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Senior Year Job 1

Senior Year Job Taylor Nielsen College of DuPage Composition I Elizabeth An erson 11!1!1"

Senior Year Job # Senior Year Job $hen I %as a senior in high s&hool I %as in my broa &ast 'ournalism &lass( )ne ay my frien *ri get an I e&i e that %e %oul o a story on +rozen Yogurt Stores in our area

be&ause they %ere popping up on e,ery street &orner an gro%ing in popularity( )ne of the pla&es that %e resear&he an %ere planning on trying to go film at %as a yogurt shop &alle Yogurt *ea&h( -nfortunately %hen %e %ere resear&hing %e foun out that they %ere not open. but %hat I sa% %as a lot more promising( I sa% on their %ebsite that they %ere hiring an it really ma e me thin/ about if I %as rea y to get my first 'ob( As I announ&e this to my parents my a sai . 0You &an get a 'ob if you %ant to( It1s not going to be easy to %or/ an go to s&hool at the same time(2 I /ne% that he %as right. but I tol him that I thin/ I &oul o it an that I %as

really intereste in finally seeing if I &oul get a 'ob( So after really tal/ing to my parents I finally e&i e that I %oul put in an appli&ation an apply to %or/( $aiting for a response %as something that I %as not loo/ing for%ar to( 3y mom ha tol me 0It &oul be %ee/s until you hear ba&/ from them. if you hear ba&/ from them at all(2 I ne,er realize that it %oul ta/e so long for a person to hear ba&/ from a pla&e of employment( *ut. e,entually after a %ee/ or t%o I &he&/e my email an there it %as a response from the o%ners( I %as so ner,ous I &oul feel the butterflies in my stoma&h be&ause I i not /no% %hat to e4pe&t( So finally I 'ust opene it an %hat I sa% %as an email that sai 0%e %oul li/e to s&he ule an inter,ie% for Satur ay at 11566( As soon as I sa% this email I %as 'umping for 'oy( I %as so e4&ite to a&tually realize that my first 'ob appli&ation sho%e the o%ners of this ne% business that I am %orth an inter,ie%. an that I am %orth getting a &han&e to %or/ in their business( 7o%e,er. as mu&h as I %as e4&ite about this opportunity as soon as I realize the fa&t that I %as going to ha,e my first inter,ie% the ner,es hit me li/e a bag of bri&/s( I %as so

Senior Year Job " ner,ous I felt si&/( I tol my parents about the goo ne%s. but also about ho% ner,ous I %as( They tol me that it %as perfe&tly fine to be ner,ous an that I %oul probably not be the only one that %as ner,ous about their first inter,ie% an that the o%ners %oul /no% that( So %ith that pie&e of a ,i&e gi,en from my parents I got rea y for my Satur ay inter,ie%( The ay finally &ame( The ay that I %oul either be getting a 'ob or %al/ing a%ay empty han e ( $hen I %o/e up that morning I felt e4tremely si&/ to my stoma&h. ner,es that %ere ma/ing me feel li/e I %as not going to su&&ee . li/e I %as going to &ho/e %ith the first 8uestion that they as/e ( As I %as rea y to %al/ out the oor my parents tol me to rela4 an 'ust be myself an e,erything %ill be fine( I too/ their %or for it( As mu&h as I i not %ant to I %as prepare an rea y to meet my future employers( As I pulle up to Yogurt *ea&h I noti&e the &onstru&tion all aroun ( As I %al/e &loser to the buil ing I sa% the floor all tore up. the %alls bare. an four &hairs set up in the &orner( As I %al/e to the front oor to meet %ith the o%ners for my inter,ie% Debbie. one of the o%ners. &ame to the oor. as/e if I %as Taylor. an sai that they are in the mi le of an inter,ie% an if I &oul sit in my &ar an that she %oul &ome get me %hen they %ere rea y for me to ha,e an inter,ie%( As I %al/e to my &ar I be&ame e,en more ner,ous be&ause not only ha I 'ust seen an o%ner but I %as no% more a%are of the other inter,ie%s that %ere ta/ing pla&e on this ay an those butterflies be&ame bats( The ner,es in my stoma&h %ere intensifie an I %as so e4tremely ner,ous that I ha to sit in silen&e 'ust to finally rela4 enough to go in to the inter,ie%( About 16 minutes later Debbie &ame ba&/ out an tol me that I &oul &ome in( As I %al/e in I sa% her. Tom 9the other o%ner:. an the o%ner of the Yogurt *ea&h1s in ;eno( So I sat o%n an ans%ere all of their 8uestions an felt really &onfi ent about my inter,ie%( They seeme li/e e4tremely ni&e people an that they %ere rea y to start a ne% business( As I %ent

Senior Year Job < home I tol my parents all about the inter,ie% an ho% e4&ite I %as to hear about the ne%s( They tol me again that it is possible that I may not hear ba&/ from Tom an Debbie for %ee/s( 7o%e,er. about a %ee/ later I got a phone &all after s&hool from Debbie telling me that I got the 'ob( I %as e4tremely e4&ite an to this ay I still %or/ at Yogurt *ea&h( To me this sho%s that e,en though I %as ner,ous an i not /no% %hat to e4pe&t I %as able to really see that getting a

'ob is not an impossible thing( I %as also able to see that if you really %ant something then if you go for it you &oul get it( I really %ante to ha,e a 'ob to%ar s the mi le of my Senior Year( *y applying for this 'ob I %as able to a&hie,e that goal an sho% that follo%ing %hat you %ant to o is not impossible an &an be ,ery re%ar ing(

Photo Peach
$hen I %as &reating my photo story I too/ a lot of inspiration from the one that %e as a &lass %at&he ( The one that %e %at&he %as the one of a ay in the life of a /it&hen table( I foun that parti&ular one to be ,ery interesting an e&i e that it %oul be &ool to o one that

%as similar to that( A %ay that I thought that I &oul ma/e it &reati,e is by ma/ing this photo story be the ay in the life of a pug( I ha,e a pug at home an they are ogs %ith a lot of personality( So I %at&he my og for the past %ee/ an %hat he oes at &ertain times of the ay( Then I too/ that an I foun pi&tures on google image that loo/e similar to him an &reate his aily s&he ule( I then ha to put those parti&ular pi&tures together so that they ma e sense %ith %hat the parti&ular story %as about( I a&tually foun this pro'e&t to be a little har ( The reason that I foun this har %as be&ause of the fa&t that the program ma/es it har to s%it&h pi&tures to %here they nee to go an a lot of the time I feel li/e some of the pi&tures I %ante to use %ere blurry( Another problem that I &ame a&ross %as the fa&t that the musi& that I ha to &hoose from

Senior Year Job = %as har to pi&/( I feel li/e a lot of the &hoi&es i not really go %ith my parti&ular pi&tures story( So I %as happy to fin the song that i ( 7o%e,er o,erall I foun this parti&ular pro'e&t fun to o( Despite that &hallenges I feel li/e I %as able to &reate the life of my og in a %ay that ma/es sense for anyone that is %at&hing it( I also feel li/e it is easy to follo% for the au ien&e be&ause of the i ea of %hat the story it about( Story Board >5"6 sho% pug getting up be&ause his o%ner is &oming o%n stairs ?566 ha,e the pug o outsi e 1#566 ha,e the pug eat an then play #566 ha,e the pug ta/e a nap =566 ha,e the pug go ba&/ outsi e. play. beg for human foo . an play again ?566 ha,e the pug go to sleep for the night

Pixton Comic
$hen I ha to o the Pi4ton &omi& I foun it a little more iffi&ult than 'ust %riting a story( +or me I fin it more helpful to brainstorm an %rite a story then to &reate a &omi& for the story I %as trying to tell( 7o%e,er. I i en'oy playing %ith this program to ma/e my &omi&( I felt li/e on&e I starte to &reate the &omi& my story %as more interesting to hear( I first starte off by &reating a story boar of %hat I %as going to sho% in my &omi& an if it %oul e4plain my o,erall story( )n&e I i that I mo,e on to starting my &omi&( 3y first sli e is of me e4plaining %hat the story %as going to be about( I foun this to be a goo start to my &omi& be&ause it let my ,ie%er /no% that I am telling the story an that the story is about me( I also got the i ea that

Senior Year Job > if I &ame ba&/ to 'ust my fa&e throughout the &omi& it %oul ma/e it more interesting for the ,ie% be&ause they %oul not lose the fa&t that this story is &oming from me( I also ma e sure that e,en though parts of my &omi& %ere only little parts of a &ertain e,ent li/e the a&tual inter,ie% it ma e sense in the long run( I i this so that the ,ie%er %oul not ha,e to rea the %hole long boring &on,ersation that I ha in my inter,ie% an so that the story flo%e %ell( I also li/e ho% I a e %hat I thought the main message of my story %as an ho% it is a goo message to ha,e( E,en though this %as not something that I %as use to %hen I starte this pro'e&t it ma e it more interesting for me as the %riter to be more &reati,e in ho% I portray my narrati,e( Story Board +irst bo4 of my fa&e Then ha,e the ne4t fe% bo4es be of ho% I is&o,ere Yogurt *ea&h Then ha,e my li,ing room an me tal/ing to my parents Then ha,e the ne4t bo4 be of the inter,ie% Then ha,e my fa&e again stating ho% I %oul ha,e to %ait Then ha,e the /it&hen an my mom an I tal/ing Then ha,e the s&hool hall%ay. ha,e me on the phone fin ing out about the 'ob 7a,e the last bo4 be of me saying ho% I thin/ this story gi,e a goo message to anyone rea ing it( http5!!%%%(pi4ton(&om!s&hools!group!1@6#="!&omi&!bf#io,l>

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