive a 100% they meet the criteria. If they receive 0% they do not meet the criteria. Post-assessment: The students will write the regions name in the correct region on a small SC

regions map. Under the map they will also write one important fact they learned about each region in a complete sentence. The region name should be in the correct region on the map and the fact should be a fact from the dash notes we made throughout the unit. If they completed this correctly they receive 100%. If they were able to write the region name in the correct region but not write a correct fact they receive 50%. If they can write a fact but not write the region name in the correct region they receive 50%. If they cannot do either correctly they receive 0%. Students
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Student 25

0% 100% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 0% 100% 0% 0%

Post-assessment 100% 50% 100% 100% 50% 50% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 50%

TWS 6 Lauren Kidd Assessment for lesson 7 Pre-assessment: The students will name at least two of the major cities of SC and two of the major river systems of SC to receive a 100%. If they cannot name any of the major cities or rivers of SC they will receive 0%. Post-assessment: The students must name and label at least five of either the major cities or rivers on the SC map. If the student names and labels five or more they will receive 100% if they can name or label two or less they receive 50%.

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Student 25

0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 50% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 0% 0% 50% 100% 100% 100% 50% 0% 0%

Post-assessment 100% 50% 100% 50% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 50%

TWS 6 Lauren Kidd Assessment table for lesson 8 Pre-assessment: The group of students will be able to name the SC region by looking at a variety of pictures related to the region. If the students can name the region from looking at the pictures they will receive 100%. If they cannot they will receive 0%. Post- assessment: The group of students should have a number of pictures or words on their chart paper representing their region. The classroom should be able to name the region based upon the groups pictures and words. If the groups pictures and words represent the region well they will receive 100% if they do not represent it well but the region is still represented correctly they will receive 50%. If the pictures or words do not represent the region at all they will receive 0%.

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Student 25

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Post-assessment 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

TWS 6 Lauren Kidd Assessment Table for lesson 9 Post-assessment: The students completed a summative assessment on the regions and the major cities and river systems of SC.

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Student 25

Post-assessment 84% 92% 100% 83% 91% 61% 37% 52% 91% 100% 78% 100% 91% 100% 100% 87% 52% 22% 91% 100% 78% 83% 100% 52% 100%

TWS 6 Lauren Kidd

Class average of pre and post assessment


Post Assessment

The pie chart above shows how much the class progressed throughout the unit as a whole from the first pre-assessment to the final summative post-assessment. As you can see, the class showed progress and showed that they knew more about the SC regions after the unit was taught than before they were taught any facts about the SC regions. To see the averages hover the mouse over each section of the pie chart.

TWS 6 Lauren Kidd

Individuals I chose a very high student that makes all As, a student that makes As and Bs and then a very low student that attends resource on a daily bases. All three of these students vary in their grades as well in their way of learning. Student 1 that makes all As pays close attention in class daily. She does all of her work in class and receives help often from her parents at home. Student 1 also has great behavior and wants to do well in her studies as well as her behavior. This student learns using all three types of learning. She can learn through visual, hands on, as well as through auditory. She does not have to have all three at the same time. She also learns well independently, or while working with a group. Student 1 rarely needs any assistance to learn or while doing independent work. She catches on very fast. Understanding the way that student 1 learns helps me to know how much or how little assistance to give her when teaching her or when giving her independent work. Furthermore, knowing that she is very smart and learns well gives me the incentive to challenger her more, and to encourage her to push herself harder to better herself even more. Also, when she does struggle I know that I can contact her parents and they are willing to give her extra help at home. When giving student 1 assistance when she is struggling I know that I dont have to really dumb the work down I can find an easier way to explain it, but the problem doesnt have to be taken down a notch or grade level for her to understand. She is great student to teach and is eager to learn. Student 22 is an average student. He learns better while working in groups. I have tried to include a lot of group or partner work in with many of my lessons to accommodate him. Student 22 has an issue with not paying attention and being focused during lessons. He constantly needs a reminder at times to focus and listen as I teach. As I have noticed this, throughout the day I make an effort to watch him more frequently and to constantly remind him to focus and stay on

TWS 6 Lauren Kidd

task. Student 22 also learns through all three ways of learning. However, he learns better by being hands-on. If he has something to do with his hands he can stay focused easier and learn better. Knowing this I have tried to include some type of hands on activity in almost all of my lessons. During lessons that are not quit as hands-on and he, as well as other students are finding it hard to focus I stop for a quick five minutes and allow the students to do a brain booster. This is a small brief activity that allows the students to get up and move and get their brains boosted and ready to go again. Nevertheless, student 22 is a great student and can achieve a lot if pushed and guided to do so. Student seven is a very low student. He attends resource daily. Student seven needs a lot of assistance completing independent work as well as during lessons and guided work. Student seven does not learn easily it takes a lot of repetition as well as going back to the basics of the concept to help him understand. When students are completing independent work I make a point to go to student seven and try going through the concept step by step as well as taking the concept down a level or two to help him understand. Student seven cannot read or write well at all. He can write letters but does not understand how to put what he wants to say on paper. Based on this knowledge when content is graded and the students are having to make notes or answer questions I have to go to his desk and read the material to him and then get him to tell me the answer to the question or problem and then I write the answer he gives me on his paper. Student seven receives no help at home. The resource teacher and I try to help him as much as we can here to try and keep him on the level he needs to be. Due to his learning disability we also have to cut down on the choices on the multiple choice questions on his test from four to two choices. Student seven needs a lot of assistance and receives lots of help throughout the day from the resource teacher and me.

TWS 6 Lauren Kidd

Results Quantitative All three of the students did poorly on the pre-assessments for lesson 1-6. They did not meet the criteria for those pre-assessments at all. They did do well on the post assessments though. All three of the students did very well and showed progress throughout the lessons. They had been introduced to the content that was taught and was able to retain the information and show this on their post-assessments for lessons 1-8. Although student seven did not show as high of a score on his post-assessments he still showed progress. Although the pre and post assessment grades varied for the students they all three did very well on their during assessment for lessons 1-6. They all passed and meet the criteria for the assessment. For lesson nine students one and twenty-two showed a more average than higher score. They both did well, however, I expected student one to make a higher score. Student seven made a very low score on the summative test. I was not very impressed with their final summative test grades. Qualitative Each of the students had a very good attitude during all of the lessons. They were all willing to participate and complete the work given. However, at times student 22 struggled with paying attention and focusing during the lessons. There were many times were I had to stop briefly and make sure he was focused and listening. Student twenty two also had to be moved to a group with higher level students that are serious with their work and did not play during this unit. It helped him be more serious and not want to play and giggle during the lessons. After he was moved he became more serious with his work and was able to retain the information and make grades that would benefit him. Student one stayed focused during all of the lessons. She

TWS 6 Lauren Kidd

was very interactive during the lessons and willing to do whatever was asked of her and more. Student seven participated and was focused during the lessons however, he needed some assistance when completing the during assessment. Student seven had a great attitude during the lessons, but did not show many signs of understanding the content that was taught. Although the lessons were lengthy and much was involved all three of the students put forth a great effort in learning about SC regions and completing the work they were given.

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