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When memoQ server starts up automatically after a system boot, the system might attempt to start it up before SQL Server is completely up and running. Because memoQ server requires SQL Server to operate, this can result in a failed startup of memoQ server, and the user might get a message stating that an error was encountered while starting the memoQ server service.

To avoid this problem, a dependency must be set up between SQL Server and memoQ server. This dependency ensures that the system will not attempt to start memoQ server before SQL Server is fully started. First, you will need to identify the service name of the SQL Server instance holding the memoQ server database. You can find this name by doing the following on the server machine: 1. Start the Services MMC snap-in. To do this, click the Start button, and click Run if you see that command. After that, type services.msc into the edit box and click OK. If Run is not displayed, you can type services.msc directly into the Search field and press Enter. 2. The Services snap-in opens. In the list of services, look for a name like SQL Server (MEMOQSERVER), or SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS). This is the instance of SQL Server. 3. Right-click this name in the list, and click Properties. The properties window of the SQL Server instance opens. The service name will be selected, so you can copy it to the clipboard, or you can note it down. It will be something like MSSQL$MEMOQSERVER. Note: If you have several SQL Server instances installed, you can find which one of them is used by memoQ server by opening the Configuration.XML file in a text editor. The files is located in the progra data folder of memoQ server (default is c:\Documents and settings\All users\Application data\MemoQ Server\Configuration.xml. In that file you will find a line like this: <SQLConnectionString>Data Source=localhost\MEMOQSERVER;Initial Catalog=MemoQServer;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=300</SQLConnectionString>

2004-2009 Kilgray Translation Technologies. All rights reserved.


The part highlighted in red above identifies the SQL Server instance. 4. Start the Registry editor. To do this, click the Start button, and click Run if you see that command. After that, type regedit into the edit box and click OK. If Run is not displayed, you can type regedit directly into the search field and press Enter. 5. The Registry editor opens. Locate the registry key of the memoQ server service. a) Expand My Computer. b) Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. c) Expand SYSTEM. d) Expand CurrentControlSet. e) Expand Services. f) Select MemoQ Server Service. 6. On the right-hand side of the registry, verify that there is a string called DependOnService. 7. If the string does not exist, add it by doing the following: a) From the Edit menu, point to New and then select Multi-String Value. b) Name the string DependOnService 8. To edit the value, select it, and from the Edit menu, select Modify. 9. Type the service name of the MSSQL$MEMOQSERVER). Click OK. SQL Server instance (for example,

10. Restart the computer to apply the new dependency. After this, the system will always start up memoQ server only after SQL Server is loaded.

2004-2009 Kilgray Translation Technologies. All rights reserved.

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