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Biology Study Guide EV4

DNA Structure and Function

1. What are the components of nucleotides (building blocks of DNA)?

2. What is the difference between pyrimidines (Thymine and Cytosine) and purines
(Adenine and Guanine)?
3. Is DNA replication conservative, semiconservative or dispersive? Explain.
4. Summarize the function of the following:
a. DNA
b. Helicase
c. DNA polymerase
d. Primase
e. Ligase


1. List 4 differences between mitosis and meiosis.

2. Describe key events that occur in each phase of meiosis (you can include pictures as
an extra).


1. Transcribe and translate the following DNA sequences, identify what type of mutation
it is and describe how the mutation affected the amino acid sequence. (Remember that
there are 3 types of substitution mutations, and 2 types of frameshift mutations):
2. Pair up the type of meiosis (normal, nondisjunction in I, nondisjunction in II) to the
resulting gametes (You can insert arrows to pair up the images):

Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Genetics

1. Define the following:

a. Alleles
b. Homozygous
c. Heterozygous
d. Genotype
e. Phenotype
2. Describe the difference between mendelian inheritance and non-mendelian inheritance
(you may want to review Mendel’s 3 principles)
3. Solve the following inheritance problems using Punnett squares, identify the type of
inheritance (complete dominance, incomplete dominance, codominance), and indicate
the genotypic and phenotypic fractions if asked:
a. The ability to bend the thumb into an L shape is a dominant trait, which is called
having a hitchhiker thumb. Two parents have planned to have a child, but they
are not sure if the child will have the same ability as the father, the mother can’t
do it. After a DNA analysis done to determine the health of the baby further in the
pregnancy the parents discovered that the baby won’t inherit a hitchhiker thumb.
What is the genotype of each parent for this to happen?
b. There’s a population of birds that present 3 types of feather coloration, black,
white and grey. Through a genetic study scientist determined that the phenotype
for grey is a hybrid of the two other colorations. What are the genotypic and
phenotypic fractions if two grey birds were to mate and have a clutch (group of
c.  In humans there are several alleles that determine the
blood type of a person. There are two traits involved, one
determines the blood letter type, and another determines
if the blood type is positive (+) or negative (-) called the
RH factor. For the letter type exist 3 alleles (iA, iB and i)
as it can be seen in the chart.
For the trait of the RH factor there are only two alleles,
one for + and one for – RH factor, in which having the
RH factor is a dominant trait.
What are the genotypic fractions for the individual traits
(blood letter type and RH factor type) and phenotypic fractions (general blood
type) if a father that is AB+- has children with an OO-- mother?
d. Wolf populations have different variations to numerous traits. Coat color has two
variations, the normal grey color is dominant over the black colored coat. Another
trait that varies is the color of eyes, in which brown eyes are dominant over blue
eyes. What are the phenotypic fractions if two heterozygous wolves for both traits
have a litter together?
Population Ecology

1. Each of the statements below involves a situation that will affect the growth of a
population. Classify each of the statements as DD for density dependent or DI as
density independent.
a. ________ Rainbow smelt and yellow perch attempt to occupy the same area.
The more aggressive smelt survive, the perch do not.
b. ________ A severe flood brings a lot of sediment and dirt into the lake. The
turbidity of the lake increases greatly.
c. ________ A drought decreases the water level in the lake. The carrying capacity
of the lake decreases.
d. ________ Due to the introduction of rainbow smelt (an invasive species), the
lake becomes too crowded, and some species of fish do not survive.
e. ________ Many fish die due to an increase in water temperature.
f. ________ Parasites present in the lake are killing off fish in great numbers.
g. ________Since yellow perch migrate long distances to spawn, many do not
survive the trip.
2. What is the difference between exponential growth and logistic growth? Explain and
include a graph for each type of growth as visual representation.
3. How can you determine the carrying capacity of an ecosystem by looking at a growth
4. The following graphs show the population growth of
2 species of unicellular organisms growing
separately and then growing both species together.
Compare the growths shown for when they are in
separate containers and when they are in the same
container. What can be causing the difference?
Determine the carrying capacity for each species
when they grow separately and when they grow
1. Match the scientist with the idea they proposed that help influence Darwin during his
research and proposal of the Natural Selection Theory.

___ James Hutton ___ Theory of acquired traits through use and disuse.

___ Thomas Malthus ___ Theory of inherited traits through natural selection.

___ Jean-Baptiste Lamark ___ Geologic features are formed by gradual mechanisms.

___ Charles Lyell ___ Human population grows in relationship to amount of

___ Alfred Russell Wallace ___ Geological processes are happening at the same rate
as in the past.

2. What is fitness?
3. Mention a short example for each evidence of evolution explored in class.
4. Describe the difference between allopatric and sympatric speciation.
5. Summarize in one sentence what was the cause for each mass extinction that has
happened so far (include the % of dead organisms for each).
6. What are some consequences of mass extinctions? List 3 consequences.


1. What is the use of a phylogenetic tree?

2. Identify whether morphological data or amino acid sequence data are more likely to
accurately represent the true evolutionary relationships among the species and provide
reasoning for your answer.
3. Describe what each of the components of a phylogenetic tree mean.
4. Build the following phylogenetic trees using the presented data.
Character A B C D
Large jaws present - + + +
Small antennae present - - + +
Spots present - - + +
Green strips present - - - +

b. Number of amino acid differences among five species

Species A B C D E
A 0 21 11 13 1
B 0 18 17 20
C 0 3 10
D 0 12
E 0

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