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Sandra Day OConnor High School Academy of American Studies Academic and Citizenship Success Contract

I, ___________________________________________, (print first and last name) am a student in the Academy of American Studies and will adhere to the following policies and guidelines as part of the requirements of Sandra Day OConnor High School and the Academy of American Studies I agree that all grades in all classes must be a C grade or higher by the end of each semester. I agree to follow all guidelines as outline in the SDOHS student handbook. I agree that class citizenship will be exemplary in all classes. Negative reports from teachers will result in the probation procedures listed below. I agree to use electronic devices in the classroom for educational purposes only unless specified by individual teachers.

If I do not honor this contract, I understand that I will have the following consequences, including, but not limited to the following: Phone call, letter and/or meeting with parent and student to determine improvement plan Semester probation until all areas of the academic contract are met Removal from the Academy of American Studies program if the academic contract is not fulfilled within one semester of date of notice.

Parent Note: To support your childs academic success and participation in Academy events, we are asking that parents follow these guidelines to be current with your childs progress. Check Power Schools to keep updated with student grades in class Monitor the Academy webpage to keep up to date with Academy events. Contact my childs teacher or the Academy Director Debbie Peters if you have additional questions or concerns related to class or the Academy.

Student Signature ________________________________________________________ Parent Signature _________________________________________Date ____________ *Please sign and return to Mrs. Ellis. Citizenship reflection will be part of your semester portfolio grade.

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