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Kaylin Martillano #15 10/3/13

The Twinsies
While I was sleeping I heard my brothers and cousins whispering, Where are they? and When are they coming here? and then they suddenly stopped. I woke up and heard a VROOM! that sounded like a lion, I could barely even wait to see the twins. So they all went outside smiling,giggling,and jumping. Then my brother yelled The twins are here!! Then I ran outside barefoot so fast like a cheetah , pushed everyone aside, open the gate so hard it swung back and hit me but I didnt care at that moment the floor so hot I kept lifting up each leg and jumped into the jar so high and the car went left,right,left,right and s-t-o-p-p-e-d, s-l-o-w-l-y and I then said OMG!!!! when I was in the car I got really confused with who was who so I

Kaylin Martillano #15 10/3/13

asked which one was Jasha and Jhazel she said the one on the left was Jasha, and the one on the right is Jhazel. Then I just kept bugging my mom like a fly saying Can I carry them please,please mom? Then she finally said Ok,fine hold on Kaylin! So then I got to carry my sisters and feed them milk and kiss them on the cheek for the very first time. I felt so surprised to have twin sisters. I couldnt believe believe this whole moment for one single second of my life,it felt like a dream.

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