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Biology Essentials- Logistic Growth (S-shaped curve) Guided Viewing Worksheet Name: ______________________________________ 1: What is N?

Population size.

2: What is r? What is the equation for r? r = growth rate. R = Births - Deaths / N 3: What did Darwin realize about elephants and their reproductive rate? They take long to reproduce. Even though only 3 pair of offspring. They growth in quickly. 4: What is K? Carry capacity. 5: What is the equation for exponential growth (j shaped curve)? dN/ dt = rN 6: For logistic growth, what changes from exponential growth? (K-N/K) 7: What happens if r is bigger than 0? Theres going to be an exponential Growth. 8: What is an r selected species? Give an example. Species that loves to grow quickly. Ex/ Frog, in a pond. 9: What is a K selected species? Give an example. Everyone is going to survive. Organism lives. EX/ chameleon. 10: What kind of selected species are humans?
Investment. It can be both.

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