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CourLesy: 8ayslde SLaLe College SporLs lnformaLlon

8elease: daLe

8ayslde, Callfornla-for Lhe second sLralghL year, Lhe 8ayslde SLaLe College
Women's golf and soccer as well as men's waLer polo Leams have Lhe Lop mulLl-year
Academlc performance raLes (A8) ln Lhe MeLro SporLs Conference (MSC).

MulLl-?ear Average for 1op SporLs
!"#$%&' ,"--$. /$%&' !01$. 2"*"
981 978 977

WhaL a pleasure Lo work wlLh such a dedlcaLed group of sLudenL-aLhleLes. Many of
Cur fans don'L undersLand how many hours Lhese sLudenLs devoLe Lo Lhelr sLudles."

AssoclaLe ALhleLlc ulrecLor of Academlc Servlces Madlson Larson

1he nCAA announced lLs mulLl-year A8 raLes Loday (May 24). 1hls
SLaLlsLlcal analysls covers Lhe mulLlyear A8 score. 1haL ls Lhe score regardlng a sLudenL's academlc
ellglblllLy aL Lhe school Lhey aLLend.

We expecL our sLudenL-aLhleLes ln all sporLs Lo be sLudenLs flrsL and aLhleLes second.
1he mosL recenL A8 ranklngs provlde evldence LhaL our sLudenLs sLrlve for Lhe
hlghesL posslble level of achlevemenL. l am proud Lo see our Leams ranked among Lhe
very besL ln Lhe naLlon ln boLh academlcs and aLhleLlcs. CongraLulaLlons Lo our
sLudenL-aLhleLes, our coaches, and faculLy for a [ob well done."

College resldenL ur. CaLherlne Asbury

1eams wlLh low A8 scores face penalLles and loss of scholarshlps. 1hey also face posslble resLrlcLed
compeLlLlon and pracLlce Llme.

Along wlLh 8ayslde SLaLe leadlng Lhe MSC's mulLl-year A8 efforLs ln
Women's golf and soccer as well as men's waLer polo, Lhe Culls ranked second
among conference schools ln Lwo oLher sporLs: women's baskeLball and men's baskeLball.

LasL week Lhe MSC honored Lhe Cull women's golf and soccer Leams, wlLh an A8 publlc recognlLlon
award. 1he award ls presenLed Lo a school LhaL posLs mulLl-year A8 raLes ln Lhe Lop 10 percenL for lLs
speclflc sporL.

Cnce agaln 8ayslde SLaLe's excellenL performance ln Lhe A8 shows LhaL our
coachlng and academlc sLaffs are dolng an ouLsLandlng [ob wlLh our sLudenL-aLhleLes.
Academlcs ls a core value of our deparLmenL, and our sLudenL-aLhleLes work hard
every day Lo excel ln Lhe classroom."

8ayslde SLaLe ulrecLor of ALhleLlcs Cheryl Mueller.

ln Lhe mosL recenL slngle reporLlng year (2009-2010), Lhe Culls posLed four perfecL scores of 1000 A8
for Lhe slngle year A8 scores. lor Lhe men's sporLs lL was waLer polo and golf, and Lhe women's sporLs
lL was golf and Lennls.

8elng a sLudenL aL gull sLaLe comes wlLh a sense of prlde. We were ln Lhe upper half of all Lhe A8 scores
for boLh men's and women's sporLs.

We Lake greaL prlde ln how our sLudenLs perform ln Lhe classroom. 1he Llme we
spend worklng wlLh Lhem on Lhelr academlc progress really shows ln Lhese ranklngs.
Success ln Lhe classroom has always been our Lop goal each year. When we succeed
ln Lhe classroom and on Lhe fleld, we know we have a successful overall program."

Cull Pead Soccer Coach eyLon 8randL

1he A8 score was developed by Lhe nCAA Lo measure Lhe academlc achlevemenLs of sLudenL aLhleLes
aL bayslde. lL ls calculaLed by dlvldlng Lhe polnLs earned by Lhe posslble polnLs. 1he resulLlng number ls
rounded Lo Lhe nearesL LhousandLhs and Lhen mulLlplled by 1000.

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