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The Reviewers
Eric Helms
Eric Helms is a coach, athlete, author, and educator. He is a coach for drug-free strength and physique
competitors at all levels as a part of team 3D Muscle Journey. Eric regularly publishes peer-reviewed
articles in exercise science and nutrition journals on physique and strength sport, in addition to writing for
commercial fitness publications. He’s taught undergraduate- and graduate-level nutrition and exercise
science and speaks internationally at academic and commercial conferences. He has a B.S. in fitness
and wellness, an M.S. in exercise science, a second Master’s in sports nutrition, a Ph.D. in strength and
conditioning, and is a research fellow for the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand at
Auckland University of Technology. Eric earned pro status as a natural bodybuilder with the PNBA in 2011 and competes in the
IPF at international-level events as an unequipped powerlifter.

Greg Nuckols
Greg Nuckols has over a decade of experience under the bar and a B.S. in exercise and sports science.
Greg earned his M.A. in exercise and sport science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill. He’s held three all-time world records in powerlifting in the 220lb and 242lb classes. He’s trained
hundreds of athletes and regular folks, both online and in-person. He’s written for many of the major
magazines and websites in the fitness industry, including Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness,, T-Nation, and Furthermore, he’s had the opportunity to
work with and learn from numerous record holders, champion athletes, and collegiate and professional
strength and conditioning coaches through his previous job as Chief Content Director for Juggernaut Training Systems and
current full-time work on

Michael C. Zourdos
Michael (Mike) C. Zourdos, Ph.D., CSCS, has specializations in strength and conditioning and skeletal
muscle physiology.  He earned his Ph.D. in exercise physiology from The Florida State University (FSU)
in 2012 under the guidance of Dr. Jeong-Su Kim. Prior to attending FSU, Mike received his B.S. in
exercise science from Marietta College and M.S. in applied health physiology from Salisbury University.
Mike served as the head powerlifting coach of FSU’s 2011 and 2012 state championship teams. He
also competes as a powerlifter in the USAPL, and among his best competition lifts is a 230kg (507lbs)
raw squat at a body weight of 76kg. Mike owns the company Training Revolution, LLC., where he has
coached more than 100 lifters, including a USAPL open division national champion.

Eric Trexler
Eric Trexler is a pro natural bodybuilder and a sports nutrition researcher. Eric has a PhD in Human
Movement Science from UNC Chapel Hill, and has published dozens of peer-reviewed research
papers on various exercise and nutrition strategies for getting bigger, stronger, and leaner. In addition,
Eric has several years of University-level teaching experience, and has been involved in coaching since
2009. Eric is the Director of Education at Stronger By Science.

Table of Contents


Matching Resistance Curves and Strength Curves: Great in Theory,

but Iffy in Practice
If the resistance curve of an exercise matches the strength curve of the target muscle, that should lead
to larger gains, right? As a recent study shows, it’s not quite that simple.


You Want to Get Better at Something? Do it First.

Most lifters tend to perform multi-joint exercises before single-joint exercises in a training session.
Does this actually matter for hypertrophy and strength adaptations? This article covers a new meta-
analysis that analyzes every angle of this discussion.


Does Breakfast Burn More Calories than Dinner?

The meal timing winds blow seasonally in the fitness industry. “Eat six meals a day, breakfast is the
most important meal, and don’t eat after 6pm” became “it doesn’t matter how many meals you eat,
skip breakfast, and eat your largest meal before bed to help you sleep.” Let’s step out of the wind
tunnel for a moment and examine the data.


Asparagus Racemosus Supplementation: Big Effects on Strength, but

a Small Degree of Confidence
A new study found that asparagus racemosus supplementation increased bench press 1RM and
strength endurance to a pretty impressive degree. However, there are some really important details
to consider before we rush to buy a lifetime supply. Read on to find out if asparagus racemosus
supplementation is worth considering.


The Tortoise and the Hare: People With More Fast Twitch Fibers Fatigue
Faster and Recover Slower
Fast twitch muscle fibers can contract more powerfully and grow more following resistance training,
but they have their drawbacks. Namely, they fatigue faster and to a greater extent than slow twitch
fibers, and people with a larger proportion of fast twitch fibers may take longer to recover from


The Battle of Autoregulation: Velocity 1, RPE 0

Two main methods of autoregulation exist: velocity and RPE. Each has previously compared
favorably to percentage-based training as a load prescription method. How do they stack up
against each other? This article reviews the first ever study on the topic.


Tart Cherries With Sweet Recovery Effects

Oxidative stress and inflammation play a role in promoting training adaptations, but too much can
impair your recovery. A recent study found that tart cherry juice expedited recovery from strenuous
exercise. So, do you need to choose between short-term recovery and long-term adaptations?
Read on to find out.


Hyperventilation: More Effective Than Bicarbonate, With Less Diarrhea

Hyperventilating before busting out a set of bench press or leg press may sound weird, but a recent
study found that doing so can have pretty large effects on acute recovery and strength endurance.
It also makes sense physiologically.


VIDEO: Implementing Light/Power Training Days

The best way to recover or to maximize performance the next day is to rest, right? Well, maybe not.
Some research suggests that performing light training days or power-focused sessions might help
you recover faster and lead to better performance the next day as opposed to just resting. This video
provides specific examples of how to implement those practices.


VIDEO: Overtraining in Resistance Exercise

We’ve discussed how intro weeks provide graded exposure to training so you can complete what’s
programmed, how to implement deloads when mesocycle stress gets high, and how to functionally
overreach. However, we haven’t yet defined and discussed over training. In this video, we do just

A Message
Regarding COVID-19

A ll over the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is at the top of everyone’s mind, and right-
fully so. First and foremost, the MASS Team hopes that you and your loved ones are
safe, healthy, and doing well. While the effects of this pandemic are wide-ranging
and impacting numerous aspects of daily life, one notable impact is that countless people all
over the world have temporarily lost gym access. While this presents a new challenge for
our training goals, the challenge is not insurmountable. In the weeks to come, you can still
make plenty of progress toward your strength and physique goals by utilizing home-based
workouts that require little to no equipment.
Fortunately, many articles have emerged, including one on Stronger By Science, detailing
exercises and training strategies that can be implemented at home, without a gym. One infre-
quently discussed aspect of bodyweight training is how to incorporate some basic progres-
sion schemes when performing bodyweight training. Thus, here are a few basic progression
examples, which can be applied to many exercises in addition to the examples given.
1. Program 100 total pushups. Do as many push-ups as you can consecutively and take
two minutes rest every time you need to stop. Every time you do push-ups, see if you can
add a couple reps per set, and eventually it will take you fewer sets to reach 100 push-ups.
Then, once it takes you fewer sets to complete 100 push-ups, go ahead and bump the total
number up to 150. This could be done with any push-ups variation, bodyweight dips (using
chairs or counters), or other bodyweight movements (i.e. lunges).
2. Simply adding sets is another way to go. If you completed 5 sets of 10 on dips, then
next time you could try 6 sets. Once you reach, say 8 sets, you could then go back to 5 sets,
but do 12 reps per set.
3. Maybe you have filled some canvas bags with items to do lateral raises or a backpack
with books for squats. In this case you have resistance, so you can simply add weight, reps,
or sets like you would normally do when training.
4. Progressing to a more challenging exercise is a great way to increase intensity when
doing bodyweight exercises. For example, handstand push-ups against a wall are great for
training the same muscles involved in an overhead press, but many people can’t do hand-
stand push-ups. So, you could start with a pike press from the floor, then progress to a pike
press with your hands and feet elevated (in order to increase range of motion), then prog-
ress further by elevating your feet even more. Once you can do sets of 10-15 pike presses
with your feet elevated a couple of feet above your hands, you should be able to attempt a

handstand push-up. When you can only do a couple of handstand push-ups, you can put a
stack of books under your head to limit the range of motion. Gradually decrease the height
of the stack until you can do strict handstand push-ups. From there, you can increase the
challenge even further by gradually elevating your hands. In this progression, you started
with an exercise that’s quite easy (pike press from the floor) and progressed to an exercise
that’s quite hard (handstand push-ups with hands elevated), increasing intensity every step
of the way, without ever adding external resistance.
In addition to progression schemes, we wanted to add that you can be inventive in lifting
by searching for items around your home. Paint cans always make for good curls or lateral
raises. Filling a canvas bag with items could serve a similar purpose to paint cans, and lots
of items could be constructed to do goblet squats. If you don’t have any door frames strong
enough to hang onto (and if you do, just to be sure, wedge the bottom to increase the sta-
bility and structural integrity) and you have a yard, perhaps there’s a tree branch or even a
spot on your kid’s playground at the right height for pull-ups and chin-ups.
As fears surrounding COVID-19 susceptibility have increased in recent weeks, the fit-
ness and wellness industries have become inundated with unreliable information about im-
mune function. As a result, we wanted to set the record straight. It’s critically important to
realize that, according to health officials that are far more knowledgeable about infectious
disease than the MASS reviewers, the most important things you can do to reduce your risk
of contracting COVID-19 are social distancing, frequent hand-washing, and good overall
When it comes to immune function, there is little we can do to boost function; rather, we
should be focusing on avoiding things that impair immune function. Generally speaking,
immune function can be impaired to some degree by lack of sleep, excessive stress, key
micronutrient deficiencies, excessively large energy deficits (especially for people that are
already pretty lean), and excessive training stressors, such as an overly aggressive over-
reaching phase or a single bout of extremely unaccustomed exercise (like running a mar-
athon with insufficient training). No powders or potions, no expensive eBooks with some
special secret to keep you safe, just basic stuff: eat well, eat enough, exercise, recover from
exercise, get enough sleep, and try to manage stress as best you can. Most importantly, fol-
low the guidance provided by global and national health authorities, which currently seems
to focus on social distancing, hand-washing, and hygiene.
Lastly, no matter what you do, it may still be a tough time. We are all cooped up in our
homes as well. Here are a few things we have been doing to help stay sane during this time.
We would love to hear from you as well in the Facebook group, and perhaps we can all
help each other.
Greg: I’ve been cooking a lot and trying to learn and master new cooking techniques. I
also don’t generally play many video games, but I’ve been playing a fair amount of Mario
Maker 2 on the Nintendo Switch. There are literally millions of user-created levels, so if

you enjoy 2-D platforming games, it’s a fun way to kill an enormous amount of time.
Eric Trexler: My answer is definitely the least exciting of them all. I had some research
projects to catch up on, which kept me busy for a while. Once I worked my way down
the to-do list, I started catching up on some of the television shows I had been meaning to
watch for ages. So, if you’re one of the people glued to the couch watching Netflix, I’m
right there with you. Outside of that, I’ve been sure to take a long walk each day, which
has given me the opportunity to explore a number of different trails and walking paths in
my area.
Eric Helms: In life, I always look for silver linings and try to find ways to turn stumbling
blocks into stepping stones. In New Zealand, we’re on quarantine, so I’ve used my addi-
tional free time to catch up on reading, take up a regular meditation practice (which has
been shown to be beneficial for health and wellness here), cook our meals, and also to find
creative ways to train at home (see my Instagram post here). Hopefully this can be a time
of reflection, self-betterment, and connection with loved ones, and despite the quarantine,
you will be able to focus on the things that can enhance your life and the life of those you
care about.
Mike: Like many, we have decided not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary. I
am fortunate to have a home gym, so in addition to keeping up with workouts, my family
and I have been cooking food from scratch, which takes time and is fun. We always have a
lot of flour, bread flour, and eggs on hand since we are always preparing for hurricanes in
Florida (southern USA). We make bread and pasta from scratch every few days in addition
to trying out many different recipes. We also have a 4-year-old, so we have a set “school”
schedule every day, which takes up a large chunk of the day. The set schedule is mixed with
a lot of fun activities in addition to just learning, so it definitely keeps us in a positive mood
and gives us something to look forward to in our house each day, besides we just enjoy
spending time as a family. Lastly, if you have really wanted to read a certain book or study
something new, this may be the perfect time to do it.
The MASS Team wishes you good luck, good health, and good training in the weeks to

Study Reviewed: Effect of a Strength or Hypertrophy Training Protocol, Each
Performed Using Two Different Modes of Resistance, on Biomechanical, Biochemical
and Anthropometric Parameters. Staniszewski et al. (2020)

Matching Resistance Curves

and Strength Curves: Great in
Theory, but Iffy in Practice

If the resistance curve of an exercise matches the strength curve of the

target muscle, that should lead to larger gains, right? As a recent study
shows, it’s not quite that simple.

1. For eight weeks, subjects either did hypertrophy-type or strength-type training for
their biceps, with machines designed to either provide resistance that matches
the strength curve of the biceps, or a constant level of resistance throughout the
2. Hypertrophy-type training (four sets to failure with a 10RM load) unsurprisingly led
to larger increases in arm circumference than strength-type training (six maximal
3. Gains in 1RM strength were similar in all four groups. However, the hypertrophy
group that trained on the machine designed to match the biceps’ strength curve
experienced the largest increase in isokinetic peak torque.
4. Overall, matching the resistance curve of the exercise to the strength curve of
the biceps may have provided slightly better results, but findings are far from

our muscles don’t produce the the typical strength curve of the biceps.
same amount of force through All four groups had similar gains in
their entire range of motion. 1RM strength, and the two hypertrophy
They’re weaker at some muscle lengths groups experienced larger increases in
and joint positions, and stronger at oth- arm circumference than the two strength
ers. In theory, matching the resistance groups, but overall, the resistance curve
curve of an exercise to the strength of the machine didn’t seem to majorly
curve of the target muscle(s) should lead influence results. Read on to learn when
to larger strength gains and more muscle it’s likely important to match strength
growth, right? and resistance curves, and when it
The present study tested that idea (1). doesn’t matter as much.
Four groups of people trained biceps
curls with two different machines on
two different programs. Two groups did Purpose and Hypotheses
hypertrophy-style training. Two groups
did strength-style training. One hyper- Purpose
trophy and one strength group trained The purpose of this study was to in-
on a machine where the resistance was vestigate the effects of training styles
the same throughout the entire range of and resistance curves on biceps strength
motion. The other two groups trained and hypertrophy following eight weeks
on a machine where the resistance of training.
curve of the machine was matched to

Figure 1 Participant on the training machine


A = participant on the training machine; B = shape of the specially designed cam; C = shape of the disc plate
The active angle of the cam and disc (grey area) and rotation direction are indicated

Hypotheses participated in this study. The authors

The authors hypothesized that training note they “had not engaged in regular
with a resistance curve that more close- sports training for at least 6 months be-
ly matched the biceps’ strength curve fore the study commenced,” but the au-
would lead to more muscle growth and thors’ English is a bit rough in places,
larger strength gains. so I assume “sports training” extends to
resistance training as well.

Subjects and Methods Experimental Design

Subjects were split into five groups
Subjects consisting of 15 subjects apiece. Two
75 presumably untrained young men groups used a hypertrophy program,

Figure 2 Changes in the 1RM test on a training machine in relation to the pre-training data

Change [%]
1RM test
p < .001
30% in all groups

20% Str-Cam


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Training (weeks)

Hyp-Cam = hypertrophy training with variable cam; Hyp-Disc = hypertrophy training with disc plate;
Str-Cam = maximal strength training with variable cam; Str-Disc = maximal strength training with disc plate

two groups used a strength-focused pro- group used a machine outfitted with a
gram, and one group was a non-training circular cam, meaning the tension re-
control group (which I won’t mention sistance by the machine was the same
again). The hypertrophy program con- throughout the entire range of motion.
sisted of four sets to failure with 10RM The other strength and the other hyper-
loads with three minutes between sets. trophy group used a machine outfitted
The strength program consisted of four with a specially designed cam (2) with a
reps at 75% 1RM, two reps at 85% 1RM, radius that varied in such a way that the
and six maximal singles with two min- resistance supplied by the machine was
utes between sets. Both groups trained greater through the middle of the range
twice per week, on Monday and Friday. of motion (where the biceps are stron-
All groups did machine preacher curls ger) and lesser through the top and bot-
only. One strength and one hypertrophy tom of the range of motion (where the
biceps are weaker).

Table 1 Mean ± SD values of the evaluated biomechanical and anthropometric parameters measured at pre-training, mid-training and post-training

Circumference at Circumference in Skinfold biceps Skinfold triceps

Group Peak torque (Nm)
rest (cm) tension (cm) (mm) (mm)

pre 64.9 ± 12.5 31.1 ± 2.7 34.6 ± 3.0 4.9 ± 1.1 8.7 ± 2.4

Hyp-Cam mid 70.0 ± 11.1 31.4 ± 2.9 34.9 ± 2.8 4.8 ± 1.0 8.7 ± 2.2

post 73.8 ± 10.2c 32.8 ± 3.1c 35.7 ± 3.0c 4.5 ± 0.9 6.9 ± 1.9b

pre 63.3 ± 7.7 30.6 ± 2.6 34.2 ± 2.8 5.1 ± 2.2 9.6 ± 3.9

Hyp-Disc mid 64.5 ± 9.2 30.7 ± 2.6 34.5 ± 2.9 5.2 ± 2.2 8.6 ± 2.9

post 66.8 ± 7.3 31.7 ± 2.6c 35.2 ± 2.7c 4.9 ± 1.9 8.2 ± 3.2a

pre 63.3 ± 9.7 29.9 ± 1.6 33.3 ± 1.7 4.8 ± 1.0 7.9 ± 2.2

Str-Cam mid 63.1 ± 8.5 30.0 ± 1.9 33.6 ± 1.9 3.8 ± 0.7c 6.5 ± 1.8b

post 63.4 ± 9.0 30.2 ± 1.8 33.9 ± 2.0b 3.7 ± 0.7c 5.8 ± 1.8c

pre 62.4 ± 9.0 29.7 ± 2.5 33.0 ± 2.4 4.1 ± 0.8 6.7 ± 2.4

Str-Disc mid 62.7 ± 8.9 29.8 ± 2.3 33.4 ± 2.4 3.7 ± 0.8a 5.3 ± 2.0a

post 64.3 ± 9.5 29.9 ± 2.4 33.6 ± 2.4b 3.4 ± 0.8c 5.2 ± 1.5b

pre 66.1 ± 7.4 30.3 ± 2.2 33.4 ± 2.3 4.9 ± 1.3 8.2 ± 1.9

CG mid 64.2 ± 7.5 30.0 ± 2.1 33.4 ± 2.3 4.9 ± 1.2 8.6 ± 2.6

post 66.7 ± 7.6 30.5 ± 2.1 33.5 ± 2.5 4.8 ± 1.3 8.1 ± 1.9

Significant difference in relation to pre-training data: a = p<.05, b = p<.01, c = p<.001

For both groups, arm circumferences

(both relaxed and flexed), biceps skin- Findings
fold thickness, and triceps skinfold 1RM biceps curl strength increased
thickness were measured before and af- similarly in all four groups (+26-37%).
ter eight weeks of training. Preacher curl Isokinetic peak torque, on the other
1RM strength was also assessed before hand, increased significantly more fol-
and after training, and also every two lowing hypertrophy training with the
weeks during the training period in or- specialized cam than in the other three
der to adjust training loads. Isokinetic groups. The increases in arm circum-
peak elbow flexion torque at a veloci- ference were significantly larger in the
ty of 60° per second was also assessed hypertrophy training groups than the
pre- and post-training. Creatine kinase two strength training groups. Biceps
levels (a blood marker of muscle dam- and triceps skinfold thicknesses tend-
age) were also assessed before the Mon- ed to decrease more in the two strength
day session and after the Friday session groups, but the between-group differ-
during weeks four and five. ences weren’t significant.

Creatine kinase activity was higher
in all four groups on Fridays compared
to Mondays, but total creatine kinase OVERALL, THIS STUDY FAILS
activity was pretty low in all groups at
all time points, and the increases from TO SUPPORT THE IDEA THAT
Monday to Friday were similar in all
To start with the most obvious finding:
The hypertrophy-style training caused
more muscle growth than the strength- ple exercise, so the capacity for skill ac-
style training. Yes, arm circumferences quisition is relatively limited (we may
aren’t the best or most sensitive measure have seen different results if this study
of growth, but the differences were sta- was on squats, for example). We’ve also
tistically significant, fairly substantial, seen similar results in prior research (6).
and in line with what “gym wisdom” Since the two hypertrophy groups expe-
would predict. The notion that “hard rienced more growth, that probably con-
sets” are the best metric for predictive tributes to their strength gains as well.
muscle growth, regardless of rep range, Finally, and most importantly, all groups
has considerable amount of empirical re-tested their 1RMs every two weeks.
support (3), but it probably breaks down In a previous high- versus low-load
with very low (4) and very high reps study (7) subjects training at 50% 1RM
(5). Once you’re doing probably 3-4ish gained essentially as much strength as
reps per set or fewer, your per-set hy- subjects training at 80% 1RM, even on
pertrophy results start diminishing, to compound exercises, which stands in
the point that just doing heavy singles contrast to the majority of the literature.
probably doesn’t cause much growth at The difference between that study and
all, even in untrained subjects. other studies in the same niche is that
The strength findings may be slight- subjects retested their 1RMs every three
ly surprising at first, but they shouldn’t weeks, and that seems to have been suffi-
be. One might expect that, especially cient 1RM practice for strength gains to
in untrained lifters, “training the test” be similar between groups. Thus, in the
– practicing 1RMs – would lead to the present study, retesting 1RM strength
largest improvements in 1RM strength. every two weeks was likely sufficient to
However, biceps curls are a pretty sim- all-but-guarantee that all groups would

flexion. Thus, the groups training with
constant resistance were doing curls that
MY HUNCH IS THAT would have been limited by strength at
either long or short muscle lengths, with
ATTEMPTING TO MATCH the stronger intermediate muscle lengths
having a pretty easy time. Peak isoki-
RESISTANCE AND STRENGTH netic torque would occur at the point
where the biceps are the strongest: at in-
CURVES MATTERS THE termediate muscle lengths. The groups
that trained on machines that matched
MOST WHEN PERFORMING strength and resistance curves were
EXERCISES WHERE THE therefore training their biceps harder
through the range of motion that would
DIFFICULTY OF THE EXERCISE be tested on an isokinetic peak torque
test. I wouldn’t be surprised, however, if
DIFFERS DRAMATICALLY the constant resistance groups increased
their isokinetic torque to a greater de-
THROUGHOUT THE gree at the bottom and top of the range
of motions; the researchers didn’t report
RANGE OF MOTION. that data, though. In essence, isokinetic
peak torque is a range-of-motion-specif-
ic test, and the groups that trained on a
have similar strength gains. machine that matched strength and re-
sistance curves did a better job of prac-
The only finding that bucked the trend ticing for that test.
was that the hypertrophy group with
strength and resistance curves matched Overall, this study fails to support
experienced the largest increase in peak the idea that matching resistance and
isokinetic torque. I’m not sure why the strength curves will lead to better re-
hypertrophy group got better results than sults. Growth was similar in both hyper-
the strength group (maybe it’s simply trophy groups, and 1RM strength gains
due to more growth?), but I think there’s were similar in all groups. Isokinetic
an explanation for why a group with peak torque increased the most in one of
strength and resistance curves matched the groups that matched resistance and
beat the two groups with constant re- strength curves, but that was likely due
sistance. The biceps are strongest at in- to idiosyncrasies in the exercise, rather
termediate muscle lengths, when the el- than the mere fact that resistance and
bow is in approximately 90 degrees of strength curves were matched.

However, that doesn’t mean we should
completely abandon the idea quite yet,
at least for hypertrophy. I do think we I DO THINK MATCHING
have a pretty good picture for strength
at this point. For example, a recent me- STRENGTH AND RESISTANCE
ta-analysis (or rather, correction to a pri-
or meta-analysis) indicates that training CURVES CAN BE VALUABLE
with accommodating resistance (adding FOR DEVELOPING POWER
bands or chains to the bar, which allows
you to more closely match strength and OUTPUT AND EXPLOSIVE
resistance curves for barbell exercises)
fails to lead to larger strength gains than PERFORMANCE.
just using straight weight (8). The pic-
ture isn’t perfectly clear for machine ex-
ercises – a prior study by the same re- the most when performing exercises
searchers who conducted the presently where the difficulty of the exercise dif-
reviewed study did find larger strength fers dramatically throughout the range
and power gains in subjects who trained of motion. For hypertrophy, the criti-
their biceps with a machine that matched cal part of the range of motion is prob-
the strength curve of the biceps (2) – but ably when muscles are at long muscle
strength results have been pretty un- lengths. For example, a barbell or EZ
impressive overall, especially for free bar curl has the opposite problem of
weights. However, few studies have the constant-resistance condition in
even investigated the effects of matched the present study; it’s really easy at the
versus unmatched strength and resis- bottom of the range of motion instead
tance curves on hypertrophy. I’m not of really hard. With a standard barbell
aware of any studies where isokinetic curl, the movement doesn’t generally
training (which matches resistance with get challenging until the bar is about
joint torque) caused substantially more one-third of the way through the range
growth than isotonic training (i.e. nor- of motion, and thus the biceps aren’t
mal machine or free weight training), really being challenged at long muscle
for example. The results of the present lengths. So, I wouldn’t be too surprised
study don’t appear super promising for if a machine designed to match strength
hypertrophy, but overall, it’s still an and resistance curves (ensuring the bi-
open question. ceps were still being challenged at long
My hunch is that attempting to match muscle lengths) caused more biceps
resistance and strength curves matters growth than a standing barbell curl. On

When it’s feasible and relatively easy, it’s not a bad idea to try to match the resistance
curve of an exercise with your strength curve. It may slightly improve your results,
and it doesn’t have any obvious downsides. However, you shouldn’t expect that it will
dramatically improve your results, assuming you’re still challenging the target muscle
through long muscle lengths.

the other hand, dumbbell flyes are the point; in fact, it requires you to do so,
hardest when the pecs are elongated. A so that the barbell doesn’t fly off your
pec deck is designed to match the re- shoulders. Thus, adding bands or chains
sistance curve of the exercise with the to the bar may allow you to develop
strength curve of the pecs, but it does so more strength and power through the
by increasing the challenge imposed on top part of the range of motion (which
the pecs when the pecs are in a short- doesn’t really matter for 1RM strength).
ened position. That may increase growth As with all things, this is a nuanced
slightly by helping maintain tension on subject. In many contexts, I don’t think
the muscle, but I suspect dumbbell flyes you gain much by going out of your way
are almost as effective (if not equally ef- to match strength and resistance curves,
fective), because they’re already stress- especially if your goal is 1RM strength in
ing the muscle through the most critical a particular exercise. Most exercises do a
part of the range of motion for growth. pretty good job of training their weakest
While I pooh-poohed accommodating point. For hypertrophy, I think the main
resistance for 1RM strength gains al- question is whether a particular exercise
ready, I do think it can be valuable for already does a good job of stressing the
developing power output and explosive target muscle at long muscle lengths; if
performance, because it does help match not, it may be worth choosing a differ-
strength and resistance curves. For a ent version of the same exercise, mak-
1RM squat, you just need to be able to ing exercise modifications, or using a
get past your sticking point. For a good different piece of equipment in order to
vertical jump, you need to be able to ensure stress at long muscle lengths. For
apply force into the ground explosively explosive strength and transfer to athlet-
through the entire range of motion, ac- ic performance (which isn’t the focus of
celerating all the way through takeoff. MASS, but which is worth mentioning),
A squat with straight weight allows you I do think there’s considerable value in
to “let up” once you clear the sticking matching strength and resistance curves

when possible and feasible.

Next Steps
I’d love for this study to be repeat-
ed with trained lifters. I’d also want to
see different exercises with different
strength curves tested (barbell curls –
hard through the middle of the ROM –
and machine curls with matched strength
and resistance curves, versus dumbbell
flyes – hard through the bottom of the
ROM – and the pec deck).


1. Staniszewski M, Mastalerz A, Urbanik C. Effect of a strength or hypertrophy training proto-

col, each performed using two different modes of resistance, on biomechanical, biochemical
and anthropometric parameters. Biol Sport. 2020;37(1):85–91
2. Staniszewski M, Urbanik C, Mastalerz A, Iwańska D, Madej A, Karczewska M. Comparison
of changes in the load components for intense training on two machines: with a variable-cam
and with a disc plate. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2017 Jun;57(6):782-789.
3. Baz-Valle E, Fontes-Villalba M, Santos-Concejero J. Total Number of Sets as a Training
Volume Quantification Method for Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review. J Strength
Cond Res. 2018 Jul 30.
4. Schoenfeld BJ, Contreras B, Vigotsky AD, Peterson M. Differential Effects of Heavy Versus
Moderate Loads on Measures of Strength and Hypertrophy in Resistance-Trained Men. J
Sports Sci Med. 2016 Dec 1;15(4):715-722.
5. Lasevicius T, Ugrinowitsch C, Schoenfeld BJ, Roschel H, Tavares LD, De Souza EO, Lau-
rentino G, Tricoli V. Effects of different intensities of resistance training with equated vol-
ume load on muscle strength and hypertrophy. Eur J Sport Sci. 2018 Jul;18(6):772-780.
6. Mattocks KT, Buckner SL, Jessee MB, Dankel SJ, Mouser JG, Loenneke JP. Practicing the
Test Produces Strength Equivalent to Higher Volume Training. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017
7. Morton RW, Oikawa SY, Wavell CG, Mazara N, McGlory C, Quadrilatero J, Baechler BL,
Baker SK, Phillips SM. Neither load nor systemic hormones determine resistance train-
ing-mediated hypertrophy or strength gains in resistance-trained young men. J Appl Physiol
(1985). 2016 Jul 1;121(1):129-38.
8. dos Santos N, Divino W, Gentil P, Ribeiro A, Vieira C, Martins W. Manuscript clarification:
Effects of Variable Resistance Training on Maximal Strength: A Meta-analysis. J Strength
Cond Res. 2018 Nov;32(11):e52-e55

Study Reviewed: What Influence Does Resistance Exercise Order Have on
Muscular Strength Gains and Muscle Hypertrophy? A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis. Nunes et al. (2020)

You Want to Get Better at

Something? Do it First.

Most lifters tend to perform multi-joint exercises before single-joint exercises

in a training session. Does this actually matter for hypertrophy and strength
adaptations? This article covers a new meta-analysis that analyzes every angle of
this discussion.

1. This meta-analysis examined if the order in which you perform exercises during a
training session matters for hypertrophy and strength outcomes.
2. The authors concluded that the order in which you perform multi- and single-
joint exercises does not influence hypertrophy; however, it does indeed matter for
3. For strength, it seems clear that if you want to optimize your improvement on an
exercise, then it should be performed first in your training session. In brief, don’t
stress over the order of your exercise for hypertrophy, but for strength, perform
whatever you want to get better at first.

O ne of the first things that many

people learned toward the be-
ginning of their lifting career
for a specific exercise, you should per-
form that exercise first in your training
session. This article will discuss why
was to perform multi-joint exercises strength gains are better on a particular
before single-joint exercises. In a pre- exercise when it is performed first and
vious MASS article (2), we concluded will provide a rationale for why exercise
that this was, in all likelihood, a good order may matter for muscle hypertro-
idea for strength, and while this strategy phy in specific situations, despite the
may be preferable for hypertrophy, there null findings for hypertrophy in this me-
was surprisingly little evidence to make ta-analysis.
this claim. The current article covers a
systematic review and meta-analysis (1)
that examined the existing literature to Purpose and Hypotheses
determine if performing multi-joint ex-
ercises first does indeed maximize hy- Purpose
pertrophy and strength adaptations. The The purpose of this meta-analysis was
authors found that exercise order did to examine the influence of exercise or-
not affect hypertrophy. However, for der on muscle hypertrophy and strength
strength, the authors reported that more outcomes.
strength was gained in whatever move-
ment was performed first in a training Hypotheses
session, which included multi-joint
No hypotheses were provided, which
exercises, single-joint exercises, free
is customary for a meta-analysis.
weights, or machine-based exercises.
Essentially, if you have a strength goal

Table 1 Meta-analysis inclusion criteria

on muscle hypertrophy and/or strength outcomes. Further, both direct (i.e.

MRI) and indirect (i.e. body composition testing with skinfolds) measure-
ments were included in the analysis.

The study included at least two exercises (which would have to happen in order to

3 The study lasted at least six weeks

4 The study was published in either English or Portuguese

Inclusion criteria from Nunes et al 2020 (1).

Strength Outcomes
Subjects and Methods
The meta-analysis examined if per-
Study Inclusion forming multi-joint exercises first aug-
mented strength gains in multi-joint ex-
As I’m sure most MASS readers are ercises, and if performing single-joint
aware, a meta-analysis doesn’t have its exercises first augmented strength gains
own subjects; rather, a meta-analysis in single-joint exercises. Further, it ana-
pools results from all of the studies that lyzed if strength gains were enhanced on
meet its inclusion criteria. The criteria for specific exercises, free weight exercises,
a study to be included in this meta-anal- and machine-based exercises when they
ysis are listed in Table 1. The included were performed first in a training ses-
studies were also classified according to sion.
methodological quality, and were rated
as poor, fair, good, or excellent using a Findings
previously validated checklist (3).
Study Details
Hypertrophy Outcomes
Eleven total studies were included.
The meta-analysis examined if per- Eight studies were rated as excellent
forming multi- or single-joint exercises quality, and three were rated as good
first augmented muscle growth for direct quality. Eight studies analyzed strength
or indirect assessments of hypertrophy outcomes and seven analyzed hyper-
separately, and when direct and indirect trophic outcomes. Eight studies used
assessments were pooled together.

Figure 1 Hypertrophy results

Avelar et al. 2019

Cardozo et al. 2019

Fisher et al. 2014

Pina et al. 2013

Simão et al. 2010

Spineti et al. 2010

Tomeleri et al. 2019

Site-specific measures

Indirect measures

Overall effect size

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5

From Nunes et al. (1)
The values on the x-axis are in terms of effect size.

trained individuals (≥6 months of train- Hypertrophy

ing) with the other three studies were on The magnitude of muscle growth
untrained subjects. Seven studies were was not influenced by exercise order
on young people (18-39 yrs), one study (p=0.862). Further, there was also no ef-
used middle-aged subjects (40-60 yrs), fect of exercise order on muscle growth
and three studies used older subjects when direct or indirect measures of hy-
(≥60 yrs). Two studies used women, one pertrophy were analyzed separately (p
was mixed-sex, and the other eight stud- = 0.937 and p = 0.734, respectively). A
ies analyzed men. forest plot can be seen in Figure 1, which
displays the hypertrophy findings. As

Table 2
Measure P-Value

Multi-joint exercises 0.32 0.034

Single-joint exercises 0.58 0.032

0.45 0.015
(i.e. squat or bench press)

Free weight exercises 0.50 0.018

Machine-based exercises 0.45 0.015

Inclusion criteria from Nunes et al 2020 (1).

you can see in Figure 1, the effect siz- training session versus later in a ses-
es for most studies comparing exercise sion. Further, Figure 2 presents a forest
order for muscle hypertrophy are close plot of the strength findings.
to the line of no effect indicating no
influence of exercise order on muscle
growth. Interpretation
Simply stated, the findings of this
Strength meta-analysis are: 1) exercise order
In general, strength tended to be great- doesn’t matter for hypertrophy, and 2)
er on a tested exercise when that specif- if you want to maximize strength on
ic exercise, type of exercise (multi-joint a specific exercise, then do it first in
or single-joint), or modality of exercise your training session. I do think there
(free weights or machine-based) was are a few nuanced discussions to have
performed first in a training session. regarding exercise order and hypertro-
These results are presented in Table 2. phy, but the strength results really are
The effect sizes in Table 2 represent the as straightforward as they seem, in my
difference in strength gained when the opinion.
measurement was performed first in a

Figure 2 Strength results

Assumpção et al. 2013

Cardozo et al. 2019

Dias et al. 2010

Nazari et al. 2016

Saraiva et al. 2014

Simão et al. 2010

Spineti et al. 2010

Tomeleri et al. 2019

Overall effect size

-1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1.5 2.5

From Nunes et al. (1)

The values on the x-axis are in terms of effect size. Positive effect sizes in this forest plot are noted
when the tested exercise improved strength more when it was performed first.

Exercise Order and Strength press, military press, or even barbell curl
If you want to improve your strength strength is your main focus; then, you
on something, then do it first. Although should do it first. This all makes logical
most lifters are concerned about strength sense, because if you want to maximize
on the powerlifts (i.e. squat, bench press, squat strength for example, and you per-
and deadlift), this principle also ex- form another lower body exercise be-
tends to assistance-type and single-joint fore you squat, then the load you squat
movements if that is where someone’s will likely be lower than if you would
priorities lie. In other words, if your leg have done it first. Of course, if you have
a light day on squat, bench press, or

deadlift, then you could potentially do
something else first as long as you can
still complete your prescribed training. THE FINDINGS OF THIS
The point is that you don’t do anything
before your primary exercise that will META-ANALYSIS ARE:
decrease the load you can lift for your
primary exercise. 1) EXERCISE ORDER
If you are a powerlifter, it is probably DOESN’T MATTER FOR
best to train both the bench press and
deadlift after the squat at some point in HYPERTROPHY, AND 2) IF
preparation for a meet, so that you can
plan your attempt selection accordingly.
However, the results of this meta-anal- STRENGTH ON A SPECIFIC
ysis should be a reminder that always
benching after you squat, even if you are EXERCISE, THEN DO IT FIRST
a powerlifter, could stunt your progress
over the long-term. If you are perform- IN YOUR TRAINING SESSION.
ing volume work with sets of moderate
to high repetitions on the squat, and then
planning on benching, that may fatigue that even in the case of a powerlifting
you. If your bench intensity were to al- competition where a bench press comes
ways be sacrificed, then your strength after squat on meet day, you still want
progress wouldn’t be optimal. There- to move the bench out front at times to
fore, when far out from a competition, maximize strength over the long-term.
it makes sense to have bench press on a
separate day from squat. If you can only Exercise Order for Hypertrophy – It
train 2 or 3 days per week and can’t split Doesn’t Matter
up squat and bench, then it is wise to al- Hypertrophy is the more interesting
ternate which exercise you are doing first discussion piece, in my opinion, despite
and place the exercise first that is most the null findings. The overall message
strenuous for that day (more on this in of “exercise order doesn’t matter for
“program troubleshooting” here). Then, hypertrophy” shows that training for
closer to a meet when you are perform- size is a bit more forgiving than train-
ing singles, you should focus on getting ing for strength, which seems to be the
used to performing bench singles after case across various training techniques.
squat singles so that you can plan your For example, periodization probably
attempts accordingly. This is all to say doesn’t matter too much for hypertro-

phy (4). Additionally, you may not think those before the squats instead of af-
you can train really far from failure and ter, which will offset some of the lower
maximize hypertrophy, but I feel pretty squat volume. Further, you could simply
comfortable saying that training close to reduce squat load and add a set to easily
failure and training to failure probably equate for any volume lost by perform-
doesn’t make much of a difference for ing squats later in the training session,
muscle growth (listen to our roundtable which should ease any fears about hy-
discussion on proximity to failure here) pertrophy suffering.
(5). However, for strength, periodization
likely does matter over the long-term (6) Exercise Order for Hypertrophy – It
and training shy of failure may be a bet- May Matter
ter idea than training to failure (7). So, Despite the null findings in the me-
since exercise order doesn’t really mat- ta-analysis, the order of multi- and sin-
ter for hypertrophy, the first things you gle-joint movements may matter for
consider should be: 1) what order do you hypertrophy, but I actually think you
enjoy most, 2) what order allows you to can make a case for performing either
perform the most volume, and 3) what one first depending on someone’s goals.
order will cause you to adhere to train- Let’s first take the position that you
ing the best? Further, your approach to should perform multi-joint exercises
exercise order doesn’t always have to be first.
the same; it could rotate on any specific
Multi-joint exercises, and specifically
day, as long as you get in the necessary
the skilled movements, require greater
volume and meet the goals of your train-
effort and attentional focus to complete
ing session.
than single-joint movements. Because
If you would prefer to perform a sin- of the greater skill and attentional focus,
gle-joint movement (i.e. leg extensions) it may be a good idea to perform the
before a multi-joint movement (i.e. skilled movements first to reduce injury
squats), but you’re worried that the re- risk, since the risk of a technique error
sulting reduction in absolute (sets x reps may increase when performing a squat
x absolute load lifted) or relative (sets × or deadlift in a fatigued state toward the
reps × percentage of 1RM) volume on end of a training session. Additionally,
the squats would slow the rate of hyper- I’d bet that most lifters are more like-
trophy, I don’t think that should be a big ly to put in max effort on all exercises
concern. We wrote specifically about when the hardest ones (usually the more
this in the interpretation of this article, skilled exercises) are done first. Besides,
but in short, the volume on the leg ex- if you have already performed a bunch
tensions would be higher by performing of exercises before the main movements

groups of men train twice per week for
12 weeks. One group in the Simao study
IF YOU ARE RUNNING A trained with an exercise order of multi-
joint to single-joint during each training
TRAINING BLOCK FOCUSING session, and the other group trained us-
ing the opposite exercise order. Simao
ON A MUSCLE GROUP USING reported a between-group effect size
of 0.53 in favor of the single-joint first
ONLY SINGLE-JOINT EXERCISES group for increases in triceps muscle
thickness; however, this finding was not
TO TARGET THAT MUSCLE, statistically significant. Further, the Si-
THEN, IN THOSE SITUATIONS, mao study did not report a meaningful
difference between groups for biceps
On the other hand, there is also a case
EXERCISES FIRST COULD to be made for performing single-joint
exercises first, albeit in very specific
MAKE A DIFFERENCE. situations. If your main goal is hyper-
trophy, you may run blocks of training
where you are targeting certain muscle
(i.e. pre-exhaustion), it won’t enhance groups. In fact, we recently suggested
hypertrophy (8), and it could lower your that when implementing high volumes,
effort during the main movements. In it may be advantageous to spike volume
further support of performing multi- on some muscle groups, while maintain-
joint exercises first, a recent study from ing a more moderate amount on other
Avelar et al (2 – MASS Review) ob- muscle groups, as high volume across
served 3.3% greater thigh hypertrophy the board could be practically unsustain-
over a six-week training program when able. If you are prioritizing biceps and
leg press was performed before leg ex- triceps for a training block, since sin-
tensions compared to the opposite or- gle-joint exercises are how these mus-
der. That is a tenuous finding since the cle groups are primarily trained, it might
analysis rendered the 3.3% difference make sense to start a session with curls
non-significant. Further, to my knowl- rather than some sort of row that hits the
edge, there is only one study which even biceps secondarily. For triceps, many
hints at performing multi-joint exercis- pushing movements (i.e. bench press
es first to be inferior for hypertrophy. variations) do stress the triceps, but the
Specifically, Simao et al 2010 had two triceps brachii are not the prime mover

1. The findings of the reviewed meta-analysis showed that exercise order doesn’t
matter for hypertrophy, but it does matter for strength.
2. Although there were no significant findings for exercise order and hypertrophy, there
could be specific situations where either multi- or single-joint exercises should be
performed first. Specifically, if you enjoy performing one type of exercise first and
that helps you adhere better to training or perform more total training volume, then
you should probably do that. But, I wouldn’t stress over exercise order in your
program design when muscle growth is your main goal.
3. For strength, the data are quite clear that if you want to get better at something,
then you should do it first in your session.

in those movements, whereas the triceps a training block, an exercise where the
are the prime mover in any correctly triceps itself is the primary mover is re-
performed triceps extension exercise. quired to enhance triceps cross-section-
While there is not direct evidence that al area. That is admittedly thin evidence
performing single-joint movements first to suggest that single-joint exercises
would be better for biceps or triceps hy- should come first. However, it is an in-
pertrophy, a recent study from Brandao teresting talking point to say that if you
et al (10) did show that cross-sectional are running a training block focusing on
area of the long head of the triceps in- a muscle group using only single-joint
creased to a greater extent over a training exercises to target that muscle, then, in
study in a group of individuals who only those situations, performing single-joint
trained the barbell triceps extension ver- exercises first could make a difference.
sus a group who only trained the bench
press. The Brandao study also had two
additional groups who trained both the Next Steps
bench press and triceps extension. One I think this debate is pretty much set-
group trained the bench first and the oth- tled for strength. For hypertrophy, I’d
er the triceps extension first during the like to see a study that tackles the ques-
study and there was no difference in the tion at the end of the last paragraph. That
degree of triceps hypertrophy. So, one is, should single-joint exercises be per-
interpretation is that the Brandao study formed first when only single-joint ex-
reveals that exercise order doesn’t mat- ercises directly target the muscle group?
ter for hypertrophy; however, another A study using a high-volume program
interpretation is that over the course of

to target the biceps and triceps with one
group performing their curls and triceps
extensions before rows and bench press-
es could answer this question. While the
Brandao study did this in part, I’d like to
see a really high volume study try this.
It would be interesting to see how much
more volume on the single-joint move-
ments is completed when those exercis-
es are performed first in the session.


1. Nunes JP, Grgic J, Cunha PM, Ribeiro AS, Schoenfeld BJ, de Salles BF, Cyrino ES. What
influence does resistance exercise order have on muscular strength gains and muscle hyper-
trophy? A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Sport Science. 2020
Feb 24(just-accepted):1-22.
2. Avelar A, Ribeiro AS, Nunes JP, Schoenfeld BJ, Papst RR, Trindade MC, Bottaro M, Cyrino
ES. Effects of order of resistance training exercises on muscle hypertrophy in young adult
men. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2019;44(4):420-4.
3. Smart NA, Waldron M, Ismail H, Giallauria F, Vigorito C, Cornelissen V, Dieberg G. Valida-
tion of a new tool for the assessment of study quality and reporting in exercise training stud-
ies: TESTEX. International journal of evidence-based healthcare. 2015 Mar 1;13(1):9-18.
4. Grgic J, Lazinica B, Mikulic P, Schoenfeld BJ. Should resistance training programs aimed
at muscular hypertrophy be periodized? A systematic review of periodized versus non-peri-
odized approaches. Science & Sports. 2018 Jun 1;33(3):e97-104.
5. Nuckols G. The Evidence is Lacking for Effective Reps. Stronger By Science. 2019.
6. Williams TD, Tolusso DV, Fedewa MV, Esco MR. Comparison of periodized and non-peri-
odized resistance training on maximal strength: a meta-analysis. Sports medicine. 2017 Oct
7. Carroll KM, Bernards JR, Bazyler CD, Taber CB, Stuart CA, DeWeese BH, Sato K, Stone
MH. Divergent performance outcomes following resistance training using repetition maxi-
mums or relative intensity. International journal of sports physiology and performance. 2019
Jan 1;14(1):46-54.
8. Trindade TB, Prestes J, Neto LO, Medeiros RM, Tibana RA, de Sousa NM, Santana EE, de
AT Cabral BG, Stone WJ, Dantas PM. Effects of Pre-exhaustion Versus Traditional Resis-
tance Training on Training Volume, Maximal Strength, and Quadriceps Hypertrophy. Fron-
tiers in Physiology. 2019;10.
9. Simão R, Spineti J, de Salles BF, Oliveira LF, Matta T, Miranda F, Miranda H, Costa PB.
Influence of exercise order on maximum strength and muscle thickness in untrained men.
Journal of sports science & medicine. 2010 Mar;9(1):1.
10. Brandao L, de Salles Painelli V, Lasevicius T, Silva-Batista C, Brendon H, Schoenfeld BJ,
Aihara AY, Cardoso FN, de Almeida Peres B, Texeira EL. Varying the Order of Combina-
tions of Single- and Multi-Joint Exercises Differentially Affects Resistance Training Adap-
tations. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. March

Study Reviewed: Twice as High Diet-Induced Thermogenesis After Breakfast vs
Dinner On High-Calorie as Well as Low-Calorie Meals. Richter et al. (2020)

Does Breakfast Burn More

Calories than Dinner?

The meal timing winds blow seasonally in the fitness industry. “Eat six meals
a day, breakfast is the most important meal, and don’t eat after 6pm”
became “it doesn’t matter how many meals you eat, skip breakfast, and eat
your largest meal before bed to help you sleep.” Let’s step out of the wind
tunnel for a moment and examine the data.

1. This study compared identical isocaloric diets with one key difference: In one
crossover arm, the participants consumed 69% of daily calories at breakfast and
11% of daily calories at dinner, while in the other arm they did the opposite.
2. Diet-induced thermogenesis was 2.5 times higher following breakfast than
following dinner, independent of caloric content, meaning total energy expenditure
is higher when biasing calories earlier in the day versus later, even when consuming
the same total daily energy. However, total energy expenditure for the day is not
reported, and the limited data we have here suggests these differences may not
amount to a large difference in total.
3. Hunger increased following low-calorie breakfasts, while it decreased following
high-calorie breakfasts and remained higher prior to dinner in the low-calorie
breakfast condition. Following dinner, while hunger decreased more when a
larger calorie dinner was consumed, hunger still decreased after a low-calorie
dinner as well. Lastly, appetite for sweets was significantly lower after a high-
calorie breakfast and remained significantly lower leading up to dinner compared
to the low-calorie breakfast condition.

utrient timing is an often over- reled forward, repeating unsubstantiated
simplified topic in the “evi- over-exaggerations like “meal frequen-
dence-based” bodybuilding sec- cy makes no difference” and “fasting
tor. The present study (1) serves to only works because it results in caloric
challenge that view. What started as the restriction.”
dual revelations that a) timely post-ex- Enter the present crossover study (and
ercise glycogen replenishment wasn’t others like it). Healthy young men be-
important in the context of hypertrophy low the BMI cutoff for overweight or
programs and nutrition plans (2), and obesity (<25) consumed isocaloric diets,
b) that post-workout protein intake had differing in their distribution of calories,
only a small effect on hypertrophy when to have either a high-calorie breakfast
total daily protein intake was account- and low-calorie dinner, or the opposite
ed for (3), morphed into the fallacy that arrangement. Higher energy expendi-
“nutrient timing doesn’t matter,” with- ture due to diet-induced thermogenesis
out nuance or qualification. As endur- was observed in the morning compared
ance athletes, sports nutritionists, and to the evening, implying that nutrient
chrononutrition and circadian rhythm timing does matter, such that eating
researchers cocked their collective eye- more calories earlier in the day may re-
brows and started to say, “Hold on a sult in a higher energy expenditure even
second…,” we boldly and blindly bar-

with equated caloric consumption. Fur- evening response.  
ther, the high-calorie breakfast group
had better blood glucose regulation, bet-
ter hunger control, and less appetite for Subjects and Methods
sweets throughout the day. Does the au-
thors’ interpretation of their data tell the Subjects
whole story, and how might this study The researchers examined 16 men
apply to MASS readers? Continue on as below the obesity or overweight BMI
I address these questions. thresholds (age 23.6 ± 2.3 years; BMI
22.5 ± 1.1 kg/m2). Participants were
required to self-report a regular sleep-
Purpose and Hypotheses wake cycle (shift workers were exclud-
ed), be non-smokers, not taking any
Purpose kind of medication or drugs, not have
The primary purpose of this study was been dieting, and to have no neurolog-
to determine whether an identical meal ical, psychiatric, or metabolic diseases
causes higher diet-induced thermogen- during the six weeks prior to the study.
esis in the morning compared to the The authors also excluded potential par-
evening. A secondary purpose was to ticipants who were competitive athletes,
determine if the impact of an acute ener- who self-reported they were under phys-
gy deficit modifies diet-induced thermo- ical or mental strain, or who had imme-
genesis (e.g. does thermogenesis change diate family members with type 2 dia-
with lower versus higher calorie meals). betes.
Finally, the researchers aimed to assess
if blood glucose regulation (also known Protocol Overview
as glycemic control) changes in the eve- This study was a randomized, sin-
ning compared to morning in response gle-blind crossover. One arm of the
to high and lower calorie meals. crossover consisted of a low energy
breakfast (11% of predicted energy re-
Hypotheses quirements) and high energy dinner
The authors hypothesized diet-in- (69% of predicted energy requirements),
duced thermogenesis would be higher while the alternate arm consisted of a
in the morning compared to evening in high energy breakfast and low energy
both low- and high-calorie meals, and dinner of the same energy proportions,
that glycemic control would follow a but reversed. In both conditions, lunches
circadian rhythm such that the morning containing the remaining 20% of calo-
glucose response would differ from the ries (thus, matching estimated total en-

Figure 1 Study protocol on the experimental days

Indirect calorimetry

Sl Low-calorie breakfast /
p High-calorie dinner

High-calorie breakfast /
Low-calorie dinner
11% Blood sample

Dinner Visual analog scale

69% IC




Participants had breakfast at 9AM, lunch at 2PM and dinner at 7PM. Each individual participated in 2 blinded conditions:
1) high-calorie breakfast (69% of total energy expenditure [TEE]) and low-calorie dinner (11% of TEE), and
2) low-calorie breakfast (11% of TEE) and high-calorie dinner (69% of TEE). Lunch was identical in both conditions (20% of TEE)
TEE = total energy expenditure; IC = indirect calorimetry

ergy needs) with matched macronutrient sumed breakfast at 9am, lunch at 2pm,
distributions were consumed, and total and dinner at 7pm. Energy expenditure
daily macronutrient distribution was (indirect calorimetry) was measured 45
matched at 46% carbohydrate, 18% pro- minutes before breakfast and dinner in
tein, and 36% fat. The volunteers stayed each respective condition, at 30 minutes
in the lab for three days. They arrived following breakfast and dinner, and then
the night prior to the start of the experi- hourly three more times (0.5, 1.5, 2.5
ment and consumed a standardized meal and 3.5 hours post-meal). Blood samples
and slept in the lab. Then, in both exper- were taken 15 minutes prior to breakfast
imental conditions, the participants con- and dinner, one, two, and four hours af-

ter breakfast and dinner, and one and the success rate of blinding (more on
three hours after lunch. Hunger and de- this in the interpretation). Diet-induced
sire for sweets were assessed at 8:45am, thermogenesis (AKA the thermic effect
1:45pm, 6:45pm, and 11:15pm. Finally, of food) was calculated as the difference
participants were instructed to maintain between post- and pre-meal resting en-
a fixed sleep schedule from 11:30pm to ergy expenditure. Blood samples were
7:00am, and sleep was monitored by assessed for plasma glucose levels and
electroencephalography. The details of serum concentrations of insulin, corti-
the study time course, measurements, sol, and adrenocorticotropic hormone
and meals are displayed graphically in (which regulates cortisol, among oth-
Figure 1. er things, and is related to circadian
rhythm). Finally, subjective ratings of
Specific Methods, Measurements, and hunger and desire for sweets were as-
Details sessed on a 1-10 visual analog scale (0:
To determine energy requirements for not at all hungry/no appetite for sweets
each subject, basal metabolic rate was at all; 10: very hungry/ great appetite for
measured via indirect calorimetry, then sweets).
multiplied by an activity factor of 1.2.
To ensure this activity factor and subse-
quent total energy calculations were ap- Findings
propriate approximations, activity was Since this is MASS, I’ll focus on the
constrained such that volunteers could data most relevant to body composition
use a computer in a seated or lying po- rather than metabolic health: energy ex-
sition, listen to music, watch TV, read, penditure and appetite rather than the
draw, or play games, but not exercise differences in insulin, glucose levels,
or leave the lab. The basic “skeletons” cortisol, and adrenocorticotropic hor-
of the high and low-calorie breakfasts/ mone. But, just to briefly summarize the
dinners were ~1000kcal (49% carbo- main metabolic outcomes, cortisol and
hydrates, 10% protein, 41% fat) and adrenocorticotropic hormone were high-
~250kcal (49% carbohydrates, 19% er in the morning and fell in the evening
protein, 32% fat) meals, respectively. To somewhat independently of calorie dis-
individualize meals to the participants’ tribution, and blood glucose and insulin
energy needs, maltodextrin was added. levels scaled with meal size, but were
Also, the authors state that participants always proportionately lower following
were blinded as to which meals were breakfast than dinner, indicating better
high or low energy; however, they don’t glucose control in the AM versus the
explain how this was accomplished or PM.

Figure 2 Diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) (mean ± SEM) in normal-weight men (n=16) after breakfast and dinner

Daytime effect
0.8 1.2
Diet-induced thermogenesis

Diet-induced thermogenesis



0.0 -0.2
Breakfast Dinner High-calorie Low-calorie

1.5 1.5
Diet-induced thermogenesis

Diet-induced thermogenesis

*** *** Dinner
*** ***
1.0 1.0

*** ***


0.5 0.5
*** ***
0.0 0.0

-0.5 -0.5
+0.5h +1.5h +2.5h +3.5h +0.5h +1.5h +2.5h +3.5h

Time after high-calorie meal intake Time after high-calorie meal intake

A = Daytime effect: Average DIT (including all time points of measurement as well as high- and low-calorie meals) after breakfast vs average DIT
(including all time points of measurement as well as high- and low-calorie meals) after dinner.
B = Interaction effect daytime*calorie: difference between average DIT (including all time points of measurement) after breakfast and dinner depending
on the amount of calories consumed.
C = DIT at a single time points of measurement after high-calorie breakfast and dinner.
D = DIT at single time points of measurement after low-calorie breakfast and dinner.
***P < .001

Sleep architecture was assessed, not as The expected energetic responses to

an outcome measure, but rather, to en- meals occurred, such that there were no
sure differences in sleep did not influ- differences in energy expenditure be-
ence the outcomes. This most likely did tween conditions prior to meals, eating
not occur, as there were no significant resulted in an increase in energy expen-
differences in sleep architecture between diture, energy expenditure decreased
conditions (p-values all over 0.409). within 3.5 hours following meals, and

larger meals resulted in larger increas- independent of caloric distribution (Fig-
es in energy expenditure than smaller ure 3, panel D), appetite for sweets was
meals. However, independent of caloric higher after breakfast than after dinner
intake, the thermic effect of feeding was (p < 0.001).
2.5 times higher (p < 0.001 for all) fol- To summarize the hunger differences
lowing breakfast (Figure 2). Specifical- between conditions shown in Figure 3
ly, average diet-induced thermogenesis panel A, hunger increased (p < 0.001;
was higher when averaging all combined Cohen’s d ES = 0.78) five hours (9am
time points in both high- and low-calo- compared to 2pm) following low-calo-
rie conditions after breakfast compared rie breakfasts, while it decreased (p =
to dinner (panel A of Figure 2). When 0.007; Cohen’s d ES = 0.55) following
separating high- and low-calorie con- high-calorie breakfasts, and remained
ditions, thermogenesis was also great- higher (p = 0.034, Cohen’s d ES = 0.42)
er after breakfast than dinner when all prior to dinner (2pm to 7pm) in the
time points were averaged within each low-calorie breakfast condition. Follow-
condition (panel B of Figure 2). Further, ing dinner, while hunger decreased more
at each individual post-meal time point (p < 0.001) when a larger calorie dinner
during high- (panel C of Figure 2) and was consumed, hunger still decreased
low-calorie (panel D of Figure 2) con- after a low-calorie dinner as well (p <
ditions, energy expenditure was higher 0.001, Cohen’s d ES > 1.152 for both).
after breakfast than dinner. These results
Summarizing the difference in appetite
are shown in Figure 2, expressed as ki-
for sweets between conditions from Fig-
lojoules per minute (kJ/min; 4.184kJ =
ure 3 panel C, appetite for sweets was
1kcal). As a reminder, the thermic effect
significantly lower (p = 0.003, Cohen’s
of meals was calculated by subtracting
d ES = 0.45) five hours after a high-cal-
post- from pre-meal energy expenditure;
orie breakfast and remained significant-
thus, values below zero do not reflect
ly lower before dinner at 7pm compared
negative energy expenditure, but rather
to the low-calorie breakfast condition (p
lower values after eating than before.
= .002, Cohen’s d ES = 0.69).
Before breakfast, as expected, there
were no significant differences between
conditions for hunger or appetite for Interpretation
sweets. Independent of caloric distri-
bution (Figure 3, panel B), hunger was If you had any trouble following the
higher before dinner than before break- results section above, the most pertinent
fast (p = 0.043), but lower after dinner outcomes are that diet-induced thermo-
than after breakfast (p < 0.001). Also genesis was 2.5 times higher following
breakfast than following dinner, inde-

Figure 3 Hunger and appetite for sweets rating (mean ± SEM) on a visual analog scale by normal weight men (n=16)

High-calorie breakfast / Low-calorie dinner
10 10
Low-calorie breakfast / High-calorie dinner

8 *** * 8
Hunger rating

Hunger rating
6 6 ***
** * ***
4 4
2 2

0 0
08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 24:00 High-calorie Low-calorie
Time of day

High-calorie breakfast / Low-calorie dinner
10 6
Low-calorie breakfast / High-calorie dinner Breakfast
Appetite for sweets rating

Appetite for sweets rating Dinner ***

8 5

** 4 **
* ** 3
4 ***
** * ***

08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 24:00
High-calorie Low-calorie
Time of day

Visual analog scale - 0: not at all hungry/no appetite for sweets at all; 10: very hungry/great appetite for sweets
A = Effects of high- and low-calorie meal intake at breakfast and dinner on hunger rating; White circles = high-calorie breakfast combined
with low-calorie dinner; Gray circles = low-calorie breakfast combined with high-calorie dinner.
B = Interaction effect daytime*calorie: The difference between hunger rating 5 hours after breakfast and 4.5 hours after dinner depending
on amount of calories consumed.
C = Effects of high- and low-calorie meal intake at breakfast and dinner on appetite for sweets rating; White circles = high-calorie breakfast
combined with low-calorie dinner; Gray circles = low-calorie breakfast combined with high-calorie dinner.
D = Interaction effect daytime*calorie: The difference between the rating of appetite for sweets 5 hours after breakfast and 4.5 hours after
dinner depending on amount of calories consumed. Gray arrows = start of food intake; * = p < .05; ** = p < .01; *** = p < .001

pendent of caloric content. Additionally, a higher calorie dinner was consumed,

hunger increased following low-calorie hunger still decreased after a low-cal-
breakfasts, while it decreased following orie dinner. Lastly, appetite for sweets
high-calorie breakfasts, and remained was significantly lower after a high-cal-
higher prior to dinner in the low-calo- orie breakfast and remained significant-
rie breakfast condition. Following din- ly lower leading up to dinner compared
ner, while hunger decreased more when to the low-calorie breakfast condition.

Mechanistically, to explain the diet-in- much. The hunger and desire for sweets
duced thermogenesis findings, the au- ratings might have been impacted had
thors speculate, based on prior data, that they known the condition they were in
gastric emptying rates are faster in the and had a preconceived bias towards/
morning (i.e. the peristaltic contractions against it (and they may not have, even
and digestive rate in the gut are higher in- had they guessed the condition they were
tensity and faster, respectively) (4), and in). However, diet-induced thermogene-
that due to greater sympathetic nervous sis is probably not as subject to as much
system activity in the morning, meta- confounding due to expectancy, as it’s a
bolic rate and the respiratory quotient subconscious physiological process and
are higher (5) – as indicated by cortisol thus, you’d think it would be less sus-
and adrenocorticotropic hormone be- ceptible to manipulation via expectancy.
ing higher in the morning – resulting in Okay, with my minor gripe out of the
higher diet-induced energy expenditure. way, and with the results and mecha-
Further, the functionality of beta cells nisms summarized, let’s put the find-
(which produce insulin, which controls ings into context. In my pyramid model
blood glucose) is higher in the AM (6), which conceptually ranks nutrition vari-
which likely explains the blood glucose ables based on their influence on body
findings. composition, nutrient timing/distribu-
One very minor gripe I have with this tion is of lesser priority than energy bal-
paper is that they stated the participants ance. However, in this study, distribut-
were blinded to the conditions, but they ing more calories to breakfast resulted in
don’t state how or the success rate. Ide- a higher energy expenditure, indirectly
ally, there would be sufficient detail to influencing the output side of the energy
replicate the blinding process, and they balance equation. Further, my pyramid
would have conducted a post-study sur- model is predicated on the assumption
vey to see if the participants could guess that energy intake is controlled (hitting
the order which they completed the targets for energy and/or macronutri-
crossover. I’m a little skeptical that you ents). Things change when you are au-
can make a 250kcal and 1000kcal meal toregulating energy intake based on
look, taste, and feel the same. There are hunger and satiety; instead of tracking
some great tricks to bulk up meals, and calories/macros, you institute habits or
sneak in calories, but that’s a fourfold behaviors in an effort to reduce habitu-
difference in energy. With that said, the al energy consumption (or increase it if
reason this is just a minor gripe is because using this approach while gaining). The
expectancy (which is what blinding is present study, while short term in na-
meant to control for) can only do so ture, indicates that eating larger break-
fasts might result in a higher total dai-

Figure 4 Effects of high- and low-calorie meal intake at breakfast and dinner on resting energy expenditure
(mean ± SEM) in normal-weight men (n=16)

High-calorie breakfast / Low-calorie dinner
Low-calorie breakfast / High-calorie dinner
Resting energy expenditure


*** ***




07:00 11:00 15:00 19:00 23:00

Time of day
White circles = high-calorie breakfast combined with low-calorie dinner; Gray circles = low-calorie breakfast combined
with high-calorie dinner; Gray arrows = start of food intake; *** = p < .001

ly energy expenditure, with less hunger things before we start hitting up break-
and fewer cravings leading up to dinner. fast buffets and having chicken salads
While this was a calorie-controlled short with low-calorie dressing for dinner: 1)
term intervention, these data suggest this was not a longitudinal study; 2) the
that in the “real world,” over the long participants were not resistance training;
term, such a feeding pattern might result 3) these hunger and energy expenditure
in a lower total energy intake and high- data do not describe all of the variables
er energy expenditure, and subsequently which influence energy consumption
one might settle at a lower body mass. and balance; 4) we have to consider how
With that said, we must consider a few these data fit with the broader literature.

Let’s address each point in order. duced increase in energy expenditure at
the breakfast meals was measured rel-
Not a Longitudinal Study ative to pre-breakfast energy expendi-
First, it is possible these short term ture, which is probably pretty close to
responses might not reflect longitudi- the basal metabolic rate. However, the
nal outcomes. Look at Figure 4, which resting energy expenditure prior to din-
shows the time course of resting energy ner had not yet fallen all the way to base-
expenditure in the two conditions. line (i.e., the pre-dinner resting energy
expenditure value was higher than the
We don’t have energy expenditure data
pre-breakfast value). So, the relatively
for the full day; rather, we’ve got a few
smaller increases reported after dinner
hours after breakfast and a few hours af-
meals were not due to lower post-meal
ter dinner for each condition. So, while
energy expenditure, but instead were
we can’t say whether or not one condi-
due to relatively higher resting energy
tion increased total daily energy expen-
expenditure values before the dinner
diture compared to the other, we can
at least compare the breakfast and din-
ner responses in each. In Figure 3, the To truly know if a higher total 24 hour
group represented by white circles had energy expenditure would show up and
their large meal for breakfast, while the persist in one meal pattern versus the
group represented by gray circles had other, we’d have to do a longitudinal
their large meal for dinner. If you were study, or at least a multi-day study of
to lay these two sets of data points over- two groups instead of a single day cross-
top each other, they show nearly iden- over in either group. Habituating to any
tical responses. The same goes for the meal distribution pattern probably in-
low-calorie meals; the group with gray creases the thermic effect of food (7)
dots had the low-calorie meal for break- and improves the metabolic/satiety re-
fast, and the group with white dots had sponse to meals (8). Therefore, it is en-
the low-calorie meal for dinner. Again, tirely conceivable that these differences
if we stack these data points on top of between conditions (which at least with
each other, their values are strikingly the data available, appear to only mani-
similar. fest post-meal, not over the total period
measured) may have shrunk or possi-
In the presently reviewed study, the
bly disappeared if it was a longitudinal
authors reported that energy expenditure
comparison. Ultimately, we don’t know
increases were much larger in the morn-
if total energy expenditure would real-
ing than the evening; however, it ap-
ly be higher in a high-calorie breakfast
pears that this pattern was largely due to
pattern; however the hunger differences
a methodological choice. The meal-in-

and the findings from a similar applied regardless of what time of day you train.
longitudinal study (which I discuss lat-
er) suggest that the advantage might Other Variables Influence Energy Con-
persist and/or that the hunger differenc- sumption and Balance
es persist and are sufficient to result in Regarding my third consideration, I am
better weight loss outcomes. sure many of you are successful “IFers.”
I’m referring to those of you who’ve had
Participants Were Not Resistance success with the common, internet ver-
Training sion of time-restricted feeding colloqui-
Secondly, even if we take the findings ally called “intermittent fasting,” where
at face value and extrapolate them to you skip breakfast, start your eight-hour
longitudinal outcomes, it’s not clear if feeding window with a late lunch (of-
resistance training changes things. This ten post-training), and go to bed after
was a study of non-athletes, not required a very large dinner. I apologize for this
to be active or exercising, who were not article, as I’m sure many of you have
training during the study. Importantly, punched a hole through your drywall by
exercise and higher activity levels im- this point (it would probably be a bigger
prove the sensitivity of appetite control hole if you weren’t fasted … I’m kid-
through better compensatory adjust- ding!). However, despite appearances,
ments for energy content and density of this study doesn’t necessarily contradict
food (9). Additionally, resistance exer- your experiences. Ultimately, there are
cise stimulates muscle protein synthesis many factors that influence whether or
(10) and depletes intramuscular glyco- not a given nutrition strategy results in
gen and triglyceride (11), such that it an easier-to-achieve energy deficit, and/
“partitions” dietary protein toward mus- or can act as a more sustainable lifestyle
cle remodeling, and lipids and carbohy- to maintain a lean physique.
drate toward replenishing intramuscu- In the case of IF, I think the main reason
lar stores when consumed in the many it produces success is that it counteracts
hours following training. More pragmat- the logistical problems of modern life.
ically, most people have jobs and other Many people work from morning to late
obligations that limit their choices for afternoon/early evening, and find work
when they can train. Depending on the to be a powerful appetite suppressant (or
type and volume of training you do, and at least an appetite distraction), subse-
your individual response to pre-workout quently having no issue not eating early
nutrition, in some cases it may be advis- in the day – and as supported by the data
able to consume a large portion of your in this study – experience more hunger
day’s food before and/or after training in the evening, and find it more satiating

and less restrictive to have a larger eve-
ning meal. The participants in the pres-
ent study weren’t in a natural modern YOU MIGHT THINK IF IS
environment (yes, I realize that’s an oxy-
moron). Rather, they were in a lab spe- PERFECT FOR YOU BECAUSE
cifically participating in a study where
the focus was necessarily on the hunger YOU’RE HUNGRY AT NIGHT,
and satiety response to each meal. In the BUT PERHAPS YOU WOULDN’T
real world, if you eat your AM meals at
work or on the way to work, you’re dis- DESIRE THAT SAME FEAST
tracted, not paying attention to the meal,
and unlikely to self-regulate energy in- HAD YOU NOT SET YOURSELF
take based on satiety. Indeed, there are
data to suggest that being more mindful
while eating results in better hunger con- MINIMAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION
trol and reduced portions (12). Howev-
er, if you simply can’t be mindful during EARLIER IN THE DAY.
your AM meals because of your work
schedule, any theoretical benefit for bi-
asing calories earlier in the day might be
overwhelmed by distracted eating lead- er study, an eight-hour feeding window
ing to overconsumption. This is com- from 10am to 6pm resulted in mild ca-
pletely avoided if you simply don’t eat loric restriction and weight loss, without
in the morning, such as with IF. Equally calorie counting in subjects with obesity
important is that this was not a time re- (14). Most relevant, in a study compar-
stricted feeding study. The participants ing an early feeding window from 8am
ate over a 10-hour window, which is to 5pm, to a delayed feeding window
close to a “normal” feeding period. In from 12pm to 9pm (very similar to “IF”),
research on time-restricted feeding, one both windows resulted in improvements
study reported that individuals going in post-meal glucose control, although
from a > 14 hour feeding window to a the earlier feeding window also result-
10-11 hour feeding window, regardless ed in a lower mean fasting glucose (15).
of when the window was implemented, The point is, a shorter feeding window
lost weight and reported improved sleep can independently reduce caloric intake,
and energy levels (13). Meaning, cutting improve metabolic responses to meals,
a few hours off your daily eating window improve sleep quality, increase energy
might result in reduced caloric intake levels, and control appetite, regardless
and better circadian alignment. In anoth- of what time of day it occurs. Add that

I cited in this section, an early-shift-
ed feeding window might be a bit bet-
A PREVIOUS STUDY ALSO ter physiologically than a late-shifted
feeding window. However, it may not
REPORTED A THERMOGENIC be worth the real-world logistical prob-
lems. My hypothesis though, which is
ADVANTAGE OF EARLY-DAY admittedly based on logic rather than
hard data, is that if you do want to fol-
FEEDING, AND IT’S ALSO BEEN low a time-restricted approach, perhaps
the best compromise between real-life
SUCCESSFULLY UTILIZED IN A logistics and physiology would be an
LONGITUDINAL APPLIED STUDY IF-style late-shifted feeding window
(say noon to 8pm or 2pm to 10pm), but
WITH IMPRESSIVE RESULTS. simply with a larger lunch (first meal)
and a smaller dinner (last meal).

How These Data Fit with the Broader

to the pragmatic benefits of a late feed- Literature
ing window for people who work during Finally, before I wrap this up, we need
the day, and consider that almost every to consider whether this study stands
IFer lifts weights (which, as discussed, in opposition or in agreement with the
has beneficial effects on these same vari- broader data. I’ve already covered some
ables), and you can see how it would be pieces to the puzzle above, mentioning
inappropriate to use the present study as that early time-restricted feeding win-
an indictment against late-shifted time dows have slightly better outcomes than
restricted feeding (AKA, IF). late-shifted windows. Also, I’ve men-
With that said, on balance, I want to say tioned in a previous MASS article (here)
a few things even at the risk of further how eating large meals before bed can
drywall holes. First, it’s possible you’re negatively impact sleep quality and me-
so hungry for that final meal on your IF tabolism and is associated with poorer
protocol because you skipped breakfast body composition (16, 17). But more
and saved your calories for dinner. You specific to this study, Morris and col-
might think IF is perfect for you because leagues performed a randomized cross-
you’re hungry at night, but perhaps you over trial in 2015 in which they also ob-
wouldn’t desire that same feast had you served a 44-50% lower thermic effect
not set yourself up for wanting it due of food in the evening compared to the
to minimal energy consumption earlier morning (18). In another study, the pres-
in the day. Also, given the extant data

If cutting or fat loss maintenance is the goal, it’s worth trying a period of shifting
your calories more toward breakfast. It could potentially improve your energy levels,
increase your energy expenditure (maybe), reduce cravings, subsequently reduce
your habitual energy intake, and tip energy balance toward fat loss. If you’re someone
who is skeptical because you get really hungry at night, consider the possibility
that you might be hungry at night because you don’t eat much in the morning.
Also, consider the possibility that eating so much at night could be disrupting your
sleep, making you hungrier the following day, again, leading to nighttime hunger.
Remember, hunger was decreased after dinner, even in the low-calorie dinner
condition. That said, trial and error are key, and if you end up going to bed hungry,
that’s not good either (as I discussed last month here). So, your mileage may vary,
but it’s a potential chicken and egg scenario that’s at least worth exploring.

ent protocol was basically carried out ing (8-9am), but there were only one-
longitudinally in a weight loss trial (19). hour measurement periods, there wasn’t
Specifically, women with obesity lost a a late evening comparison, and there
lot more weight (−8.7 ± 1.4 vs. −3.6 ± were also periods of fasting that weren’t
1.5 kg), reported greater hunger control, matched between conditions prior to the
reduced waist circumference to a greater measurements. The second study I’m
degree, and had a better metabolic pro- aware of actually found a higher diet-in-
file when consuming a 700kcal break- duced thermogenesis at night (21), but it
fast, 500kcal lunch, and 200kcal dinner, assessed chronically ill, elderly hospital
compared to a group that swapped the patients fed through a nasogastric tube,
energy content of breakfast and dinner which I don’t think is representative of
over a 12-week period. Meaning, a pre- what we’d expect in healthy individuals
vious study also reported a thermogenic eating whole food.
advantage of early-day feeding, and it’s
also been successfully utilized in a lon-
gitudinal applied study with impressive Next Steps
results. All in all, the results of this study are
In contrast, I’m aware of only two pretty interesting, and considering the
studies with findings in opposition to the other data on the topic, might be useful
present study, but they both have issues. as an intervention strategy. However,
One study (20) found no significant dif- what we lack is a longer term version of
ference in diet-induced thermogenesis this study to see if total energy expendi-
in the afternoon (2-3pm) versus morn- ture over the day would be persistently

higher. We also lack a replication of the
current study in resistance-training ath-
letes consuming a high protein diet, to
see if this would change things, or level
the playing field between conditions. I
suspect it would to some degree, but giv-
en the magnitude of differences, there
might still end up being a small advan-
tage in the larger breakfast condition.


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nal of Clinical Nutrition. 1989 Nov;50(5):908.
21. Leuck M, Levandovski R, Harb A, Quiles C, Hidalgo MP. Circadian rhythm of energy
expenditure and oxygen consumption. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2014

Study Reviewed: The Effects of Asparagus Racemosus Supplementation Plus 8 Weeks
of Resistance Training on Muscular Strength and Endurance. Anders et al. (2020)

Asparagus Racemosus Supplementation:

Big Effects on Strength, but a Small
Degree of Confidence

A new study found that asparagus racemosus supplementation increased

bench press 1RM and strength endurance to a pretty impressive degree.
However, there are some really important details to consider before we
rush to buy a lifetime supply. Read on to find out if asparagus racemosus
supplementation is worth considering.

1. In the current study (1), college-aged males were randomly assigned to
supplement with asparagus racemosus (A. racemosus; 500mg/day) or placebo
during an eight-week bench press training program involving two sets of bench
press to failure, three times per week.
2. Supplementation increased bench press 1RM (14.3 ± 7.7% vs. 7.8 ± 4.5%; p
= 0.048) and bench press repetitions to failure with 70% of 1RM (17.5 ± 2.2
repetitions vs. 15.2 ± 2.2 repetitions; p = 0.044), but it looks like the effects were
largely driven by two particularly large responses in the training group, and a
general disparity of baseline strength and training status between groups.
3. Given these considerations, and the lack of a clear ergogenic mechanism in the
current study, it seems premature to recommend A. racemosus supplementation.
In the meantime, anyone hoping to enhance their performance or recovery via the
authors’ proposed mechanism of action might opt for solutions with more evidence
behind them, such as well-formulated juices and extracts from pomegranate, tart
cherry, watermelon, and beets, among others.

A sparagus racemosus (A. racemo-

sus) is not exactly a household
name in the world of sports sup-
icance, so I want to be extremely clear
that this article is about bench pressing. I
certainly don’t intend to promote or dis-
plements, but it’s far from “new.” The respect any particular tradition, culture,
plant, which is totally different from the or religion, so it’s critical to interpret
asparagus we would typically eat, grows this article as exactly what it is: a total-
throughout Asia, Australia, and Africa, ly objective evaluation of the effects of
and is one of the over 1,200 plants that A. racemosus supplementation on bench
have been used in Ayurvedic formula- press performance, with complete sep-
tions (1). Ayurveda is an ancient medical aration from any cultural or religious
tradition consisting of eight divisions of contexts.
healing; while the origin of Ayurveda In the current study (1), the authors
dates back thousands of years, it is still evaluated the effects of A. racemosus
practiced today. As interest in alterna- supplementation in comparison to a
tive medicine increases in many western placebo. Participants either consumed
cultures, Ayurvedic plants have become a placebo or 500mg/day of A. racemo-
increasingly common and can most like- sus, and completed two sets of bench
ly be found all throughout your neigh- press, three times per week throughout
borhood supplement store. Ayurvedic the eight-week intervention. Results in-
plants have cultural and religious signif- dicated that A. racemosus supplementa-

Table 1 Subject characteristics
Pre-training Post-training
Group Age (years) Height (cm) body mass (kg) body mass (kg)

A. racemosus 20.1 ± 1.2 180.7 ± 6.3 88.2 ± 12.8 88.6 ± 13.0

Placebo 20.7 ± 1.1 178.6 ± 5.5 81.4 ± 11.0 80.5 ± 11.6

Note: There were no significant (p > 0.05) pre-training differences between the A. racemosus and placebo groups for age, height, or
body mass. Futhermore, there were no pre-training versus post-training changes in body mass for the A. racemosus or placebo groups

tion increased bench press 1RM (14.3 Hypotheses

± 7.7% vs. 7.8 ± 4.5%; p = 0.048) and The authors hypothesized that “dai-
bench press repetitions to failure with ly supplementation with A. racemosus
70% of 1RM (17.5 ± 2.2 repetitions vs. would improve measures of muscular
15.2 ± 2.2 repetitions; p = 0.044) to a strength and endurance compared to
greater degree than the placebo sup- placebo.”
plement. In addition, more individuals
within the supplement group achieved
“real” increases (after accounting for Subjects and Methods
measurement error) in bench press 1RM
(80% versus 50%) and bench press rep- Subjects
etitions to failure (80% versus 38%) in
Authors of the current study recruit-
comparison to the placebo group. Hav-
ed 26 male participants, whose charac-
ing said that, I maintain some serious
teristics are presented in Table 1. The
skepticism about whether or not A. rac-
participants were college-aged folks
emosus supplementation is truly an ef-
with no known medical conditions that
fective supplement. Read on to find out
would’ve influenced the study results,
and they reported no use of any medica-
tions, supplements, or dietary programs
that would’ve been problematic within
Purpose and Hypotheses the month prior to participation. No-
tably, the training status requirements
were quite broad; the paper states that
The purpose of the current study was subjects were recreationally trained
“to examine the ergogenic efficacy of and “had previously participated in re-
supplementation with 500mg/day of A. sistance training exercise.” That’s ex-
racemosus during bench press training.” ceptionally vague. As we’ll see, this
resulted in a great deal of variability in

baseline strength, and it ended up being tical capsules filled with cellulose. They
pretty important. did not specify the time of day at which
supplements were consumed; unfortu-
Methods nately, that’s a limitation we’ll just have
In order to facilitate interpretation of to live with.
the results, the researchers first deter- Throughout the eight-week supple-
mined their test-retest reliability for mentation period, subjects complet-
bench press 1RM and repetitions to fail- ed three supervised training visits per
ure. To do so, 10 subjects reported to the week. The training visits began with a
lab on two separate days to go through warmup, followed by two sets of bench
the bench press testing protocol. After press to failure using 80% of their initial
warming up, bench press 1RM was de- 1RM, with two minutes of rest between
termined via 3-5 maximal attempts. Af- sets. If the participant was able to com-
ter 10 minutes of rest, participants com- plete more than eight reps on their sec-
pleted a single set to failure with 70% of ond set, the load was increased by 2.3kg
their 1RM. Between 2-7 days later, the at the next visit. After eight weeks, par-
participants returned and completed the ticipants returned for their post-testing
same protocol again. visit. Bench press 1RM was re-tested,
For the supplement intervention, sub- along with their maximal repetitions
jects were randomly assigned to the sup- to failure test using 70% of their initial
plement group (n = 10) or placebo group (pre-test) 1RM.
(n = 8). It sounds like two of the subjects
who completed the test-retest reliability Statistics
testing also participated in the supple- I don’t like to include a statistical meth-
ment intervention (one in each group). ods section unless totally necessary, but
Before the first testing visit, participants the authors analyzed their bench press
went through a familiarization visit to data a few different ways. For 1RM and
perform some submaximal bench press- repetitions to failure, they used analysis
ing (notably, the familiarization visit did of covariance (ANCOVA), which com-
not include the actual test protocol). Af- pares post-test values after adjusting for
ter that, subjects underwent pre-testing baseline (pre-test) differences between
using the test protocol described above, the two groups. Training load was doc-
then began their supplementation peri- umented throughout the program, and
od. Subjects in the supplement group analyzed via regression. They also as-
consumed two 250mg capsules of A. sessed individual responses using some-
racemosus once per day (500mg total), thing called the “minimal difference.”
while the placebo group consumed iden- Put simply, the minimal difference is

Figure 1 Individual values for pre-training and post-training bench
press repetitions to failure


Repetitions to failure

A. racemosus
16 Placebo




Pre Post

Adjusted post-training repetitions to failure for the A. racemosus group was greater than the placebo group (p = 0.044).
As noted by the red circles, two participants in the A. racemosus group had notably larger increases than all other participants.

used to distinguish between “real” ef-

fects and small differences that could be Findings
due to simple measurement error. If you Let’s start with the basic stuff: no ad-
weigh yourself every day, this is a really verse events were reported, the subjects
intuitive concept; of course you expect reported that they consumed all of their
the number to fluctuate daily by a pound supplements, and the subjects completed
or two depending on your body size, but all of their workouts. In addition, there
once you start seeing numbers that are were no statistically significant changes
a few pounds above or below normal, in dietary variables (calorie, carbohy-
you start believing a “real” change has drate, fat, and protein intakes) between
occurred. groups or over time.
For bench press repetitions to fail-
ure, the supplement group increased

Figure 2 Individual values for pre-training and post-training bench press 1RM


A. racemosus

1RM (kg)




Pre Post

Percent change (%) in 1RM bench press for the A. racemosus group was greater than the placebo group (p = 0.048).
As noted in Figure 1, the two circled participants had substantially larger increases in repetitions to failure than all other participants

from 13.6 ± 2.1 reps to 17.5 ± 2.3 reps, creased reps to failure by at least 1.9 in
while the placebo group increased from the placebo group. Individual responses
13.5 ± 1.6 reps to 15.1 ± 2.3 reps. This are presented in Figure 1.
change was statistically significant (p = For bench press 1RM, the supplement
0.044) based on the ANCOVA results, group increased from 90.0 ± 21.7kg
but results were not significant when to 101.6 ± 18.9kg, while the placebo
expressed as percent change (+33.2 ± group increased from 100.4 ± 24.6kg to
27.4% versus +12.2 ± 11.1%). Based 108.3 ± 26.9kg. This difference between
on the minimal difference statistic, a groups was not statistically significant
change of 1.9 repetitions was consid- (p = 0.196) based on the ANCOVA re-
ered to be “real.” More subjects in the sults, but the groups were significant-
supplement group (80%) had changes ly different when expressed as percent
of at least 1.9 reps, while only 38% in- change (+14.3 ± 7.7% versus +7.8 ±

Figure 3 Regression analyses of the log-transformed training loads for the
A. racemosus (AR) group and the placebo group


Training load

AR* = 0.004 (visit) + 2.176
Placebo = 0.002 (visit) + 2.234

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24

Training visit
* = the slope coefficient for the A. racemosus group was significantly (p < 0.001) greater than the placebo group.

4.5%, p = 0.048). Based on the minimal dicated by a greater slope (slope = 0.004
difference statistic, a change of 7.01kg ± 0.0005 versus 0.002 ± 0.0002, p <
was considered to be “real.” Most sub- 0.001). These results are presented in
jects in the supplement group (80%) had Figure 3.
changes of 7.01kg or greater, while only
50% in the placebo group exceeded the
7.01kg threshold. Individual responses Interpretation
are presented in Figure 2. I’ll be honest; when I first glanced at
Results of the regression analysis in- the results of this study, I was pretty
dicated that the supplement group was shocked by the size of the effects report-
able to increase training loads at a more ed. In the science world, shock is almost
rapid rate than the placebo group, as in- immediately followed by skepticism.

This is going to be one of those rare cir- rep or fewer for 62.5% of the placebo
cumstances when I thank the authors for group. Based on the minimal difference
a thorough presentation of their results, value of 1.9 repetitions, which was de-
only to conclude that their results prob- termined from their test-retest reliabil-
ably don’t mean much for the MASS ity information, this means that 62.5%
readership. Sometimes you find your- of the placebo group essentially did not
self in a strange place where you largely observe a training effect whatsoever.
disregard the findings of a study, even Looking at the supplement group, al-
though nobody did anything wrong, most all of the subjects had increases of
there are no glaring mistakes, and there 1-5 reps from pre-testing to post-testing.
is no underlying conspiracy theory. So, However, the two circled participants
let’s take a deeper dive into these results. (Figure 1) increased by 8-9 repetitions,
The authors did two things that real- which is astounding. I know they’re in-
ly help us critically interpret the results, dividual data points, so they shouldn’t
so I want to commend them for taking be over-interpreted, but that is a very,
two extra, but very critical steps: They very large number. If you tell me that a
reported individual results, and they re- supplement helps you crank out an ex-
ported their test-retest reliability. The tra rep or two, I’d say that’s pretty cool.
individual reps to failure results tell us a If it’s 2-3 extra reps, now we’re talking
story that the group means fail to convey. about a supplement that is bound to
If you look at Figure 1, you’ll notice that make a name for itself, and is right up to
the values from two specific subjects are the short list of strength supplement roy-
identified in red circles. These two sub- alty. If you tell me a supplement helps
jects are singled out because their results you crank out 19 reps instead of 10, I’m
are, put simply, atypical. In the entire asking about 50 follow-up questions.
placebo group, all subjects increased In the case of this particular paper, the
their repetitions completed by anywhere reporting of individual data points helps
from 0 to 4. I will say, it’s pretty shock- us get to the bottom of it. The range of
ing that 5 of 8 increased by 1 rep or few- baseline strength in this study was pretty
er, considering that the reliability testing large; the highest baseline bench press
showed an increase of 0.6 reps just by value was 142.9kg (315lbs), and the
coming back a few days later and taking lowest was 52.2kg (115lbs). Generally
another crack at it. I know it was only speaking, it’s going to be hard to sum-
two sets per training session, but I’m marize group-level responses to just
still kind of shocked to see that doing about any training stimulus when we’ve
reps to failure three times per week, for got that much heterogeneity in our sam-
eight weeks, led to improvements of 1 ple. As it turns out, those two partic-

ipants with atypically large increases and I found that there was actually a sig-
had the lowest and third-lowest base- nificant interaction between the covari-
line 1RMs. While we shouldn’t expect a ate (pre-test 1RM) and the independent
perfect relationship in which the lowest variable (group), which is important for
baseline 1RMs are associated with the two reasons. First, the ANCOVA proce-
largest training adaptations, in perfect dure assumes that there is no such inter-
sequential order, it seems quite fair to action; when one is present, you’ve got
speculate that those enormous increas- a problem that requires either changing
es were related to relatively low training your analysis, or shining a huge spot-
status at baseline, rather than an aston- light on that interaction and interpreting
ishingly effective dietary supplement. If it with added caution. Second, it implies
we exclude those two subjects from the that there’s something too different be-
analysis and recalculate, we find that the tween these groups to simply “adjust it
difference between groups drops from away” and forget about it without some
2.3 to 1.2 reps, and the p-value jumps careful consideration. This apparent
from 0.04 to 0.22. If you were to sug- complication related to training status
gest that I’m just cherry-picking here, is further supported by the training load
you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong. But data in Figure 3; it seems to tell a story
if we see something that looks atypical in which the supplement group began
(huge increase for two subjects), we the intervention with a generally low-
have a pretty intuitive explanation for it er training status, but was also able to
that is supported by the evidence (ini- bump up training loads more rapidly as
tial training status), and removing them a result. In terms of the raw 1RM chang-
yields results that are much more con- es, the placebo group increased by 7.9
gruent with our expectations based on ± 4.7kg, while the supplement group
the overall body of dietary supplemen- increased by 11.6 ± 5.1kg. This isn’t a
tation literature, we might want to con- particularly notable divergence between
sider picking those particular cherries. groups, especially when you consider
It’s also hard to interpret the 1RM re- that the supplement group started with
sults without carefully considering the a lower 1RM and was likely “catching
impact of training status. One of the first up” to the placebo group. As a result,
things that jumped out to me was the the only 1RM analysis that was statis-
fact that after eight weeks of training, tically significant was observed when
the mean 1RM in the supplement group expressed as a percentage, because this
had just barely surpassed the baseline essentially doubles the benefit of start-
1RM value of the placebo group. I went ing a trial with lower strength: you have
ahead and reconstructed the analysis, more ground to gain, you’re more likely
to respond well to a fairly modest train-

ing stimulus, and any raw change will strenuous exercise (5). Plus, I am pretty
be inherently larger when scaled to a skeptical that excessive oxidative stress
smaller initial 1RM. was creating a major recovery deficit for
Another reason for my skepticism the placebo group in the current study,
pertains to the purported mechanism of which featured a training program con-
action. The authors propose that A. rac- sisting of six total sets per week.
emosus enhanced bench press strength I’ve expressed skepticism several
and muscular endurance due to its an- times in this article, so I want to clarify
tioxidant properties, but I’m not sold exactly what I am skeptical about. I’m
on that mechanism. The only two ways skeptical that these results reflect the av-
I can see an ergogenic effect stem- erage result we would get if we repli-
ming from these antioxidant properties cated the study a hundred or a thousand
would be that acute performance en- times; that is, I don’t think the effects
hancement allowed for greater training we see here represent the “typical” ef-
volume (which compounded over time fect we can expect from A. racemosus
and yielded better training adaptations), supplementation. I am also skeptical
or that acute recovery enhancement that any such effect is dictated by the
from oxidative stress reduction allowed ability of A. racemosus to directly exert
for better performance at the subse- antioxidant effects, as more potent an-
quent training session (which allowed tioxidants with direct, straightforward
for greater training volume, and again antioxidant effects fail to produce these
compounded over time to yield better kinds of results. Finally, I suspect that
training adaptations). The antioxidant heterogeneity of baseline strength and
content of A. racemosus is notable but training status played an important role
doesn’t appear to be astronomically high in driving the observed results.
(2), and the limited research available It’s important to note that I’m defi-
doesn’t seem to indicate that its antioxi- nitely not necessarily asserting that A.
dant effects are more notable, or even as racemosus cannot be ergogenic. For ex-
notable, as more common antioxidants ample, A. racemosus might be like other
like vitamin C (3). This is important, plant-derived antioxidant sources that
because a recent meta-analysis (4) con- work through mechanisms other than
cluded that vitamin C fails to meaning- direct scavenging of reactive oxygen
fully enhance adaptations to resistance species, such as nuclear factor erythroid
training, and previous research has doc- 2–related factor 2 (Nrf2) activation (6).
umented mixed and fairly underwhelm- It could also theoretically enhance per-
ing evidence to suggest that vitamin C formance via mechanisms involving its
meaningfully enhances recovery from saponin content (2), some of the fairly

While the results of the current study are certainly promising, I am a bit skeptical that
they will be repeatable in other samples; more importantly, I am a bit skeptical that
they will generalize to MASS readers. The numbers look great, but I suspect that
baseline strength, baseline training status, and a couple of atypically large responses
played a big role in the results, and I struggle to see how the proposed mechanism
would really drive the observed effects in this particular study. I’m personally not
ready to recommend A. racemosus, but I’d love for future research to prove me
wrong about that. In the meantime, anyone hoping to enhance their performance
or recovery via plant-based sources of antioxidants might opt for solutions with
more evidence behind them, such as well-formulated juices and extracts from
pomegranate, tart cherry, watermelon, and beets, among others.

novel chemical compounds that have ergogenic ingredients aside from anti-
previously been isolated and identified oxidant content. Potential alternatives
from A. racemosus (7), or any number would include well-formulated juic-
of mechanisms that we have yet to un- es and extracts from pomegranate, tart
cover. One of the challenges studying an cherry, watermelon, and beets, among
herb like this is the fact that it contains others.
such a long list of potentially bioactive
compounds, which could all theoretical-
ly exert physiologically meaningful ef- Next Steps
fects (7). For the time being, I just don’t Like I said earlier, I’m open to the idea
think the results from the current study that these results truly represent a gener-
are convincing enough to get me excit- alizable, repeatable benefit from A. rac-
ed about A. racemosus supplementation emosus supplementation. But in order
enhancing strength via the proposed for me to really be sold on the idea, I’d
mechanism. It’s quite possible that the love to see a simple replication attempt
impressive findings from the current of the current design. However, I’m
study will be replicated, which would hopeful that future studies on the topic
result in me readily changing my mind. will take some extra steps to enhance
In the meantime, people interested in the likelihood of forming supplemen-
enhancing their performance or recov- tation groups that are relatively equiv-
ery via plant-based sources of antioxi- alent in terms of strength and training
dants might opt for solutions with more status, and to reduce the likelihood that
research supporting modest recovery one or two atypical responses can pull
benefits, or solutions that contain other

the group mean up or down. Practical
ways to do that would include recruiting
larger samples, setting more restrictive
inclusion/exclusion criteria, and poten-
tially using a “matched pairs” design,
in which you could match up partici-
pants with approximately equal baseline
strength, then randomly assign them to
separate groups.


1. Anders JPV, Keller JL, Smith CM, Hill EC, Housh TJ, Schmidt RJ, et al. The Effects of
Asparagus Racemosus Supplementation Plus 8 Weeks of Resistance Training on Muscular
Strength and Endurance. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2020 Mar;5(1):4.
2. Visavadiya NP, Narasimhacharya AVRL. Asparagus Root Regulates Cholesterol Metabo-
lism and Improves Antioxidant Status in Hypercholesteremic Rats. Evid-Based Complement
Altern Med ECAM. 2009 Jun;6(2):219–26.
3. Kongkaneramit L, Witoonsaridsilp W, Peungvicha P, Ingkaninan K, Waranuch N, Sarisuta
N. Antioxidant activity and antiapoptotic effect of Asparagus racemosus root extracts in hu-
man lung epithelial H460 cells. Exp Ther Med. 2011;2(1):143–8.
4. Clifford T, Jeffries O, Stevenson EJ, Davies KAB. The effects of vitamin C and E on exer-
cise-induced physiological adaptations: a systematic review and Meta-analysis of random-
ized controlled trials. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2019 Dec 18;1–11.
5. Sousa M, Teixeira VH, Soares J. Dietary strategies to recover from exercise-induced muscle
damage. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014 Mar;65(2):151–63.
6. Ismaeel A, Holmes M, Papoutsi E, Panton L, Koutakis P. Resistance Training, Antiox-
idant Status, and Antioxidant Supplementation. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2019 Sep
7. Bopana N, Saxena S. Asparagus racemosus--ethnopharmacological evaluation and conser-
vation needs. J Ethnopharmacol. 2007 Mar 1;110(1):1–15.

Study Reviewed: Muscle Fiber Typology Substantially Influences Time to Recover
from High-Intensity Exercise. Lievens et al. (2020)

The Tortoise and the Hare: People

With More Fast Twitch Fibers
Fatigue Faster and Recover Slower

Fast twitch muscle fibers can contract more powerfully and grow more
following resistance training, but they have their drawbacks. Namely, they
fatigue faster and to a greater extent than slow twitch fibers, and people
with a larger proportion of fast twitch fibers may take longer to recover
from training.

1. The researchers recruited two groups of subjects who either had a substantially
larger proportion of type I fibers than average, or a substantially larger proportion
of type II fibers than average.
2. Subjects performed three Wingate tests (a maximal anaerobic cycling test) with
four minutes of rest between tests.
3. The subjects with a higher proportion of type II fibers experienced a ~50% larger
decrease in power from the beginning of test 1 to the end of test 3. Following the
test, maximal quadriceps strength returned to baseline in just 20 minutes in the
type I-dominant group, while it hadn’t yet returned to baseline after 5 hours in the
type II-dominant group.
4. Fiber type distributions may have a meaningful impact on how you plan your
training, including the length of rest intervals you should take, whether (or how
often) you should go to failure, and how long you may need to recover between

uscle fibers are classically split bution on recovery over time scales last-
into two general categories: ing more than a few minutes.
“slow twitch” type I fibers, and In the presently reviewed study (1),
“fast twitch” type II fibers. Type I “slow subjects with a disproportionately high
twitch” fibers, as the name implies, can’t percentage of type I or type II fibers were
contract with as much power, but they’re split into two groups according to fiber
more fatigue-resistant. Type II fibers, on type predominance, and completed three
the other hand, contract much more pow- Wingate tests (maximal anaerobic cy-
erfully, but are more prone to fatigue. cling tests) with four minutes between
There’s some evidence that fiber type tests. Maximal isometric quadriceps
differences influence how quickly peo- strength was monitored for five hours
ple fatigue during resistance training, but following the testing bout. The subjects
there’s virtually no research on how fiber with more type II fibers experienced a
type distribution affects recovery from larger decrease in cycling power across
training. The presently reviewed study the three Wingate tests (-61% vs. -41%),
expands the body of literature indicating and their quadriceps strength was still be-
that people with a larger proportion of low baseline at five hours post-training,
type II fibers fatigue more quickly during whereas strength recovered in the type
anaerobic exercise, and is the first study I-dominant subjects in just 20 minutes.
to examine the effects of fiber type distri- Now that we know fiber types influence

both fatigue and recovery rates, what can (a dipeptide concentrated in muscle)
we do about it? content, in order to non-invasively esti-
mate the prospective subjects’ fiber type
composition, since carnosine content is
Purpose and Hypotheses higher in type II muscle fibers (2). The
researchers screened 32 subjects and
Purpose only enrolled the 20 subjects with mus-
The purpose of this study was to inves- cle carnosine concentrations >0.5 stan-
tigate the effects of fiber types on acute dard deviations above or below the av-
fatigue and recovery following intense erages established in previous research
anaerobic exercise. from the same lab.
Once the subjects were enrolled, they
Hypotheses started with a familiarization session
The authors hypothesized that subjects where baseline anthropometric mea-
with a greater proportion of type II fi- surements were taken, and the subjects
bers would experience greater fatigue did a dry run of the testing protocol,
and slower recovery than subjects with which consisted of three Wingate tests
a greater proportion of type I fibers. with four minutes of rest between Win-
The actual testing session took place
Subjects and Methods at least one week after the familiariza-
tion session. Subjects consumed a stan-
Subjects dardized meal two hours before the fa-
20 young males participated in this tigue protocol, and underwent tests of
study. Half had a greater-than-average neuromuscular performance and fatigue
proportion of type II fibers, and half had an hour before the fatigue protocol (the
a greater-than-average proportion of researchers did a lot of neuromuscular
type I fibers. All subjects played recre- assessments, but I’m primarily going
ational sports for 3-6 hours per week. to focus on maximal knee extension
torque). The fatigue protocol consisted,
Experimental Design again, of three Wingate tests (against a
resistance of 0.85% of body mass for 30
First off, it’s important to understand
seconds) interspersed with four minutes
how the subjects were selected. The re-
of rest. Tests of neuromuscular perfor-
searchers used a technique called pro-
mance and fatigue were administered
ton magnetic resonance spectrosco-
10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 120, and 300 min-
py on the subjects’ gastrocnemii. This
utes post-exercise to assess recovery.
technique estimates muscle carnosine

Figure 1

Muscle typology screening:

32 recreational athletes:

Slow Twitch


Fast Twitch

maximal voluntary contraction

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Z-score carnosine in gastrocnemius
· Z-score > -0.5 and < 0.5 =
Intermediate typology (n=12)
· Z-score < -0.5 = slow typology (n=10)
· Z-score > 0.5 = fast typology (n=10)

· Maximal M-wave
· 3 repeated Wingate tests
· Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)
and electrical stimulation protocol

Schematic timeline of study design:

-1h -10’ 0’ 10’ 20’ 30’ 50’ 80’ 120’ 300’

Meal Sugar drink Meal

-2h 25’ 140’

Maximal voluntary contraction

(MVC) and electrical Capillary blood 3 repeated Wingate tests
stimulation protocol

Blood draws were performed before torque 10 minutes after the last Win-
the start of the fatigue protocol, be- gate (-25% vs. -7%; p = 0.001). This
tween Wingate tests (three minutes decrease in knee extension torque was
into the rest periods), and at all re- also correlated with baseline mus-
covery assessment time points up to cle carnosine z-scores (p = 0.600; p =
120 minutes post-exercise to measure 0.005). By 20 minutes post-exercise,
blood lactate levels and blood pH. A maximal knee extension torque was
carbohydrate-based recovery beverage no longer significantly different from
was provided to subjects 25 minutes baseline in the type I group. Howev-
post-exercise, and another standard- er, maximal knee extension torque
ized meal was provided 140 minutes was still significantly depressed below
post-exercise. baseline levels five hours post-training
in the type II group. The neuromuscu-
lar testing indicated that neither group
Findings experienced significant central fatigue
The subjects with a higher proportion (inability to generate motor impulses
of fast twitch fibers were heavier, had in the brain and transmit them to the
greater lean body mass, greater quad muscles), so the difference in recovery
circumference, and higher maximal was driven by greater local muscular
knee extension torque. However, the fatigue and slower recovery from lo-
total work completed during the three cal fatigue in the fast twitch group (in-
Wingate tests was similar between ability to convert motor impulses into
groups. forceful contractions).
During the three Wingate tests, the Blood lactate tended to be a bit high-
type II group experienced greater fa- er in the type II group (the differences
tigue during each test, and thus, their were statistically significant at some
total decrease in power (from the start time points but not others), but the
of the first Wingate to the end of the differences were never particularly
last Wingate) was significantly larger large: ~2-2.5mmol/L. Blood pH de-
than the type I group (-61% vs. -41%; creased following the Wingates in both
p < 0.001). The total decrease in power groups, but it was significantly lower
across the three tests was significantly in the type II group following each of
correlated with baseline muscle car- the three Wingates. Blood pH also in-
nosine z-scores (r = 0.677; p = 0.001). creased back to baseline faster in the
type I group (80 minutes) than the type
The type II group experienced a sig- II group (2 hours).
nificantly larger decrease than the type
I group in maximal knee extension

Table 1 Findings

Type I group Type II group p-value


Age (y) 23.8 ± 3.05 22.8 ± 3.01 0.470

Height (cm) 177 ± 4.36 182 ± 9.88 0.131

Weight (kg) 68.9 ± 2.97 78.9 ± 8.18 0.004*

Fat (%) 12.6 ± 2.22 14.7 ± 2.40 0.059

Lean body mass (kg) 61.2 ± 2.07 67.3 ± 6.68 0.009*

Circumference quad (cm) 52.9 ± 2.47 56.6 ± 2.54 0.004*

Skinfold quad (mm) 7.98 ± 1.76 7.54 ± 2.73 0.674

Corrected circumference
50.4 ± 2.37 54.2 ± 2.33 0.002*
quad (cm)

Exercise performance during the incremental test

Peak power (W/kg) 5.77 ± 0.711 5.34 ± 0.182 0.092

Peak power (W) 398 ± 56.9 422 ± 49.2 0.338

VO2max (ml/min/kg) 58.4 ± 7.40 53.0 ± 3.12 0.052

VO2max (ml/min) 4287 ± 964 4757 ± 1010 0.301

Gas exchange threshold

2412 ± 498 2488 ± 402 0.463

Respiratory compensation
3715 ± 571 3897 ± 494 0.145
point (ml/min)

Maximal heart rate (bpm) 183 ± 9.85 196 ± 7.28 0.004*

Muscle typology

Muscle carnosine in
-1.43 ± 0.496 1.29 ± 0.595 < 0.001*
Gastro (Z-score

Figure 2 Performance and fatigue during repeated Wingate tests

non significant
Type I group
Type II group 250
12 * -41%

Total work done (Joule/kg)

Power (Watt/kg)

8 * 150

* *
4 * *
* -61%
30 sec all-out 4’ rest 30 sec all-out 4’ rest 30 sec all-out
0 0
Time Type I group Type II group

* = a significant (p < 0.05) difference between groups

lished. And by “poorly characterized,”

Interpretation I mean that prior research had only in-
This study didn’t break any brand new vestigated strength recovery for a grand
ground, but it supports and expands on total of five minutes following fatiguing
prior research. exercise (7, 8). By tracking recovery
Prior studies have found that people for up to five hours post-training, this
with a higher proportion of type II fibers study was the first to show that fatigue
fatigue faster during sustained isomet- truly lingers for longer in people with a
ric contractions (3), high-rep isokinetic higher proportion of type II fibers. Hav-
knee extensions (4, 5), and a minute of ing knowledge about recovery over five
continuous jumping (6). Based on prior days would certainly be preferable to
research findings and basic physiology, five hours, but five hours is still a big
it’s unsurprising that the subjects with a improvement over five minutes.
higher proportion of type II fibers in the Now, there are a few potential con-
present study (1) fatigued faster during founders and drawbacks to this study
repeated Wingate sprints. that should be addressed. For starters the
However, the effects of fiber type dis- type II-dominant group was heavier, had
tribution on the time course of strength more lean body mass, greater thigh cir-
recovery after fatiguing exercise had cumference, and greater quad strength
been poorly characterized in the liter- than the type I-dominant group. Thus,
ature until the present study was pub- you could interpret these results through

Figure 3 Recovery of maximal isometric quadriceps force


% of baseline maximum isometric

quadriceps force (%)


* †
* * † †
* † †

Type I group

20 Type II group

0 60 120 180 240 300

Time (min)

† = significant difference from baseline; * = significant difference between groups

the lens of size and strength differences, differences in strength and muscularity
rather than fiber type differences. How- because of the fiber type differences.
ever, I think the fact that similar work The other major drawback of this study
was accomplished across the three Win- was that fiber type distribution was only
gate tests partially allays that concern. I assessed in the gastrocnemius. The Win-
also suspect that fiber type differences gate test primarily stresses the quads
may be a semi-causal factor explaining (and strength recovery was only as-
the other group differences. Type II fi- sessed in the quads), and I’m not aware
bers undergo more hypertrophy follow- of any evidence specifically showing
ing resistance training than type I fibers, that fiber type proportions in the gastroc
so when dealing with a cohort of active and quads are tightly correlated. The re-
subjects who were specifically assigned searchers tested the gastroc because it’s
to separate groups because they have the muscle for which they had norma-
above- or below-average proportions of tive data using their non-invasive tech-
type II fibers, it may be logical to expect nique, so there was some logic behind

their choice. Furthermore, baseline elec-
trical stimulation testing of the quads did
suggest that the group allocation was THESE RESULTS SUGGEST
“correct” (electrically stimulated rate of
torque development was greater and re- THAT PEOPLE WITH A GREATER
laxation time was shorter in the type II PROPORTION OF TYPE II FIBERS
group, which is consistent with greater
type II fiber proportions in the quads). LIKELY NEED LONGER REST
So, while quadriceps fiber types weren’t
also assessed via magnetic resonance INTERVALS BETWEEN SETS.
spectroscopy, it’s likely that people with
an above-average proportion of type II
fibers in one muscle group simply have ther train with high reps or push to fail-
a higher proportion of type II fibers gen- ure (generating high amounts of acute
erally. fatigue per set). A Wingate test is way
So, what can MASS readers do with more metabolically stressful than virtu-
these results? Let me start by prefacing ally any resistance training, but I think
this with a disclaimer: Everything I’m it’s telling that three intense exertions
about to say is an extrapolation and may with no eccentric component was suf-
be wrong. However, hopefully my rea- ficient to decrease strength for at least
soning is clear and logical. five hours in the type II group, whereas
strength had recovered within 20 min-
First and foremost, I think these re-
utes in the type I group. To me, this im-
sults suggest that people with a greater
plies that doing high reps to failure, at
proportion of type II fibers likely need
least early in a training session, could
longer rest intervals between sets. The
depress performance to a counterpro-
drop in power output from the begin-
ductive degree for the entire rest of the
ning of one Wingate test to the start of
training session. People with a higher
the next Wingate was larger in the type
proportion of type I fibers may pay a
II group. Type II fibers experience great-
relatively small toll for training close to
er anaerobic stress and generally have
failure with moderate-to-high reps early
fewer capillaries per unit of fiber CSA
in a training session, but people with a
than type I fibers, so they take longer to
higher proportion of type II fibers should
return to metabolic equilibrium after an
probably save that type of training for
acute stressor.
the end of a training session.
Second, these results may suggest that
Finally, this is the biggest extrapola-
people with a higher proportion of type
tion of the bunch, but people with a larg-
II fibers should be more hesitant to ei-

suggests that type II fibers experience
more damage than type I fibers follow-
PEOPLE WITH A HIGHER ing eccentric training (9). Thus, if the
subjects in the present study were do-
PROPORTION OF TYPE I ing squats instead of cycle sprints, I’d
predict that the differences in recovery
FIBERS MAY PAY A RELATIVELY would be even larger and even lon-
One final thing worth noting is that,
CLOSE TO FAILURE WITH as for now, there’s still no cheap, easy,
non-invasive way to assess your fiber
MODERATE-TO-HIGH REPS type proportions. There may be a lab
EARLY IN A TRAINING SESSION, near you that does magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, but that’s not something
BUT PEOPLE WITH A HIGHER most MASS readers can bank on. So, I
think your best bet currently is to keep
PROPORTION OF TYPE II FIBERS in mind the fact that rest intervals, rep
ranges, proximity to failure, and train-
SHOULD PROBABLY SAVE THAT ing frequency are all factors that should
TYPE OF TRAINING FOR THE be individualized, while keeping in
mind that fiber type differences may
END OF A TRAINING SESSION. be one factor driving that need for in-
dividualization. Also, don’t lose track
of the experimental model used in this
study – they specifically recruited peo-
er proportion of type II fibers may need ple who had considerably higher than
to train with a lower frequency, all else average proportions of type I or type
being equal. Yes, this study only tracked II fibers. A good chunk of people read-
performance recovery for five hours, but ing this will have “normal” fiber type
keep in mind that there was no eccentric proportions. Just because you recov-
component for the exercise protocol. er quickly between sets, or take longer
There was also no evidence of central than your training partners to recover
fatigue, so local muscular homeostatic between sessions, don’t automatically
disruptions were sufficient to cause the assume you’re at one extreme end of
prolonged decrease in strength. With re- the fiber type distribution curve. Oth-
sistance training, the eccentric compo- er physiological factors influence acute
nent makes things look even worse for fatigue and acute and chronic recovery
type II fiber recovery. Some evidence

While assessing fiber type distribution still isn’t cheap and easy for most lifters, it’s a
factor worth at least keeping in the back of your mind. Needing to rest longer between
sets (assuming it doesn’t impinge on your ability to do enough volume per session)
and take more time to recover between sessions doesn’t necessarily mean anything’s
wrong with you; you may just have a higher proportion of type II fibers than average.
Training should be individualized anyways, and fiber types are just one physiological
factor that drives the need for individualization.

from training; fiber types are just one of

many inter-individual differences. And,
of course, fiber type breakdowns may
differ from muscle to muscle, so don’t
assume you need to treat every exercise
the same way.

Next Steps
I’d want to see how well these results
generalized to resistance training. For
example, a study could use 3-5 sets of
squats to failure as the fatigue protocol
instead of three Wingate tests. I’d also
want to see whether fiber types affect-
ed recovery for at least 2-3 days follow-
ing the training bout, instead of just five


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7. Colliander EB, Dudley GA, Tesch PA. Skeletal muscle fiber type composition and perfor-
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8. Hamada T, Sale DG, MacDougall JD, Tarnopolsky MA. Interaction of fibre type, potentia-
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Study Reviewed: Autoregulation in Resistance Training: A Comparison of
Objective Versus Subjective Measures. Shattock and Tee. (2020)

The Battle of Autoregulation:

Velocity 1, RPE 0

Two main methods of autoregulation exist: velocity and RPE. Each has
previously compared favorably to percentage-based training as a load
prescription method. How do they stack up against each other? This
article reviews the first ever study on the topic.

1. This study compared the changes in squat and bench press one-repetition
maximum (1RM) between programs using velocity-based load prescription and
rating of perceived exertion (RPE)-based load prescription.
2. Squat and bench press 1RM increased with both styles of training; however, the
change in strength with velocity load prescription (squat: +7.5%, bench: +7.7%)
was nearly double that of the change in strength with RPE prescription (squat:
+3.5%, bench: +3.8%).
3. In brief, this initial battle of autoregulation is a win for velocity. Ultimately, it seems
that if you can find a truly objective way to measure acute performance, that may
be the way to go.

ssigning training load using ve- search question. In this study, 20 rugby
locity and repetitions in reserve players performed two, six-week train-
(RIR)-based RPE has become ing blocks: a maximal strength block
almost as popular among practitioners and a strength speed block. 10 players
as assigning loads using percentages. had load assigned via velocity during
Research has caught up to this trend the max strength block (first six weeks)
over the past two years with two longi- and the other 10 players had load as-
tudinal studies for both velocity-based signed with RPE for the max strength
loading (2 – MASS review, 3 – MASS block. Then, in the second six-week
review) and RPE-based loading (4, block (strength speed block) the 10
5 – MASS review) versus percent- athletes who had already used veloci-
age-based loading. Out of those four ty prescription now used RPE, and vice
autoregulation studies, two of the four versa. Squat and bench one-repetition
showed a benefit for long-term auto- maximum (1RM), vertical jump height,
regulation (one for velocity and one for and sprint performance were tested be-
RPE), with the other two reporting null fore and after each training block. Both
effects. All told, the data are slightly groups improved strength and verti-
in support of either type of long-term cal jump; however, sprint times were
autoregulation; however, how does the unchanged. When averaging the im-
objectivity of velocity stack up against provement over each six-week block,
the subjectivity of RPE? This article re- changes in vertical jump, squat 1RM,
views a study from Shattock and Tee and bench 1RM with velocity load pre-
(1), which was the first to tackle that re- scription (vertical jump: +8.2%, squat:

Table 1 Subject characteristics

Training age
Subjects Age (years) Body mass (kg) Squat 1RM (kg) Bench 1RM (kg)

20 men 22 ± 3 94.3 ± 15.5 145 ± 5 109 ± 20 >2

Subjects characteristics from Shattock and Tee et al 2020 (1)

+7.5%, bench: +7.7%) were about

double the improvements seen from Subjects and Methods
RPE load prescription (vertical jump:
+3.8%, squat: +3.5%, bench: +3.8%). Subjects
Although the early returns in this area 20 male rugby players from a club
provide support for long-term loading team in the United Kingdom participat-
with velocity over RPE, this article will ed. All players had at least two years of
discuss how the study design could be training experience. The available sub-
responsible for some of these effects. ject details are in Table 1.
Further, the article will examine how
these load prescription methods can be Protocol Overview
used in conjunction with each other. Subjects were split into two groups
and trained for 12 total weeks, which
were divided into two training blocks of
Purpose and Hypotheses six weeks each. One group used veloc-
ity-based loading for the first six weeks
Purpose and then switched to RPE-based loading
The purpose of this study was to com- for the latter six weeks, while the other
pare velocity-based load prescription group did the opposite. Although this is a
versus RPE-based load prescription for crossover design in terms of both groups
improvements in performance adapta- switching between velocity and RPE
tions over six weeks. load prescription, it wasn’t a true cross-
over design because the first six weeks
Hypotheses consisted of a “maximal strength” block
for all 20 subjects and the latter six weeks
No hypotheses were provided. Also,
was a “strength speed” block for all 20
the authors came across as unbiased in
subjects. Therefore, one group used ve-
the introduction, so I could not tell if
locity loading for the max strength block
they favored one method over the other.
and RPE loading for the strength speed
block. The other group used RPE load-

Table 2 Study design

Block 1: Block 2:
Max strength Strength speed

Velocity-based RPE-based load

Group 1 Testing Testing Testing
load prescription prescription

RPE-based load Velocity-based

Group 2
prescription load prescription

ing for the max strength block and ve- strength speed program is in Table 5. The
locity prescription for the strength speed protocols were equated for sets, reps,
block. Squat and bench press 1RM, ver- and intended intensity. In other words,
tical jump height, and 10, 20, 30, and 40 the velocity and RPE prescriptions were
meter sprint times were tested before the intended to yield the same percentage of
training period, after the first block, and 1RM. In brief, subjects were instructed
again after the second block. The design to choose a load in which all reps were
of this study is illustrated in Table 2. below a certain velocity (i.e. <0.65 m/s)
In a true crossover, all subjects would or within a velocity range (i.e. 0.40 to
have completed the same training pro- 0.65 m/s). For RPE loading, subjects
gram while using both velocity and RPE were instructed to finish a set within a
loading at different points. An example specific RPE range (i.e. 8-9RPE). If any
of this can be seen in a hypothetical Ta- two reps fell outside of the prescribed
ble 3. velocity range or subjects recorded an
RPE higher or lower than the prescribed
Of course, the other option to answer
range, then load was adjusted up or
this question would simply be a longi-
down for the next set by 5kg for barbell
tudinal study with two groups. In other
exercises or 1kg for dumbbell exercises.
words, 10 subjects could have trained
using velocity loading for six weeks
(or longer), and 10 subjects could have
trained using RPE for six weeks using
the same training program, with out-
come measures assessed at pre- and
post-study. This article used magnitude-based in-
ferences to analyze results. As a whole,
Training Program MASS is not a fan of this approach. I
won’t harp on this, but you can refer to
The full training program for the max
the findings of this article for more in-
strength block is in Table 4, and the
formation on the limitations of magni-

Table 3 “True Crossover” hypothetical design

Same 6 week
6 week block
Max Strength
Max Strength
Testing and
Testing Velocity-based 6-week washout RPE-based load Testing
10 subjects
load prescription period prescription

RPE-based load Velocity-based

10 subjects
prescription load prescription

tude-based inference. However, a Wil- ues in the table below, as they’re not
coxon signed rank test was used, which pertinent to MASS. To keep it simple,
provided p-values for significance test- 1RM squat and bench and vertical jump
ing. I assume this test was used instead height increased with both load pre-
of an ANOVA because data were not scription styles; however, all of these
normally distributed, although that was metrics were found to increase signifi-
not explicitly stated. Importantly, the cantly more with velocity prescription
findings present the change in a mea- (p < 0.05). In practical terms, the im-
sure with velocity prescription versus provement in strength and vertical jump
the change with RPE prescription over with velocity was roughly double that
six weeks. However, the reported find- of RPE-based loading, and there were
ings did not distinguish between the meaningful effect sizes for each metric
max strength or strength speed blocks. in favor of velocity. These findings are
Therefore, to the best of my knowl- in Table 6.
edge, the findings are presented as the
changes in strength during both veloc-
ity and both RPE blocks averaged to- Interpretation
gether. For example, if the group doing Overall, the first long-term study com-
velocity-based training during the max paring velocity-based load prescription
strength block improved squat 1RM by versus RPE-based load prescription is
8% and the group doing velocity-based a win for velocity; however, this study
training during the speed strength block is not without its issues. Before getting
improved squat 1RM by 6%, then the to any issues, let’s compare these find-
reported change is listed at 7%. ings to other longitudinal studies in this
area. Also, I’ll keep this interpretation
Overall Results focused on the strength findings since
There was no change in the sprint those findings are most relevant to us.
times, and I did not include those val- To my knowledge there are five stud-

Table 4 Max strength block program

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Velocity (m•s-1) RPE RIR Rest (s)
(% of 1RM)

Back squat 8x3 85 - 90 0.65 - 0.95 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

1 Bent over row 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.65 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

Shoulder press 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.40 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

Underhand pull ups 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.65 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

2 Incline bench press 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.40 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

DB shoulder press 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.40 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

Deadlift 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.55 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

3 Wide grip pull-ups 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.65 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

Push press 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.40 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

Bench press 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.40 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

4 Single-arm dumbbell press 8 x 3 each arm 85 - 90 < 0.65 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

Dumbbell lateral raise 8x3 85 - 90 < 0.65 8.5 - 9 1-2 90 - 120

From Shattock and Tee. (1)

Rest = Interset rest intervals; RPE = Rating of Perceived Exertion; RIR = Repetitions in Reserve.

ies, including the currently reviewed one exception is that the magnitude of
one, looking at the longitudinal effi- strength increase with velocity prescrip-
cacy of either velocity-based or RPE- tion from the Orange study (3) seems a
based loading. The other four studies bit low. However, as Greg stated when
all compare either velocity (2 – MASS reviewing the Orange study, “the train-
review, 3 – MASS review) or RPE (4,5 ing program likely just wasn’t challeng-
– MASS review) to percentage-based ing enough for autoregulation (velocity)
training. For strength adaptation, there to provide an added benefit.” In short,
is one study showing each autoregula- there was not much progressive over-
tion method to augment strength gains load in the Orange study. Otherwise the
compared to percentage-based loading, +7.5 and +7.7% change in squat and
and one study with null findings when bench in the presently reviewed study
comparing each autoregulation meth- are similar to Dorrell et al, which used
od with percentages. These studies are velocity loading for six weeks, and are
summarized in Table 7. only slightly lower than the changes in
The magnitude of strength increase Helms et al and Graham and Cleather,
with velocity-based training in the pres- but each of those studies was longer
ently reviewed study falls mostly in (Helms = 8 weeks long, and Graham
line with the increases from the other and Cleather = 12 weeks long) than the
autoregulatory groups in Table 7. The 6 weeks in the current study. The one

Table 5 Speed strength block program

Day Exercise Sets x Reps Velocity (m•s-1) RPE RIR Rest (s)
(% of 1RM)

Hex bar deadlift 6x4 70 - 80 0.65 - 0.95 7-8 2-3 120

Under hand pull-up 6x4 70 - 80 0.65 - 1.25 7-8 2-3 120

Bench press 6x4 70 - 80 0.40 - 0.65 7-8 2-3 120

Push press 6x4 70 - 80 0.65 - 0.95 7-8 2-3 120

Lunges 6 x 4 leg 70 - 80 0.65 - 0.95 7-8 2-3 120

Incline bench press 6x4 70 - 80 0.40 - 0.65 7-8 2-3 120

Bent over row 6x4 70 - 80 0.65 - 1.25 7-8 2-3 120

Seated shoulder press 6x4 70 - 80 0.40 - 0.65 7-8 2-3 120

Box squat 6x4 70 - 80 0.65 - 0.95 7-8 2-3 120

Wide grip pull-ups 6x4 70 - 80 0.65 -1.25 7-8 2-3 120

Bench press 6x4 70 - 80 0.40 - 0.65 7-8 2-3 120

1/2 kneeling single-arm

6 x 4 arm 70 - 80 0.40 - 0.65 7-8 2-3 120
dumbbell should press

From Shattock and Tee. (1)

Rest = Interset rest intervals; RPE = Rating of Perceived Exertion; RIR = Repetitions in Reserve.

thing that seems slightly off to me is think we can help explain some of that
that the magnitude of strength increase discrepancy by analyzing some design
for the RPE group seems a bit low in the issues with this study in the following
current study. Helms reported more than section. However, to be clear, despite
twice the magnitude of change in bench the design issues that we’ll bring up, this
1RM and almost three times the change study is still a win for velocity.
in squat 1RM with percentage-based In Table 2 earlier in this article, you
training versus the strength gains re- can see the study design. While this
ported in the RPE group in the presently study used a “crossover” design, in that
reviewed study. The best way to explain all subjects performed both velocity- and
that is that Helms had subjects train the RPE-based training at different times,
tested lifts three times per week, while the subjects did not perform these mo-
the current study only had lifters train dalities under the same conditions. Spe-
the lifts once per week. In general, 1RM cifically, one group used velocity pre-
strength improvement with RPE loading scription during the max strength block
in this study was less than the improve- and RPE prescription during the strength
ment in strength even with percentag- speed block, while the other group did
es in the previous studies, even when the opposite. Table 3 (seen above) shows
accounting for other variables such as that a true crossover design would have
study length and per-lift frequency. I

Table 6
% Change ± 90% CI % Change ± 90% CI
velocity loading RPE loading (condition in favor)

Vertical jump height 8.2 ± 1.1% *# 3.8 ± 0.9* 1.78 (velocity)

Squat 1RM 7.5 ± 1.5% *# 3.5 ± 0.8* 1.37 (velocity)

Bench press 1RM 7.7 ± 2.1% *# 3.8 ± 0.9* 0.98 (velocity)

Data from Shattock and Tee (1)

1RM = One-Repetition Maximum; CI = Confidence Interval; * = Significant increase; # = Significantly greater
improvement with velocity versus RPE (rating of perceived exertion).

had all subjects use each load prescrip- during that block. Lifters also tend to
tion method under the same conditions. improve their RPE accuracy over time,
Since the crossover did not have sub- and since some only used RPE during
jects under the same conditions, I really the strength speed block, they did not
would have preferred to see the results have a chance to improve their skill with
after each individual block. Rather, the RPE. The other factor at play is that we
findings presented are an average of the have evidence showing that just viewing
two blocks, as stated previously. I would your velocity (7 – MASS review) can
suspect velocity to be far better than improve your outcomes. In this study,
RPE in the strength speed block, since the athletes could view post-set velocity
the amount of RIR was greater, and RPE when using it for load prescription, but
isn’t very accurate when training far could not see velocity during the RPE
from failure (6). Further, the exercise loading phase. While I do wish the study
selection in the max strength block did was either a true crossover or a true lon-
not have any traditional back squats and gitudinal design (i.e. 12 weeks of ve-
included movements such as the hex bar locity versus RPE), it is also the case
deadlift and box squat, and I doubt the that many of the mentioned limitations
rugby players had previously used RPE are simply inherent benefits of velocity
on those movements. My bet is that the over RPE in the real world. Certainly,
athletes undershot (had more RIR than viewing velocity is an inherent benefit,
predicted) the RPE during the strength the lack of requiring a learning effect
speed block, which caused them to po- when using an objective versus a sub-
tentially train at a lower relative intensi- jective measure is an inherent benefit,
ty than those using velocity prescription and the fact that velocity may work just

Table 7 Summary of velocity or RPE loading versus percentage loading studies

Increase RPE or Strength increase

Study Design
velcoity group (%) percentage group (%)

Helms et al. 2018 8 Weeks RPE vs. Squat: 11.83 Squat: 10.0
(RPE study) percentage loading Bench: 8.85 Bench: 8.43

Graham and cleather 12 weeks RPE vs. Squat: 10.76 Squat: 7.05
strength increase with
2019 (RPE study) percentage loading Front squat: 11.68 Front squat: 8.36

Dorrell et al. 2020 6 Weeks velocity Vs. Squat: 9.34 Squat: 9.02
bench strength
(Velocity study) percentage loading Bench: 7.31 Bench: 4.68
increase with velocity

Orange et al. 2020

7 weeks velocity vs.
(Velocity study) Squat: 5.84 Squat: 6.62
percentage loading

Summary table of all studies comparing either RPE- (Helms et al.; Graham and Cleather) or Velocity-based (Dorrell et al; Orange et al) loading versus
percentage-based loading. RPE = Rating of Perceived Exertion.

as well with both lower and higher RIR tive measure won out in this study, and
are absolutely points in velocity’s favor. that shouldn’t be too surprising.
I also wonder if the fact that all of these In my opinion, it is always worth stat-
athletes were on the same rugby team, ing that the various loading strategies
and presumably trained together, aided (velocity, RPE, and percentages) do not
the velocity adaptations. In other words, need to be viewed as standalone strat-
just from being around sports teams all egies. Rather, they can be used in con-
my life (both coaching and playing), junction with each other. For example,
I would be willing to bet that velocity let’s say you are using velocity to work
would be much more accepted than RPE up to a 1RM, and typically 0.35 m/s on
by the players, and they would be con- the squat is an RPE of 8 for you, which is
sistently challenging each other to beat ~90% of 1RM. However, you squat 85%
someone else’s velocity. But again, that at 0.35 m/s, but you record a 7 RPE. This
could simply be another inherent bene- discrepancy could be due to the fact that
fit of velocity when training in a group. you simply made a technique error on
Therefore, this study should still be the 85% set, or just did not have a high
viewed as a solid win for velocity over level of excitability, but you know that
RPE in the battle of autoregulation. The you could have done at least three more
only thing I feel really strongly about is reps. In this case, you should probably
that I would have liked to have seen the use RPE instead of velocity as the tool
magnitude of change after each individ- to choose your next load. The situations
ual training block. Ultimately, the objec- where RPE overrides velocity might be

1. This study showed that long-term velocity-based load prescription led to greater
maximal strength gains than long-term RPE-based load prescription in a team of
rugby players.
2. Although the study design and reporting could have been improved a bit, it seems
that a lot of the inherent benefits of velocity, such as simply viewing velocity,
allowed the objective autoregulation method to augment strength gains more
than the subjective method of RPE.
3. It should not be too surprising that velocity took home the win in this study.
However, even if you have access to an accurate velocity tracker, there are some
situations (i.e. if you make a technique error, are coaching in a group setting,
or don’t have access to a velocity tracker) where it makes sense to track RPE
alongside velocity. For now, both tools remain quite useful.

rare, but they do exist. Further, if you

are coaching in a group setting and you Next Steps
don’t have individualized load-veloci- Next, I’d like to see a longitudinal
ty profiles, then you could use RPE as study carried out, as discussed earlier in
a rough check on the velocity. In other the article, which has two groups (one
words, if you have programmed 3 sets using velocity and one using RPE) train
of 8 reps on the squat between 0.40 – with the same training program the en-
0.70 m/s, you could have all the athletes tire time. Essentially, take the Helms et
record an RPE when they get close to al study and plug in velocity for the per-
0.40. Some may record an RPE of <5 centage-based training group, and com-
(quite far from failure); however, others pare it to RPE. Even better, leave the
may record an RPE of 7 or 8. If you feel percentage-based group in that design
the RPEs are accurate, then you can use and simply add velocity-based training
them to come up with a different veloc- as a third group. After that, it would be
ity zone for some individuals to equate nice to see a longitudinal study which
for proximity to failure. The goal is ulti- individualizes velocity profiling. When
mately to get an individualized velocity we get an individualized study, the ben-
profile for each lifter; however, that can efits should be even greater than what
be time-consuming in a large group, so velocity is showing in the presently re-
simply gathering RPE can alert you if viewed study.
someone is too close to failure, even if
they are in the prescribed velocity zone.


1. Shattock K, Tee JC. Autoregulation in Resistance Training: A Comparison of Subjective Versus

Objective Methods. Journal of strength and conditioning research. 2020 Feb 13.
2. Dorrell HF, Smith MF, Gee TI. Comparison of velocity-based and traditional percentage-based
loading methods on maximal strength and power adaptations. The Journal of Strength & Condi-
tioning Research. 2020 Jan 1;34(1):46-53.
3. Orange ST, Metcalfe JW, Robinson A, Applegarth MJ, Liefeith A. Effects of In-Season Veloci-
ty-Versus Percentage-Based Training in Academy Rugby League Players. International journal of
sports physiology and performance. 2019 Oct 30;1(aop):1-8.
4. Helms ER, Byrnes RK, Cooke DM, Haischer MH, Carzoli JP, Johnson TK, Cross MR,
Cronin JB, Storey AG, Zourdos MC. RPE vs. Percentage 1RM loading in periodized programs
matched for sets and repetitions. Frontiers in physiology. 2018 Mar 21;9:247.
5. Graham T, Cleather DJ. Autoregulation by” Repetitions in Reserve” Leads to Greater Improve-
ments in Strength Over a 12-Week Training Program Than Fixed Loading. Journal of strength and
conditioning research. 2019 Apr.
6. Zourdos MC, Goldsmith JA, Helms ER, Trepeck C, Halle JL, Mendez KM, Cooke DM,
Haischer MH, Sousa CA, Klemp A, Byrnes RK. Proximity to Failure and Total Repetitions Per-
formed in a Set Influences Accuracy of Intraset Repetitions in Reserve-Based Rating of Perceived
Exertion. Journal of strength and conditioning research. 2019 Feb.
7. Weakley JJ, Wilson KM, Till K, Read DB, Darrall-Jones J, Roe GA, Phibbs PJ, Jones B. Vi-
sual Feedback Attenuates Mean Concentric Barbell Velocity Loss and Improves Motivation, Com-
petitiveness, and Perceived Workload in Male Adolescent Athletes. The Journal of Strength &
Conditioning Research. 2019 Sep 1;33(9):2420-5.

Study Reviewed: The Efficacy of Tart Cherry Juice in Aiding Recovery After
Intermittent Exercise. Quinlan and Hill. (2020)

Tart Cherries With Sweet

Recovery Effects

Oxidative stress and inflammation play a role in promoting training adaptations,

but too much can impair your recovery. A recent study found that tart cherry juice
expedited recovery from strenuous exercise. So, do you need to choose between
short-term recovery and long-term adaptations? Read on to find out.

1. In the current study (1), 20 participants (8 male, 12 female) consumed tart cherry
juice, which is naturally high in polyphenols, or a placebo for eight days, with a
strenuous bout of intermittent exercise occurring on day six.
2. Supplementation with tart cherry juice did not significantly influence soreness,
C-reactive protein, or creatine kinase levels, but it led to significantly faster
recovery of 20m sprint time, countermovement jump height, and maximal voluntary
contraction strength.
3. Polyphenol-rich extracts or juices from fruits, vegetables, and algae are likely to
enhance recovery from particularly vigorous, damaging, or unaccustomed exercise,
without impairing training adaptations.

ontmorency cherries, also known and inflammation that transiently impair
as tart cherries, have started gain- performance and require a more pro-
ing some attention in the sports longed period of recovery when we un-
nutrition world. Tart cherries contain dertake particularly vigorous, damaging,
many polyphenol compounds with an- or unaccustomed exercise. Researchers
tioxidant and anti-inflammatory proper- have previously speculated that the vari-
ties, including flavonols, flavanols (yes, ous phytonutrients in tart cherries can di-
they’re different), and anthocyanins, rectly scavenge free radicals, bolster the
among others (2). These compounds body’s built-in antioxidant defense sys-
are also found in sweet cherries, but the tems, decrease endogenous production of
concentrations are higher in the tart va- free radicals, and attenuate key inflam-
riety. When we exercise, we expect that mation pathways (1). In the current study
reactive species production will increase. (1), 20 participants (8 male, 12 female)
“Reactive species” is a general term de- consumed tart cherry for eight days, with
scribing the variety of molecules that a strenuous bout of intermittent exercise
promote oxidative damage to cells, ul- taking place on day six. Participants in
timately contributing to oxidative stress the tart cherry group had significantly
and inflammation; for a thorough primer faster recovery in terms of 20m sprint
on the relationships between oxidative time, countermovement jump height, and
stress, inflammation, and exercise, check maximal voluntary contraction strength,
out this article for additional context. with no significant differences for de-
While increased reactive species produc- layed-onset muscle soreness, C-reactive
tion is expected with exercise, we can ex- protein levels, or creatine kinase levels.
perience magnitudes of oxidative stress Read on to find out if, why, and when you

Table 1 Subject characteristics

Predicted VO2 max

Group Sport Sex (M/F) Age (years) Height (cm) Mass (kg)
test level (

Football (n=5)
Cherry juice Netball (n=3) 4/6 28 ± 4 175.9 ± 11.1 71.5 ±13.1 9.4 ± 2.1 44.6 ± 7.2
Hockey (n=2)

Football (n=9)
Placebo 4/6 25 ± 5 174.8 ± 8.4 68.9 ± 12.6 9.3 ± 2.6 44.2 ± 9
Hockey (n=1)

Value are mean ± standard deviations

VO2max = maximal oxygen uptake

might consider supplementing with tart ticipants were athletes competing in the
cherry juice for performance purposes. sport of football (soccer, for the Ameri-
can readers), hockey, or netball. Partici-
pant characteristics are presented in Ta-
Purpose and Hypotheses ble 1.

Purpose Methods
The purpose of the current study was This was a single-blind, placebo-con-
“to investigate the efficacy of tart cher- trolled study, which means that partici-
ry juice without dietary restrictions, in pants were unaware of the treatment they
aiding recovery following intermittent were receiving, but the researchers knew
exercise.” which treatment the participants were
assigned to. A double-blind approach in
Hypotheses which the researchers are also unaware of
The authors hypothesized that con- the treatment assignments until after the
sumption of tart cherry juice for sever- analysis is done is a bit more preferable,
al days surrounding a bout of intermit- but I doubt it was a particularly important
tent exercise would reduce biomarker factor in this study.
concentrations associated with muscle The study consisted of four visits. The
damage and inflammation, and would first visit was just a familiarization visit,
facilitate performance recovery in the which allowed the participants to get ac-
48 hours following the bout. customed to the exercise test and measure-
ment protocols, and to get some pre-sup-
plementation blood samples. Soon after,
Subjects and Methods the supplementation period began; sub-
jects either consumed a tart cherry con-
Subjects centrate (30mL) or a placebo twice per
For the current study, 20 participants day for eight days. The placebo treatment
were recruited (8 male, 12 female). Par- was a fruit-flavored beverage with <5%

Figure 1 Counter-movement jump for the cherry juice and placebo groups at basline and following the LIST

Cherry juice
Placebo *
CMJ (% change)





Baseline 1h post-LIST 24h 48h

* = significantly greater recovery of CMJ performance was observed in the cherry juice group at 24h and 48h post-LIST (p < 0.05): values are
mean ± SD (n=10 per group)
LIST = Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test

fruit content; they didn’t use surveys to pleted an adapted version of the Lough-
assess the effectiveness of the placebo, borough Intermittent Shuttle Test, which
but it was likely close enough in flavor is a strenuous test involving repeated, in-
to get the job done. On the sixth day of termittent sprinting. Measurement of the
supplementation, subjects completed vis- previously mentioned variables was then
it two, in which baseline data were col- repeated one hour after the exercise test,
lected for countermovement jump, 20m as well as 24 hours (visit 3) and 48 hours
sprint, knee extension maximum volun- (visit 4) after.
tary isometric contraction strength, and
blood biomarkers related to inflamma-
tion and muscle damage (C-reactive pro- Findings
tein and creatine kinase, respectively). As expected, countermovement jump
After baseline measurements, they com- performance was impaired one hour af-

Figure 2 Maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) for the cherry juice and placebo groups at
baseline and following the LIST

Cherry juice
105 * *

MVIC (% change)







Baseline 1h post-LIST 24h 48h

* = significantly greater recovery of force in the cherry juice group at 24h and 48h post-LIST (p < 0.05);
values are mean ± SD (n=10 per group)
LIST = Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test

ter the exercise test. However, recovery groups had similar sprint time increases
was more rapid in the tart cherry group one hour after the test, but the tart cherry
than the placebo group, as indicated by group recovered more quickly, with sig-
statistically significant differences at 24 nificantly smaller increases from base-
hours and 48 hours after the exercise test line observed at 24 hours (1.95 ± 2.86%
(Figure 1). versus 5.94 ± 1.94%, p = 0.004) and
Compared to baseline values, the exer- 48 hours (0.31 ± 1.67% versus 3.84 ±
cise test caused increases in 20m sprint 3.34%, p = 0.019) post-test in compar-
time (that is, slower sprint speed). Both ison to placebo. Similarly, the exercise

Table 2 Mean muscle soreness scores and CRP values for the cherry juice and placebo groups before and following intermittent shuttle running

Pre-supplementation Pre-LIST Post-LIST 24h 48h

DOMS (mm)

Cherry juice 43.3 ± 25.9 107.4 ± 36.0 83 ± 26.0 62.7 ± 35.4

Placebo 27.8 ± 20.0 106 ± 21.4 98.7 ± 31.2 102.1 ± 36.8

CRP (mg/L)

Cherry juice 0.563 ± 0.901 0.277 ± 0.186 0.57 ± 1.034 0.831 ± 1.145 1.201 ± 1.961

Placebo 1.292 ± 1.756 1.138 ± 1.29 1.176 ± 1.289 2.071 ± 2.03 1.897 ± 1.746

Values are mean ± SD (n=10 per group)

Post-List = post Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test; DOMS = muscle soreness; CRP = C-reactive protein

test caused a transient reduction in leg C-reactive protein (a biomarker associ-

extension maximal voluntary isometric ated with inflammation), values general-
contraction strength. The groups had ly tended to be higher 24-48 hours after
similar reductions at one hour post-exer- the exercise test, but this increase was
cise, but the tart cherry group recovered not statistically significant, and no sta-
more quickly, with significantly higher tistically significant differences between
values at 24 hours and 48 hours post-ex- groups were observed (Table 2).
ercise (Figure 2). For creatine kinase (a biomarker as-
Delayed-onset muscle soreness in- sociated with muscle damage), a sig-
creased following the exercise test. A nificant time effect was observed, with
group × time interaction was observed, higher values observed after the exer-
which would typically indicate that the cise test. No significant differences be-
groups had divergent recovery respons- tween the tart cherry and placebo groups
es; however, none of the follow-up tests were observed, but a visual assessment
found a statistically significant differ- of the data suggests that the increase at
ence between the tart cherry group and 24 hours was a bit more extreme in the
the placebo group at any individual time placebo group compared to the tart cher-
point. Interestingly, baseline values in ry group (Figure 3).
the tart cherry group tended to be higher
than placebo, and values were very sim-
ilar at one hour post-exercise. Values in Interpretation
the tart cherry group were moving back In the current study, all three perfor-
toward baseline values at 24 and 48 mance outcomes (countermovement
hours, whereas soreness remained pretty jump, 20m sprint time, and isometric
high in the placebo group (Table 2). For leg extension strength) recovered sig-

Figure 3 Serum creatine kinase (CK) concentrations for the cherry juice and placebo groups before and
following the LIST

Cherry juice










Pre-supplementation Pre-LIST 1h post-LIST 24h 48h

Values are mean ± SD (n=10 per group)
LIST = Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test

nificantly more quickly in the tart cherry soreness, creatine kinase, and C-reac-
group than the placebo group. In con- tive protein because we think they may
trast, the tart cherry treatment did not relate to recovery, not because we care
appear to confer statistically significant about them per se. When you’re jump-
benefits when it comes to the secondary ing higher, running faster, and exerting
measurements (soreness, creatine ki- more leg extension force, micromanag-
nase, and C-reactive protein). There are ing creatine kinase and C-reactive pro-
two ways to look at this apparent dis- tein values seems a bit unnecessary (as
crepancy; one is simple, one is more nu- long as they’re within normal, healthy
anced, but both lead to the same place. ranges).
On one hand, you could look at the dis- The more nuanced outlook pertains
crepancy and dismiss it entirely. We’re to the statistical analysis; after all, the
presumably only interested in things like

actual patterns in the data aren’t per- differences or patterns to speak of. So,
plexing, they just failed to reach statis- while the soreness, C-reactive protein,
tical significance. With only 10 subjects and creatine kinase results were not sta-
per group, this is safely categorized as tistically significant, the totality of the
a small study, which means that it has results suggest that the tart cherry sup-
low statistical power. In a study of this plement facilitated more rapid recovery,
size, you need to see a pretty big, pret- and the purported mechanism of reduced
ty consistent effect in order to achieve oxidative stress and inflammation is still
statistical significance. If your measure- the most likely reason.
ment has too much variability, or the A single study is rarely sufficient for
observed effect is highly variable from making firm conclusions. Fortunately,
person to person, it’ll be increasingly the current study is not the first to find
unlikely to find a statistically significant favorable effects from tart cherry sup-
finding for that outcome. For C-reactive plementation. As reviewed by Vitale et
protein and creatine kinase, it’s likely al (2), a number of previous studies have
that these factors came into play. As a found tart cherry to improve indices of
result, we saw that the mean values fol- soreness, muscle damage, inflammation,
lowed pretty intuitive patterns that sup- oxidative stress, and neuromuscular per-
port the performance findings, despite formance following several days of tart
being statistically nonsignificant. For cherry supplementation. In fact, their re-
the soreness values, there is an addition- view features a table containing 11 stud-
al consideration to keep in mind. As I ies, with only one study failing to show
noted in the “Findings” section, a group some type of positive effect. McCormick
× time interaction was observed. This et al (3) provided six days of tart cher-
generally tells us that recovery probably ry supplementation for competitive wa-
differed between the two groups, so we ter polo players; they maintained their
better follow up with more tests to figure training schedule throughout the six-day
out exactly where or how they differed. period, then performed a strenuous exer-
When they did the follow-up tests, they cise bout on day six, prior to post-testing
applied a statistical adjustment (Bon- on day seven. Results indicated that tart
ferroni correction) to reduce the likeli- cherry supplementation did not signifi-
hood of finding a “false positive.” To be cantly improve performance recovery or
clear, this is the right call, as it protects biomarkers associated with inflamma-
us from erroneously finding significant tion and oxidative stress on day seven.
effects. But, particularly in small stud- However, the strenuous exercise bout
ies like this, it also increases our risk of on day six was water-based (which is
“missing” a potentially meaningful pat- unlikely to cause much muscle damage
tern and concluding that there were no

since there’s minimal eccentric stress), strenuous exercise tasks by attenuating
and supplementation was discontinued oxidative stress and inflammation.
prior to the day of post-testing. In the If you read the current literature on tart
other studies showing benefits, tart cher- cherry supplementation, many of the pa-
ry was continuously consumed through- pers (including the current study) note
out the recovery period and the day of that long-term supplementation could
post-testing, and the strenuous exercise potentially interfere with training adap-
tasks involved external loads, eccentric tations, which would certainly be unfa-
muscle actions, or higher-impact exer- vorable. When it comes to antioxidants,
cises that are more likely to induce mus- it is true that some studies have previ-
cle damage and elicit greater oxidative ously found that high-dose vitamin C
stress and inflammatory responses. supplementation reduces activity of cell
Overall, the body of literature indi- signaling pathways associated with mi-
cates that regularly consuming tart cher- tochondrial biogenesis in response to en-
ry juice or concentrate can facilitate durance training and reduces activity of
recovery from a variety of vigorous or cell signaling pathways associated with
high-impact exercise tasks, including muscle protein synthesis in response to
marathon running, long-distance run- resistance training (4). However, these
ning on rough terrain, eccentric exercise, concerns are probably overstated. Some
cycling, sprinting, and resistance exer- individual studies have shown modest
cise (2). Studies showing benefits gen- and inconsistent attenuation of training
erally provide at least 8-12 fluid ounces adaptations to endurance or resistance
(240-350mL) of tart cherry juice (or at training, but a recent meta-analysis by
least 1 fluid ounce [30mL] of tart cherry Clifford et al (5) found that high-dose
concentrate) twice per day for at least a vitamin C supplementation, with or
few days prior to the exercise bout, on without vitamin E, did not negatively
the day of the bout, and into the recov- impact training-induced improvements
ery period. Exact dosing conversions in maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max),
can be tricky, but the majority of prod- endurance performance, strength, or hy-
ucts claim to deliver a dose of the ac- pertrophy. In addition, the primary anti-
tive ingredients that is equivalent to, at oxidant compounds found in tart cherry
minimum, 90-120 whole Montmorency probably influence oxidative stress via
cherries per day. The current study sim- activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2–
ply adds to a growing list of studies indi- related factor 2 (Nrf2), rather than scav-
cating that tart cherry supplementation, enging reactive species directly (6). This
when following these dosing guidelines, mechanistic distinction would theoreti-
can facilitate recovery from a variety of cally make plant-derived phytonutrient

antioxidant compounds, like those found over pretty short time frames. If you’re
in tart cherry, less likely to interfere with wondering whether or not these types
training adaptations. Fortunately, the of supplements make sense for you,
limited data available seem to support I’d encourage you to ask yourself two
this concept (6); while the vitamin C lit- questions: how often do you impose that
erature only gives us mild cause for con- large of a recovery burden on yourself,
cern, none of the (admittedly few) lon- and how soon after that bout do you need
gitudinal supplementation studies I’ve your performance to be back to 100%?
seen with polyphenol-rich antioxidant Certainly there are instances in which
treatments derived from plants or algae recovery aides are warranted because
have impaired hypertrophy or strength more conservative management of the
gains. At this point in time, the available stressors of training (or competition)
evidence suggests that tart cherry juice, is simply not possible due to circum-
along with other polyphenol-rich juices stances that are entirely outside of your
or extracts such as pomegranate (7) and control. Or, maybe you’re intentionally
watermelon (8), can reduce soreness entering a pretty arduous period of over-
and expedite recovery following stren- reaching for a specific purpose. Or, let’s
uous exercise. In addition, there is in- be honest – some people just love train-
sufficient evidence to suggest that fruit, ing really, really hard, and they like to
vegetable, or algae-derived juices or ex- do it frequently. If you find yourself in
tracts would meaningfully interfere with a situation where you are unnecessarily
strength gains or hypertrophy. applying training stressors that you’re
On a practical note, it’s important to unable to recover from, you might con-
make a clear distinction: Just because sider taking a closer look at your pro-
something enhances recovery, doesn’t gramming. However, if you find yourself
mean you need it to recover, and doesn’t in one of the scenarios where nutritional
mean it will positively impact your per- support is either necessary or prefera-
formance during training sessions. We ble, the evidence would suggest that tart
can view these types of recovery supple- cherry is a solid option. I should note,
ments as crutches; yes, they help you get however, that tart cherry isn’t necessar-
around, but the best case scenario would ily “special.” It’s got plenty of polyphe-
be not spraining your ankle in the first nols and other phytochemicals; that’s
place. The majority of studies that report fantastic, but it’s not unique. There are
benefits from these types of supplements innumerable fruits, vegetables, and oth-
tend to introduce participants to pretty er plant-based foods, juices, and extracts
strenuous, unaccustomed exercise, then that are absolutely full of polyphenols
re-test a variety of recovery parameters and a variety of other bioactive phyto-

The current study adds to a growing body of literature suggesting that tart cherry
supplementation can expedite recovery following particularly vigorous, damaging,
or unaccustomed exercise. While proper management of overall training load is
advised, tart cherry supplementation can facilitate recovery, and is unlikely to impair
training adaptations. Notably, the antioxidant phytochemicals in tart cherry can be
found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, so a diet featuring a diverse array of
nutrient-rich plant foods seems like a solid strategy, whether or not you choose to
pursue supplementation.

nutrients and antioxidant subtypes. For 3,100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs,
example, you can buy a pint (473mL) and supplements, so the options are vir-
of tart cherry concentrate for about $10- tually endless. Whether you go with tart
15 USD, and the product in the current cherry, or any other combination of phy-
study claims to deliver 274mg of antho- tonutrient-rich antioxidant sources, it
cyanins per 30mL serving. In contrast, would certainly seem advisable to con-
anthocyanin content of certain blueber- sume a diet featuring a diverse array of
ry genotypes has been estimated at over nutrient-rich plant foods, regardless of
500mg/100g fresh weight, and multiple your current recovery burden. And, in
common fruits and vegetables are as times when the recovery burden grows,
high, or even higher (9). It’s also im- an increased emphasis on intake of these
portant to recognize that studies tend to nutrients makes a lot of sense.
use two doses per day, but that doesn’t
necessarily mean that they’re using the
smallest dose required for meaningful Next Steps
results. Of course supplementation is the I’ve already described some of the
easiest way to replicate the doses used in theoretical circumstances in which tart
prior studies, and this particular supple- cherry supplementation might really
ment isn’t astronomically expensive, but come in handy, so it’d be great to see
it seems plausible to speculate that you it actually get studied under those con-
could achieve an efficacious dose from a ditions. I’d love to see a study in which
diet full of antioxidant-rich fruits, vege- daily tart cherry supplementation was
tables, or their juices. If you’re looking provided throughout the duration of a
for other options for antioxidant sourc- really intense, hypertrophy-focused re-
es, a paper by Carlsen and colleagues sistance training program. This would
(10) lists the antioxidant content of over allow us to have greater confidence that

the antioxidants in tart cherry wouldn’t
actually attenuate resistance training ad-
aptations, and would also tell us exact-
ly how beneficial tart cherry could be in
training conditions that would theoreti-
cally maximize its effectiveness.


1. Quinlan R, Hill JA. The Efficacy of Tart Cherry Juice in Aiding Recovery After Intermittent
Exercise. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2019 Oct 15;1–7.
2. Vitale KC, Hueglin S, Broad E. Tart Cherry Juice in Athletes: A Literature Review and Com-
mentary. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2017 Aug;16(4):230–9.
3. McCormick R, Peeling P, Binnie M, Dawson B, Sim M. Effect of tart cherry juice on re-
covery and next day performance in well-trained Water Polo players. J Int Soc Sports Nutr.
4. Merry TL, Ristow M. Do antioxidant supplements interfere with skeletal muscle adaptation
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Study Reviewed: Hyperventilation-Aided Recovery for Extra Repetitions on Bench
Press and Leg Press. Sakamoto et al (2020)

Hyperventilation: More
Effective Than Bicarbonate,
With Less Diarrhea

Hyperventilating before busting out a set of bench press or leg press

may sound weird, but a recent study found that doing so can have pretty
large effects on acute recovery and strength endurance. It also makes
sense physiologically.

1. Subjects completed six sets of bench press and leg press to failure on two separate
occasions. They breathed normally before some sets, and hyperventilated for the
last 30 seconds of the preceding rest period before other sets.
2. In the sets following normal breathing, rep performance decreased from the
preceding set. In the sets following hyperventilation, rep performance was
maintained or slightly increased from the preceding set.
3. Hyperventilation works via a mechanism that’s similar to the proposed mechanism
of bicarbonate. However, it’s free, easy, allegedly side-effect-free (if you do it
correctly), and potentially more effective.

any things contribute to fa- blood becomes more acidic (and vice
tigue during training, from versa). Lowering levels of carbon diox-
central fatigue, to local sub- ide could thus make your blood slight-
strate depletion, to impaired intramus- ly more basic, allowing you to “with-
cular calcium handling. One of the stand” larger spikes in hydrogen ion
major drivers of acute muscular fa- production during resistance training,
tigue, however, is major shifts in acid/ in turn improving strength endurance.
base balance. When anaerobic glycol- And how can you lower blood levels
ysis is driving ATP production, you of carbon dioxide? By hyperventilat-
produce a lot of free hydrogen ions, ing. It may sound ridiculous, but the
which decrease muscle pH and impair presently reviewed study tested the
muscle contraction strength. An inter- effects of hyperventilation on strength
vention that’s effective at shifting the endurance (1). Trained subjects were
acid-base balance by buffering more able to complete approximately 30%
hydrogen ions could theoretically im- more bench press and leg press reps
prove strength endurance. That’s been when they hyperventilated for 30 sec-
the promise of supplements like be- onds before the start of each set, com-
ta-alanine and bicarbonate, but they’ve pared to a control condition when they
largely proved to be disappointing so breathed normally. Read on to learn
far, at least for resistance exercise. more about respiratory physiology,
One major driver of acid/base bal- and whether controlled hyperventi-
ance throughout your body is the level lation is the “one weird trick” we’ve
of carbon dioxide in your blood. With been looking for this whole time.
higher carbon dioxide levels, your

Table 1 Subject characteristics (n=11)

Bench press 1RM Resistance training

Age (years) Height (cm) Body mass (kg) Leg press 1RM (kg)
(kg) experience (years)

22.5 ± 4.3 176.1 ± 4.9 90 ± 17.1 129.1 ± 19.2 208.1 ± 28.9 6.8 ± 3.1

about the subjects can be seen in Table

Purpose and Hypotheses 1.
Purpose Experimental Design
The primary purpose of this study was This study employed a counterbal-
to investigate the effects of hyperven- anced crossover design, meaning all
tilation on leg press and bench press subjects completed two different pro-
strength endurance during repeated sets tocols, with half of the subjects com-
to failure. Secondary purposes were to pleting one protocol first, and the other
evaluate the effects of hyperventilation half completing the other protocol first.
on respiratory and blood markers asso- The first two study visits were simply
ciated with alkalosis and fatigue. for baseline testing and familiarization
with the exercise protocol. The last two
Hypotheses visits were the primary experimental
The authors hypothesized that hyper- visits.
ventilation would improve recovery be- During both experimental visits
tween sets of bench press and leg press, (which were separated by 48-72 hours),
allowing more repetitions to be com- subjects performed six sets of bench
pleted. press and six sets of leg press to failure
with 80% of 1RM. They rested for five
minutes between sets, and performed
Subjects and Methods all sets of bench press before moving
onto leg press. During protocol A (one
Subjects of the two testing visits), subjects hy-
11 trained men participated in this perventilated before sets 1, 3, and 5,
study. They averaged almost seven and during the final recovery period af-
years of resistance training experience, ter set 6. During protocol B, subjects
and all participated in sports that rely on hyperventilated before sets 2, 4, and 6.
strength or power to some degree (seven Before all other sets (and during the fi-
throwers, two rugby players, one judy nal recovery period after set 6 during
player, and one sprinter). More details protocol B), subjects breathed normal-

Figure 1 Overview of experimental flow

Bench press performed first followed by leg press

Baseline 1’00 1’00 1’00 1’00 1’00 1’00 4’30 5’00

warm-up / set-up ex. recovery ex. recovery ex. recovery ex. recovery ex. recovery ex.

1st 5-min 2nd 5-min 3rd 5-min 4th 5-min 5th 5-min 6th 5-min

Protocol A HV HV HV HV
(30-s) (30-s) (30-s) (30-s)

Protocol B HV HV HV
(30-s) (30-s) (30-s)

blood taken for [La-] blood taken for pH and PCO2

Hyperventilation (HV) was implemented for 30 seconds from 4’30 to 5’00 of recovery before the first, third, and fifth exercise sets as well as during additional recovery
in protocol A and before the second, fourth, and sixth sets in protocol B. Blood [LA-} was measured before exercise (baseline) and then 1 minute after every exercise
set (1’00 of recovery). Blood pH and PCO2 were measured before exercise (baseline) and immediately before 4’30 and at 5’00 of additional recovery.

ly, at whatever depth and cadence they allowed to increase their respiratory rate
preferred. Hyperventilation was only or tidal volume as they saw fit in order to
performed for 30 seconds before the start bring their PCO2 down into the desired
of each set when it was used. range.
Subjects were fitted with masks and Subjects were also outfitted with elec-
hooked up to a machine that measured tronic goniometers to measure the angular
respiratory variables including total ven- velocity of their elbows and knees during
tilation (the total amount of air breathed bench press and leg press, respectively.
per minute), respiratory rate (breaths per The fastest two reps of each set were
minute), tidal volume (the amount of air recorded for analysis. Joint angular ve-
per breath), and end-tidal partial pressure locities are obviously different from bar
of carbon dioxide (the amount of carbon velocities (which we’ve discussed more
dioxide in the air being exhaled at the frequently), but measuring either of them
end of exhalation; henceforth abbreviat- accomplishes the same basic purpose. Fi-
ed PCO2). Before sets that required hy- nally, blood was collected intermittently
perventilation, subjects were instructed throughout the protocol to measure blood
to hyperventilate until their PCO2 fell lactate levels and blood pH.
into the 15-25mmHg range; they were

Figure 2 The number of repetitions (mean ± SD, n = 11) achieved in each exercise set
(first-sixth) during bench press and leg press with the hyperventilation or control recovery

Subjects completed significantly more A Protocol A B Protocol B

reps across all six sets during the post-hy- Bench press Leg press

perventilation sets than the normal breath- 20.0

Set: p < 0.001 (leg press)
Set: p < 0.001 (bench press)
Set: p < 0.001 (leg press)
Set: p < 0.001 (bench press)

ing sets (44 ± 10 vs. 36 ± 10 reps for bench


press and 64 ± 9 vs. 50 ± 15 reps for leg 14.0

** (p = 0.059)

press). In general, when subjects breathed


12.0 *** **
normally before a set, their number of 10.0 ***

reps completed decreased relative to the

8.0 ***

6.0 n.s.

prior set, whereas they were able to com-

*** n.s.
4.0 n.s.

plete the same number of reps or more

n.s. ***
2.0 ** ***

reps than the prior set after hyperventilat-

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
(HV) (HV) (HV) (HV) (HV) (HV)
ing. Similar to rep performance, angular Exercise set Exercise set
velocities during the first two reps of each
set tended to decrease relative to the prior C D

set following normal breathing, and either 100

Mean +/- SD 95% CI

hold steady or increase relative to the pri- 90


or set following hyperventilation.

ES = 1.14

Total repetitions

ES = 0.84
(protocol A+B)

As would be expected, total ventilation

70 69

was greater during hyperventilation. Sub-

60 58

jects took both more breaths and deeper

50 50

42 41

breaths. As a result, PCO2 prior to the


next set was significantly lower (~15- 20

25mmHg) following hyperventilation


Bench press Leg press

than when following normal breathing Condition

(~35-40mmHg). Hyperventilation (HV) was implemented for 30 seconds from 4’30 to 5’00 of recovery immediately

PCO2 and blood pH both decreased be-

before the first, third, and fifth exercise sets in protocol A (A) and before the second, fourth, and
sixth sets in protocol B (B). The total numbers of repetitions (protocol A + B) from 6 exercise sets
are shown in (C) represent the means of all subjects, whereas pale lines show individual data. ES,

tween baseline and post-training in both

effect size determined by Cohen’s d. 95% CI, 95% confidence interval (gray vertical bars).
Significance levels for the main effect of set (1-way repeated-measures analysis of variance) are

protocols. When the final recovery peri-

shown in the figures (A and B). Significant differences according to pairwise comparisons (vs.
previous set) are indicated by asterisk, where *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05, and n.s., nonsignificant

od was ended with 30 seconds of normal

breathing (protocol B), PCO2 and blood Peak blood lactate was significantly
pH didn’t change. When the final recov- greater following leg press than bench
ery period was ended with 30 seconds of press.
hyperventilation (protocol A), blood pH
No subjects had any adverse reactions
significantly increased, and PCO2 signifi-
to hyperventilation (dizziness, tingling, or
cantly decreased.
chest discomfort).

Figure 3 Comparisons of minute ventilation, respiratory rate, expired tidal volume,
and end-tidal partial pressure of CO2 with or without hyperventilation

Bench press Leg press

Protocol A Protocol B


VE (l/min)





RR (breath/min)






TVE (ml)





PETCO2 (mlmHg)




1 2 3 4 5 6 Add, 1 2 3 4 5 6 Add,
(HV) (HV) (HV) Recov. (HV) (HV) (HV) Recov.
Exercise set Exercise set

VE = ventilation; RR = respiratory rate; TVE = expired tidal volume; PETCO2 = end-tidal partial pressure of CO2
Hyperventilation (HV) was implemented for 30 seconds from 4’30 to 5’00 of recovery immediately before the first, third, and fifth exercise
sets as well as during additional recovery (Add. Recov.) in protocol A (A, C, E, and G) and before the second, fourth, and sixth exercise sets
in protocol B (B, D, F, and H). The other sets were preceded by the control recovery. The values are the average over the last 30 seconds
of each recovery, except for PETCO2 that shows the average over the last 10 seconds of each recovery.

Figure 4 Changes in blood pH (A and B) and PCO2 (C and D) between baseline vs. 4’30 of additional recovery
(add. recov.) vs. 5’00 of additional recovery for bench and leg press

Bench press Leg press

Protocol A Protocol B
Time: p < 0.001 (bench press) Time: p < 0.001 (bench press)
Time: p < 0.001 (leg press) Time: p < 0.001 (leg press)

7.50 ***
*** *** n.s.
Blood pH




*** ***
*** n.s.


Time: p < 0.001 (bench press) Time: p < 0.001 (bench press)
50.0 Time: p < 0.001 (leg press) Time: p < 0.001 (leg press)

*** ***
Blood PCO2 (mmHg)



*** n.s.

Baseline Add. Add. Baseline Add. Add.
C Recov. Recov. D Recov. Recov.
4’30 5’00 4’30 5’00
(HV) (CON)

Time Time
Data at 4’30 and 5’00 of additional recovery in protocol A (A and C) show the changes in blood pH and PCO2 before and after
hyperventilation (HV), whereas those in protocol B (B and D) show the changes with control spontaneous breathing (CON).
Significance levels for the main effect of set (1-way repeated-measures analysis of variance) are shown in the figure. Significant
differences according to pairwise comparisons (vs. previous set) are indicated by asterisks, where *** p < 0.001 and n.s., nonsignificant

diffuse across cell membranes without

Interpretation special transporters, so they easily flow
Before we get into this discussion, down their concentration gradients.
I think it’s worth explaining a little bit Your lungs don’t have to send a signal
about respiratory physiology. Gas ex- for your red blood cells to pick up oxy-
change depends on concentration gra- gen as blood flows around your alveo-
dients. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are li; the concentration of oxygen in your
small, polar molecules that can readily lungs is simply higher than the concen-

Figure 5

PCO2 0.2 mm Hg

PCO2 160 mm Hg

Ambient air

Deoxygenated veins, Oxygenated arteries, upper torso

upper torso


PCO2 46 mm Hg PCO2 40 mm Hg

PCO2 40 mm Hg PCO2 100 mm Hg

Venous blood Arterial blood

Deoxygenated veins,
lower torso Oxygenated arteries, lower torso

Partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body at rest when breathing normally. At each site of gas
exchange, oxygen and carbon dioxide readily diffuse down their concentration gradients

tration of oxygen in your venous blood, The opposite is true across the board for
so oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream carbon dioxide. When you’re breathing
and is picked up by the red blood cells. normally, your arterial blood is fully sat-
Your muscles don’t have to send a signal urated with oxygen. Even when you’re
for your red blood cells to offload oxy- exercising at maximal intensity, assum-
gen; the concentration of oxygen in your ing you don’t have some sort of pulmo-
arterial blood is simply higher than the nary condition and you can breathe free-
concentration (or partial pressure) of ox- ly, your arterial blood is fully saturated
ygen in your muscles, so oxygen diffus- with oxygen. Thus, no matter how hard
es from your blood into your muscles. you breathe, oxygen uptake and deliv-

ery is hardly affected (unless you’re
breathing pure oxygen, but that’s anoth-
er can of worms). However, blood car- SINCE HYPERVENTILATING
bon dioxide levels are prone to change.
The partial pressure of carbon dioxide DECREASES BLOOD CARBON
in your lungs and blood is 40-46mmHg.
Your body naturally holds it in that
range because structures in your brain- BLOOD PH, PUTTING YOU
stem can sense if blood carbon dioxide
levels are rising, and they cause you to INTO A STATE CALLED
start breathing harder as a result (with-
out needing to think about it) to “blow “RESPIRATORY ALKALOSIS.”
off” more carbon dioxide. The partial
pressure of carbon dioxide in the air we
breathe is a scant 0.2mmHg, though, so Since hyperventilating decreases blood
purposefully breathing harder (deeper carbon dioxide levels, it increases blood
or faster) can drop the partial pressure pH, putting you into a state called “re-
of carbon dioxide in your lungs, which spiratory alkalosis” (2).
will, in turn, drop the partial pressure of Hyperventilating works on the same
carbon dioxide in your blood (2). principles that bicarbonate supplemen-
So, why does any of this matter? tation does. Remember, bicarbonate is
Carbon dioxide levels in your blood in the blood naturally as a result of the
have a large role in regulating blood pH. dissociation of carbonic acid. When you
Some amount of carbon dioxide will be add more bicarbonate into the system
combined with water and converted to (tilting the bicarbonate/hydrogen ion
carbonic acid by the enzyme carbonic balance in favor of bicarbonate), more
anhydrase, and carbonic acid will then hydrogen ions will spontaneously re-as-
(typically) break down to form bicar- sociate with bicarbonate, especially if
bonate and a free hydrogen ion. Free blood pH starts dropping. Thus, by buff-
hydrogen ions are what cause acidity to ering hydrogen ions, bicarbonate slight-
increase in a solution. With high levels ly alkalizes the blood, and decreases the
of carbon dioxide in the blood, you form extent of pH reductions following a giv-
more carbonic acid and release more free en amount of exercise.
hydrogen ions, so blood pH drops. With However, hyperventilating is theoreti-
low levels of carbon dioxide, you form cally superior to bicarbonate supplemen-
less carbonic acid and release fewer free tation in two different ways. First, bicar-
hydrogen ions, so blood pH increases. bonate exists primarily in the blood, and

bicarbonate is depleted. With hyperven-
tilation, on the other hand, the amount
it can help you during a single exercise
ALL BUT ONE SUBJECT session is functionally limitless. If you
PERFORMED BETTER WHEN hyperventilate before every set, you can
re-establish low blood carbon dioxide
HYPERVENTILATING FOR BOTH levels, and re-elevate blood and muscle
BENCH PRESS AND LEG PRESS. With all of that out of the way, let’s
discuss the actual study.
The results of this study were pretty
it works by creating a steeper gradient impressive. Hyperventilating improved
between hydrogen levels inside versus bench press performance by a little more
outside muscle cells, meaning hydrogen than one rep per set, and leg press per-
will more readily diffuse out of the mus- formance by a little more than two reps
cle. Respiratory alkalosis, on the other per set. 1.3-2.3 extra reps per set may
hand, increases the pH on both sides of not sound like too much to write home
the membrane. This means more hy- about, but it represented a ~27-35% in-
drogen ions can be buffered within the crease in the total number of reps com-
muscle first, and then once muscle pH pleted. It’s also more than we tend to see
begins dropping, there’s still the same from supplements that purport to im-
transmembrane hydrogen gradient, al- prove strength performance (like bicar-
lowing hydrogen ions to more efficient- bonate, beta alanine (4), beetroot juice,
ly diffuse out of the muscle. Second, and citrulline). The set-to-set trends are
there’s a finite amount that bicarbon- striking as well. From set 1 to set 2,
ate supplementation can actually help when subjects breathed normally for the
you during an exercise session. Once whole recovery period, they lost about 3
it buffers hydrogen, forming carbonic leg press reps. That’s about what you’d
acid, some amount of that carbonic acid expect following a set to failure. From
will be converted to water and carbon set 1 to set 2, when subjects hyperven-
dioxide, and the carbon dioxide will tilated for the last 30 seconds of the re-
be exhaled. Bicarbonate supplementa- covery period, they didn’t lose any reps.
tion gives you an extra “reserve” of bi- Between sets 4 and 5, they lost about
carbonate, but that reserve is depleted 1.5 reps when breathing normally, and
during exercise, and the transmembrane gained about 2 reps following hyperven-
hydrogen ion gradient gets smaller and tilating. That’s wild. You just don’t ever
smaller as more and more of that excess see people improve their performance

during their fifth set to failure on a com- tilation actually improves performance,
pound lower body exercise. Individual rather than just accelerating acute recov-
results are also quite striking. All but ery.
one subject performed better when hy- I don’t want this discussion section
perventilating for both bench press and to just sound like a sales pitch, though.
leg press. There are some drawbacks and caveats
In terms of study design, there was to consider. For starters, prior studies on
one thing I loved and one thing I dis- hyperventilation haven’t had such im-
liked about this study. Starting with the pressive results (5, 6). They also show
gripe, while the set-to-set trends are improvements in performance, but the
cool to see with alternated hyperventi- effects are smaller. One major factor
lation and normal breathing, I wish the may be the type of exercise performed.
authors would have just separated the A prior study found only modest im-
conditions. I can’t think of a physiolog- provements during a knee extension
ical reason that would lead me to sus- protocol (6). In the present study, the ef-
pect that the benefits of hyperventilation fects were larger for the leg press than
wouldn’t stick around for back-to-back the bench press. Across these two stud-
sets, but it would still be nice to veri- ies, leg press caused the largest systemic
fy. It would also help us make more di- disruption (highest blood lactate, lowest
rect comparisons between this study and blood pH), followed by bench press,
other literature looking at the effects of followed by knee extensions. Thus,
various interventions on acute strength the benefits are probably only notable
endurance. However, the thing I liked during compound exercises, and espe-
about this study was a huge plus: they cially lower body compound exercises.
used long rest intervals. Subjects rest- Hyperventilating probably won’t help
ed for five minutes between sets, which you bust out more triceps extensions.
should be long enough for any “nor- The systemic metabolic stressor needs
mal” recovery that was going to take to be sufficiently large for hyperventila-
place. If the subjects just rested for one tion to help much. Second, it seems that
minute between sets, it would be easy the appropriate application of hyper-
to come away with the conclusion that ventilation is a bit finicky. A prior study
hyperventilation helps people get back tested hyperventilation durations of 15
to baseline a little bit faster following a and 45 seconds, and found that neither
set, but I’d be hesitant to conclude that improved performance during repeated
it actually improves acute strength en- pedaling sprints (7). 15 seconds may
durance. With five-minute rest intervals, have been too short to be effective,
I’m much more confident that hyperven- while 45 seconds may have been long

enough for side effects (such as dizzi-
ness or paresthesia) to set in. Finally, as
I just mentioned, hyperventilation is not IF HYPERVENTILATION CAN
without potential side effects. No side
effects were noted in the present study, IMPROVE THE RATE AT WHICH
but the researchers were monitoring the
subjects to ensure their PCO2 levels got
to the target range (15-25mmHg) but SETS, IT MAY BE ESPECIALLY
didn’t get too low. Hyperventilating too
hard can cause pretty intense lighthead- USEFUL FOR FOLKS WHO
edness, which isn’t recommended when
trying to lift weights. NEED TO TAKE SHORT REST
With those caveats in mind, hyperven- INTERVALS BETWEEN SETS.
tilation seems pretty promising for acute-
ly improving strength endurance during
multiple sets. If you decide to give it a
probably not going to give it a shot un-
shot, and you don’t want to time out ex-
til we have longitudinal data showing
actly 30 seconds, ~25 fast, deep breaths
that it actually improves strength gains
will probably do the trick, since the sub-
or muscle growth. I’m also a reasonably
jects in this study had a respiration rate
risk-averse person, and I have a history
of approximately 50 breaths per minute.
of syncope, so your personal cost/bene-
I’d recommend trying it out before you
fit assessment may differ from mine.
go to the gym, just to make sure you
don’t get lightheaded – you wouldn’t As I semi-alluded to earlier, one pos-
want to make that discovery in the mid- sible application for hyperventilation
dle of a set. Then, I’d recommend first is for people who have limited time to
testing it out on exercises with reason- train. If hyperventilation can improve
ably low risk. Rows and deadlifts would the rate at which you recover between
be strong candidates, since you can sets (blowing off more carbon dioxide
just drop the weights if you start feel- to get back to normal muscle and blood
ing lightheaded. I wouldn’t recommend pH faster), it may be especially useful
testing out squat or bench press until for folks who need to take short rest in-
you’re really confident about how you tervals between sets. If it could make
respond to pre-training hyperventilation two minutes of rest as effective as four
(and even then, make sure you have a minutes of rest, for example, you could
spotter you trust, and safety pins set to drastically shorten your training time
the appropriate height). Personally, I’m without sacrificing quantity or quality.
To be clear, that’s not what the presently

It may be worth experimenting with hyperventilating for approximately 30 seconds
before sets, especially when you’re doing higher-rep training with compound
exercises. Assess your tolerance with low-risk exercises (like deadlifts or rows,
where you can just drop the bar if you start getting light-headed) before you try it
with higher risk exercises (like squats or bench press). If you’re experiencing side
effects like lightheadedness, you should hyperventilate less enthusiastically or for a
shorter period of time, or just go back to breathing normally before sets.

reviewed study was investigating, but it

would make some degree of physiologi-
cal sense and may be worth experiment-
ing with.

Next Steps
Most of the work in this area is from
a single lab group, so I’d like to see
these results replicated by another in-
dependent group. I’d also be interested
in seeing whether these findings gen-
eralize in circumstances when subjects
aren’t training to failure. Finally, I’d be
curious to see whether hyperventilation
would still improve performance with
shorter rest intervals (60-120 seconds,
rather than at the end of a 5-minute rest


1. Sakamoto A, Naito H, Chow CM. Hyperventilation-Aided Recovery for Extra Repetitions

on Bench Press and Leg Press. J Strength Cond Res. 2020 Feb
2. Literally any basic exercise physiology textbook
3. Readers who’ve taken an exercise physiology course may now be wondering about the Hal-
dane effect and the impact of shifting the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left before
a set of resistance exercise. I don’t think that’s much of a concern, because local CO2 levels
and pH will still drop pretty quickly during a set of resistance exercise, shifting the curve
back to the right as the set progresses.
4. Saunders B, Elliott-Sale K, Artioli GG, Swinton PA, Dolan E, Roschel H, Sale C, Gualano
B. β-alanine supplementation to improve exercise capacity and performance: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med. 2017 Apr;51(8):658-669.
5. Sakamoto A, Naito H, Chow CM. Hyperventilation as a strategy for improved repeated
sprint performance. J Strength Cond Res. 2014 Apr;28(4):1119-26.
6. Sakamoto A, Naito H, Chow CM. Hyperventilation-induced respiratory alkalosis falls short
of countering fatigue during repeated maximal isokinetic contractions. Eur J Appl Physiol.
2015 Jul;115(7):1453-65.
7. Sakamoto A, Naito H, Chow CM. Effects of Hyperventilation on Repeated Pedaling Sprint
Performance: Short vs. Long Intervention Duration. J Strength Cond Res. 2018 Jan;32(1):170-

VIDEO: Implementing Light/Power
Training Days

The best way to recover or to maximize performance the next day is to rest,
right? Well, maybe not. Some research suggests that performing light training
days or power-focused sessions might help you recover faster and lead to better
performance the next day as opposed to just resting. This video provides specific
examples of how to implement those practices.
Click to watch Michael's presentation.

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2. Should You Train to Recover? Volume 3, Issue 5.

1. Bartolomei S, Totti V, Griggio F, Malerba C, Ciacci S, Semprini G, Di RM. Upper-Body
Resistance Exercise Reduces Time to Recover After a High-Volume Bench Press Protocol in
Resistance-Trained Men. Journal of strength and conditioning research. 2019 Mar.
2. Tsoukos A, Veligekas P, Brown LE, Terzis G, Bogdanis GC. Delayed effects of a low-volume,
power-type resistance exercise session on explosive performance. The Journal of Strength &
Conditioning Research. 2018 Mar 1;32(3):643-50.
3. Zourdos MC, Jo E, Khamoui AV, Lee SR, Park BS, Ormsbee MJ, Panton LB, Contreras RJ,
Kim JS. Modified daily undulating periodization model produces greater performance than a
traditional configuration in powerlifters. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.
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1. VIDEO: Implementing Deloads, Part 1
2. VIDEO: Implementing Deloads, Part 2
3. VIDEO: Overreaching in a Peaking Phase

1. Meeusen R, Duclos M, Foster C, Fry A, Gleeson M, Nieman D, Raglin J, Rietjens G, Stein-
acker J, Urhausen A, American College of Sports Medicine. Prevention, diagnosis, and treat-
ment of the overtraining syndrome: joint consensus statement of the European College of
Sport Science and the American College of Sports Medicine. Medicine and Science in Sports
and Exercise. 2013 Jan;45(1):186.
2. Grandou C, Wallace L, Impellizzeri FM, Allen NG, Coutts AJ. Overtraining in Resistance
Exercise: An Exploratory Systematic Review and Methodological Appraisal of the Litera-
ture. Sports Medicine. 2019 Dec 9:1-4.
3. Fry AC, Schilling BK, Weiss LW, Chiu LZ. β2-Adrenergic receptor downregulation and
performance decrements during high-intensity resistance exercise overtraining. Journal of
Applied Physiology. 2006 Dec;101(6):1664-72.
4. Margonis K, Fatouros IG, Jamurtas AZ, Nikolaidis MG, Douroudos I, Chatzinikolaou A,
Mitrakou A, Mastorakos G, Papassotiriou I, Taxildaris K, Kouretas D. Oxidative stress bio-
markers responses to physical overtraining: implications for diagnosis. Free Radical Biology
and Medicine. 2007 Sep 15;43(6):901-10.
5. Fry AC, Kraemer WJ, Ramsey LT. Pituitary-adrenal-gonadal responses to high-intensity re-
sistance exercise overtraining. Journal of Applied Physiology. 1998 Dec 1;85(6):2352-9.
6. Fry AC, Kraemer WJ, Van Borselen F, Lynch JM, Triplett NT, Koziris LP, Fleck SJ. Cate-
cholamine responses to short-term high-intensity resistance exercise overtraining. Journal of
Applied Physiology. 1994 Aug 1;77(2):941-6.
7. Fry AC, Kraemer WJ, van Borselen F, Lynch JM, Marsit JL, Roy EP, Triplett NT, Knuttgen
HG. Performance decrements with high-intensity resistance exercise overtraining. Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise. 1994 Sep;26(9):1165.

Just Missed the Cut
Every month, we consider hundreds of new papers, and they can’t all be included in
MASS. Therefore, we’re happy to share a few pieces of research that just missed the
cut. It’s our hope that with the knowledge gained from reading MASS, along with our
interpreting research guide, you’ll be able to tackle these on your own.

1. Jovanovski et al. Can dietary viscous fiber affect body weight independently of
an energy-restrictive diet? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized
controlled trials
2. Sweeney et al. Impaired Insulin Profiles Following a Single Night of Sleep Restriction:
The Impact of Acute Sprint Interval Exercise
3. Cheatham and Stull. Roller Massage: Difference in Knee Joint Range of Motion
and Pain Perception Among Experienced and Nonexperienced Individuals After
Following a Prescribed Program
4. Wu et al. Effect of Loading Devices on Muscle Activation in Squat and Lunge
5. Statuta. The Female Athlete Triad, Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, and the
Male Athlete Triad: The Exploration of Low-Energy Syndromes in Athletes
6. Moberg et al. Exercise Induces Different Molecular Responses in Trained and
Untrained Human Muscle
7. Fernández-Sanlés et al. Physical Activity and Genome-wide DNA Methylation: The
REgistre GIroní del COR Study
8. Heilbronn et al. Effects of Periodized vs. Nonperiodized Resistance Training on
Army-Specific Fitness and Skills Performance
9. Ramis et al. Effects of Traditional and Vascular Restricted Strength Training Program
With Equalized Volume on Isometric and Dynamic Strength, Muscle Thickness,
Electromyographic Activity, and Endothelial Function Adaptations in Young Adults
10. Centala et al. Listening to Fast-Tempo Music Delays the Onset of Neuromuscular
11. García-Ramos et al. Mechanical and Metabolic Responses to Traditional and
Cluster Set Configurations in the Bench Press Exercise
12. Farney et al. The Effect of Aspartate and Sodium Bicarbonate Supplementation on
Muscle Contractile Properties Among Trained Men
13. Bobos et al. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Effect of Multi-ingredient
Preworkout Supplementation on Strength, Exercise Volume, and Anaerobic
Capacity in Healthy Resistance-Trained Individuals

14. Lyons et al. Can Resistance Training at Slow Versus Traditional Repetition Speeds
Induce Comparable Hypertrophic and Strength Gains?
15. Elliott and Massey. Effect of acute antagonist static stretching on upper-body
agonist power
16. Månsson. The effects of inorganic phosphate on muscle force development and
energetics: challenges in modelling related to experimental uncertainties
17. Brown et al. Effects of Prior Cognitive Exertion on Physical Performance: A
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
18. Wilke et al. Acute Effects of Foam Rolling on Range of Motion in Healthy Adults:
A Systematic Review with Multilevel Meta-analysis
19. Halperin and Emanuel. Rating of Perceived Effort: Methodological Concerns and
Future Directions
20. Grandou et al. Overtraining in Resistance Exercise: An Exploratory Systematic
Review and Methodological Appraisal of the Literature
21. Abaïdia et al. Effects of Ramadan Fasting on Physical Performance: A Systematic
Review with Meta-analysis
22. Nunes et al. Does stretch training induce muscle hypertrophy in humans? A
review of the literature
23. Grønfeldt et al. Effect of blood‐flow restricted vs heavy‐load strength training on
muscle strength: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
24. Zouhal et al. Exercise Training and Fasting: Current Insights
25. Schmitz et al. Sex Differences in High-Intensity Interval Training–Are HIIT
Protocols Interchangeable Between Females and Males?
26. Neto et al. Gluteus Maximus Activation during Common Strength and Hypertrophy
Exercises: A Systematic Review
27. Lundsgaard et al. The Importance of Fatty Acids as Nutrients during Post-
Exercise Recovery
28. Fernández-Lázaro et al. Modulation of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage,
Inflammation, and Oxidative Markers by Curcumin Supplementation in a
Physically Active Population: A Systematic Review
29. Larsen et al. Injuries in Novice Participants during an Eight-Week Start up CrossFit
Program—A Prospective Cohort Study
30. Martorelli et al. The interplay between internal and external load parameters
during different strength training sessions in resistance-trained men.
31. Moore et al. Exercise as a treatment for sarcopenia: an umbrella review of
systematic review evidence.
32. Aube et al. Progressive Resistance Training Volume: Effects on Muscle Thickness,
Mass, and Strength Adaptations in Resistance-Trained Individuals.
33. Chandrasekaran et al. Science of sleep and sports performance – a scoping

34. Guardado et al. Effects of strength training under hypoxic conditions on muscle
performance, body composition and haematological variables
35. Maszczyk et al. The effects of resistance training experience on movement
characteristics in the bench press exercise

Thanks for
reading MASS.
The next issue will be released to
subscribers on May 1, 2020.

Graphics by Kat Whitfield, and layout design by Lyndsey Nuckols.


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