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Grigoro’s Wonders Untold (pgs

4-7) is a traveling medicine show
elcome to the new and
full of lovably unscrupulous freaks
improved Vacant Ritual and misfits.
Assembly! If you’re a
veteran vacant ritualist, thanks for From Dunnholt It Rises (pg 8-15)
coming back. If this is your first The multi-talented Kathryn Jenkins
issue, you’ve chosen a great place returns to VRA with a plague-
to start. It’s been a whole year since ridden island adventure.
the last issue so this is kinda the
beginning of “volume two.” VRA The Gallows on Heretic Hill
is basically a paper blog. The aim (pgs 17-19) can serve as a respawn
is to provide a platform for my point for PCs, allowing more long
unpolished-but-still-table-useful term, story-oriented games without
ideas. It’s an idea incubator and a sacrificing LotFP’s gloriously high
dream catcher. It’s also a place for lethality rate.
contributors to stretch out and try
weird, experimental stuff. A Light in the Black (pgs 20-21)
offers a heretical suicide squad
VRA veterans will notice the fairly faction for PCs to join, complete
drastic change in physical format with secret headquarters.
for this issue. I’ve decided to go
print-on-demand with the zine for Death Planted the Esther Tree
a variety of reasons. There are pros (pgs 23-37) is a dark, mansion-crawl
and cons, but one of the big pros is adventure by Kreg Mosier that ties
that I don’t have to worry so much into the Driftwood Verses setting.
about the length of the issues. I can
pretty much just let ‘er rip. You can The Grimsly Hill Cherubs (pgs 38-
expect higher page counts from this 39) is a quick NPC profile/preview
point forward (this issue is more for my upcoming book Undertow.
than double the page count of any
previous issue). Aside from that, not The Lathnos Sugar Cane Crop
much is changing. We’ll continue to (pgs 40-43) is the weirdest thing. A
focus on useful/weird stuff for your sickly-sweet encounter by Anxy P.
OSR games (with a good chunk
of material pulled from my own Emmy Allen: Of Wolves and
campaign prep), loads of artwork, Winter (pgs 44-51) is a conversation
and at least one interview per issue. with Emmy Allen, author of Wolf
Packs and Winter Snow.
Til next time...
Reject ideaologies. paid advertisements in VRA. If
Meditate. there’s an ad for something in here
Play rpgs. it’s because I think it’s cool.
For the last year, I’ve been running
a LotFP campaign in my Driftwood
COOL STUFF TO CHECK Verses setting, playtesting elements
OUT BEFORE YOU CROAK that will appear in that book. The
campaign uses an experimental
MUSIC open table format that’s worked
Zaum, Eidolon- Victor Garrison pretty well (I plan to write about it
on G+ introduced me to these guys. in a future isssue of VRA). Running
Really good, atmospheric doom. games in a still-developing setting
is always tricky because it’s hard
to develop a sense of consistency
PODCASTS when I’m always changing little
Full Metal RPG - I’ve only listened
details. I’ve also run into a bit of a
to a couple episodes, but I dig it and
GMing rut and have run some fairly
appreciate their taste in games.
boring sessions. I’m currently trying
to reevaluate my GMing techniques
RPG STUFF and get back to an acceptable level
Places of Textures and Color by that’s more consistently fun. I think
herror/Rowdy Kobold - A collection I need to focus more on interesting
of beautiful, unique dungeon maps. NPCs and social interactions.
I keep these handy for impromptu
dungeon delves.
Detective Carnacki’s Serial Killers Writing and Design by
of Vathak by Jason Stoffa and Clint Krause
Rick Hershey - A collection of Kathryn Jenkins (pgs 8-15)
interesting serial killer NPCs. Kreg Mosier (pgs 23-37)
Anxy P (pgs 40-43)

ROAN Studio - Look these guys Illustrations by

up on DriveThruRPG. Wonderful, Heather Gwinn (Cover)
inexpensive maps of interesting Kathryn Jenkins (pgs 8-15)
Samantha Keene (pg 38)
locations. Extremely useful! Billy Longino (pgs 26-27 )
Thomas Novosel (pg 23)
Anxy P (pg 41)
LEGAL CRAP Sean Poppe (pg 4-5)
Karl Stjernberg (pg 17)
© 2017 by Red Moon Medicine Show
This product is an independent Emmy Allen
production by Red Moon Medicine
Show and is not affiliated with Published by
Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Red Moon Medicine Show
Lamentations of the Flame Princess is a
registered trademark owned by James
Edward Raggi IV. Thanks also to Jack Shear for his
conceptual work on Rootmire.

A world-traveler from the cold,

wooded valleys of Ghavanstaad,
Grigoro was a windfreight
messenger and a necromancer’s
UNTOLD apprentice before his artistic
ambitions inspired the creation of
the traveling show that he currently
owns and operates. Grigoro seeks
by Clint Krause
out wonders and oddities from
across the known world and shares
GROWLER AND HOWLER them village by village in hopes
Gentle giants Growler and Howler of somehow bringing light to the
were once individual orange yetis commoners’ grimdark existence
from the toxic weald of Para-Numa. while also lining his purse with
Their bodies were merged by the silver. On the surface he’s a
spell of a sorcerista whom they still gregarious entertainer, but he’s
quest to destroy. They go wild for also a murderous occultist who has
kabba nuts, which are difficult to enslaved the ghost of his ex-wife.
find around here.
A demon from the Fourth Abyss A tattooed sailor-dwarf who rode
who, upon inhabiting the mortal the sludge tides of Walfismeer on a
realm for only a short time, found pirate frigate until both of his legs
himself charmed by mortals and were shorn off by the horn of a great
inspired to join their society. He is whale as it ploughed through his
fascinated with social rituals such as ship. His magic tattoos allow him
tea time and gambling. He conducts to walk on water.
himself at all times as a gentleman
The melancholy spirit of Grigoro’s
TANSY deceased wife, Mary Hatchet, who
A bubbly, four-armed fairy, he peppered with magic missiles
searching for her lost sister, Saffron. after catching her cheating. Mary is
She performs magic and aerial now bound inside a glass reliquary
acrobatics in Grigoro’s show in laden with sigils of imprisonment,
return for his protection from the forced to live on eternal display as
Holtstein Fairysnatcher Company an oddity for Grigoro’s profit. She
who stole away her sister ten years cannot speak unless someone casts
ago. Speak with Dead. She just floats there
looking sad.
AC 16, Mov 120’, HD 8, HP 32, AC 22, Mov 240’ flying, HD 1, HP 4,
2x hamfist d10/d10, Morale 8 bite 1d2, Morale 10

Special: If G&H hit with both Spells: Confusion 1/day, Detect

hamfists they lift their victim aloft Lie at will, Enthrall 1/day, Faerie
and begin to argue about what Fire at will
to do next. This argument will last
1d3 rounds, during which time
neither G&H nor their victim can
act (except to attempt escape). GREMBLY
The victim can escape by making AC 14, Mov 60’, HD 4, HP 16,
a successful save vs. paralyze. savate kick d6 (on a natural 20
After the argument, G&H decide attack again), Morale 10
to throw the victim down and
stomp them for an additional 2d10 Special: Three of Grembly’s
damage. The victim can save vs. numerous tattoos are hexmarks
breath weapon for half damage. (see VRA#1) allowing him to cast
Water Breathing 1/day and Water
Walk 2/day.
AC 14, Mov 120’, HD 7, HP 28,
angelbone dagger d4 (double RESURRECTION MARY
damage to undead and demons), AC 18, Mov 90’ flying, HD 4, HP 16,
Morale 9 no physical attacks, Morale 4

Spells: Detect Magic 1/day, Special: Immune to nonmagical

Magic Aura 1/day, Magic Missile weapons. Mary’s magical
1/day, Detect Invisible 1/day, imprisonment prevents her from
Locate Object 1/day, Speak With using her ghostly powers, but If she
Animals 1/day, Detect Illusion 1/ is released from her reliquary she
day, Speak With Dead 1/day can attempt to possess the body
Charm Monster 1/day of a living creature once per day.
The victim gets a save vs. magic
to resist. If the save is failed, Mary
takes control of the victim’s body
until she decides to relinquish it
AC 14, Mov 120’, HD 5, HP 20,
or until an exorcism is performed.
bite 2d8 (on natural 20 victim is
If given an opportunity she will
swallowed whole regardless of
immediately possess Grigoro and
relative size), Morale 11
exact her revenge by ruining his
life from the inside.
Spells: Detect Invisible at will,
Dimension Door at will, Haste at
will (only on self)

THE SHOW BEGINS (He spits them out backstage
Admittance to WONDERS afterward.) The entire thing is
UNTOLD costs 1sp for adults and played for laughs. The crowd is
25cp for children. The show begins whipped into a gutbusting revery.
at dusk each night. The acts take
place on a small wooden stage Tansy closes the show with a wild
inside a torchlit tent erected behind aerial acrobatics routine. She flits
Grigoro’s wagon. After the crowd around like a tiny comet and casts
files in, the show begins: Enthrall on the crowd. After the
big finish, she passes the hat (by
Grigoro emerges from behind a fluttering around the crowd with
curtain and introduces each act in a one) and compells the enthralled
boistrous manner. crowd to express their amazement
monetarily, which they generally
Growler and Howler walk around do, emptying their purses with
the stage for a few minutes just great enthusiasm.
being a two-headed orange yeti. The
crowd gasps in amazement.
Grigoro hawks baubles to the
Grembly brings a large tub of
crowd as they file out. Among other
water onstage and proceeds to
things, he sells:
walk across the surface of the
water with his two peg legs. He
Fairy Cake (10sp/piece). When
then submerges himself and “holds
ingested, the subject is forced to
his breath” (casts Water Breathing)
dance uncontrollably for one turn
underwater for five minutes. The
(10 minutes).
crowd is tense, fearing they’re
witnessing a drowning, but burst
Browntownies (10sp/brownie)
into applause when he emerges
A sumptuous brownie. When
ingested, the subject is cursed with
a sudden bout of explosive diarrhea
Next, Resurrection Mary’s
that lasts one turn (10 minutes).
reliquary is wheeled onstage and
the crowd is formed into a line to
Slither Sticks (5sp/stick) Until
see her up close. She just floats in
the sun rises, this simple stick will
a melancholy daze. The crowd are
transform into a harmless snake
lost in wonderment and disbelief.
whenever it is placed on the ground.
When picked up, it transforms back
Grigoro now produces a fiddle
into a stick. By morning the magic
a plays a lighthearted jig while
has worn off.
Baron Bicuspid takes the stage
and proceeds to devour numerous
Accurate Maps (40sp/map) From
mundane objects of increasingly
the group’s extensive travels.
ludicrous size. He closes by eating
Growler and Howler in one bite.
help of the witches who lurk in the
forests to create the plague rats.
They have always used the blood
DUNNHOLT of the island to power their dark,
demonic rituals.

IT RISES However, the once organised

process has fallen apart as the
A GRIM ISLAND ADVENTURE Good Doctor has lost his mind, the
by Kathryn Jenkins witches are double crossing him

and the island is left overrun by
unnholt is a miserable island rats and monsters. Despite this, the
off the coast of Scotland. Good Doctor is still working on a
It used to be a grand fort way to help his god rise.
and bustling harbour until it fell
into ruin and became a simple
waystation for ships. A recent
When your adventurers arrive
outbreak of plague on the mainland
at Duncladach, a large harbour
has given Dunnholt new purpose
town, to escort plague victims to
as a quarantine for plague victims.
Dunnholt, the weekly boat to collect
Ships still use Dunnholt to rest,
new victims hasn’t arrived on time
restock, offload goods and exchange
and no ships from Dunnholt have
shipments as long as no “victims”
been seen for days.
leave. However, recently ships
leaving Dunnholt take with them
Suddenly, a large ship looms from
strange boxes which do not appear
the coastal fog. It speeds towards
on the manifests. Captains are paid
the docks. The ship crashes into
off to carry the crates by “The Good
the docks destroying other vessels
and beaching itself against the local
“The Good Doctor” overseeing
Dunnholt is convinced the island
The crew are riddled with black,
is a god and by spreading plague
pus filled tumours. They are dead
believes the decay will feed the
from the crash or covered in tiny
god and allow it to rise up and
bites. Crates in the ship’s belly lie
consume the world. The doctor has
open with a slimy coating inside.
been manufacturing plague rats
They do not appear on the manifest.
and sending them out to towns
Black rats slip in and out of the
along the coast. He has concocted
shadows of the ship.
the plague from the “blood” of
Dunnholt island. The “island” is a
The captain is dead in his quarters.
great alien parasite that has buried
He clutches in his hand a burned
itself in the crust of the world. It
letter. It says “. . . from Dunnholt, it
feeds on the decay of bodies on its
rises . . .”
surface. The doctor has enlisted the

A contagious, degenerative disease
that eats away at the victim’s health
and eventually turns them into a RUMORS (d6)
tumour-riddled wretch. 1. Victims sent to Dunnholt are
burned alive when they arrive.
Symptoms can include: huge,
weeping, black tumours which 2. The island was first inhabited
thousands of years ago by cursed
protrude from the armpit, neck,
face, groin and back. Oozing blood
from all orifices. Coughing blood. 3. Ship captains who leave
Gangrene of appendages, lips and Dunnholt are doppelgangers.
eyelids. Fevers which cause violent
hallucinations and vomiting. 4. There is a labyrinth beneath the
Slurred speech and confusion island surface.

Victim must save vs. poison every 5. A giant rat lives in a cave on the
island and lures children into the
hour. If the roll fails, he or she suffers
cave with his magic flute.
-1d4 CON and -1d4 permanent HP.
At 0 CON the victim can no longer 6. The island belongs to a coven
function, has great tumorous growths of witches who practice human
all over his or her body, and wishes to sacrifice.
infect all nearby.
THE ISLAND Rats are the only visible signs of
A fortified castle sits on a huge life; they appear to be watching the
cliff. A great, gnarled forest adventurers.
stretches out over the island
which rises up out of the sea like Plague victims have been squatting
a mountain. The docks squat on a here. They have erected makeshift
bleak coast with ships floating in the tents. There is an abandoned
harbour. warehouse which was converted
into an infirmary. It is filled with
decaying corpses.
The docks are rickety, ill One of the corpses is the body of
maintained and lead to low a sailor. His corpse is two weeks
wooden shacks. It is eerily deserted. old. He has the first signs of a
The remaining vessels are ghost the plague but it’s clear he died
ships, with no signs of the crew. from bludgeoning. He clutches a
Occasionally they drift too close, parchment in his hand which details
their great bulks scrape into each a disclosure not to open the crates
other and their masts and sails being loaded onto his ships. He has
tangle. Except for the sound of the not signed it and seems to have torn
waves and the creak of docked it in two. The letter is signed “The
vessels, no other sounds emit from Good Doctor.”
the harbour. There are no birds.
Yearning Ones inhabit the docks. 1. Tables are set out like packing
They will stalk the adventurers stations. Several crates have been
before attacking. Anytime the broken open from the inside out.
adventurers make too much noise Something has clawed its way out
they have a 3 in 6 chance of being of the box. The inside is coated in
attacked by d4 Yearning Ones. black tar. If touched, make a save vs.
poison or contract Dunnholt’s Gift.
A weak, contorted human 2. A young man dressed as a plague
covered in great black sores doctor huddles in the corner of a
which weep a thick black pus. communal canteen. He has pulled
Their teeth are rotted and their off his mask and he is dying. He
tongues flop from their gaping clutches something to his chest and
jaws, riddled with oozing cysts.
whispers to it. He will babble about
They cough and hack, attempting
to reach out for any form of following the orders of “The Good
human kindness, a touch, an Doctor” and “Don’t go down, don’t
embrace, a kiss. go down.” He is clutching baby
plague rats. He will not voluntarily
AC 12, Mov 120’, HD 1, HP 4, move, resigned to dying. He will
lover’s kiss d6 (victim must tell the adventurers the way to the
succeed at a save vs. poison or plague den eventually but refuse to
contract Dunnholt’s Gift), Morale 6 go down.

DUNNHOLT HOLD AC 12, Mov nil, HD 1, HP 1,
Dunnholt Hold is an old fort no attacks, Morale 2
turned warehouse and refuge for
plague victims. The victims were Special: Anyone who makes
put to work packing boxes here. physical contact must succeed
The storerooms are now empty at a save vs. poison or contract
and many of the boxes have been Dunnholt’s Gift.

3. A nursery for ill babies and their rhyme “Ring a Ring o’ Roses.” If the
mothers. Small, badly crafted beds adventurers stay here, the skeletons
and cradles lie in ruins. Tumours eventually grow flesh and veins,
are growing on the toys and beds. rise up and form ghostly children
A cradle nearby stirs. A blanket who sing and dance in a circle.
stained with blood quivers. There They sneeze at the end of the song
is a plague rat in the bed beneath and collapse into dust as skeletons.
the sheet eating human flesh. The cycle repeats forever until the
adventurers leave.
AC 14, Mov 120’, HD 1, HP 2, 6. A trapdoor behind a large number
bite d2 (victim must succeed of crates containing vials and
at a save vs. poison or contract strange medical equipment leads to
Dunnholt’s Gift), Morale 3 the plague dens.

4. An anthropomorphic rat is eating THE PLAGUE DENS

viscera in a dark room. It clutches a These are a series of labyrinthine
flute in its hands. It will not attack caverns which stretch for miles
the adventurers. It will chitter and below Dunnholt island. Entrances
is unable to speak. It will exchange can be found in the forest or in a
the flute for a taste of blood. The storeroom in Dunnholt Hold. The
adventurer who gives their blood rock is fleshy and wet. It smells like
will enter a contract. They have decay.
unintentionally promised the rat
their first born child. It will come to
collect if the adventurer survives.

AC 16, Mov 120’, HD 1, HP 4,
2x claw+bite d4/d4/d6, Morale 8

Rat Flute: Summons 1d4 Plague

Rats when played (once per day).
User must make a successful save
vs. magic or contract Dunnholt’s Gift.

5. A room filled with straw beds.

Rags of small childish clothes and
toy dolls are abandoned. In the
centre of the room lies a ring of six
child skeletons. A faint sound can
be heard which grows over time,
eventually it is clearly the sound
of children singing the nursery

The cavern is vast. Living plague The witch chasm sits in the middle
victims lie on stone altars. Their of Dunnholt forest. The chasm is a
innards have been scooped out and dark slit in the earth, and tunnels
fat pregnant rats have been placed lead here from the plague dens.
inside them to feed and gestate. The It is the domain of the witches
victims have tubes shoved down who assist the Good Doctor. They
their throats and are fed a thick, disagree with his plan to wake up
black sludge which gives the rats the island. They wish to keep using
the plague to carry. The baby rats its blood as a resource for their
explode out from the plague victims spells.
upon birth. They were placed into
crates to be loaded onto ships by The chasm is filled with old silks
Yearning Ones. Packing has stopped and a collection of bizarre stolen
and the victims have been left to die. furniture. The sky is visible blocked
by the occasional rocky overhang.
1d4 Demonic Rats roam the cavern
at any given time. There is a dark stone altar covered
in entrails and infant bones in the
DEMONIC RAT chasm centre.
AC 14, Mov 120’, HD 2, HP 4,
bite d4, Morale 3 Three witches inhabit the cavern,
asleep during the day and casting
Special: Ruptures upon death, rituals at night.
birthing d6 Plague Rats.

They will bargain with the players, THE LABORATORY
ask them to ignore what they The witch chasm and plague den
see in exchange for dark cosmic lead to the laboratory at the heart of
power. They will ask the players the island. The Good Doctor resides
to kill the Good Doctor, now a here.
nuisance, and eat the heart of the
island. If the players eat the heart There is an undulating, fleshy mass
(see the laboratory) they will be in the centre of a small cavern. It is
impregnated with the offspring of a dark green and slick with slime. In
new island which will take years to the centre of the mass is a wound
grow inside them. Eventually, they where the flesh has been staked
will be split apart as the newborn back. It is filled with the viscous
island creature crawls out and black tar that is being fed to victims
plants itself somewhere off the coast in the plague dens. This where
of England. The witches will not tell the Good Doctor is creating his
them this, only that the adventurer plague. There is a combination of
will be immune to disease. If they ritual items and crude laboratory
agree to eat the heart, the witches equipment scattered around the
will stop the plague and provide a room.
cure (although the cure will have
similarly deadly side effects). If the adventurers choose to
destroy the heart they will kill the
If the adventurers do not accept, island. Its final death throes will
the witches will attack. create a seismic event that destroys
all nearby coastal towns. It will
THREE TERRIBLE WITCHES uproot itself and burrow down into
AC 14, Mov 120’, HD 3, HP 12, the ocean floor creating tidal waves
wicked dagger d4, Morale 9
and leaving a great maelstrom in its
Special: A witch’s HD increases by
place. The players will not have long
1 HD if a sister witch is killed in her to figure out a way off of the island
view. before it sinks.

Spells: Magic Missile 1/day, Sleep Alternatively, they can eat the
1/day, Stinking Cloud 1/day, heart as instructed by the witches
Summon 1/day or the players can choose to leave
the heart alone and flee. The blood
in the heart will be worth significant
coin to the right buyer.

THE GOOD DOCTOR shiver when he moves. He walks
The Good Doctor has lost his hunched, a great protrusion of slimy
mind. He succeeded in spreading growths on his back. His tongue
the plague, however, in his hangs out, slathering, and his breath
experimentation with the island’s is rancid. His voice is garbled and he
blood he has become a monster. babbles false science whilst covered
in blackened tar. His mouth has
The Good Doctor plans on trying contorted, the beak is layered with
to wake the island by pumping sharp teeth and stretched hideously
its heart with new concoctions. into a hooked shape that can rake
The witches deliberately foil flesh from bones.
his creations so they do not lose
the source of their power. The He will try to protect the heart and
witches want death and decay, not is too mad to be reasoned with.
armageddon. These failures have
enraged the doctor and made him THE GOOD DOCTOR
hostile to all living things. AC 14, Mov 120’, HD 3, HP 28,
short sword d6 or bite d8 (victim
must succeed at a save vs. poison
The Good Doctor is a contorted or contract Dunnholt’s Gift),
mass of tumours. He is dressed as Morale 12
a plague doctor in black robes and
his masked beak has grown into his Spells: Plague Touch (save vs.
flesh. His head, shoulders and back magic or contract Dunnholt’s
are a mass of thick tumours. The Gift on touch) 1/day, Summon
tumours on his body pulse and Demonic Rat (stats on pg 13)

Heretic Hill was once the meeting
ON HERETIC HILL place of a cult of apostate clerics
who defied the Synod’s precepts
A CAMPAIGN HUB and sparked an inquisition. The
by Clint Krause heretics were ultimately hung on
this hill, granting it its admonitory
“Father I know that you’ve witnessed name. Before they were hung, the
a darkness in me. Twas spawned in angel Adriel placed a powerful
shadows of the old gallows tree.” curse upon the heretics, a curse that
would deny them their eternal rest
- The Black Dahlia Murder, so that they may serve the church
Necropolis in penance forever. Thus, the
Noosefriars were formed, a secret

n a lone, wild hill in a order of undead agents that still
desolate stretch of the king’s serves the church from the shadows
country, among weed- to this day. The Noosefriars are used
choked ruins and the bone dust by the church as a deniable asset, an
of a thousand forgotten lives, the elite suicide squad whose undead
recently dead jolt to life in choking status allows them access to places
terror as the hangman bids them the more reputable clergy cannot go.
back to the mortal plane.
Penitent Jack is the masked, gravel- The gallows work like this: anyone
voiced caretaker of the gallows on who dies while wearing a noose tied
Heretic Hill. His yellow smile and by the hangman, Penitent Jack, will
rotting folds of flesh betray his curse awaken in a new body dangling
of undeath. “Jack” is a disgraced from the gallows on Heretic Hill.
cleric who betrayed the Synod
during the inquisition. He was This new body happens to be
forced to hang his apostate allies, whatever new character the player
then sentenced to execution by creates to replace the one that died.
lustration (being drowned in holy The character generally retains his
water). After his death, his body or her previous name and sense of
was ritually reanimated to serve as identity (although that’s ultimately
a secret pawn of the Noosefriars, up to the player).
forcing him to live as the eternal
attendant of the gallows even as his The new character also retains 50%
body slowly rots. He remembers of the previous character’s XP and,
little of his previous life and has a importantly, retains any information
simple, confused demeanor that possessed in his or her previous
demands equal parts unease and incarnation.
Any character who has been reborn
Jack’s job is to provide nooses for at the gallows counts as being
agents of the Noosefriars to wear undead for the purposes of turning
and to keep the gallows stocked and other magical effects.
with fresh corpses for those agents
to inhabit when they die. Player Once a character is reborn on the
characters might gain access to the gallows, Penitent Jack will cut them
gallows by becoming agents of the down and place a shortened noose
Noosefriars or by gaining the favor around their neck to assure they
of a corrupt clergyman who knows will return to the gallows again
the secret of Heretic Hill. upon death. If the noose is lost or
destroyed, the character will not
If Penitent Jack is killed, the respawn at the gallows.
gallows curse ends forever. The
wandering dead that roam the
graveyard will not attack him.

AC 14, Mov 120’, HD 6, HP 24, bite
d4 + save vs. poison or contract a
random disease OR noose (treat
as garotte), Morale 10

Heretic Hill is surrounded in 1. Notable epitaph. A clue?
all directions by an expansive, 2. 3d6 x 10 silver pieces
ancient graveyard that precedes 3. Wooden holy symbol
the construction of the gallows 4. Length of rusted chain (25’)
by hundreds of years. The unholy 5. Strange, inhuman skeleton
influence of the gallows curse has 6. Rotted leather armor (AC 13)
7. Rusted chainmail (AC 15)
leaked into the disrupted graves
8. Rusted platemail (AC 17)
and cracked vaults and causes the 9. Rusted Shield (+1 AC)
vengeful dead to rise when the 10. Old rope (50’)
moon is right (and it is often right). 11. Random cleric scroll
12. Random magic-user scroll
PASSAGES OF THE DAMNED 13. d4 Tomb Shrooms
The graveyard contains multiple 14. Tattered treasure map
entrances to the Ghoul Market (see 15. Spellbook (1d6 1st lvl spells)
VRA#1). 16. Rusty minor weapon (d4)
17. Rusty small weapon (d6)
18. Rusty medium weapon (d8)
THE BOUNTY OF THE GRAVE 19. Rusty great weapon (d10)
Many of the tombs on Heretic 20. Random magic item
Hill have been disturbed or eroded
away, their ancient contents
scattered about the grounds. A IN MY CAMPAIGN
successful search here reveals one I haven’t used this idea yet, but I
item from the grave loot table. plan to keep it up my sleeve as an
option for certain types of games.
For each turn (10 minutes) spent The whole idea is to create an
searching the graveyard, there is a interesting in-world justification for
1 in 6 chance of an encounter with players to retain some XP and meta-
2d6 Wandering Dead. game knowledge after the death of
their character. This way you can
WANDERING DEAD maintain the high lethality inherent
AC 14, Mov 60’, HD 2, HP 8, in a LotFP campaign without having
bite d4, Morale 4 to restart with a completely clean
slate every time. This is useful for
TOMB SHROOMS games that are more focused around
These long-stemmed fungi often long term quests and plots. I intend
grow upon the gravestones on to toggle access to the gallows on
Heretic Hill. Anyone who eats one or off depending on the style of
rolls a d10. On an even result, they campaign I’m running at any given
recover HP equal to the number time, but I like the idea that it exists
rolled. On an odd result, they take in my campaign world regardless.
damage equal to the number rolled.

by Clint Krause

henoosefriars are a secret
order of heretical agents
forced to serve the Synod
as penance for their crimes against
the angels. The order is used as
The Sepulcher is the hidden
a deniable asset by the Synod,
sanctuary of the Noosefriars, a
charged with missions that are
place for operatives to rest and
considered too dangerous or too
outfit themselves after returning
damnable to be undertaken by
from the gallows on Heretic Hill.
the clergy or their holy order of
It sits directly adjacent to the hill, a
paladins. The Noosefriars operate
convenient spot for recovery. Draw
in complete secrecy. It is said that
out the map for your players so
Lector Kristoph Shryne holds the
they don’t know about the secret
black leash of the Noosefriars,
locations unless they search for
directing their operations from a
secret vault beneath the ancient
catacombs of Thraetia.
For the most part, agents of Joining the Noosefriars grants +250
the Noosefriars are free to roam bonus XP.
the world and pursue their own
interests. The order does not DUTIES
dictate their every move. But when Go on church-related missions
when called. Perform all directives
their services are required, agents
without protest or hesitation.
are expected to make themselves
available immediately. BENEFITS
Noosefriars members each
Lector Shryne has little patience receive a noose from the gallows
for wayward operatives and will on Heretic Hill. While wearing it,
not hesitate to unleash the Knives their souls switch bodies upon
of Heaven’s Debt if things get out death rather than traveling to
of hand. The “Knives” are an elite the astral plane (see the previous
order of holy assassins dedicated article for details). Members also
gain access to the Sepulcher, a
to policing the Synod’s internal
secret headquarters located in
factions, including the Noosefriars. the graveyard on Heretic Hill.


6 2 6

6 6


The doors of the Sepulcher Concealed behind a secret door,
will only open for agents of the this stairway leads deep below the
Noosefriars. earth to the Ghoul Market (VRA#1).


The Rapturan is a terrible angellic Victor Saint was the paladin
beast with swords for teeth. It who oversaw the operation of the
dwells in this pit and eats magic original Noosefriars. His remains
items. Each time the PCs feed it a reside here in a stone sarcophagus
magic item, roll 1d6: 1-3: No Effect along with his blessed sword,
4: PC is Blessed for 6 points, 5: PC Angelclaw (+3 long sword, +5 vs.
gains +1 max HP, 6: PC gains +1 to demons and undead).
an ability score of his or her choice.
A lever on the wall opens the pit. 6. AGENTS’ QUARTERS
Simple beds and shelves.
The angel Adriel in a triumphant 7. SECRET OCCULT LIBRARY
pose surrounded by prayer candles. Contains a spellbook that has
Anyone who kisses it is instantly whatever new spells the referee
healed to full HP. wants to add to the game.
The Relecroix family consisted of:
Beauregard “Beau” Relecroix:
THE ESTHER TREE The elder head of the household
of Relecroix Manor and owner of
Relecroix Imports.
by Kreg Mosier
Mary Anne Relecroix: Wife and

mother. Deceased (allegedly due to
he Relecroix family are
a tragic accident).
merchants, an occupation
passed down through
Ethan Relecroix: 20-year-old only
six generations near as can be
son. Destined to take over the family
remembered. They have lived
in their familial home since the
town was founded. A well-to-do if
Esther Relecroix: 17-year-old
clannish people, relations among
daughter, currently promised to
outsiders are relatively unheard
the son of a wealthy merchant
of. Relationships are leverage, and
from Gigenstad. Largely ignored
usually decided upon by the elders
since Mary Anne’s death. Taken
of the family in order to facilitate
to befriending the vassal house
the merger of families and business
servants of the mansion who
she has been dressing up as play
companions since her childhood.
No one has seen the family in THE TRUTH
months. Beauregard has been away Beauregard and the rest of the
on a business trip, buying and Relecroix men have brought back
selling trade goods, as he is wont hundreds of trinkets and priceless
to do. Esther is rarely seen in town, collectibles from their travels abroad
and when she is, only accompanied over many generations, most to
by her father or brother quickly sell, and some very few to keep.
ushering her from place to place. A gnarled but rather nondescript
Ethan has been known to carouse ebonwood staff is the cause of this
about the Rootmire taverns and current calamity.
hound pits though he has not been
seen of late. One year ago, while engaged in a
heated argument that began in mid
Upon his recent return to the afternoon and would continue into
manor, Beauregard was greeted the night, Beauregard Relecroix,
first by a deluge of rain that stung in the heat of the moment, struck
and burned exposed skin within his wife Mary Anne with enough
a mile of his home, and was then force to knock her off of her feet
physically, forcibly repelled by and down the main stairwell in the
unseen forces, ejected from the manor’s great hall. A doctor was
manor grounds after several summoned, but alas, Mary Anne
attempts to enter. He is now deathly Relecroix would die within days.
afraid for his son’s life. This concern The official cause of death was from
does not extend to his daughter’s swelling on her brain caused by an
life. accidental fall down the stairs, as
reported by Beauregard, who was
This then is where our intrepid the only witness to the late night
explorers enter the picture, event. Or so he thought...
at a smokey, darkened guest-
house located along the docks in Unbeknownst to either of her
Rootmire… parents, Esther had heard the
sounds of her parents disputation
Beauregard Relecroix will call the and snuck out of her room to
group over and buy them drinks. observe from the balcony near the
He explains that he requires the stairwell. She witnessed the entirety
services of a group such as the PCs: of the event and was distraught, but
sellswords who aren’t local and dared not confront her father for
probably just passing through. He fear of her own safety. Her sadness
requires discretion, such that no quickly turned to rage at which time
word of himself or his family should the ebonwood staff began calling to
pass their lips in public. her, promising her freedom from
the pain and sadness, and more
importantly... revenge.

giving it more and more power. This
has already occurred six times, and
on the seventh the tree will grow
even stronger and begin infecting
the surrounding countryside. The
only way to end the infection is
total destruction of the Esther tree,
which will kill (what’s left of) Esther
as well. If allowed to run its course,
the infection will animate hundreds
if not thousands of limbones and
Relecroix Merchant’s Mark
thicketmen from the surrounding
Neither her brother or father swamp and forest, all under control
noticed her periodic absence from of the Esther Tree.
the home in the next few weeks.
Esther told her friends the vassals The Esther Tree has caused the
to tirelessly dig round the clock, area around Relecroix Mansion to
into the wine cellar deep beneath fall into a perpetual state of magical
the mansion. The staff has given her semidarkness, low rumbling
immense power in the few weeks thunder, and rain. Upon setting
she has kept it, but at terrible cost: foot onto the property, the change
Esther has been transformed into in weather is jarring and obviously
a massive ebonwood tree with an unnatural. The rain picks up with
insatiable hunger for blood. This the wind every few minutes to
final transformation began when her bear down on anyone unfortunate
father left on business three months enough to be exposed. After each
prior and has neared completion. consecutive hour the characters
must begin making saves vs. poison
The Esther Tree is so large that or suffer 1d3 hit points of damage
its giant bough and branches have per hour as the rain permeates their
burst through the foundation of the skin, burning and stinging exposed
home and cellars below, up through flesh.
the ballroom above into the second
floor observation balcony, and Even from inside the mansion, the
partially through the roof. humidity and moisture will have a
1 in 6 chance of causing torches to
The vassals Esther once had as extinguish one round after lighting.
playmates as a child are now the Magical flame is not affected in the
Esther Tree’s pawns, who she has same way.
twisted for her own malevolent
purposes. They seek travelers, If the Esther Tree is destroyed, the
the poor and destitute, or those rain will stop immediately, the black
they suspect will not be missed, to clouds will disperse, and a clear sky
bring back to the mansion (alive if will be revealed.
possible) to be sacrificed to the tree,

Dogear this page while you run the

adventure so you can easily flip back to
reference stuff.



Animated twig entities made Vassals are stunted, vat born,
of broken branches, briars, and albino slaves bred to serve
brambles. as laborers, servants, and test
subjects. They are spawned
AC 13, Mov 120’, HD 1, HP 6, nameless, identified instead by
claw d2, Morale 8 three-digit numbers branded
into their foreheads. Numbers
Special: Susceptible to fire. Can 442 through 450 are owned by
“see” in darkness. the Relecroix family. Vassals from
the “400s batch” are generally
regarded as the best strain for
THICKETMEN domestic household tasks.
Human-shaped bundles of
branches, covered in giant AC 12, Mov 120’, HD 2, HP 12,
thorned vines. Love to hug. damage as weapon, Morale 4

AC 14, Mov 120’, HD 3, HP 15, Esther dressed up her vassals

spines d4, Morale 8 when she was alive, giving them
discreet identities. In the mansion,
Special: Anyone who hits a all vassals wear a costume to
thicketman in melee suffers 1 indicate their function as well as
damage from spines. Susceptible porcelain masks painted to fit their
to fire. Can “see” in darkness. “occupation.”

1. WEST EXTERIOR VERANDA Large cabinets here display curios
Overturned potted plants, broken and collectibles from all manner of
columns, and blown leaves cover locales and times. Two high backed
most of what was once a very red leather chairs sit on either
nice covered outdoor area. Several side of a small table with ashtrays
topiaries are also in varying states and a pipe stand. Two ornately
of overgrowth and two have been carved matching scrimshaw
covered in roots that erupted from pipes resembling whales (worth
the flagstones that make up the floor 100sp each) rest in the holder. The
of the veranda. While most of the numerous curios and baubles in the
topiary resemble various natural cases are of varying worth:
animal shapes, two are vaguely
human in shape: one stares at Polished stone vase with dragon
the sky, arms outstretched, while etching (750sp), leather shoes w/
another is on hands and knees and bronze buckles and small bells
staring at the ground, as if waiting (250sp), polished stone scroll case
for something. The latter is actually (1250sp), glass bell jar with pickled
a Thicketman, who will leap at horned fetus (fake; 0sp), ceramic
anyone who comes within ten feet mask decorated with blue glass
of his location. shards (1,000sp), stone sundial
with mother of pearl squid inlay
2. MAIN KITCHEN/STAIRS TO CELLAR (1,500sp), gold-plated sextant with
The west wall of this once fancy bone and gold filigree map case
kitchen has collapsed, smashed (5,000sp), rose quartz marlin statue
in as if by a battering ram. The (1,250sp).
upper northwest corner holds a
pantry, complete with (mostly) At the far west corner of the room
unspoiled dry foodstuffs. If the set back into the wall is the bust of
PCs investigate, they will find rat a sea captain, but the face is worn
droppings and small tracks, as well down from age, so no identifying
as two medium-sized house rats marks remain. Around his neck is an
that appear to have been bitten in antique mariner’s pocket compass
half. There is no blood on the floor on a brass chain (150sp apparent
or bodies themselves. Stairs through worth*). Magical. Decorated with
a door to the north lead down to the wind illustration and symbols.
wine cellar (area 28). Will keep good wind at a mariner’s
back no matter the actual weather
conditions. HOWEVER, this
item will ONLY work for a “true
mariner,” as judged by the item.
The compass must be bathed in 3-4
ounces of guzzle (booze) per day in
order to function. (*Actual value is
4. FOOD PREPARATION ROOM the wind. There are trails of broken
This room holds a long stand- branches, leaves, and outdoor
up table with no chairs. There are detritus scattered about the floor,
several broken branches and white leading out the west door.
powder (flour) sprinkled on the
table and covering the floor. There 7. RECEIVING ROOM
are three small buffets along the Traditionally, guests would be
south wall and a china cabinet on seen to this area to await the arrival
the north wall. Broken china and of the subject of their visit. Today,
twisted metal utensils litter the however, it is as if nature has
floor. There is also a linen-covered reclaimed the area. What appear to
table in the southwest corner. have been simple indoor plants are
now a sprawling tangled mass of
There is an abrupt wood-on-wood vegetation. PCs studying the area
slamming sound as soon as the PCs will find pieces of broken ceramic
get near the south door, or the north pots in several places around
hallway entrance. the base of the mass of plants,
indicating that they were burst
Four Limbones armed with cutlery from within. Two Thicketmen will
have made a fort beneath the linen be here constructing Limbones from
table, and will leap to attack anyone the growth. Two are complete, one
who approaches the center table. is half constructed; none are animate
unless combined with ebonwood
5. BANQUET ROOM hearts).
This is a very large and formal
banquet hall with a gigantic feasting 8. BALLROOM
table and chairs in the center of An incredible sight meets the PCs
the room. Vassal 442, dressed in a here as the trunk of a massive, dark
maid’s outfit, will be found here, tree has seemingly erupted from
straightening up table arrangements below the mansion, travelling the
until encountered by the PCs. full height of what was once a large
ballroom and bursting through the
6. DINING ROOM ceiling above. Characters brave
This large dining area would enough to stand near the edge can
traditionally serve as overflow from see dark sky overhead, the tree
the banquet hall or be arranged having burst through the second
in a more intimate manner for floor then through the roof. Rain
smaller family functions. On the falls from the hole creating the
south wall are tapestries depicting illusion of an arboreal rainforest
merchants travelling across a large in the center of the mansion. Only
map, complete with trailing caravan darkness can be seen below as the
loaded with trade goods. A door rainwater winds its way down the
to the west leads out to area 1, the tree.
west veranda. The doors are open,
but not completely, as if pushed by Area 8 continued overleaf
Vassal 450, in a black suit with a remaining in what is is left of the
rapier at his side, is here near the canvas. This area is otherwise
entrance to area 9 and will walk empty.
swiftly toward the PCs and attack.
9. LIBRARY/STUDY The veranda is a large wrap-
This was apparently a small around patio and garden, now
library or study from the looks of covered in wet, fallen leaves, and
it, partially due to the bookshelves moreso resembling a giant compost
on the wall, and partly from the pile. There is nothing here, but
hundreds if not thousands of torn attempted entry to the ground level
pages that litter the floor. Two through the doors to areas 10 or 11
Thicketmen are crouched over a will alert any creatures in the area
pile of books near the door to the due to the loud, squeaky doors.
stairwell landing, slowly pulling
pages out of each one. Unless SECOND FLOOR
surprised, they will notice the PCs NOTE: All rooms on the second
and move to attack immediately. floor have pull-chains near the
interior door frame. These chains
10. GREAT HALL/PRIMARY STAIRS play bells in room 1, which will
The floor sags toward the center alert the vassals that someone needs
of this once beautiful room assistance... or in the case of the PCs,
and it appears that many of the to be murdered or sacrificed to the
furnishings have fallen through the Esther Tree. Convenient! Within
two openings in the center. Every one round of pulling the chain, any
step into the room produces creaks vassals left in room 1 will move via
and groans from the floor. Hugging the secret hallways and crawlspaces
the walls is the best solution as to whichever room the chain was
walking anywhere near the center of pulled in.
the room will require a DEX check.
Unlucky characters will fall twenty 13. BUTLER’S CHAMBERS
feet into area 10 of the cellar level This room is only accessible via the
below. secret doors from the north and east.
There are eight cots set up around
11. GRAND FOYER the room. There are several bells
The giant grandfather clock here of varying sizes on the west wall.
is stuck on 10:15, yet continues in If inspected, each bell produces a
vain to attempt progress from this subtly different tone than the next.
position, making a “tick-tick-tick” The differing sounds correspond to
noise. Family paintings glower the various rooms throughout the
down almost menacingly from the mansion, activated by a pull cord
walls. One prominently displayed located in each room. Ideally the
painting of what appears to vassals would move themselves
have been a male subject is torn around the house as needed,
apart, with only a bit of the chest
forever at the beck and call of the to have found the motherload,
family. The following Vassals but the room is otherwise empty.
will be in this location, awaiting Enterprising clothiers may be able
an order. They are either lying to steal up to 1,500sp in fine dress
motionless on a cot or standing and clothing if so inclined.
staring into space.
Vassal 443 is dressed in a butler’s This is a sitting room for the
outfit with a white towel over mother and father, complete with
his left arm and a butcher knife small paintings of family and one
clutched in his right hand. large portrait of the entire family
standing on one of the house’s
Vassal 444 is dressed in a chef’s several verandas. It obviously
outfit, wielding a rolling pin. presents a more idyllic family in
repose, where all members have
Vassal 445 is in a maid’s outfit, fairly neutral expressions except the
holding a fire poker. young female (Esther) whose lips
almost tease up into a small grin.
Vassal 446 wears a chef’s outfit and
holds a cleaver. There are several dressers here,
most with clothing, accessories, or
14. MASTER BEDROOM small baubles. Thieves will find the
The large window here has been following:
blown out from the inside and the
wind will sweep past upon opening Six whalebone hairpins with semi-
the door. Inside is a queen-sized precious stones (15sp each), a book,
bed, dressers with clothing (men’s Buttons and Bows: A Haberdashers
clothes in one, women’s in another), Tale (very rare, self published;
a small desk and chair, and a larger 750sp), antique jewelry of exquisite
sitting table. This room appears workmanship (1,500sp total).
largely unused and unmolested
with a fine layer of yellow pollen 17. FAMILY STORAGE
and dust covering most everything. Large crates and boxes, most
likely used as storage for the
15. CHANGING ROOMS family. This room is mostly empty
These two rooms are identical, the beyond personal effects. Mostly,
northern one being for a woman except for the 4 Limbones inside
and the one below for a man. They the crates, looking for “valuables”
each contain matching wardrobes (shiny objects). If the PCs are quiet,
and several boxes of clothing. There it is possible to catch the Limbones
is a full-length mirror on the south unawares. Otherwise, they will fight
wall of each. The rooms appear to their deaths.
completely untouched. Characters
wishing to abscond with fine
clothing may believe themselves
18. CHILDREN’S BEDROOMS quality of the maps range from fair
The room to the north looks like a to excellent and an enterprising
well maintained young man’s room robber could make up to 2,500sp
with trophy heads, furs, and books selling them to the right parties.
detailing the art of business studies:
factoring, supply, and demand. The There are five miniature pillars
room is spartan, almost to the point carved from stone, all of the same
of looking like an artificial setting. design: three goddess-like figures
standing on a large clam shell, each
If the north bedroom was spartan, holding a large jug resting on their
the south bedroom is the exact shoulders. On what would be the
opposite: flower petals, mostly capital (top) of the column rest four
fresh, cover the floor like a carpet. maps, each depicting a detailed
Gloam lichen (bioluminescent illustration of the city of Rootmire
moss) covers the walls, giving the and surrounding parishes along the
room a surreal glow. Lying on the Missing River. The fifth column has
bed is an antique porcelain baby no such map, but instead has a long
doll, with wood bark lying around rectangular bone map case sitting
it arranged to form wings. The doll on top. This case contains map to
has been somewhat damaged, but the resting place of “Dunnigan’s
appears to have been stuffed with Fleet,” the purported “Thieves of
sticks, twigs, and mud to reform the Blighted Gulf” responsible for
into a near if (somewhat distended) absconding with millions of gold
human form. from various capers and cons. If real
(referee’s call), the map is absolutely
Beyond the peculiar nature of priceless.
the display, the room is otherwise
a simple and understated young 21. MUSIC ROOM
woman’s room, complete with This chamber was used by Esther
vanity, wardrobe, and a lounging as a child, when her parents forced
couch. There is nothing of real value her to take up the harp. After
here. endless protests, Beauregard finally
sold the instrument to the bardic
19. CORRIDOR college in Gigenstad and so the
There is a 1 in 6 chance that 1d4 room sits empty and silent.
Limbones will be scuttling around
the hallway looking for shiny 22. VASSALS’ SECRET CORRIDOR
objects or awaiting commands from This is a secret crawlspace
the Esther Tree. normally used by the vassals to
quickly access the east and west
20. MAP ROOM portions of the house. One such exit
This room is has two large map opens into Esther’s room, which she
drawers (one each in the north would frequently use to play with
and south) that contain maps of her friends. Besides the stench, not
the surrounding territories. The much else occupies this space.
23. SECOND FLOOR LANDING blow into them as if making a bird
There is a 1 in 6 chance of 1d3 call. The stone will glow slightly
Limbones being at this location, and produce enough heat to warm
pulling stuffing out of the chairs in the user when kept close, though
the east corner and making small it must be moved from pocket to
stuffing mounds. pocket to avoid burns. This one
appears to have malfunctioned,
24. TWIN GUEST ROOMS either by accident or not, and has
These large and stately bedrooms a small hairline fissure along one
appear to be for guests. Small side. On each use, there is a 1 in 6
personal wash basins sit on desks, chance of the firestone spiking in
empty chests and dressers line temperature, causing material such
the walls, and pristine made beds as cloth, paper or very thin wood
round out the contents. These two to catch fire. It will last for 1d3
rooms are otherwise empty and additional uses before it explodes
nondescript, except for the room on the next usage for 1d6 hp in fire
closest to the conservatory (area damage.
27). Each PC will have a 1 in 6 (2 in
6 if non-human) chance of noticing 26. FATHER’S STUDY
that the secret vassal entrance on The door to this room is locked
the south wall is ever so slightly and will require a key, which
cracked open. There is nothing in unfortunately Beauregard still has
the servant corridor except for the on his person. The door has an
smell of urine. alarm such that a failed lockpicking
attempt will trigger a series of very
25. FATHER’S LIBRARY loud bells to chime at one second
A fire has gutted most of this intervals from inside the room
room. It seems to have started in until deactivated by the key or by
the center of the room and radiated destroying the device. This will
outward, never reaching the doors attract any Limbones, Thicketmen,
or windows. A large pile of ashes or Vassals in the surrounding
and burnt wood sits in the middle area to investigate. The device is
of the floor. A Thicketman crouches mounted above the bookcase on the
over it, rubbing its hands through north side of the door. In the event
the ash. It will attack as soon as it that simple destruction is the order
notices the PCs. of the day, a successful Open Doors
roll will allow entry, but set off the
Inside the pile of ash, at the very alarm mentioned previously. Inside,
bottom, is a unscathed, shiny red the room looks pristine, especially in
stone, resembling polished marble. contrast to the rest of the mansion.
This is a firestone, used by mariners The only exception is what appears
to provide warmth in the bitter cold to have a been a beautiful stained
and driving rain they often face at glass window, now lying in colorful
sea. The stone is held between the ruin on the floor to the south.
user’s closed cupped hands as they Area 26 continued overleaf
There is a desk with drawers, WINE CELLAR
paperwork, and correspondence NOTE: Unless otherwise mentioned,
(all dry, business-related bills this entire area is completely dark,
of lading, travel documents, the exception being the luminescent
financial logbooks, etc). Long-term gloam lichen on the walls of the
analysis indicates the breadth of alcoves in area 35 and surrounding
Beauregard’s dealings and business the Esther Tree itself in area 33.
acumen, but nothing more. There is
a stone head that appears to have 28. WINE CELLAR ENTRANCE
been broken off of a sculpture, At the very foot of the stairs
which was more than likely hurled leading down into this area is a
through the broken window. lump lying on the floor. Closer
inspection reveals this lump to be
The bookcases are completely full, the lower half of fetid corpse, still
loaded with ledger after ledger of in the throes of decomposition.
transaction logs, dating back at least The t aug ht sk in crawls wit h
one entire generation, and probably undulating masses of maggots
more. and other insects or vermin. The
body appears to have been bitten
If anyone thinks to look UNDER in half. All PCs entering or exiting
the desk, they will find an exquisite this area must make a save vs.
masterwork dagger with a bone poison each time they enter, or fall
handle and mother of pearl inlay violently ill, relieving themselves of
(500sp) in a hold-out sheath beneath the contents of their stomachs. The
the main drawer. addition of vomit mixes with the
stench of death and decay in a most
27. CONSERVATORY unfavorable manner, piling stench
This once beautiful gilded frame upon stench to create a symphony
conservatory is now a wasteland of of rank odor.
menacing shards of shattered glass.
Almost every window around the 29. WINE STORAGE ALCOVES
perimeter appears to have been Within each nook are large wine
smashed and the few pieces left barrels, some full, some empty and
hanging are reminiscent of nothing smashed, their contents covering the
so much as a huge menacing grin floor. The smell of rot is strangely
of sharp broken teeth. There will be strong here, though no corpses
1d3 Limbones here playing with are in view. HOWEVER, several
glass, which they seem fascinated bodies of the Esther Tree’s victims
by. If they are not surprised, have been stored inside wine casks
they will ram glass slivers into by the vassals and thicketmen then
their hands and attack the PCs. If resealed. If anyone tastes the wine
surprised, they will arm themselves or opens a cask, make a secret d6
in this way the following round. The roll. On a result of 1-3, no corpse
glass will allow the Limbones do is present in the cask and the wine
damage as a dagger (1d4). tastes fine if slightly old. On a 4-6,
a body has been hidden in the like a horrifying charnel house.
barrel. The wine has a slightly sour The remains of at least a dozen
taste and will call for a secret save individuals are here: limbs, heads,
vs. poison. If the save is failed, and torsos impaled by hooks like
the PC who imbibed will become sides of meat, hanging from chains
violently ill within 24 hours and in the ceiling. Open casks have
incapacitated by a flu-like sickness corpses shoved inside at awkward
causing body and joint pain, angles and one lies on a prep table
fevers, projectile vomiting, and with a oversized cleaver planted in
diarrhea that will last for a week. its chest.
The symptoms will slowly fade,
effectively acting like the worst bout The PCs may begin to realize that
of food poisoning ever imagined: the wine might not be as fine if a
terrible and debilitating, but not vintage as they had first imagined…
deadly. The affected character will and anyone who has the realization
not heal ANY hit point damage will be incapacitated for 1d3 rounds
during the week of sickness. while involuntarily emptying the
contents of their stomachs.
Here piles of wood slats and steel 32. UNDEAD MIRE DRAGON LAIR
rings for making wine barrels lay This area appears more like a pond
unused. There are mallets, wedges, than a room. Flooding has left three
and large bath troughs on the feet of dark, brackish water and the
ground, presumably for soaking floor slopes slowly down toward
wood to bend and shape. The room the back (west end) of the area. The
is otherwise empty. rear area (again, the larger west
end) of the cave has a lantern that
NOTE FOR AREAS 31-35 has been lit and attached to a pole
The areas here are flooded with on a floating raft-like platform in
almost three feet of water where a slapdash manner using random
shown on the map, all caused by pieces of rope, twine, or other
water leaking in from the excavation castoff. It resembles a lashed
of this area by the vassals. There together pile of trash, but is vaguely
are several spots along the walls reminiscent of a floating diving
that have been filled in with mud platform... or a weird wooden
and stone, but water still ever so angler fish.
slightly seeps through the cracks,
leaking down the wall in almost As unfortunate and terrible for
unnoticeable rivulets. the PCs as it may sound, for some
reason a fairly good-sized mire
31. DECANTING ROOM dragon made its way into the
This room would normally be sublevels of the mansion, possibly
where wine barrels are brought due to root extrusion from Esther’s
to be checked for quality, and for root system piercing the bayou
bottling. Instead, it appears more water table. Area 32 continued overleaf
The mire dragon has contracted 33. THE ESTHER TREE
Ebonwood Rot, but instead of Three Vassals are assembled here
seeking purchase in the ground, a around the base of their hateful
root system covers the entire beast, arboreal master:
creating an up-armored mostly-
dead-but-undead mire dragon that Vassal 447 dressed in a black robe
obeys the telepathic thoughts of the with mortar board, holding a slate
Esther Tree. OH, also it can walk with chalk and a battle axe.
upright and use weapons. DAMN.
Vassal 448 in a frumpy dress and
UNDEAD MIRE DRAGON shawl, wielding a hand axe.
The swamps surrounding Rootmire
are crawling with black-scaled Vassal 449 wears a beautiful dress
reptilian beasts known as mire and a golden jeweled tiara (200sp).
dragons. They stalk the shallows She wields a shortbow called Quiver
for blood and meat. When they
find it, they consume it with saw-
toothed zeal. This one is extra
tough because of is unholy Quiver Lass: Esther’s magical
ebonwood mutations. +1 short bow. When the string
is drawn an arrow materializes,
AC 18, Mov 120’, HD 7, HP 28, providing endless ammunition.
bite d8, Morale 8 Quiver Lass telepathically informs
the user about how they are doing,
Special: Successful melee offering words of encouragement or
attackers suffer 1HP damage from
correction in a soft feminine voice
spiny thorns. Susceptible to fire.
(hence the +1 bonus to hit and dmg).


EBONWOOD ROT Corrupt soul transformed by
Skin pierced by ebonwood will
ebonwood into demonic tree.
become infected with Ebonwood
Hates all life.
Rot. Within one day the infection
will spread and the victim’s skin
AC 16, Mov 0’, HD 10, HP 55,
will take on a dark, bark-like
lashing branches (see below),
appearance (+2 to AC, -1 to
Morale 12
fire-based saves). Within a week,
the victim’s bones and joints will
Special: Anyone within melee
become stiff and painful, reducing
range will be automatically lashed
movement by ½. The following
by branches for 1d4 damage.
week will find an untreated victim
Victim must save vs. poison or
rooted in place, marking their
become infected by Ebonwood
transformation into an Ebonwood
Rot. Susceptible to fire. Rooted in
tree within days. At this point,
spot, so no movement. Can see
the only way to heal the victim
in darkness.
is via Neutralize Poison and Cure
Disease spells cast simultaneously.
Spells: Charm Person 1/day.

T WIST: The Esther Tree will each alcove is a single Thicketman,
use its Charm Person spell and standing as if on guard. The first
communicate with the perceived two will animate and attack the
leader of the group in an attempt PCs when they approach. The
to persuade them to bring it very bottom alcove is empty. A
Beauregard Relecroix alive, to be pool of water here in the second-
sacrificed by the vassals and become to-last alcove is actually access to
the seventh victim. As part of the an underground river channel that
spell, the tree will push visions of leads to area 37.
what Esther saw, framing her as the
victim in the tragedy, deserving of 36. EBON GOD WORSHIP ROOM
revenge against a man who at best Upon an altar made of mud and
cared very little for her, and at worst sticks lies the disinterred and
emotionally and physically abused desiccated body of Esther’s mother,
her and her mother for years. The Mary Anne Relecroix. She lies on
tree promises Esther’s release upon her back as if sleeping, clutching a
the death of the seventh victim (a black staff between her hands. Her
lie), and wealth beyond measure, body appears almost mummified,
plus whatever they want from preserved to some degree by the
the mansion (also lies... it will use peat in the swamps, around which
whatever vassals and limbones she was no doubt once interred.
are left to waylay the party and
consume them as well, were they to Any Vassals left alive, plus a
accept this devil’s bargain!) Thicketman and 1d4 Limbones will
fight to their deaths defending the
Here is where the magic happens...
or at least where the Esther Tree’s The Ebonwood Staff: poisons its
minions are assembled by vassals. owner with Ebonwood Rot, which
Piles of sticks and branches fill will begin their slow and terrible
the floor and a small cleared area transformation into a tree. See
is ringed with strange rune-like Ebonwood Rot (page 36) for details.
scratches. Lying in the center of this The only other thing the staff will
circle is an unmoving Thicketman offer its owner is the ability to cast
with an open chest cavity, as if Charm Person, once per day, no
awaiting contents. Hidden among matter their class.
the branches are two Limbones
who will watch the PCs intently, 37. SINKHOLE CAVERN
only attacking if disturbed, or if a This dark cavern appears to be a
showdown occurs in area 33. the result of underground digging
that created a sort of sinkhole
35. SAPLING ALCOVES beneath area 10 above (and the
This long corridor has several small reason the floor is caving in).
alcoves cut into the walls, spaced Light trickles in from the broken
roughly every ten feet or so. In floorboards above.
by Clint Krause

on ’ t go to grimsly hill,”
they say, “the children there
have knives.” It’s true that
most Grimsly Hill children between
the ages of eight and twelve have
dreamt of the Quiet City. It’s true
that most of them have murdered
their parents. It’s true that they roam
the neighborhood as a nocturnal
gang. It’s true that they descend like
savage dogs onto anyone foolish
enough to go a-walking. It’s most
certainly true that the constables
refuse to cross Borrow Street after
the sun goes down and the few
remaining residents bar their doors
and stay away from their windows.


AC 12, Mov 120’, HD 1, HP 2,
knife d4, Morale 8

Special: Inside the Grimsly Hill

neighborhood a cherub can
spend a round raising a hue and
cry to summon 1d6 additional
cherubs from their homes. The
new cherubs arrive the same
round. Only one cherub can
use this ability each round. The
total number of cherubs cannot
exceed 24.

The cherubs are just a small taste of the horrors

that await your players in Undertow, book two
of The Driftwood Verses. Coming soon from
Red Moon Medicine Show!
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching

slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
my justice will
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching

rise in blood
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
i will take as
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching

this world has

slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching

taken from me
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends.
I wi ll kil l youa guilty
allgod is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
slit every throat, little friends. a guilty god is watching
Spending more than five minutes
within the presence of an elder
or within fifteen feet of the sugar
SUGAR CANE CROP cane’s edge means that a save
vs. magic must be made. Failing
A HYPERGLYCEMIC NIGHTMARE this save means that the party
by Anxy P member will begin to sway, then

creep closer to the crop’s edge. The
he sugar cane shakes without character must make a second save
breeze as you waddle or the following round or they are
tromp towards its edges, considered to have entered into the
like thousands of rattlesnakes in a sugar cane.
rain storm. The stalks are striped
in a violent black camouflage, For the unaffected, this will appear
harkening back to creatures of as a perceptual phenomenon in
poison and concealment. But it’s which those “swallowed” will
only a sugar cane plot, a field seem to simply sway into the
held up by humidity and sweat, cane as slow-dancing phantoms.
for that is where sugar grows. Attempting to restrain any affected
Sticky, melting in dizzying lines of individual will immediately require
splintering shoots with leaves of a save vs. magic to avoid being
gently swaying green. The sugar pulled into the sugar-cane as well.
cane dance and for this harvest
their laborious companions are long Only one incident may be rolled
dead, muscle and bone worked to for those entering the crop. As soon
the grave. But they were given no as the event is resolved, the area is
graves. They were left to become the considered to have returned to its
people of sugar. normal state, allowing those inside
to leave at will.
Old people. Black-skinned. Subsist
in a slow sludge of dehydration Upon entering the crop, a leering
and sweet-smelling rot. They speak sugar elder with yellowed eyes will
dreams through the holes of their smile as they pass you, exiting the
rotting teeth, tapping canes to cane field. Trading places, if you
dirt as you pass. Something like will. And through syrupy hazes,
hosts to this place, something like the elder will speak a dream to you
guardians. Through their toothy as (s)he drools into cupped hands.
decay, they chatter a language Pouring it over your head. It is
too “dripping” to be understood. warm and simple.
It comes out in great globs of
drool and if their eyes move, you Roll a d4 for Sugar Cane Crop
wouldn’t know. But there will be Occurrence:
a sugar cane elder at every quarter
mile around the crop’s perimeter.

1. “For once, a god saw me STICKY WORKERS
performing my labor, saw my AC 12, Mov 0’, HD 2, HP nil,
hands bleed in the act. And after 6x dismember d8 or sugar cane
great silence and shifting of dirt. It toss d6 (range 15’), Morale 12
laughed and, without any silence, I
Special: When a sticky worker
laughed too.”
causes damage, it will begin
laughing. Each round, another
Twenty feet ahead, following a worker will begin laughing until all
path of pressed grass between the have dominated the area with a
rows of sugar cane, lies a clearing. cacophony of glee. Roll a save
vs. paralyze. If successful, you
Within this clearing is a creature may continue fighting. There is no
composed of six, melding bodies. fleeing this combat. If failed, you
slump into a fetal position and
All of which are laughing while
begin laughing uncontrollably
attempting to harvest the cane
for d4 rounds. At the end of the
around them. They bleed profusely. duration, the area becomes
You must now make a save vs. empty, the workers having
magic. A successful roll means that apparently disappeared. Behind
you sway along the perimeter of you is a small path between the
the clearing, simply observing the rows of sugar cane leading out of
sad, sticky abomination failing at the crop.
its task for d2 rounds. After that the
creature disappears into the cane
never to be seen again. A failure
means that you regain functional
control over your character but you
are now a present entity amidst the
creatures and they are aware of you.

2. “Gravitas my love. I long fireflies slowly evacuate. The cane
to mate as the fireflies do. Such stalks transform into long, black,
beauty. But they would never take fungal whips. They want to punish
me. Never, for Man does not glow. you for your ugliness.
Man is the rusting of pests.”
Twenty feet ahead, following a AC 16, Mov 0’, HD 1, HP nil,
10x whip 1 dmg, Morale 12
path of pressed grass between the
rows of sugar cane, lies a clearing. Special: If more than two attacks
hit during a combat round then
Within this clearing, fireflies the third will require a save vs.
have begun to mate with one poison. If failed then a coating
another. There are hundreds and of soft, pustule-filled black fungus
it is beautiful. The ground in this will grow over an affected area
open area is soggy and covered of the victim. There will be d20
in tiny white crystals. In fact, as spore pockets on the area. It is
up to the referee as to when they
you look around… everything is
pop. When this occurs, the spores
crystalline, even your body. As cover a forward spraying distance
the lights of the insects increase in of 5’, infecting whatever organic
brightness, so does the presence material they touch and thus
of white crystals, now caking the perpetuating the cycle, forever,
area at a rapid rate. Covering your unless destroyed with fire.
feet, legs, torso, arms, neck. Make
a save vs. paralyze. A success
means that the sugar crystals melt 3. “I wonder upon splinters,
away, turning the area into a warm, foreign objects entering my flesh,
syrupy swamp, and you begin to finding home in this body. Over
sink into the sweet mire. Make time they leave as do all visitors.
strength checks as you may but it So why should I long to pry them
does not matter. You sink and fall out?”
into a sugar cane field, on a path of
pressed grass, between the rows of Twenty feet ahead, following a
cane, and twenty feet ahead lays path of pressed grass between the
a clearing. The exit is behind you. rows of sugar cane, lies a clearing.
A failed save means the crystals
fully engulf the area (including Within this clearing rests a large
you), hardening for d2 rounds then pile of broken cane stalks, roughly
crumbling away into large chunks 15’ in diameter. As you sway
of sugar, crushing beneath footfalls. uncontrollably towards the mass of
You take d4 charisma damage and detritus, a clear but quiet weeping
will feel ugly for 24 hours. At this can be heard emanating from within
point, the area will become overrun the pile. It grows louder until it is
with Sugarcane Smut, a fungus the only thing able to be heard.
which blackens the area while the

Save vs. magic as a nude, black- 4. “There was a dining table.
skinned man levitates upward as Beautiful. Chairs circling its
the cane crumbles then rises with entirety. I sat upon one. Alone. The
him, his skinned punctured with seat was of caning. Perhaps well-
hundreds of tiny cane shoots, like made at one point. The exposed,
syringes. As he rises, fluids begin square-headed nails drove deep
to drip from the ends of the shoots, into my thighs and ass as the
turning the man into a fountain caning gave way to my weight.
of sugar and blood. The clearing Crucifying me to my station. But
floor quickly fills with the liquid, I was given such delicious food.
the sugar cane acting as a radial I could not, would not, leave that
wall containing the pool. It reeks of table for many years.”
dirty coins and fruit. As you watch
helplessly, swaying to the dance, Twenty feet ahead, following a
the area inevitably fills to your path of pressed grass between the
chest. Make a save vs. paralyze. rows of sugar cane, lies a clearing.
A successful roll means that you
regain mobility and self control. Within this clearing rests a table
Swimming and then climbing that could seat about twelve people.
through the hole will lead you to Perhaps made of tiger oak. I’m
a dark place, some kind of crude not sure. The caned seats of all
containment. In fact, you are inside the surrounding chairs appear to
a mound of broken sugar cane be broken. There is food present:
stalks. Escape is rather simple. black pudding, blood sausage, and
bowls of custard. Save vs. magic.
Failing the save means that you Success means that the chairs
endure a strange experience in become occupied with sugar-
which the liquid begins to quickly elders. They will tell you that you
enter every available orifice, are not invited, one by one, while
expanding you to the size of the sugar-cane shoots begin to grow
clearing. You shrink back to normal from within them until the area is
size after d6 rounds. Take damage filled with the plant, pushing you
equal to rounds rolled. The same out from the crop and back to the
amount of blood and sugar still outer edge. A failure means that the
remains within, as if you were a sugar elders offer you a chair, which
Mary Poppins bag filled with a causes d4 puncture damage from
hyperglycemic pool. If you are exposed nails in the ruined seat.
stabbed, impaled, or punctured They will feed you by the spoonful,
within two days of the event then causing them to pass out. You will
a pressure-washer-strength jettison awaken at the crop’s edge within d4
of blood and glucose will come rounds. Only blood and sugar will
rushing out of the wound causing satiate hunger for d4 weeks.
2 points of damage to whomever is
directly in front of the wound.

EMMY ALLEN: CK: What’s cool about the LARPs?

EA: So, there’s one I played in

Of Wolves recently, Odyssey, that’s based on a
sort of pulpy, “Ray Harryhausen”

and Winter version of classical mythology. So

it’s a big mish-mash of greek heroes
and roman gladiators and efreeti
AN INTERVIEW and minotaurs and stuff. About 300
by Clint Krause with Emmy Allen players. You had this world that,

on the surface, seemed fairly self-
Emmy Allen’s Wolf
learned of explanatory but as you dug deeper
Packs and Winter Snow through into it you found more and more
Patrick Stuart’s blog, False weird stuff, with huge primordial
Machine, where he reviewed it. I titans as a fundamental part of
thought the whole thing was very the world’s metaphysics. The way
interesting and had a lot of ideas that this greater setting was slowly
that may be usable for LotFP. drip-fed to the playerbase was really
neat, you’d get hints here and there
CK: What’s your gaming background? and ideas would ripple through the
playerbase as people put the pieces
EA: So, I started out playing D&D together to work out what was
3.5, like a lot of people my age did, going on.
and kind of assumed that was what
all gaming was like. When I went Taking all these icons from old
to university, suddenly I found all mythology, and presenting them
these different games and tried a bit in these new contexts, is something
of everything. The ones that really that really worked for me. When
stuck with me were a pretty varied we started to realise (for example)
bunch; I play a hell of a lot of World how all the different cultures had a
of Darkness games, and some more goddess of love and passion (such
weird indie stuff like Lacuna and as Isis, Cybele, Aphrodite, Astarte
Don’t Rest Your Head, along with and others), and a consort who was
fairly regular OSR stuff. I don’t a wounded god (such as Adonis,
tend to play stuff like D&D 3.5 so Osiris, Attis and others), and how
much anymore; there’s just so much those were part of a greater whole...
STUFF to read, you know? That it just really came together nicely.
said, something like Vamp is also
stupidly complicated, but I keep One thing I love with larp is how
playing because I love the setting. in the big games, the story isn’t
I’m also a pretty keen LARPer. focused on a few PCs; they’re all
There’s some really cool games in just individual characters existing
the UK that I’m involved with. in a larger world.

You get anywhere between 200
and 2,000 players in a field, and as
plotlines are introduced they swirl
around different groups of PCs
and develop in ways you wouldn’t
expect. You get this very organic,
emergant story that’s driven by the
players, but not centred on them.

CK: What kind of techniques do

the organizers use to drip feed the
setting? Also, is this a boffer thing?

EA: Yeah, it’s boffer stuff. That said,

a lot of the gameplay isn’t focussed
on the combat, and you get other
systems (and sometimes neat little
mini-games) for other stuff like
healing and magic.

You get a lot of different techniques

to get plot and information
out. Often, there are IC things -
divination spells, drugs that give
you visions, that sort of thing - that
let a player fish for information. And
on top of this, you get NPCs with
bits of information and agendas
to push. This takes two big forms.
Sometimes you’ll have NPCs go up
to the PCs with something like “Pan
Cultists kidnapped our babies,” and
then maybe the players go and track
down the Pan cultists or whatever.
You get little linear quests fed into
the game that way, and even if
players don’t go on that quest you
still learn something about what’s
going on in the world.

And then, on top of that, there

are big set-piece encounters; things
like audiences with a god or a titan,
where you tend to get a reasonable
amount of exposition-dump, along After a while, though, I wanted
with the god having their own something to tie it all together,
demands and agendas. and a distinct identity to my rules.
There’s a whole lot of medieval
But, the big thing is that any plot fantasy games and settings out there
like this is bigger than the NPCs and I figured that the ice age was
involved. For example, we had something not really explored that
an audience with Mars, where he much. So I altered some stuff and
told the roman priesthood that began putting things together into
Saturn (who up until that point had something resembling an actual
been a silent hooded figure in the game, and it just kind of spiralled
Mars audiences) was actually the from there.
Carthaginian god Baal, and that the
two of them wanted to have Rome Really, though, I never went into
and Carthage elect a single ruler this intending to make a “product,”
and conquer the world. They even you know? I was writing as a sort
named the guy who they wanted of creative exercise for my own
in charge. Because Rome was amusement. I posted a few bits
staunchly republican at that point, from what I was making on various
the political conflict that audience forums (/tg/’s OSR thread mostly)
caused was still going several events and people seemed to like it, so from
later, and the religious ties between there I figured I might as well put it
Rome and Carthage also got very all together into something that you
itneresting. Really, it’s all about can actually download and play.
giving the players ways to make
the game interesting for themselves. And then I went a bit overboard
and actually sold print versions and
CK: Ok, so you wrote an OSR game, stuff. But that was never the initial
Wolf Packs and Winter Snow. What’s plan, it just sort of happened.
the story behind that?
CK: What were the most direct
EA: I’ve always enjoyed tinkering influences on WP&WS?
around with rules systems. I’d
been playing in a few different OSR EA: Rules-wise? It’s based on the
games, and read various blogs about skeleton of LotFP, with bits added
the different systems out there, so it from various places. The thieves-
made sense to start jotting down the guild stuff from ACKS formed the
house-rules I’d use if I was going to basis for the tribes, flesh and grit
run my own campaign. A lot of the came from Last Gasp Grimoire, and
very early stuff, like the flesh & grit various other ideas filtered in from
system I use, the skill lists, the way all over the place. On top of this,
I do armour and encumbrance and the magical fuckups were strongly
stuff, the various magic systems... Warhammer inspired. Like a lot of
all this is in a word document on OSR writers, I’m pretty omnivorous
my laptop. in terms of influences, so there’s
probably WAY more stuff that some base context and you can see
filtered through my brain from very clearly the design choices that
various places and made their way were made. You can tinker with the
into the game. system in all sorts of different ways
because it’s both minimalist enough
One big thing that I really liked and well enough understood.
was the idea of randomly generating
the world as you go; the idea is that On top of that, there’s then a
there’s enough stuff in the GM’s particular aesthetic to a lot of
sections of the book to run the game OSR stuff that appeals to me.
without any prep ahead of time. You take the player characters
Whilst your players are rolling up as the player’s avatars, and they
characters, you sketch out a map represent the familiar. They’re
and a few sites of interest, and then what we understand, what we’re
there’s tables to fill in the details as comfortable with. And then, as
you explore. you enter an adventure site, they’re
contrasted to (and tested to the
In terms of the setting, there’s a brink of destruction by) this sense
decent chunk of the “LotFP assumed of something huge and ancient and
universe” in there, with the tentacly strange. A good OSR adventure, I
monsters from other dimensions think, takes these little symbols of
and stuff. The weirdness from stuff the familiar and subjects them to
like Hellboy was a big influence, too, the awe and terror of something
and on top of that I wanted a game totally alien and dwarfing. (A lot
that you could easily houserule to of settings use old ruins for this,
be pretty historically accurate, so I WP&WS mostly uses the primeval
did a decent amount of research on wilderness).
stuff like paleoarcheology.
I think Deep Carbon Observatory is
CK: What appeals to you about the best example I’ve read of it, but
OSR-style writing/gaming? it’s common to all the best systems,
modules and supplements I’ve come
EA: So, on the one hand, there’s the across.
rules side of things. There’s this
wonderful elegant simplicity to the Going back to the first point, I think
games that I really like. Every rule the familiar rules structure really
is there because it needs to be, and helps with that, actually. After a
serves a purpose. Because the basic certain amount of experience with
set-up (six stats, hit dice, saving this sort of gaming (or with D&D
throws, AC) is going to be very at all), the concepts of things like
familiar to people, it’s that much fighters and clerics become the
more flexible. It becomes almost ‘normal’. These people are (or
a lingua franca for gaming; when should be, in my view) from the
you open a rulebook and see those more mundane parts of the setting;
structures, you immediately have they’re often medieval peasants and
knights, and with out cultural The much bigger task is editing.
background we can grok that pretty I’ll periodically sit down for a few
easily. Rolling up a character ties us hours to get what I’ve written to
into that, and establishes what our make sense, and gel with the rest of
familiar world is. So that heightens the stuff I’ve written. It’s a process
the sense of alien-ness when the PCs of fine-tuning and tinkering. For
encounter something weird. this, I find it very important to be
relaxed, so knowing that I won’t be
I think something can definitely interrupted matters. I’ll normally
be lost if you don’t establish that have music on, but something low-
devide between the familiar and key and not distracting. I’ve found a
the weird. If you can /play/ as a lot of doom metal has the right feel
vampire, suddenly encountering for this sort of thing, actually; it’s
vampires isn’t as scary, you know? got the stark, dark atmosphere that
I want in my games, and it’s chilled
CK: What’s a typical writing session out enough to keep me in the right
like for you? headspace.

EA: The writing process is kinda I think the great thing for me is
tricky for me. I’m really bad at that I write primarily for my own
focusing for long periods of time, satisfaction; I never plan on getting
so normally I’ll have my laptop paid for it, I don’t have a boss
on with the file for whatever I’m breathing down my neck. There’s
working on open, or if I’m away no pressure, and if I hit a block I
from my computer I’ll have a can let something lie fallow for a
notebook with me. Whenever while and come back to it. I think if
inspiration strikes, I’ll get whatever I was slaving over a hot typewriter
it was down in a sudden rush of eight hours a day or something,
creativity, that might last up to an the quality of my work would
hour. suffer. Certainly, the fact that a
lot of OSR content is produced
Inspiration’s actually pretty easy to by (very talented!) amateurs and
find, though. I take part in various independant writers helps with the
forums, I read blogs, I read new quality and originality of the content
game content. Not restricted to OSR that you don’t get in products made
stuff, either; I read a LOT of World of by big companies, which always
Darkness stuff, and the way setting seems very mass-produced.
and mechanics intertwine together
has seeped from that into Wolfpacks. CK: How long did it take you to
The more ideas you expose yourself produce Wolf Packs? Were there any
to, the greater the pool of ideas you major challenges along the way?
can draw on to recombine and mash
together into something to call your

EA: It took about a year to get monster stats and sample NPCs.
from the first ideas to a hard copy I’m putting together a system
available for sale. A lot of that time so that mystics worshipping the
was spent refining things, adding same patrons get largely the
polish, and putting it into a format same spells, so you can build up
that was reasonably attractive. actual cults. There’s also a sixth
optional class I’ve been tinkering
A big problem was that I have with; a Neanderthal apothecary.
basically no background in graphic The idea is that neanderthals are
design or book layout or anything. incapable of casting spells (this is
So I was teaching myself as I go how somewhat supported by the lack
to use the various programs I used of archaeological evidence* that
to put the PDF together. I do think it Neanderthals made art) - instead
shows, as well; the book’s not up to their magic is practised in the
the standard I would have wanted form of brewing potions. All this
visually, but there’s not a lot I can content will, as well as being in the
do about that than to do better next hardback book, also be put up as a
time. free download so you get access to
it if you bought the paperback book.
CK: Does that mean you have more
projects planned? If so, can you talk I’m also working on a module at
about it/them? the moment: there’s an old serpent-
folk astronomy centre buried under
EA: So, I have two things I’m the polar ice-cap. It’s basically a
currently working on, and a couple dungeon crawl, with loads of old
more things planned. magi-tech as traps and treasure,
malfunctioning golems/robots,
Right now, I’m putting together and the chance for PCs to end up
a ‘deluxe hardback’ version of building nuclear weapons.
WP&WS. The idea is to use the
best print quality DrivethruRPG Other stuff that’s just vaporware
does, and fix all the little layout at the moment are a couple more
problems in the current version. Oh, modules. One is gonna be event-
and actual illustrations; I’ve been driven, with a cult trying to take
harvesting wikimedia commons over the local woods in service of
(and some other sources) for public- their bizarre god. It features giant
domain images with the visual prophet-foetuses that exude amber
style I want, and plan on having from their skin, super-strong
a few full-page illustrations to warrior-babies that crawl into battle
complement the silhouettes. dragging amber sacrificial daggers,
and brainwashed brood-mother
On top of this, I’m gonna put some adults that regurgitate honey to feed
extra content in the hardback book; the sacred infants.
mostly more examples of dangers
(such as traps and fungal spores),
The other is going to be for higher- which was then followed by the
level parties and focus on setting realization “wait, we can eat these
up a huge network of ley lines and things.”
monuments across the landscape.
It’s still only a vague idea, but I’m We’ve had the players getting
thinking of throwing in stuff about stalked by a huge bat-thing at
terraforming and accessing parallel night, and instead of fighting it or
worlds and so on as a goal for when fleeing, deciding to offer it food to
you hit the really high level play keep it busy. One thing leads to
and have a coalition of huge tribes another, and they ended up with a
you lead and easy access to lots of pet monster. They call it Bat-Friend.
8th-rank spells. But this stuff is still
very much just ideas still, I’ve not They found a fountain that gives
really started writing them up at all. trippy visions (and tweaks your
attributes depending on the vision
*For reference, they recently you saw), and the roleplay from that
found some marking scratched was really sweet: one of the party
on a cave wall that looks like (playing a little kid) saw a horrific
they were deliberately put there vision of Morlocks being sacrificed
at the time neanderthals were by the Serpent Folk, and then
inhabiting that cave system. If it the Morlock herself saw a vision
actually was neanderthals that put of the afterlife with all her dead
them there, and if so why - and family. The conversation the two
why we’ve not seen stuff like this had afterwards was really rather
before - has caused a lot of debate heartwarming.
among experts, because it’s the first
time we’ve seen any neanderthal It’s little moments like that which
creations that seem to be purely really bring the game to life for me
ornamental in nature. more than the “epic” stories.

CK: Any notable stories from you The party’s mutant managed to
own games of WP&WS? sneak-attack a basilisk and kill it
in one hit, but that’s mostly just
EA: One of the moments that really lucky dice rolls; what I find more
captures what the game is about is interesting is when the players
when one of my players (playing a engage with the world in ways that
mystic) tried to alter Floating Disk unexpectedly add to the game’s
to make a bridge across a canyon. immersion.
She messed up the roll to alter it,
magical backlash happened, and a CK: In a perfect world what would
swarm of flying scorpions crawled be the state of WP&WS in five years?
out of her clothing and started
hovering around her. A couple of EA: In a lot of ways, my ideal
people got stung by them before model is something like what
somebody thought to get a net, James Raggi’s got with LotFP.
The game’s got a second, more work rather than a hobby, I’d
polished edition out, but it’s very probably stop doing it, so in five
much the same thing. He’s got years time I’ll probably just have
a well established brand with a released whatever happens to have
very consistant feel across the inspired me and got itself written.
various rulebooks, modules and
settings; you know what tone and
gameplay you’re getting with one of
his modules. I think that’s a good Check out Emmy’s blog at
position for a creator to be in.

So, stuff I’d want to have out is as Wolf Packs and Winter Snow is
follows: available at

A 2nd edition of the core book,

ideally in hardback and with better
illustrations and graphic design, and
the various typos cleaned up.

A few ‘big’ modules with either

complex events to inflict on the
players, or else fairly in depth
locations to explore.

A few smaller adventure books,

which are basically a collection of
mini-adventures and encounters to NEXT ISSUE:
slot into a campaign.
Vampires! The desert moon
A book that follows the template hangs overhead as we probe
of Unearthed Arcana, so a collection the thirsty secrets of the Starlit
of optional rules, extra bits and bobs Empire. Issue #7 will contain
and setting details. a rogues gallery of unique
vampire lords
Lastly, I’d want to include the and their nests,
core book, an adventure book, the nosferatech
Unearthed Arcana-alike, character relics, a vampire
sheets and dice in a boxed set. hunting ouija
Everything you need to start playing board NPC, and
the game, really. more! Plus, an
interview with
But really, I’m much more renowned OSR
interested in this stuff as a creative vampire expert
exercise than a solid business. If Zak Sabbath.
writing ever started feeling like March 2017!

Medicine Show

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