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A company you work for is considering introducing flexible working hours which would give employees more choice about when they start and finish work. Write a report for the company highlighting the benefits of flexible working, outlining why this policy might have disadvantages and stating the views of employees about the proposed changes. Flexible working benefits people and companies: Flexible working o!rs are t ose t at don"t establis a rigid working o!rs# t e$ are adapted to t e needs of working people# w o can decide# t ro!g %ario!s standards and wit in some limits establis ed and agreed# t eir sc ed!les in and o!t of work. Flexible working o!rs a%e a lot of benefits: Impro%e t e &!alit$ of people"s li%es b$ facilitating t e reconciliation of work# personal and famil$ life. 'romote e&!alit$ between women and men. Impro%e prod!cti%it$ in t e enterprise. Impro%e t e working en%ironment. (!t ma$be t is flexibilit$ co!ld a%e some disad%antages. For example t e diffic!lt$ of application and t e tec nical re&!irements for t e control# s!c as clocks# s$stems of meas!rement# and signing. )orkers await eac da$ more programmes of moti%ation of emplo$ers# especiall$ if it benefits t em. Statistics sa$s t at *+ , of working people prefer t is t$pe of sc ed!le# beca!se in t is wa$# t e$ a%e time to look for t eir families and ed!cating t eir c ildren. T is pro-ect also benefits emplo$ers# beca!se flexible working impro%e prod!cti%it$ in a 2.". ,# and increase b!siness competiti%eness. So it"s time to make a c!lt!ral c ange t at will allow impro%ing t e conditions of life of people and labo!r relations# and as a res!lt# increase t e prod!cti%it$ and competiti%eness of enterprises.

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