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John Nguyen Assignment 6: Product for Review and Works Cited/Reference List Revised The product that I have

chosen to evaluate is Thera-Band Exercise Tubing. I want to evaluate the beneficial use of Thera-Band Exercise Tubing in rehabilitation and exercise settings on various populations including older adults, adolescents, and athletes. I want to review this product because I want to incorporate this product into my training regime and for future references throughout my career when dealing with different types of clients and purposes. This product can be used by Physical Therapists, Strength & Conditioning Coaches, and Personal Trainers.

John Nguyen References Andersen, L. L., Andersen, C. H., Mortensen, O. S., Poulsen, O. M., Bjrnlund, I. T., & Zebis, M. K. (2010). Muscle Activation and Perceived Loading During Rehabilitation Exercises: Comparison of Dumbbells and Elastic Resistance. Physical Therapy, 90(4), 538-549. Retrieved from Harries, S., Lubans, D., & Callister, R. (2012). Resistance training to improve power and sports performance in adolescent athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport / Sports Medicine Australia, 15(6), 532-540. Retrieved from Hunter, G. R., McCarthy, J. P., & Bamman, M. M. (2004). Effects of resistance training on older adults. Sports Medicine, 34(5), 329-348. Retrieved from Patterson, R. M., Stegink Jansen, C. W., Hogan, H. A., & Nassif, M. D. (2001). Material properties of Thera-Band Tubing. Physical Therapy, 81(8), 1437-1445. Retrieved from

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