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Angelica sanabria Period 1 Mrs.

Ogo 12/1/13

Americas Endangered Species Journal

Name: Stellar sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) Location and characteristics of natural habitat: Multiple populations of this species live in Alaska, California, Oregon and Washington. Stellar sea-cows live by shores and or pelagic waters. Primary cause of decline in population: the stellar sea cow was hunted for food by sea-otter hunters. Secondary cause of decline in population: there was no known secondary cause of death other than being hunted by the hunters. The specific characteristics of the species that has led to it decline: the Stellar sea cows were mellow and slow gentle giants. This made the sea cows vulnerable to be hunted for food. Name: California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) Location and characteristics of natural habitat: they live in and near sheltered backwaters creeks of ponds, marshes, and streams. Primary cause of decline in population: Degradation of natural habitat caused by urbanization and non-native plants. Secondary cause of decline in population: Degraded water quality, exposed to pesticides, and the introduction to exotic predators. The specific characteristics of the species that has led to it decline: Red-legged frogs are prone to getting their habitats destroyed for timber, recreation, and many other factors. Name: San Diego thornmint (Acanthomintha ilicifolia) Location and characteristics of natural habitat: the San Diego thornmint is a native to San Diego and Baja California. The climate condition for this plant is the chaparral. Primary cause of decline in population: Urbanization has been a primary cause for the threatening of the thornmint. Although there are currently projects at work preventing any further decrease. Secondary cause of decline in population: The San Diego thornmint is also threatened by exotic species that have invaded the thornmints natural habitat. The specific characteristics of the species that has led to it decline: The San Diego thornmnint only grows annually which means that the only time it is able grow and bloom is once a year. This really cuts back in the efforts to repopulate this plant when there isnt time to pollinate it and increase the population.

Angelica sanabria Period 1 Mrs.Ogo 12/1/13

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