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Secret Wars of the Renaissance


Secret Wars of the Renaissance

a role-playing game by Tony Dowler
edited by Philip LaRose cover design by John Harper

GenCon 2009 edition
Planet Thirteen Books
For more information:

Introduction to the Gen Con 2009 Edition

Hi, Thanks for checking out my game! A great game needs great players. Im looking for some players to help me make Principia better. Principia is already a fun game. But like any new game, there are places where it can be improved. Id be thrilled if after you try this game out, youd let me know how it went. Thats why Im offering this low-cost Gen Con edition: to find the right players to improve this game. Youll get the satisfaction of helping out, plus credit in future editions, and free PDF copies of all future editions of this game I publish. I have some specific questions. The first time you play this game do not use the rules for escalating controversies that start on page 20. I think the game will be simpler and faster without them. After that, try the game using the controversy escalation rules. Here are some questions to think about: Did you use the escalation rules at all? Did the escalation rules make the game better? Worse? Did you have any problems understanding them? Did you have any problems when you used them? Where they fun? Please send your answers and/or any other feedback you have to me at Or even better, post a play report of your game on the Forge forums at: and we can talk more there. Thanks again for checking out Principia. Sincerely, Tony Dowler

Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


To me all the past is alive with alternatives, and nobody can show, nobody has really attempted to show, that they were not real alternatives. GK Chesterton, On Fate and a Communist Youll also get to see historical characters like Michelangelo and Lucrezia Borgia in un-historical situations like fighting zombies, founding a democratic republic, or crossing the Alps in an airship. If these ideas appeal to you, youll probably like Principia. ith this game, you and two or more of your friends will get together and tell the story of some fantastic characters and their adventures in an alt-Renaissance style. What is alt-Renaissance? It takes the spirit of the Renaissance and uses it to tell stories of what might have been. Your Renaissance might be a world where Leonardos flying machine actually flies, or Machiavelli makes a pact with Satan, or the Pope becomes the Emperor of the World. Or it may be a world where women gain political equality with men in the 16th century, where the Reformation never happened, and the Industrial Revolution begins 500 years early.



Every time you play Principia, youll ask a question about your world, such as Is vengeance just? or Does the Duke deserve to rule? or even Does God exist? Youll answer these questions when you play, but only after the adventures and struggles of the characters you invent. Then youll get to see how your answer changes the world.

Principia is set in the city of Florence in a fantastical alternate version of the Italian Renaissance. The Italian Renaissance was a period of unprecedented cultural change and achievement. Its a period known for great historical figures, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Machiavelli, and Lorenzo de Medici, and for great works of art, such as St. Peters Basilica, and the Mona Lisa. It was a period of competition between great cities in art, intrigue, religion, diplomacy, commerce, learning, and war. These provide the backdrop of Principia. Principia is not a game about historical accuracy. Use the Renaissance as a source of ideas and inspiration, but dont take history too literally.

Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance GENErAL OVErVIEw Of THE GAME

One of the players is called the Game Master (GM). He or she is like a cross between a narrator and a referee Each other player will take the part of a major character in the story. These characters are referred to as player characters, or PCs. The GM takes the role of all the other player characters, known as non-player characters or NPCs. This game includes alt-Renaissance versions of Caterina Sforza, Federico da Montefeltro, Machiavelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Lucrezia Borgia and Savonarola as characters. There are also rules at the end for making up your own characters. When you play this game, you will tell the stories of the adventures of these characters in your world. You will tell these adventures in scenes. Each scene is one small part of the whole story. Scenes are strung together into chapters. A chapter usually lasts 1 session of play, about 4-6 hours. You can also string chapters together into a longer story called a campaign. During scenes your characters will fight for the things they believe in, strive to fulfill ambitions, become embroiled in complex relationships, and defend themselves from dangersometimes succeeding, sometimes failing. Sometimes well roll dice to see how things turn out. This is called a controversy. And youll also pose and resolve burning philosophical questions of the age. At the end of a chapter youll finish up the story and tell how it all turns out in the end.


Maidens honor Lorenzo as he sponsors a festival ABOUT THE DIcE This game uses some funny dice called Fudge dice. You can get them at your local hobby store, order them through the Internet, or make your own. Each Fudge die has two + sides, two - sides, and two blank sides. Other than that, they look like regular six-sided dice. You can make your own Fudge dice by taking regular cubical dice and drawing two + signs and two - signs on them with a permanent marker. Or you can use regular six-sided dice: a roll of 1-2 equals a -, a roll of 3-4 equals a blank, and a roll of 5-6 equals a +. Real Fudge dice are easier to use, though.


Sometimes in these rules when I say you, Ill mean you the player. Other times Ill mean the character you play. Most of the time it will be obvious which one I mean.
Text set off like this is example text. It helps to show you how to play the game.

The murder of Galeazzo Maria Sforza

Italicized text is simply for emphasis. Bold text lets you know that the bold word is an important term in the game. Underlined text refers to another section of the rules.

Asides like this provide additional useful information and tips or help you find useful rules.



Playing Principia
A beautiful city lends its beauty to all that happens within it. Anonymous Drives: Drives are the things that your character cares most about right now. They could include beliefs, goals, relationships, dilemmas, or questions. They will probably come up again and again in the story, and they can change, or be abandoned during play. Drives earn you resolve. Plot Twists: Plot twists are special ways that your character (and only your character) can take control of the story by paying 1 resolve. Resolve: Resolve isnt shown on your character sheet. Its a resource you gather during play, using drives. You can use it later to trigger twists or help in controversies. Resolve can be tracked using glass beads. You start with 2 resolve. n the following pages are seven pre-generated characters you can use to play Principia. There are also rules for creating your own characters later in the book. All these characters had overlapping lifetimes, though some of them may never have met in real life, and certainly not in the circumstances described here. The situation described is blatantly un-historical, which is part of the fun. Each player, other than the GM, will choose a character. Each character has several parts: Description: This is a brief history of the altRenaissance version of your character. Facts: The facts are two interesting, important, or remarkable things about your character. They dont change during the chapter, and they dont help you win controversies, but they might let you do special things during play. For example, Savonarola can summon fire, and Lucrezia Borgia can become invisible. Advantages: Advantages are things about your character that help them win controversies. Since controversies are often how your character will get what they want, advantages can be pretty important. They also help give you a picture of who your character is. You can gain additional temporary advantages and disadvantages as a result of winning or losing controversies.


Between chapters you may make some changes to your character. Think about how your character has changed. You may modify, add, or remove facts, advantages, and drives. When youre done, you character should have: Three (and only three) advantages. These can be the same ones they had before or new ones from the list. Two (and only two) facts. These can be ones already on the sheet or new ones. Three drives. These can be new ones or old ones too. No disadvantages or stars.




ivacious, cultured, and brilliant, Caterina Sforza has a reputation equal to that of any prince in Italy. Publicly, as a woman, she is relegated to a secondary role, but privately she commands the power of the Illuminati, a secret elite society dedicated to uniting Italy and eventually the world under a single crown. The real Caterina Sforza (1463-1509) was the illegitimate daughter of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan and was raised in the most cultured court in the world. Once, though seven months pregnant, she held the Vatican hostage with a small army. Her boldness and strength of character won her the admiration of Europe as she defied armies and rivals to protect her lands. After many trials, she retired to exile in Florence where she died peacefully.


I am a Grand Master of the secret Hermetic Order of the Illuminati, bent on world domination. I have a fine palazzo near Piazza della Signoria, staffed with many capable servants.


Iron willed Politically astute Bred to command


A woman is as suited as a man to lead, if not more so. Florence must be preserved as the jewel of culture and science that it is. If I can just reach my uncle, the Duke of Milan, I am sure I can convince him to call off the army and end this wasteful war. Condition Have a scene in my local residence or estate Treat those of lower station with generosity Demand respect from my peers Take on or fulfill a noble obligation or alliance Twist Produce hirelings, possessions, and resources that belong to me Win their respect and obedience in one thing Make a declaration about them State how my standing or prestige is increased with someone Fallout Decide how the staff and hirelings feel about me Decide what they expect from me to maintain their respect Introduce a rival or higher ranking aristocrat Decide how my standing is affected with another faction

You can find copies of these characters for free download at




brilliant though unorthodox military commander, Federico would have been forced to retire long ago, save for the mechanical eye built for him by a Venetian inventor to replace the one he lost in battle. Federico and his loyal band of mercenaries are universally feared and respected among Florences foes. The nobility still look down upon him for choosing a military career over politics. The real Federico (1422-1482) was a fabulously successful condottieri and became Lord of Urbino, where he imposed order on the troubled state and assembled a court of brilliant artisans and humanists. Federico fought in numerous engagements throughout Italy, but never without being paid. Nicknamed the light of Italy, he funded his patronage and his city through mercenary combat and died preparing for yet another war.


I command the Florentine military. I have an artificial eye, made by master alchemists, that shows me the truth in peoples hearts.


A military commander Rank (Generalissimo) Knowledgeable about law, history, and protocol


I may be a soldier, but I have more culture than any aristocratic fop who never lifted a sword. I must employ the greatest artist in Florence to immortalize my name. I will meet the commander of the Milanese army and kill him in single combat to get my revenge.

Threaten violence Come to the aid or protection of civilians, innocents, or allies Pursue the goals of an employer whose coin Ive accepted Command troops or fight alongside my companions.

Cow civilians Win respect and acclaim Command others as with their authority or rank Take control of the situation by violence

Fallout Decide how it affects my relationship with them Decide the fate of those I aid or protect Name one enemy or rival that I make as a result Decide how it affects my standing in the public eye

You can find copies of these characters for free download at




ailed throughout Europe for his achievements in the areas of painting, sculpture, poetry, architecture, and engineering, Leonardo da Vinci will nonetheless never be satisfied until he has conquered the scourge of war. But the Duke of Florence, who loves Leonardos painting so much, does not trust his inventions on the battlefield, and has forbidden Leonardos latest masterpiece, the steam tank Leviathan, from being used in the coming battle. The real Leonardo (1452-1519) was a painter, scientist, inventor, mathematician, and writer without peer, considered by many among the most brilliant people who ever lived. His inventions (most of which were never built) included a flying machine, clockwork robots, a multi-barrel gun, and a tank. In his career he resided and worked in Florence, Milan, Venice, Rome, and France, where he died.


I have a perfect photographic memory. I have a fully outfitted engineers shop built into the city walls.


Resourceful and inventive Trained in the sciences Physically attractive


With my inventions, I can put an end to war. Using my new invention, the steam tank, to drive off the invaders, is the only way to save Florence. I must keep Cardinal Sebastiano happy, because his money is funding my ongoing research.

Create something in my lab or workshop Spend ten minutes making sketches and notes in my journal Assert the innate rationality of all things while sifting available facts Test a theory, invention, or premise in action

Introduce an anachronistic technology Declare a scientifically deduced fact about a thing in the game Discover the cause of an event or the action of an NPC State how it improves my standing or prestige.

Introduce a fellow or rival engineer Declare a complication related to that thing State what that cause is Decide whether it works

You can find copies of these characters for free download at




nfamously rumored to have poisoned her first husband for political gains, Lucrezia Borgia possesses a fearsome reputation for cunning and ruthlessness. For the time being she resides in Florence as a guest of Lorenzo and ambassador of the powerful Borgia family. None suspect that she is also the feared assassin the White Rose, who prowls the city by night, in defiance of the local Assassins Guild, taking vengeance on the citys most notorious criminals. Born into one of the most powerful families in Italy (her father was later to become Pope Alexander VI), the real Lucrezia Borgias life (14801519) was one of intrigue, arranged marriages, and politics from the very beginning. Among the crimes attributed to her are incest, poisoning her first husband, arranging the strangulation of her second, and several love affairs, though most of these are unsubstantiated. Machiavelli held her up as an epitome of political ruthlessness. She died giving birth to her eighth child.


A trained assassin Physically attractive A dissembler and a liar


I am secretly the feared assassin known as the White Rose. I learned the alchemical secret of invisibility from my father.


I am a killer, but everyone I kill deserves it. Duke Lorenzo saved my life once, and the debt will only be repaid when I save his. I will complete my final assignment: assassinate Duke Ludovico of Milan before his troops can attack.

Face an opponent in a fair fight Use treachery against an opponent Display my personal sense of style in front of others Interact socially with someone whos impressed with me

Defeat my opponent Kill them State how I win someones admiration or support Make a declaration about them or someone related to them

Decide whether they live or die Determine how it impacts my reputation or standing Describe how it makes me an enemy or activates a rivalry Decide what they want from me

You can find copies of these characters for free download at




anaging his extensive network of spies from his underground mausoleum library, Machiavelli continues his quest for the perfectly governed city with him as the rulers chief advisor. Accursed with the undead taint of vampirism, Machiavelli shuns sunlight and is under continual threat of discovery, excommunication, and destruction by the Church. The real Machiavelli (1469-1527) was a Florentine scholar, writer, and civil servant who is remembered as a founder of political science. His writings took a highly realist approach to politics, earning him a reputation for amoral cunning. He served Florence in many roles but after a change of government he was tortured, exonerated, and finally exiled to the countryside where he eventually died.


I am a vampire and cannot be killed by normal means. The outcasts, beggars, and ghosts of Florence are my spies.


A trained assassin Educated and cultured Controlling and manipulative


I work in the shadows, pulling strings from behind the scenes. I must convince Duke Lorenzo to give me the cure for vampirism before it consumes me completely. Whoever wins the war, I must make sure they put their trust in me and no one else.

Interview a person or converse with them at length Counsel someone I have a relationship with Consult my tomes of philosophy and history Observe a social interaction

Make a declaration about them Inspire them to a course of action Determine the action required to bring an event about Ferret out a hidden motivation or deception

Determine the form our relationship takes Decide how the relationship changes Declare what that action is Decide what it is

You can find copies of these characters for free download at




espite being one of the greatest geniuses of the age, Michelangelo prefers a life of abstemious privation, toiling day and night on his artistic creations in a cramped studio. In stark contrast to his handsome rival Leonardo, his body is bulky and misshapen. His deformity gives him great strength and stamina, however, allowing him to endure any hardship, and to carve his spectacular marbles using his bare hands. The real Michelangelo (1475-1574) was among the most prolific and brilliant painters, sculptors, writers, and engineers of the Renaissance. In Florence, his fortunes were often tied to the Medici family, his great patrons. His personality is remembered as arrogant, melancholy, and difficult and he was hard on both himself and others. He often clashed with his patrons and authorities, particularly when his depictions of nakedness were branded as immoral.


Possessing artistic genius Truthful and blunt A tough brawler


My body, though ugly and deformed, is inhumanly strong and impervious to pain. There is no kind of art that I cannot perform with genius.


I must find someone who can love me. None of these other people have Duke Lorenzos interests at heart, so I must protect him, because he is my one true friend. I will create a work of such perfect beauty that it will finally outshine my rival Leonardo.

Expose people to my art


Decide how they react Decide how the public judges my art and ultimately me Decide what form that relationship takes Decide how the relationship is affected

State what emotions it evokes in those who experience it Reveal a fact artistically Make a declaration about the person, place, or thing depicted Openly express my emotions or Forge a relationship inspiration to another Draw inspiration from a relaState how I win admiration and tionship acclaim from someone

You can find copies of these characters for free download at




avonarolas apocalyptic firebrand sermons have shaken the ruling classes of Florence and earned this impassioned preacher enmity from the powerful. But they fear to act, for the mass of the people are behind him, and he commands supernatural flame. For now the nobility and church authorities are content to allow him to continue his preaching, but its unclear how long they will stand by. The real Savonarola (1452-1498) was a powerful apocalyptic preacher who denounced immorality in art and the hypocrisy of those in power, including Pope Alexander VI. In his infamous bonfire of the vanities, an uncounted wealth of books and art objects were publicly burned in Florence. Though he rose to hold the highest office in Florence, his eventual fate was excommunication, torture, and deathburned at the stake in the same place where he had burned so many books before.



A master orator Willing to go to any extreme to succeed Truthful and blunt

I can summon supernatural flame at will. I have the love and support of the common people of Florence.


If I can convert Duke Lorenzo to my views, together we can found a new, pure order. Florence must be purged of the vanity of luxurious fashions and immoral art, particularly those championed by the Countess Serenissima. Will my lust for power be by undoing?

Pray and meditate in silence Speak to another person in confidence Do the Churchs will Lay hands on a willing subject

Make a declaration about a person, place, or thing Extract a promise from them Authoritatively command people and even inanimate objects State how they are healed and strengthened

Introduce a rival or superior ecclesiastic Declare a fact that they reveal to me in conversation Decide what they want from me Decide what their relationship with me becomes

You can find copies of these characters for free download at



When you play using the default characters, use these facts to help flesh out your game world. The GM should read them to the players to provide background for the adventure: Duke Lorenzo de Medici rules Florence. Duke Lorenzo is a true Renaissance man, rivaling Caterina in diplomacy, Federico in leadership, Leonardo in learning, Lucrezia in ruthlessness, Machiavelli in cunning, Michelangelo in artistry, and Savonarola in zeal. Duke Lorenzo rules from the labyrinthine Palazzo Vecchio on the grand Piazza della Signoria. Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, is outside the walls with a massive invading army. The siege has been long and the common people are hungry, restless, and desperate. The Florentine forces are outnumbered. Milanese cannon have been pounding the walls, and they are weak. The invaders are preparing to break through the walls at dawn tomorrow. Milan has spies in the city (and the GM may reveal one NPC as a spy at any time). The PCs are the smartest, most competent people in the city. If they cant save it, no one can. Florence is the greatest city in Italy for art, architecture, science, and culture, with a wealthy aristocratic class. It is also notoriously corrupt, with violent streets, poverty, and injustice.



Use these NPCs when you play with the default characters. Some NPCs are associated with default characters; use those NPCs when the corresponding character is in the game. The GM should make up an NPC card for each NPC you use: Duke Lorenzo de Medici: Ruler of Florence Duke Ludovico Sforza: Ruler of Milan and leader of the invading army If someone is playing Caterina Sforza, include Carlo, her resourceful footman and agent. If someone is playing Federico, include Lieutenant Daniola, his aide, along with her squad of pikemen. If someone is playing Leonardo da Vinci, include Cardinal Sebastiano, his wealthy patron. If someone is playing Lucrezia Borgia, include Garibaldi, an assassin assigned to kill Lorenzo. If someone is playing Machiavelli, include the ghost of Machiavellis father, who haunts and advises him. If someone is playing Michelangelo, include Faustina the courtesan, his latest model. If someone is playing Savonarola, include Countess Serenissima, lady of high fashion and patron of art. After youve got your NPCs, take 3 resolve and divide them up any way you want between your NPCs.


Flagellants subduing the flesh

Start the game with one question on the table: Does the City of Florence deserve to be destroyed? The touchstone for this question (see the section on questions, later) is the City of Florence. Whoever wins the question, narrates its fate. The GM may write his or her name on either side of the question before play begins. GM, if youre not sure how to start, heres what I suggest. Duke Lorenzo has summoned several advisors, the PCs, for a council of war. Give the players an opportunity to call for scenes of their own before the council, if they want. During the council, Lorenzo tells them that the citys fate is in their hands. Encourage the players to formulate a plan (or several competing plans) to save Florence. Have players call for scenes where they put their plans into action. Provide obstacles on the way for them to struggle against. If you can work towards a climactic final scene that ties up the story, thats awesome.


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


DArtagnan, in a state of fury, crossed the antechamber at three bounds, and was darting toward the stairs, which he reckoned upon descending four at a time, when, in his heedless course, he ran head foremost against a Musketeer who was coming out of one of M. de Trevilles private rooms, and striking his shoulder violently, made him utter a cry, or rather a howl. The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas

rincipia play is broken up into chapters and scenes. A chapter is 1-2 sessions of play, usually from 4-6 hours in total. Its like an episode of a TV show, or an evening of reading. A scene is one unit of play, a few minutes long, like a scene in a play. The GM will describe what your characters see and hear, the general situation, and things your characters know about it. After that, you say what your character does. The GM is responsible for keeping the story moving and playing the roles of the NPCs. You are responsible for playing your PC and speaking for them. Sometimes players other than the GM get to narrate what happens in the story outside of the actions of their PC. This happens when you take the advantage, engage in a controversy, or trigger a plot twist. This is all described below.
John, Phil, Brandon, Alexis, and Ben sit down to play a game of Principia. John is playing Federico da Montefeltro; Phil is playing Machiavelli; Brandon is playing Leonardo da Vinci; Alexis is playing Lucrezia Borgia; and Ben is the GM.

A scene can come to a natural conclusion through play, but if the dice are rolled, we always finish the scene shortly afterwards. Our next scene can pick up right where the last one ended, or it may be set somewhere else entirely.
Earlier, Alexiss character Lucrezia Borgia picked up a lead on an Assassins Guild safe house in the old medieval quarter of the city. Now she wants a scene where she raids the safe house. Lucrezia enters the safe house through the window, she says. Ben describes the scene as she surprises three bravos splitting up the gold from a recent commission.


Heres how we play a scene. Any player can trigger a scene by saying what their character does next. Otherwise, the GM may start a scene, either by describing what some NPC is doing, or by placing PCs in a provocative situation. Sometimes there are several players who want to start a scene with their character. In this case, the GM can decide which scene to play next. During scenes there will be certain important moments when the players turn to the rules in order to determine where the story is going to go next. These are: When a drive generates resolve for a character. When a drive is fulfilled. When a player triggers a plot twist. When a character action results in a controversy.

A difficult cure is administered


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance GENErATINg RESOLVE

Whenever you take an action thats tied into one of your drives, you generate resolve for your character. Resolve can be used to help you succeed at dice rolls later. The first time a drive comes up in a scene, you may generate 1 resolve. Take a glass bead or whatever youre using to track resolve, and put it in front of you. If youre not sure when to generate resolve, follow these guidelines: A goal generates resolve when the character takes a significant action towards the goal, or passes up an important opportunity to do so. A dilemma generates resolve when the characters action suggests an answer to the dilemma. A question generates resolve whenever the character tries to find out the truth. A relationship generates resolve whenever it influences a significant decision of the character. A belief generates resolve when the character declares it or fights for it. When a drive generates resolve, put a star next to it, up to a maximum of 5 stars. These stars become important later when fulfilling drives, covered later. The GM also gets to put resolve on his NPCs when they show up in a scene in a significant way. Sometimes the story develops in a way that makes one of your drives meaningless. When this happens you can fulfill the drive as described below. Do this immediately, or wait until an opportune moment.
Lucrezia has a drive, I will find and kill the master of the Assassins Guild so I may take his place. This certainly applies here, so she takes 1 resolve. The assassins leap up and two move to escape covered by the third. You will interfere with the Guild no more, Lucrezia Borgia, he says, as he draws his cruel dirk. Lucrezia has another drive, Never back down from a fight. Everyone agrees it applies here and Alexis collects another resolve as Lucrezia draws her rapier.



You can fulfill drives to generate additional resolve. Do this when a drive is no longer meaningful for your character, or when they have a chance to finish it for good. When you fulfill a drive, collect 1 resolve for each star next to the drive with a minimum of 1. Fulfill a goal by attempting to achieve it completely, or giving it up forever. Fulfill a dilemma when you can answer it once and for all or abandon the pursuit. Fulfill a question when you have a chance to discover the truth, or you give up trying. Fulfill a relationship by transforming it entirely, or severing all relations. Fulfill a belief by deciding its not true, not worth defending, demonstrated to your satisfaction, or not important to you anymore. When you fulfill a drive, cross it off your sheet and write a new one to replace it. You dont have to do this right away. Wait until you have a good idea for a drive. You can fulfill a drive at any time, even in the middle of a controversy. Your drives show your characters story arc. When youre writing a new drive, consider one that picks up where the last one left off and evolves your characters motivations to advance their story. Dont erase your drives! Looking back over your old drives gives you a record of where that character has been.
Lucrezias drive, I never back down from a fight, has 4 stars. Shes decided its time to fulfill this drive. She crosses that drive off her sheet and immediately collects 4 resolve. Then she writes a new drive: Do justice to wrongdoers!

A drive that makes you think, I cant wait to see how this turns out, is probably a good one.


Plot twists are ways that you can determine the direction the story takes when your character is in a particular situation. Triggering a plot twist costs 1 resolve. Each plot twist has three components: The condition is the situation that enables you to trigger the twist during a scene. The twist is what happens when you trigger it. You get to narrate how this happens, within reason. The fallout is the consequence of that twist that the GM gets to narrate afterwards.


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance

When you narrate you get to decide what happens and describe it. Talk to the other players and elicit their suggestions. Try to make your narration fit the story. Use common sense when deciding if the scene fulfills the requirements for a plot twist. And remember that triggering a twist doesnt necessarily end a scene. You cant trigger a plot twist in the middle of a controversy. Wait until all the dice rolling is over. Some twists let you declare something. When you do this, you get to narrate some minor detail about a person, place, or thing in the game world and state how your character knows it.
Lucrezia and the bravo circle the room, each looking for an opening. Alexis points to her plot twists and pays 1 resolve, saying, When I face an opponent in a fair fight, I can defeat them. Yes, says Ben, but I get to decide if they live or die. The opponents fight furiously but silently for several minutes. Though Lucrezia is far more skilled with a blade, the assassin struggles desperately and without regard for his own safety. As Lucrezia makes what she hope is a disabling thrust, he impales himself on her blade and falls at her feet gasping his last.



Here are a few suggestions on how to get the most out of this game as a player: Think often about how your PC is related to the other characters. Take a stand for or against something and write a drive about it. When you fulfill a drive, write a new one that picks up where the old one left off, or thats related to a question you care about. Have a question or two in reserve so you dont have to think one up on the spot when you want to pose a new question. If youre not sure what to do next, try to start a scene where you have a chance to fulfill a drive, write your name on a question you care about, or collect lots of resolve. Pay attention to what the other players are doing. Notice whats cool about their characters and give them lots of chances to use it. Resolve conflicts between players with words. Resolve conflicts between characters with dice.

Arithmetic, Queen of the sciences

Astronomy instructs Ptolemy on navigation


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words. Philip K Dick hile we play Principia, we propose, influence, and 3. Choose a touchstone for your question. The answer questions. These are abstract yes/no questouchstone must be a specific person, place, tions about whats true in the world of the game. Here thing, or institution in the story thats somehow are some examples: related to your question, but isnt already the Is there judgment after death? touchstone for any other question. Write the Do the gods intervene in human affairs? touchstone at the bottom of the card. Here are Does the Pope speak for God? some sample touchstones: Is pride a virtue? The city cathedral Are science and religion mutually exclusive? Bishop Grizzolo Can alchemy find the secret of eternal life? Caterina Sforza Can a woman decide her own fate? The Dukes advisors Is the earth flat? The Arezzo family Is revenge just? Leonardos steam tank Questions are fun and important because answer The Jesuit order ing them gives players some degree of control over the Here are some examples of bad questions: game world and impacts the things their PCs care about. Can Isabella be trusted? (not abstract) What must a man do to find happiness? (not INVOKINg ANd PrOPOSINg QUESTIONS a yes/no question) When you roll dice in a controversy (described later What will become of Leonardos and in these rules), you can invoke an existing question to Machiavellis friendship? (not abstract) gain an extra die to roll. If there arent any questions you How do you solve a problem like Maria? want to invoke, you can propose a new one to invoke. (not a yes/no question) You can propose a question at any time. Heres how: 1. Come up with an abstract yes/no question that Alexis is playing Lucrezia Borgia. She decides to pose the has something to do with the story. An abquestion, Can a woman be the master of the Assassins stract question in Principia is one thats about a Guild? The touchstone is the Assassins Guild. The card looks like this: principle, idea, city, institution, or large group of people. Conversely, a question thats about a single person is not considered abstract. All the questions listed above are good examples. 2. Take an index card and write the question at the top of it. Divide the card into a yes side and a no side.

Its a good idea to write down good questions when you think of them. Keep a question in reserve so that when you get the chance to pose one, you dont need to think too long.


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance

Each question can only get one name on it per controversy. Write your name, not your characters name.

At the end of a scene where Federico da Montefeltro was involved in a controversy, John chooses to write his name on the same question he invoked, Is murder ever justified? The question has already been used a couple of times. Heres what it looks like after John is done: When a single persons name appears on a question multiple times, we count each instance of their name; so if their name appears three times, thats three names.

At the end of a controversy, everyone who invoked a question gets to influence one question by writing their name on it. Losers of the controversy go first, then winners, then helpers. Break a tie any way you like. When its your turn, heres what you do: 1. Decide which question youd like to write your name on. Choose a question that was invoked in this controversy, but it doesnt have to be the one that you invoked. Remember, each question may only get one name on it per controversy, so choose one that no one has chosen yet. 2. Write your name (not your characters name) on the yes or no side of the question. Your name may appear multiple times on the same questions, and could be on both sides in the course of play. When you write your name, youre answering as yourself. Choose the answer you think is most interesting. You arent writing the answer your character would give.


At the end of each session or chapter we answer questions. Start with the question that has the biggest, most general touchstone (i.e. a city before an individual) and work your way down. Heres how to answer a question: 1. If the question has three or fewer names on it, we can decide, by consensus, to either discard it unanswered, or leave it unanswered and keep it in play for next session. 2. Total up the number of names on each side of the question. 3. Pick a person for each side. That person rolls three Fudge dice plus a number of bonus dice equal to the number of names on that side, keeping the highest three as their total. 4. Compare the totals. The side that has the highest total becomes the answer for that question in our game world. If the rolls are tied, then the answer to the question is ambiguous.

Scholars dispute in the court of Lorenzo


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance

5. Now we decide who narrates the answer. Whose name appears the most times on the winning side? That person wins narration of this question. In case of a tie, the player whose name appears last is the narrator. Every other player whose name appears on the winning side gets some concession or lesser detail added to the narration. If the deciding roll is a tie, the answer is ambiguous. Now we count up all the names on both sides of the card to decide who narrates and who gets concessions. See the section on narration, just following, for more on how to narrate an answer.
Its the end of the chapter, and were resolving the question, Is murder ever justified? Heres what the question looks like now:


When you narrate an answer, you get to tell part of the epilogue to the story. In a few sentences, describe what happens to the touchstone of the question after the story ends. Theres one limitation: your narration must demonstrate the answer to the question, yes or no. Your goal should be to come up with a narration thats fun and interestingparticularly to you, but also to everyone else. One great thing about answering questions is that your story can show how the answer to the question is true. Maybe the answer is a cosmic truth, and those who try to deny it come to bad ends. Maybe its a belief that some individuals doubt, but society in general is not ready to question. It could be a generally accepted idea that may change some day, but not yet. The question is meant to be a constraint on your narration, but not a straitjacket.
Now John gets to narrate the fate of the Assassins Guild as it shows that murder is not justified. He tells the story of how theres an official backlash against the Guild for its actions in the last war. The Guild is outlawed and its headquarters burned by the mob. For his concession, Brandon narrates that some members of the Guild continue their illegal activities in secret. Phil narrates that some former assassins find legal employ as Machiavellis agents!

Questions can be gaming TNT. Players will pose questions they personally care about. This means that emotions can be involved. Trust and respect the people you game with. When issues come up, talk about them. Dont ignore, shrug off, or bury them. Conversation is good. If a player poses a question that makes you think, I dont want to play in a world where that question is resolved in a particular way, you can and should raise your concern.

Johns going to roll for the No side. Hell roll six Fudge dice and keep the highest three. If he wins, Phil and Brandon will both get concessions. Alexis is rolling for the Yes side. Shell roll seven Fudge dice and keep the highest three. If she wins, Phil gets a concession. Johns roll is 3 and Alexiss roll is 2. In our game world, murder is never justified.

6. Continue till all the questions are accounted for. A resolved question may never be posed again, but you can pose another question that approaches the issue from a different angle.


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had five hundred years of democracy and peace and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. Orson Welles

hen a character tries to gain an advantage or get the better of another character in a scene, we roll dice to find out what happens. This is called a controversy. PCs can have controversies with NPCs or other PCs. When might we have a controversy? Here are some examples: Winning an argument Convincing someone Getting someone to make a promise Impressing someone Doing violence to someone Tricking, intimidating, or browbeating someone into doing your will Gathering information, secrets, or gossip relating to someone Beating someone in a race or contest Controversies can be minor skirmishes or pitched battles where the whole story lies in the balance. When you get into a controversy, dont worry about the exact outcome. The winner gets to decide that when were done.
Brandons character Leonardo and Phils character Machiavelli are at a grand masquerade ball where Leonardo is trying to win over the wealthy Countess Serenissima. He even has a drive about this: Once I acquire a rich patron, I can finish work on my flying machine. Leonardo and the Countess are chatting over a decanter of fine wine and Leonardos clearly trying to charm her, so Ben (the GM) decides its time to roll some dice.

Leonardo and Serenissima are one anothers opponents. Leonardo takes the Countesss delicate hand in his and says, Countess, your salons are legendary throughout Italy. You have acted as muse for great talents. Hes trying to charm her. Serenissima smiles and asks, So are you saying that a woman must be content to inspire great art rather than to create it? Shes trying to put him in his place.

2. If you wish, you may invoke a question (see the questions section for more information). The player whose action initiated the controversy chooses their question first, then their opponent chooses. Any player who invoked or posed a question takes an additional die. Each question may only be invoked by one player per controversy. The question or its touchstone should have some relation to the scene.

Tip: When you invoke a question, turn it sideways, so that everyone knows its already invoked.

Heres what you do when youre involved in a controversy: 1. Identify your opponent. A controversy has two primary participants and no more; however, other characters can choose to help one side or the other. State what action your character is taking to seal their advantage and then pick up three Fudge dice.

The armies of the Pope confront a rival prince in war


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance

Theres a question on the table that Brandon posed: Is money more important than talent? He invokes it now for an extra die. He has 4. Ben invokes a question: Does the ruling class deserve its position? He has 4 dice.

In an earlier controversy, Leonardo received the disadvantage publicly embarrassed. Ben decides to levy this disadvantage to knock off one of Brandons dice. Brandon crosses the disadvantage off his sheet and then discards a die, leaving him with 4.

3. Players who are helping must invoke a question to help. Each helping player invokes a question and then hands a bonus die to the player theyre supporting in the controversy, narrating what their character does to help.
Machiavelli is also present at the dinner and he wants to help. Phil narrates how Machiavelli, passing the table as if by chance, pauses and gives Leonardo a highly respectful greeting, praising his most recent masterpiece. Phil proposes a new question (Can a vampire ever be trusted?), invokes it, and hands Brandon a die. Now Brandon has 5.

6. Now roll all your dice and choose the highest three. Add them to the number of advantages youre using. This is your total. If you dont like your total, you may buy and roll additional dice at a cost of 3 resolve per die. Your total is still your advantages plus your three highest dice. Once everyone is done buying dice and rolling them, whoever is left with the highest total is the favorite.
Everyone rolls dice. Brandon rolls for Leonardo: +, +, -, - with no blanks. His highest three dice are two plusses and one minus, adding up to 1. With his +1, thats a total of 2. Ben rolls for Serenissima: +, +, -, and a blank. His highest three dice are two pluses and a blank, which add up to 2. With his +1, thats a total of 3. Serenissima is the favorite.

Tip: For each advantage youre taking, put a Fudge die in front of you with the + side up so everyone can keep track of how many advantages you have.

4. Choose advantages from your character sheet. You can use up to three advantages, but only two of your advantages can be permanent advantages. These must all be advantages that are appropriate to the action your character is taking. A temporary advantage with a characters name next to it is always appropriate in controversies involving that character. The number of advantages you choose will be added to your final total. If any of the advantages you used are temporary, cross them off the sheet now. Temporary advantages come from winning dice rolls, and are described later in these rules.
Leonardo chooses advantages. He picks physically attractive. That gives him +1. Ben looks at the Countesss NPC card and sees sharp witted. Thats +1 for him.

5. If any of your opponents have a disadvantage, you may levy it to eliminate one of their dice. The disadvantage should be something that would reasonably impair their ability in the current situation. When you do this, they may cross the disadvantage off their sheet.

If any opponents are tied, the player with the most + signs rolled is the favorite. If there is still a tie, we decide who the favorite is in the following order: the player with the most blanks followed by the player with the fewest - signs. If were still tied, theres no favorite and the controversy is inconclusive. In any case, keep your dice showing; you might need them if someone decides to escalate.
Brandon decides to buy another die for Leonardo. He spends 3 resolve and rolls a +. This improves his roll to 4, making him the winner! Ben could call for escalation, but he doesnt care enough about this controversy, and he doesnt have a lot of extra resolve to spend anyway.

7. If the either participant doesnt like the outcome, they have the option of escalating the controversy. This means the loser has a chance to turn the tables on their opponent somehow. See the section on escalating a controversy for details on this. Otherwise the controversy is over and the favorite has won. See the section on wrapping up, below, to see who gets rewards for the controversy.

Only the primary participants can escalate; helpers cant!


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance EScALATINg A CONTrOVErSY

Either participant in a controversy can choose to escalate. This gives the loser another chance to claim victory. It also gives the ultimate victor the ability to inflict a permanent disadvantage, called a fate, on one opponent. However, escalation depletes resources. After an escalated controversy ends, everyone involved loses all their remaining resolve and stars.
On the eve of battle, Duke Lorenzo de Medici is reviewing the Florentine troops and their brand new repeating steam cannons (furnished by Leonardo). Garibaldi, the master of the Assassins Guild, sees his chance to murder the Duke and destabilize Florence so his pawn can seize control. But Lucrezia and Leonardo are wise to the plot. Leonardo is by the Dukes side, keeping an eye out for mischief. Lucrezia is hidden in the crowd scanning for Garibaldis familiar face. Garibaldi, with his poison needle signet ring, approaches the Duke, intent on inflicting a fatal wound. Lucrezia and Garibaldi roll a controversy on the issue of whether Garibaldi can poison the Duke and Lucrezia loses. If things stay this way, it means the death of the Duke. Lucrezia escalates.

Heres how we escalate a controversy. 1. First we figure out whos participating. If you won the controversy, youre the favorite. If you lost, youre the underdog. Keep your dice rolls visible in front of you. They still matter. There are no helpers in escalated controversies, but there can be more than two participants. Anyone who helped in the controversy or whos present in the scene has the option of jumping into the controversy. They are neither favorite nor underdog, theyre interlopers. If the controversy was inconclusive, everyone is an underdog.
Garibaldi the assassin is the favorite. Lucrezia is the underdog. Leonardo helped and is joining in now, so hes an interloper.

If your opponent is beating you, youre an underdog. If youre someone elses opponent, and theyre being you, youre also an underdog.

2. Next you choose who your opponents are. Whomever youre trying to overcome is your opponent. You can have multiple opponents. Even if chooses you as their opponents, you can still ignore them. They dont have to be your opponent.
There are three participants. Lucrezia and Leonardo both have the assassin as their opponent. The assassin has both of them.


Now we play out a round of escalation. There will usually be two of these rounds. 1. Participants select maneuvers for the round: Favorites dont have to choose a maneuver; they stand pat with their winning dice. Interlopers must make a strike maneuver. Underdogs may choose to take their dice and reroll (called a take maneuver), or force their opponent to re-roll their dice instead (called a force maneuver).
Lucrezia rolled five dice in the controversy and had three advantages, but she rolled terribly. Her total is 1. She decides to take so she can re-roll her own dice. The assassin rolled six dice (Ben bought some with resolve) and had three advantages. His total is 5. Hes the favorite, so he doesnt choose a maneuver. Leonardo didnt roll dice in the controversy, he just helped, so he will make a strike maneuver now.


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance

Remember, when you roll dice in an escalated controversy, you always discard all dice you purchased with resolve on a previous roll. 2. If youre doing a maneuver, state your action. Nobody rolls dice until everyones ready: Strike If youre striking, state what you do to beat your opponents. Gather dice and choose advantages just as you would for a controversy. Get ready to roll. Force If youre forcing, state how youre hurt by your opponent but arent put out of the struggle. One of your opponents (you choose who) gets to inflict a disadvantage on you immediately (see the section on wrapping up, below for more on disadvantages). All your opponents should now pick up their dice, discarding any dice they bought with resolve, and get ready to roll. Take If youre taking, state how you attempt to turn the tables on your opponents. All your opponents immediately get 2 resolve. They may set it aside for after the controversy, or collect it immediately (later well see that resolve that wasnt spent or set aside is discarded after an escalated controversy). Pick up your dice, discarding any dice you bought with resolve, and get ready to roll. 3. Players who have not yet posed or invoked a question in this scene may do so now for an additional die. Players may also levy disadvantages on their opponents character sheets to eliminate one of their opponents un-rolled dice (but no more than one disadvantage per opponent). 4. Now everyone who picked up their dice rolls them. Determine your result, just as in a controversy. Anyone may choose to purchase and roll more dice at a cost of 3 resolve per die. 5. Anyone who is being beaten by an opponent beocmes an underdog. Everyone else is a favorite. Ties can be resolved just as in a controversy. Any player may choose to drop out of the controversy, but all their opponents defeat them automatically. Remember, unless everyone chooses to drop out, we play two rounds of escalation. If this was the second round, the controversy is complete. If

not, choose maneuvers and play one last round.
Lets focus on Leonardo first. He picks up dice and chooses his advantages, ending up with four dice and two advantages. Everyone rolls and his total comes to 2. Thats not enough to beat the assassin. Leonardo has some resolve, but he knows this fight is probably going to go on for another round, so he decides to save it for now. Lucrezias maneuver was a take, so the assassin gets 2 more resolve, which he keeps. Lucrezia re-rolls her dice and gets 4. Much better! But Lucrezia isnt done yet! She has a drive about Garibaldi, I will find and kill the master of the Assassins Guild so I may take his place. She fulfills the drive now, which gives her a bunch of resolve to spend. Now she buys two more dice by spending 6 resolve, and rolls them. The result brings her total up to 5. Furthermore she has more + signs showing than Garibaldi, which breaks the tie in her favor. Lucrezia is now the favorite! This controversy isnt done yet. On the next round, both the assassin and Leonardo will be underdogs. The assassin could force, causing Lucrezia to lose the dice she bought and re-roll the rest. On the other hand, he could re-roll himself, spending the rest of his resolve for even more dice. And then theres Leonardo. What he does is sure to have an effect on the result.

Dont forget to write your name on questions at the end of a controversy.

Death comes for all in the end


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance WrAPPINg UP A CONTrOVErSY

Here are the disadvantages: When a controversy comes to an end, every participant who invoked a question gets to write their name on a question. See the section on questions for details. When you beat any opponent in a controversy, you get to narrate minor details of how you get the better of them, then choose to take a temporary advantage on your character sheet or to inflict a disadvantage. If the controversy was escalated, you may choose to inflict a fate instead of a disadvantage. Heres how you take a temporary advantage: Write a single sentence describing the nature of your advantage in the advantages section of your character sheet. Put a checkmark next to it to indicate that it is a temporary advantage. Make a note of the names of any people you beat in this controversy next to the advantage. Almost anything can be described as an advantage. Be creative. If the controversy was inconclusive, then everyone gets to inflict a disadvantage on their opponents and no one gains a temporary advantage or inflicts a fate. Disadvantages Heres how you inflict a disadvantage: Choose an appropriate disadvantage from the list. Your opponent writes this entry on their character sheet in the disadvantage area. The disadvantage should make sense according to what happened in the controversy.

Here are the disadvantages

A specific debilitating injury Publicly embarrassed Charmed Emotionally inflamed Convinced of the validity of an argument Tricked, fooled, or hoodwinked Lose someones good graces Lose an item of value

Fates are like facts. They dont help anyone out in controversies, but they can make a major change in the story. When you inflict a fate, you get to narrate how the fate comes about. It should make sense in the story Heres a list of the fates that can be inflicted: Dead Stripped of wealth or position Publicly humiliated and socially ruined Ostracized from society Imprisoned All plans and machinations revealed Permanently written out of the story You cant permanently remove a PC from the story. Each player may only inflict one fate per controversy. Here are the fates


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance EXTENdEd CONTrOVErSY EXAMPLE

Controversies can sometimes seem complicated. Dont panic. Just proceed slowly and methodically until youre done. Heres a more complicated example. Most controversies wont be this complicated.
With Florence in flames and Milanese pikemen in the streets, Federico and Lucrezia (played by John and Alexis) have fallen back to the Palazzo Vecchio to protect the Duke. Meanwhile Machiavelli (played by Phil) has led a troop of invading soldiers, led by Captain Grimaldi, into the palace through the secret aqueduct (the turncoat!) Federico and Lucrezia head off the intruders in the marbled foyer of the great hall. Lucrezia shouts a challenge to the Captain, calling him out to single combat, where she reckons she can defeat him easily, but the Captain is savvy to her tricks. He claims he isnt honor-bound to accept a challenge from a woman. Ben calls for a controversy to see if Lucrezia can shame him into a fight. Lucrezia and the Captain face off in a battle of wills. They are one anothers opponents. Federico helps Lucrezia by pointing out that Grimaldi is shaming himself by acting so cowardly in front of his men. Machiavelli helps the captain by ordering the soldiers to seize Lucrezia! Everyone selects advantages, invokes questions, and passes around helping dice. Alexis rolls a total of 3 for Lucrezia. Ben rolls a total of 2 for the captain. Lucrezia is winning, but Ben decides to escalate. Lucrezia and the captain are still one anothers opponents. Lucrezia is blocking his progress. Hes using his guards to force his way past her. In the escalation round, both John and Phil elect to join the controversy as full participants. Machiavelli decides to use the confrontation as a cover, as he slips past the group to try and get to the Duke before anybody else. His opponents are everybody. Federico moves to stop him; nobodys getting away until this is settled! His opponents are the captain and Machiavelli. Captain Grimaldi is the underdog. He decides to take, and re-roll his weak dice. Machiavelli and Federico are interlopers. They pick up their dice to make strike rolls. Lucrezia is the favorite. She stands pat on her dice. Machiavelli rolls a 1. Federico rolls a 3. After buying some dice with resolve, Grimaldi rolls a 4. Machiavelli, Federico, and Lucrezia are now underdogs (because Grimaldi is beating them). Incidentally, Machiavelli

is also an underdog, because Federico is beating him. Grimaldi is a favorite, because no one is beating him. Now everyone plays out the last round of the controversy. Lucrezia decides to force, which means Grimaldi has to discard the dice be bought and roll again. Alexis narrates how Lucrezia dodges past the guards to block Grimaldis path with her drawn blade! Grimaldi gets to inflict a disadvantage, and he chooses an injury, as one of the guards slices her arm with his saber. Machiavelli decides to take, so he can rectify his awful dice roll. He narrates how, finding the way blocked, he slips into a nearby antechamber where he knows a secret passage will lead him past the melee. Everyone else gets 2 resolve because they are all his opponents. Federico decides to take as well. He tells how Federico covers Lucerzias back, cutting down soldiers left and right. This grants two more resolve to his opponents, Grimaldi and Machiavelli. Everyone except Lucrezia is re-rolling their dice. Grimaldi rolls a 3. He has more + signs than Lucrezia, breaking the tie in his favor. Federico rolls a 4, the highest roll at the table. Machiavelli rolls a 2. All his opponents are beating him. Grimaldi has beaten Lucrezia. He chooses as his advantage Ive got Lucrezia in my custody. The soldiers overwhelm the injured woman, taking her prisoner. Federico elects to inflict a disadvantage on Grimaldi, causing him to lose an item of value. He narrates how Grimaldis soldiers are decimated, leaving Grimaldi unsupported as he flees with his hostage. Poor Machiavelli was beaten by everyone. Im sure the players will have fun foiling his plans.


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance

Game Mastering

Game Mastering
Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-crossd lovers take their life Romeo and Juliet, Prologue just call them all advantages. They can come from the advantages list or just be made up by you. When you create an NPC, give them one advantage right away. If theyre really significant to the story, give them two advantages. When the NPC gains a temporary advantage as the result of dice rolling, record it on their sheet, just like you would for a PC. At any time during play you can spend 1 resolve from an NPC to add a new advantage. Any time the NPC appears in a scene or gets brought up by a PC in a significant way, add 1 resolve to their card. For example, if someone has a scene where they denounce the Duke in a public meeting, put a resolve bead on the Dukes NPC card, even if he wasnt there at the time. No matter how many advantages they have, they may only use two permanent advantages and one temporary advantage in a controversy at the most. Sometimes, the PCs get into a controversy with an NPC thats not important enough to have their own card. Thats fine. Dont make a card for the NPC. At the end of the scene, take half the NPCs resolve to distribute as you like among your NPCs. If any PC has an advantage on the NPC, they get 1 resolve instead. If any PC has inflicted a disadvantage on the NPC, they get 1 resolve instead. Creating Custom NPCs If youre making custom characters, help everyone create PCs theyre excited to play. Get them talking to one another about their PCs. While the other players are making up PCs, youll be making up NPCs. Whenever someone creates a PC, create an NPC tied to that PCs position or one of their drives. Give them a name and one advantage. NPC advantages dont have to come from the advantages list. They can be anything

he GM has an important role in organizing, pacing, and steering the story in Principia. The GM doesnt have absolute authority, however. At various times, like when answering questions or using twists, players can exert a lot of authority over the story. When youre the GM, accept this and focus on keeping the story interesting for everyone.


You should have a stack of index cards for NPCs and questions. 3x5 inch cards work perfectly. You need a stack of beads to mark resolve. NPC Cards Each significant NPC has an NPC card on which you will record facts about them and store their resolve. Create an NPC card any time an important NPC appears in the story. NPC facts and advantages are interchangeable. We

Citizens attend a musical performance


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance

you think is appropriate. Think about how theyre related to the PC. Make an NPC card for that character. When character creation is done, take 3 resolve and place 1 each on 3 different NPCs, your choice.

Game Mastering


Working with Scenes, Sessions, and Chapters The GMs job during play usually comes down to a few responsibilities: Describe the surroundings, set the mood, and provide dialogue for NPCs. Find the controversy and get the dice rolling. Find interesting consequences to PCs plot twists. Set scenes that work towards the PCs drives if they arent already doing that for themselves. Here are a few ways to approach the first scene of the game: Cut to the core of what the PCs have in common with a mission, briefing, encounter, fight, or meeting related to a common threat. Get things rolling by putting just a few PCs and possibly NPCs into a situation where they are at cross-purposes over matters relating to the PCs drives. Open up the table and let each PC start off a scene that involves one of their drives. If youre stuck for a scene idea, put a PC in a situation with an NPC thats important to one of their drives and see what happens. When youre setting up scenes, look for ways to use your NPCs to play to one of the PCs drives. Its nice, though not necessary, to hit each drive on each PC in the course of a session. Your goal should be to make sure that each PC has at least one drive strongly engaged in the session. Make scenes and work towards controversies that show the consequences of a PCs fact in our game world. If a PC has a fact stating, Im the greatest Tip: Dont swordsman in Italy, then show the consequences of forget to that fact. Do lesser swordsman seek out the PC to prove leave some themselves? Does the PCs reputation affect how people time at the react to them? end of the At the end of a chapter, we answer questions. Usually session to a chapter will equal one session. If youre in doubt, ask answer yourself whether this feels like a good spot for a break questions. in the story. If the answer is yes, its probably a good spot for a chapter break.

Triggering Plot Twists As GM, you dont get to use plot twists yourself. Instead, you determine the fallout when the players use them. Let the players get their characters into situations where they can use plot twists, then use the fallout to move the story on. When a player uses a twist on another PC, that PC should get veto power over any permanent effect on their character (like dying for example). If a disagreement arises around this, negotiate a suitable compromise. Controversies Controversies are a key part of the game. Look for opportunities for controversy. If the PCs dont trigger it, go ahead and trigger it yourself. Feel free to say no when the players want something, but tell them what they need to do to get to yes. For example, if a commoner wants to walk into the Dukes party uninvited, you can say no, but let them know they could sneak in, or suggest a possible avenue to acquire an invitation. This gives them more reasons to do fun things, advance the story, and roll dice. Put the dice roll at the moment of truth. Not when you put on the disguise, but rather when someone first sees them in their disguise.

In a Renaissance school, a magister trains a pupil


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance

Consider escalating a controversy when a major plot point of the story stands close to resolution. Setting and Play Styles This game supports many play styles. Here are a few suggestions: A historical game inspired by Renaissance history, but with a touch of the fantastic An over-the-top gonzo Renaissance where da Vinci builds flying machines to drop bombs on Michelangelos army of giant spider robots A Three-Musketeers-style swashbuckling adventure full of duels, mistaken identities, and conspiracies Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets the Renaissance, where the PCs fight monsters and dangers that threaten an ignorant populace Cosmic horror in the Call of Cthulhu style, where unthinkable evils threaten the world. Spy drama style of Ian Fleming or John le Carre

Game Mastering
The detective drama style of the Sherlock Holmes novels

Sex, Gender, Race, and Class Renaissance Europe was a time with stark gender, racial, and social prejudices that are at odds with the standards of our society. Women were often relegated to support roles and generally believed to be incompetent for politics, power, science, priesthood, and so on. Africans and other foreigners were judged to be inferior. Jews were routinely oppressed. Players in Principia are never required to conform to these roles. For example, a woman PC can be soldier or powerful ruler. She is considered to be a rare exception to the rule. Its up to you and your group to decide how important cultural prejudices are to your game. In fact, the War of Ideas is a great way to tackle prejudices, but beware: you never know how a question will finally be answered.


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad. And that was all his patrimony. Scaramouche, by Rafael Sabatini

art of the fun of Principia, once youve played with the pre-generated characters, is creating your own characters. You can use historical characters as a model, or create them entirely from your imagination. Create characters together as a group before you play. Heres how to do it: 1. Each player chooses a position for their PC. This is your role in the social order of the game world. Choose a position that appeals to you. Come up with a simple character concept in that position and discuss it with the other players. Each player must have a different position from every other player. Copy the plot twists for your chosen position onto the character sheet. The positions are listed later in this chapter. 2. When you choose a position, you get to define something in your game world. Each position has a choice of three world facts. You get to choose one of them. This becomes part of the world of your game. 3. Choose three permanent advantages for your character from the list below.

List of Advantages
Has rank (specify your rank) Has extensive business connections Obsequious and cunning Skulking and sneaky Without conscience or remorse A trained assassin Generous, fair, and honest Possessing artistic genius Iron willed Of noble bearing Resourceful and inventive Educated and cultured Excelling in social graces Knowledgeable about law, history, and protocol Physically attractive Politically astute Good hearted and pure Well informed and connected Hungry for honor Passionless and analytical Controlling and manipulative Scholarly and learned Poetically inspired Trained as a duelist Bred to command A skilled negotiator A dissembler and liar Brutal and intimidating A master orator Trained in the sciences A military commander Willing to go to any extreme to succeed A tough brawler Truthful and blunt Suave and stylish Athletic and highly agile


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance

A drive that makes you think, I cant wait to see how this turns out, is probably a good one. 4. Write two facts about your character. Facts may be of any sort, but here are some examples: Instincts that your character always follows: I always have a concealed weapon handy. Facts about who you are: I am a Cardinal of the Church. Facts about how you are perceived: People fear me. Resources you have access to: I live in a fortified estate. Relationships with other characters: Im the Dukes bastard child. Abilities you possess: I can speak most European languages fluently.


5. Create three drives for your character. There are five basic kinds of drives: An achievable desired goal of the character. (I will assassinate the Archbishop.) A resolvable driving dilemma of the character. (Am I a cold-blooded killer?) An answerable burning question in this world. (Is the Duke corrupt?) A relationship the character cares deeply about. (I love Sophia.) A belief that character is willing to fight for. (Always protect the weak and innocent.) 6. One of your initial drives should relate to your affiliation; for example, it might be your relationship with an authority figure in that affiliation, or a goal to help the affiliation in some way. Another one of your initial drives should relate to your position. For example, it might be a belief about how members of your position should behave, or a relationship with an important NPC in your position. If you cant think of a drive, ask another player at the table to make one up for you. 7. Each PC (old or new) starts with 2 resolve. Resolve is represented using glass beads, poker chips, or some other marker. Take two of these now. 8. Make up a name for your PC and then describe them to the other players.


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


Position: Alchemist
The science of alchemy I like very well, and indeed, tis the philosophy of the ancients. I like it not only for Paracelsus the profits it brings in melting metals, in decoct John Dee, Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I ing, preparing, extracting, and distilling herbs, Snape from the Harry Potter novels roots; I like it also for the sake of the allegory Sigmund Freud and secret signification, which is exceedingly Edward and Alphonse from Fullmetal Alchemist fine, touching the resurrection of the dead at the last day. Martin Luthers Table talk

lchemy is the ancient study of change in all things. Though steeped in mystical language, it includes many solid scientific principles and discoveries. If youre playing the alchemist, your choice of fact determines how alchemists use their knowledge. You also have access to a fully stocked alchemical laboratory. Alchemists tend to be mercurial change agents with great power to make things happen, but little control over the side effects. They can also blow things up. Two enduring legends of alchemy include the philosophers stone, an object or process that can turn lead into gold, and the universal panacea, capable of curing all ills and bestowing eternal life. Here are some characters from history and fiction that could be played as alchemists.

World Fact
Alchemists are practical scientists, known as much for their feats of heroism as for their inventiveness and great learning. The so-called alchemists are sophisticated charlatans wh use trickery, psychology, and a rudimentary knowledge of chemistry to work wonders and hoodwink kings. Alchemists are mystic scholars obsessed with discovering the ultimate secrets of nature: the transformation of any substance, the cure of all disease, and the secret of eternal life.

Work in my lab Forge a relationship with someone Interact with a person whose motivations I know Use alchemical reagents

Produce powerful chemicals, drugs, and reagents Discover their motivations Induce an appropriate action Blow things up

Decide what their side-effects are State what they are Decide how it affects my relationship with them Decide what the collateral damage is


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


Position: Aristocrat
What a family is without a steward, a ship without a pilot, a flock without a shepherd, a body without a head, the same, I think, is a kingdom without the health and safety of a good monarch. Queen Elizabeth I the city. Your noble rank and estate are good things to flesh out using facts. Here are some characters from history and fiction that could be played as aristocrats. King Arthur Athos from The Three Musketeers Queen Elizabeth I Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings Duke Leto Atreides from Dune

hether by blood or virtue, some are born to rule. These comprise the aristocratic class. If youre playing the aristocrat, then when you choose your fact, you get to decide who wields primary political power in the city at the start of the game. This determines the aristocratic class in your world. Your character is one of them. Your aristocratic status gives you an automatic in among the ruling class. They are expected to extend you basic courtesy under all circumstances, and vice versa. Your aristocratic bearing shows through. Even if you keep your identity secret, theres something about your aspect that tends to command respect and obedience from the better sort of people. Aristocratic characters also always have access to some sort of estate. This could be as humble as a single manservant and a crumbling tower on the edge of town, or it could be a grand palace and holdings throughout

World Fact
Alchemists are practical scientists, known as much for feats of heroism as for their inventiveness and learning. The so-called alchemists are sophisticated charlatans who use trickery, psychology, and a rudimentary knowledge of chemistry to work wonders and hoodwink kings. Alchemists are mystic scholars obsessed with discovering the ultimate secrets of nature: the transformation of any substance, the cure of all disease, and the secret of eternal life.

Work in my lab Forge a relationship with someone Interact with a person whose motivations I know Use alchemical reagents

Produce powerful chemicals, drugs, and reagents Discover their motivations Induce an appropriate action Blow things up

Decide what their side-effects are State what they are Decide how it affects my relationship with them Decide collateral damage


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


Position: Artist

Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness. Leonardo da Vinci

rtists are celebrated in the Renaissance, but they remain dependent upon the wealthy for their living. Some serve a single influential patron, other serve multiple customers, and many are members of powerful guilds. If youre playing the artist, your choice of fact determines your position in society. Feel free to flesh out the details of your patron or guild, if appropriate. Decide what kind of artist you are and what you produce. For example, you might be a poet, painter, playwright, craftsman, or sculptor. This doesnt mean you cant cross boundaries and practice any sort of art, as many Renaissance artists did. Artists are strong in the realms of creation and feelings. They can wield great influence over emotions and reveal truths that are hidden; however, their nature finds them often embroiled in complex relationships. They may find themselves down on their luck, at the mercy of public opinion of their work.

Here are some characters from history and fiction that could be played as artists. Michelangelo Benvenuto Cellini Alberto Brunelleschi Artemesia Genteleschi William Shakespeare Eisenhorn from the movie The Illusionist Olivander from the Harry Potter novels

World Fact
You have a wealthy patron, an important person in the city upon whom you are dependent for your living. In return you enhance their prestige through your art. You belong to an ancient guild that jealously guards the secrets of its art. This air of secrecy has, however, stifled creativity and innovation. You have a vision that transcends reality and sets you apart from others, giving you unique insights and creative powers that seem miraculous to others.

Expose people to my art Reveal a fact artistically

State what emotions it evokes in those who experience it Make a declaration about the person, place, or thing depicted Forge a relationship

Decide how they react Decide how the public judges my art and ultimately me Decide what form that relationship takes Decide how the relationship is affected

Openly express my emotions or inspiration to another Draw inspiration from a relationship State how I win admiration and acclaim from someone


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


Position: Astrologer
In truth certainly and without doubt, whatever is below is like that which is above, showing the mystery of the unity of one thing. The Emerald Table of Hermes Trismegistos Here are some characters from history and fiction that could be played as astrologers. Paul Atreides in the Dune novels Firenze the centaur from the Harry Potter novels Dumbledore from the Harry Potter novels John Dee, the personal astrologer of Elizabeth I Nostradamus

o one is completely free. Events on Earth mirror the motions of the stars. Astrologers study this connection and use their knowledge of celestial matters to better understand, and sometimes influence, events on Earth. Like alchemy, astrology includes many different studies under its umbrella, including aspects of astronomy, psychology, sociology, history, and occultism. If youre playing the astrologer, the fact you choose says a lot about what astrologers know and how they use it. Your character stands out as a person of great learning whose opinion will always be taken seriously. Astrologers have the potential to exercise broad but subtle control over events, fates, and human actions. They excel at finding the truth of a situation, then nudging events in the direction they desire.

World Fact
Astrologers are members of a secret hermetic cabal that has passed down the remaining fragments of knowledge in an unbroken succession from the sages of lost Atlantis. Astrologers are just highly astute, observant, and educated people with knowledge of astronomy, psychology, and science. Their abilities are often given mystical pretensions, but are rational at root. Astrologers are magi whose knowledge and powers come from a mysterious source whose secrets are carefully guarded.

Interview a person or converse with them at length Counsel someone I have a relationship with Consult my tomes, charts, or tools of my trade Observe a social interaction

Make a declaration about them Inspire them to a course of action Determine the action required to bring an event about Ferret out a hidden motivation or deception

Determine the form our relationship takes Decide how the relationship changes Declare what that action is Decide what it is


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


Position: Condottieri
Life is a warfare and a strangers sojourn, and after fame is oblivion. Marcus Aurellius Here are some characters from history and fiction that could be played as condottieri. The Black Company in novels of the same name Richard Sharpe from the Sharpes Rifles series John Hawkwood Duncan Idaho from the Dune novels Commissar Gaunt in novels of Dan Abnett

he city-states of Italy are constantly at war, which means plentiful work for the colorful mercenary bands known as condottieri. In a time when gold is sometimes more readily available than manpower, mercenaries often form the backbone of the city military. Their relations are not always smooth with their employers, however, who question their motives, often with reason. If you play the condottieri, your choice of fact says a lot about how warfare is practiced in your world. You also automatically have some troops under your command. Your rank and the number and type of forces you command is up to you. Consider taking a fact that describes them. Condottieri can wield considerable influence over events inside and outside of the city, but they are sometimes limited by the wishes of their employers, and their reliance on violent means to solve problems.

World Fact
Condottieri are elite mercenaries who wear colorful steam battle armor invented by Michelangelo. They fight duels in full sight of the city walls and are heralded as heroes by the common folk. Condottieri are small bands of rough but highly competent warriors who are engaged as a combination of shock troops, fixers, and special forces. The city dependsa few large bands of condottieri for defense. The rulers need the condottiere, but despise them.

Threaten violence Come to the aid or protection of civilians, innocents, or allies Pursue the goals of an employer whose coin Ive accepted Command troops or fight alongside my companions.

Cow civilians Win respect and acclaim Command others as with their authority or rank Take control of the situation by violence

Decide how it affects my relationship with them Decide the fate of those I aid or protect Name one enemy or rival that I make as a result Decide how it affects my standing in the public eye


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


Position: Ecclesiastic
Religion is the recognition of all our duties as divine commands. Emmanuel Kant Here are some characters from history and fiction that could be played as ecclesiastics. Saints Patrick, Francis, or Ignatius Loyola, and others Torquemada Any pope Aramis in The Three Musketeers Inquisitor Eisenhorn in the Dan Abnet novels

he Universal Church is the one social institution with real influence across political and cultural boundaries. It wields enormous power and has considerable wealth, but it has weighty obligations to match. If youre playing the ecclesiastic, you get to decide what the Church is focused on in your city. Your character holds some kind of ordained position in the Church with real authority, but not the highest authority. In the historical Renaissance, women could not be ordained to the priesthood, but sometimes did hold significant authority through their own religious orders. Ecclesiastics are steeped in a hierarchical order with access to considerable resources, but also responsibilities and duties to live up to. At times you may have to make difficult choices about your true duties and loyalties.

World Fact
The Church is in crisis. While the people look to it for guidance and mercy, a corrupt local leadership is pursuing other, more selfish goals. There are monsters, demigods, and cults that seek horrible fates for humankind. Its the job of the priesthood to hunt them out, foil their plans, and destroy them at any cost. The church is full of rival orders, interests, and ideas. You belong to one order, based in the city, which holds a radical belief that many in the Church consider dangerous or even heretical.

Pray and meditate in silence Speak to another person in confidence Do the Churchs will Lay hands on a willing subject

Make a declaration about a person, place, or thing Extract a promise from them Authoritatively command people and even inanimate objects State how they are healed and strengthened

Introduce a rival or superior ecclesiastic Declare a fact that they reveal to me in conversation Decide what they want from me Decide what their relationship with me becomes


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


Position: Engineer
Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been. Albert Einstein Here are some characters from history and fiction that could be played as engineers. Leonardo da Vinci Ito in the Battle Angel Alita books Captain Nemo Doctor Frankenstein (the man, not the monster) Agatha Heterodyne in the Girl Genius comics

or centuries, the greatest works of engineering have belonged to the distant past, but this is changing. A new generation of engineers is striving to understand the great works of the past, repeat them, and even surpass them. If youre playing the engineer, your fact lets you decide how technology is used in your world. If your fact says that there are already some anachronistic technologies in use, you get to decide what they are. Some ideas of anachronistic technologies include airships, robots, steam engines, flying machines, the telegraph, electric lights, or firearms. Engineers are the masters of technology, and can introduce new technologies into play, though these inventions wont always work entirely the way they were intended. They are also master problem solvers and investigators.

World Fact
Engineers are rare wildcat talents whose unique insight enables them to invent and build creations that seem miraculous to others. They are highly valued in their native city. Engineers belong to a guild that strictly guards it secrets. The guilds prestige is built around a monopoly on a few anachronistic technologies. The ancients were greater engineers than today, but some understand their secrets. The city is dependent on ancient infrastructure for essential services such as water, sewage, or defense.

Create something in my lab or workshop Spend ten minutes making sketches and notes in my journal Assert the innate rationality of all things while sifting available facts Test a theory, invention, or premise in action

Introduce an anachronistic technology Declare a scientifically deduced fact about a thing in the game Discover the cause of an event or the action of an NPC State how it improves my standing or prestige.

Introduce a fellow or rival engineer Declare a complication related to that thing State what that cause is Decide how well it works


Principia: Secret Wars of the Renaissance


Position: Swashbuckler
Fencing is a school of humility and develops speed, perfect control of the body, balance, beauty, and strong grace. It should be recommended to all those wanting to master their feelings and actions during their lifetime. Through this art they will always think clearly and act with style in their decisions. Marcel Marceau Here are some characters from history and fiction that could be played as bravos, duelists, or swashbucklers. Any of the three Musketeers Jason Bourne in the Bourne novels Hamlet Zorro Cyrano de Bergerac

he swashbucklers are flamboyant master fighters specialized in one-on-one combat. They are romantic figures who loom large in the public imagination. If youre playing the swashbuckler, your choice of fact decides a lot about when and why swashbucklers fight, whether for coin, rebellion, or high ideals. No matter what kind of swashbuckler you are, youve got masterful skill and a public reputation. Swashbucklers must sometimes choose between honorable and dishonorable methods. They possess the unsurpassed ability to overcome foes by sheer skill; however, this ability often creates as many problems as it solves. Swashbucklers often lead short, embroiled, tempestuous lives.

World Fact
Swashbucklers (known as bravos) are an officially recognized guild of assassins whose members can be hired to carry out legally sanctioned contracts, sometimes at the behest of the citys ruling powers. Swashbucklers are the troubled youths of the age, dressing in garish clothes, engaging in public brawls and drunkenness, and gathering into violent gangs to the despair of their families. Anybody can strap on a sword, but to be a true duelist is to adhere to the most exacting standards of skill, honor, nobility, and style. Duelists fight for beauty, honor, and money, but never lightly.

Face an opponent in a fair fight Use treachery against an opponent Display my personal sense of style in front of others Interact socially with someone whos impressed with me

Defeat my opponent Kill them State how I win someones admiration or support Make a declaration about them or someone related to them

Decide whether they live or die Determine how it impacts my reputation or standing Describe how it makes me an enemy or activates a rivalry Decide what they want from me


Dr. Peter Sampo, who taught me political philosophy, used to say that tyranny and ideology always begin with someone saying, Dont ask that question. The permission to ask questions and vigorously pursue answers is essential to the quest for freedom, knowledge, and salvation. This game is dedicated to Dr. Sampo and every teacher Ive ever had. Thanks to all those who helped me make this game. Without your help, it wouldnt have been possible, not even remotely. Special thanks to Farida Dowler, Brandon Amancio, John Harper, Phil LaRose, and Ben Lehman, who have been Principias best supporters. Thanks to everyone who played and tested this game. I pray I havent forgotten any of you: Brendan Adkins, Brandon Amancio, Eric Boyd, Pat Colacurcio, Ed Freeman, Trey Gorden, John Harper, Karl Higley, Phil LaRose, Sage LaTorra, Ben Lehman, Jonathan Lemer, Ching-Ping Lin, Leslie McKeever, Johnstone Metzger, Julian Michels, Lukas Myhan, Ben Robbins, Alexis Siemens, Nick Smith, Sam Spitzer, Matthew SullivanBarrett, Jackson Tegu, Wilson Zorn. Thanks to everyone who provided editorial feedback: Peter Bilodeau, Eric J Boyd, Farida Dowler, Maddalena Dowler, Allen MacMillan, Mike ReevesMacMillan, Paul Tarus, and Ron Edwards. A special thank you to Ron Edwards and James Brown, who strongly encouraged me to release this game despite my doubts. In creating Principia, I stole from a number of very good games and supplements, including Burning Wheel by Luke Crane, The Shadow of Yesterday by Clinton Nixon, In a Wicked Age and Poisond by Vincent Baker, the Suppressed Transmissions collections by Kenneth Hite, and Lady Blackbird and the Freebooters scenario for TSOY by John Harper. And finally, some books I read along the way: The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, The Queens Conjurer by Benjamin Woolley, The Age of the Renaissance edited by Dennis Hay, In the Company of the Courtesan by Sarah Dunant, The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone, 1602 by Niel Gaiman, The Drawing of the Dark by Tim Powers, The Prince and The Discourses by Niccol Machiavelli, Caravaggio by Helen Langdon, The Penguin History of Europe by J M Roberts, and many more. Images from the Wikimedia Commons were used in creating this book.

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